Welcome New Members!



  • jennnn1311
    jennnn1311 Posts: 9 Member
    Not new but looking to get back on track. Early 30s. Wanting to get fit and healthy again after a year off. Gained a stone not too worried if don't lose all that weight as long as I can make it into muscle! 💪
  • Tracksuitman
    Tracksuitman Posts: 4 Member

    Back for a second shot at MFP. Wish me luck.

    Feel free to add me, the more support the better. Also on Garmin if anyone is looking to expand their connections.
  • rockitwell86
    rockitwell86 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello peoples! Let's do this. :smile:

    I've done really well in the past with Weight Watchers - long time ago. The new plans don't seem to work for me. So here I am on MFP.

    I just started yesterday. I've done some meal prep & set small goals. I want to focus more on my health than on actual weight loss. But of course weight loss is amazing as well.

    Good luck to everyone out there doing this thing!
  • RaquelFit2
    RaquelFit2 Posts: 208 Member
    Hello! I'm new to this site: Joined yesterday.

    Back in January I was 142 pounds and overweight for the first time. Both my mom and my husband have been telling me I need to lose weight and get in shape again. I've slacked off. Today, I'm 133 pounds and want to get to 125 which is a nice weight on me, (any less and I start to look gaunt.)

    I've been working out but not really giving it my all TBH. I need to step it up. So I'm posting my YouTube workouts on another thread hoping that helps keep me accountable.

    Hope to meet some nice ppl! Wishing everyone lots of luck. <3
  • 69papilicious69
    69papilicious69 Posts: 3 Member
    I am not new been here off an on for quite some time--always having issues maintaining weight loss, I am here for motivation, support and some friendly chatting --anyone can add me if you like
  • EFJ63
    EFJ63 Posts: 48 Member
    Heyyyy everyone! 57 yr make looking to go all in and recapture some of my youth. Looking for any support or guidance!
  • rukminidmaria
    rukminidmaria Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I’m back after a long absence. I live in SW Pennsylvania and I’m 65 years old.

    The pandemic kind of kicke my butt and I gave up all my health and fitness activities.

    I just heard from my new doctor that I now have diabetes! Sh&t just got real!

    I used to walk miles a day and I lost almost 40 pounds. However, now I have really bad pain problems - arthritis etc. Abe I can hardly walk now.

    My dad passed in December and I’m depressed.

    I’m determined to get healthy and get rid of the diabetes.

    I welcome messages.


  • Niteman3d
    Niteman3d Posts: 163 Member
    Hi! I’m back after a long absence. I live in SW Pennsylvania and I’m 65 years old.

    The pandemic kind of kicke my butt and I gave up all my health and fitness activities.

    I just heard from my new doctor that I now have diabetes! Sh&t just got real!

    I used to walk miles a day and I lost almost 40 pounds. However, now I have really bad pain problems - arthritis etc. Abe I can hardly walk now.

    My dad passed in December and I’m depressed.

    I’m determined to get healthy and get rid of the diabetes.

    I welcome messages.



    Exercise. It's good for depression, losing weight, stretching and rehabbing arthritic joints, etc, etc. Find small things like very short walks, chair exercises, and more that you both can and will do. The key is to get started and never quit. I know what you mean about diabetes scaring the heck out of you. In April of 2014 my a1c was over 13 and I was put on two meds just for that immediately. Eight years down the road and I'm at 5 or 5.1 on the a1c and the meds have been gone for four years. Don't hesitate... I nearly lost a retina to it. The arthritis is very mild these days along with great improvement of symptoms from a long list of other ailments. Consistency and persistence are the keys. Never give up! 👍
  • Nataliewr0403
    Nataliewr0403 Posts: 71 Member
    Resolutions, intentions, they all sounded great...followed by excuses, that was my life for 15 years and a lot of weight gain. Now in my mid-fifties: Actions is what I needed.
    A year ago, I started with small actions, I was so out of shape that small steps is all I could handle.
    By all means, I am not where I want to be but after losing over 50 lbs., I feel so much better.
    I stopped drinking alcohol, started watching what I eat, and I exercise for at least an hour every day.
    And the best part is that exercising really helps me overcoming depression and anxiety.

    Now to get back to a size 4…
  • greenegoddess4835
    greenegoddess4835 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Been back on MFP for about 2 weeks. It’s worked well in the past but a month of restrictions following surgery killed my motivation and eventually all my success. I got to my highest weight ever. I’m down 8.8lbs of that and hopefully, now that my thyroid is back on track, I can keep going. Goal is about 170. That’s high for my height but I have a stocky build. We’ll see when I get there. If anyone wants to add me, go for it.
  • ErinKeegan2
    ErinKeegan2 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello, I'm Erin, I've been trying to lose weight for 2 years, but without effect, I've registered here to find help
  • BrianK2893
    BrianK2893 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there, nice to meet everyone! I've been on for less than a year but didn't take the opportunity to tap into the community! So here I am! I'm hoping to find some positivity, inspiration, and new connections to make the weight loss journey more enjoyable! I'd appreciate any and all friend requests! Would love to cheer everyone on and share some posts on my end as well!
  • cheriesmithwallasey
    Hello everyone I am Cherie and I am back again after gaining back all the weight I lost. Mainly due to covid, foodie bf and health issues. I am wanting to get healthier fitter and stronger. I done it once before so here we go again hopefully I will learn and stay on for mataining weight.
    Cherie x
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi I'm back after a long absence. I lost 75 pounds years back, regained it and have since lost it again. I am determined not to make the same mistake this time. This time I'm just never going to stop weighing in everyday. I just went through my closet yesterday and got rid of all my plus size clothes so there is no going back. Can't fool me twice. Here's to the long haul and staying focused.
  • PurplePenguinnn
    PurplePenguinnn Posts: 32 Member
    Hello Everyone, I am looking to make some new friends that are on the same journey I am. I want to lose the weight I gained back from 2017 after I had lost 80 pds and maintained it for 3 months. I knew my down fall when it was happening and that was I will start on monday.... okay I will start next monday... turns out that is 5 years of Mondays... Of course I ate everything in sight because I was going to start on monday. I wonder has anyone else done this? Also why do the blogs start with the oldest and at the end of pages the newest. Is there a way to get to the end faster? I am located in FL.I am almost 50. I want to touch my toes. MY current weight is 280 I was 289.
  • Nina05D
    Nina05D Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, Nina here in South Dakota. I had a gastric bypass 15+years ago. I’ve done well keeping it off but the last couple it’s been edging up. I originally lost 148. I had 29 I regained, lost 14, but the last 15 have been a real struggle. We can do this!
  • kiyawow
    kiyawow Posts: 38 Member
    Hi all.

    Ok so back again for what feels like the 100th time. Please feel free to add me. Have about 56lbs to lose and trying to get my head around all of this.
    I am on Samsung health aswell if anyone wants to join up.
  • dee42istheanswer
    dee42istheanswer Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm Dee. I'm working on losing the fat I've put on over the last 2 decades. I seem to be becoming a gym rat. :D
  • BigWan17
    BigWan17 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone, trying to lose weight. To help with my health issues, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and heart failure. I had diabetes, for 28 years. For the last 5 years my health started to change. But I’m still standing. Just gotta lose some weight. I am 285, need to come down to at least 200 to slow up the progression of my kidney disease. Good luck to everyone
  • Jeancats3
    Jeancats3 Posts: 10 Member
    I’m not new, been posting on and off. This year I want to get healthy, not worry so much about weight, just get healthy. Need to get back on track . Need a friend here? Me too