

  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    MARY, bring some of that WARM back with you PLEASE!!! OMG!

    Heather, what a DOLLFACE!

    TOTALLY Michele! Street lights, 9pm siren. LOVED TorT'ing! And yes, did the same thing. Went out for hours with NO adults. Our kids even went out without us. Wouldn't DARE let the grands out without us!

    Hi Celia!

    That's all I got for HUMPday...

    Carla out, in MN
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,368 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    I've struggled ever since I retired a couple years back with To-Do lists. I relied on them during my work years to be sure I got everything done that needed doing... but they don't really work with my current lifestyle. One of my favorite authors, Daniel Pink, does a podcast too, and I caught in passing his suggestion to create a "Done" list instead of a "To-Do."

    I'm on day four of working with the "Done" list, and find it is just as effective and much more satisfying, to write down what I've done after I do it. I find myself marveling at what I get accomplished instead of beating myself up for what I didn't get to. Really different mindset, overall. I may have 20 or 25 things I've done, and many of them would never make the to-do list, like "make the bed." Now, that and everything else I do makes the list, and is helping me feel much better about what I accomplish on any given day.

    Just a thought for all my list junkies out there. I do, by the way, have a short reminders list, but only for things I can't do today.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas

    I keep both.

    I've got a long To Do list starting with upcoming appointments and urgent things to do ... things with due dates.

    Then, when I finish something, it moves down into the Done section. That way, I can see how much I have accomplished.

    I also change the Subject lines of emails to start with the date they are due so that I can scan down my emails and see what's next ... or sort by Subject and see what's next.

    And I've got everything (I hope) in my work computer calendar, home computer calendar, and a whiteboard written calendar for the next month.

    This week, just about everything got bumped except for my jobs: my paid job and my voluntary job. I've been putting in some VERY long days. Today started at 8 am and I'm calling it quits now at midnight so I can get some sleep.

    Machka in Oz
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,113 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    My cousin is coming over this afternoon. I feel like I need to become an exciting person before she gets here! I feel rather dull. Oh well, I am what I am. Lazy. Maybe now that my cousin is moving nearby from Florida I will have somebody to go out with.

    Annie in Delaware

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,808 Member
    Morning ladies
    Hope all is well..im typing one handed on my phone with a sleeping baby in my lap...poor little guy is just miserable with his teeth and Tracy read something about the hylands teething tablets that in some babies can cause strokes.. so bavk to the tylenol, sparingly.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,028 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Have been avoiding it. Dreading it actually. But finally did it. Got on the scale this morning. I'm buying a new one. :D


    I weigh myself twice(or three times) always lower the second time. Not sure why, third time, same as second. First time is like NO!!! then second time, Ok That's better.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Poor Yogi.💖😢🙏
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,028 Member
    going out to lunch(belated birthday lunch beings I was sick on my birthday) to a Cajun Creole place. I have never been. DH went with a friend to try it out after I couldn't go.
    Very short hours open- just 11-2:30 T-F and 8am -2:30pm on Sat.
    He said it was really good.
    Won't worry about the calories beings I am going to be working in the garden plus have zumba tonight for an hour. I will probable bring half home(or, if there is no seating as it is outside seating only and not a lot of it) we may just bring it all home and eat at home.)
    I prefer to not be over full when I eat so almost always eat half or less- Eat small amounts, just more often.
    Will try and track calories as best I can.
    Looking forward to trying it- hoping the hush puppies are close to what I had in Mobile,AL. So far none are close to what I had.

    Napa Valley, Ca
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,808 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Im home with Alfie ,was watching mr mr this morning..
    As soon as mommy leaves he starts to wail and does that until he falls asleep. Or after I drop Carmine at school i drive around to let him sleep.
    Take him down at 9:30 for as Trudy says his double latte and then ,Tracy gets home around 5-10 after 12..he was passed out on me when she came in,she went to toast a bagel and honestly that boy can smell when she comes home he woke right up ,and her bagel got cold because someone was hungry lol..
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,888 Member
    Cloudy with sunbreaks today. Got horses and goats fed, did some weeding and am planning to wash clothes. I have bean soup in the crockpot for dinner. DD and I do soup one day per week. We have some for dinner, some for the freezer and she has some for work lunches.

    The mobile home movers are supposed to be back one more time on Saturday morning to finish cleaning up. Hope they show up.

    Rita - Lots of hugs.

    Heather - Enjoy your outing.

    Lisa - I have used done lists in the past. Need to start again I think. Definitely gives me a better perspective

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA