C25K Starting 8/8- Open group for encouragement!



  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Maybe we should be called Runners for Life or the Little Runners that Could or The Dream Team I don't know but I think we need a name too that we can keep up the motivation after C25K but today I did it I ran 3 min it was super hard not only was it the first day but the trail I normally use was closed and its flat so I had use the one with the hills Oh and my running partner a fit teenager said that was hard The first 2 weeks were a breeze for him but we did it
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Maybe we should be called Runners for Life or the Little Runners that Could or The Dream Team I don't know but I think we need a name too that we can keep up the motivation after C25K but today I did it I ran 3 min it was super hard not only was it the first day but the trail I normally use was closed and its flat so I had use the one with the hills Oh and my running partner a fit teenager said that was hard The first 2 weeks were a breeze for him but we did it
  • Wellllll.....I did my 25 minute run yesterday afternoon. For me, it ended up being a lot tougher than I had expected it to be.....but that was probably because hubby & I went out Friday night and overindulged! So.....I wasn't feeling 100% on Saturday, but decided that I just had to do it anyway! And I did.....but I am now a bit anxious to see if the next run will be as tough! No matter what....when it's done it is still the best feeling in the world! So, that's what I need to remember for the next run!

    Keep on keeping on ladies!
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey Everyone! Sorry I have neglected to check in to our little group in a while. Last week was very crazy with work, sick kids, and my baby had his 1st birthday party on Saturday. I did manage to get Week 6 Days 2 and 3 in though. Day 2 (the two 10 minute runs) was very difficult. I actually cheated a bit, and starting running downhill at 3 minutes left on the last 10 minute run. I then felt a little guilty, so when I had 1 minute left, I turned around and started running back uphill. The 25 minute run on Day 3 was easier than Day 2, but definitely not a walk in the park. Jenny, I see that you're still an overachiever, running 36 minutes. I ran 25 minutes and not a second longer.

    My 5k is on October 1, in less than 2 weeks. At some point next week, probably Monday, I'm going to run for the 3.1 miles, just so I will have done it before the race. My primary goal is to run the whole race. That being said, I would love to be able to complete it in under 40 minutes.

    On to Week 7!
  • 28 minute jog is DONE.....wow what a burn! I had to slow it down to make it but still burned 590 calories! This is tough guys, but we are just TOUGH ENOUGH to get it done! :drinker:

    How is everyone else doing? I kind of like the name "Dream Team" by the way.....or maybe we could just be "Jenny's Joggers" since she started this thread! :laugh:
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Bad weekend for running with me. I vegged out Saturday and Sunday and was really annoyed with myself. I used a slight sore throat as my excuse to take it easy. Now I'm annoyed with myself.

    I have a 40 minute run planned this afternoon as penance for my running sins.*LOL* The long runs are always the thoughest!

  • chi88
    chi88 Posts: 30 Member
    So after falling off on my running for about a week, I jumped back on the wagon last week and tried to start Week 4. I really pushed thru it but didn't really feel comfy and really had to slow down my runs. I ended up returning to Week 3 over the weekend and will try that again for the remainder of the week before moving on. My work schedule has stabilized and I'm now going at this full speed, again!

    I've also started working on my breathing, which really helped with my run this weekend.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    ummm... voting against the "jenny joggers" lol... nice one. the "dream team" is good, but it's been done. "the little runners that could" is cute... hmmm... *still trying to think of THE perfect name, and getting.....nothing.*

    no run for me so far today. it's been raining steadily since at least daylight. i have no desire to run in the rain on a dirt road...ewww! i have had my running clothes, including my heart rate monitor strap on since i got out of bed this morning, though, just waiting for a break in the weather. if it doesn't stop today, maybe hubby will let me head to the track tonight when he gets home? i THINK i could run in the rain on a track. hopefully my ipod will be safe in an armband under a jacket....
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    best thing i could come up with so far is "wimps to warriors" inspired by confucious "He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior." then again, some of you probably weren't wimps like me! :-)
  • best thing i could come up with so far is "wimps to warriors" inspired by confucious "He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior." then again, some of you probably weren't wimps like me! :-)

    I love it....since you nixed the Jenny's Joggers suggestion! :wink:

    Wimps to warriors.....or W2W when abbreviated! I say let's go with it! :drinker:

    Jenny - don't take any chances that you could fall and get hurt.....there's always tomorrow!

    chi88 - I think it's SMART to take a step back if that's what you need to do. I do think doing the 30DS probably really gave me a "boost" in starting this program. But no matter WHERE you are....it's not easy. My leg muscles are reminding me of that this morning. But it certainly IS rewarding! So just do what you have to do to keep going!
  • Wow this thread has been busy this weekend! I didn't log in but I did finish W3 up this weekend. I'll be doing W4D1 tomorrow - not sure if I'll do treadmill or outside? I'm hoping for nice weather so I can continue outside for as long as possible.

    Keep up the good work team (Name TBA)! I liked all the names - you guys are so creative!!
  • J - I was just thinking that about the timing. I run so slow. I was looking at the coolrunning calculations for distance. You are supposed to be doing a 10 min mile if you go by those distances. I'm a bit off. I was starting to feel bad, but then I saw what you said, and I thought about it. I have not run for 20 min straight or 1 1/2 miles in my entire life! But I did. So there...I'll work on speeding up when I'm more comfortable running.

    ariel - I find that if I eat too soon before, I don't get a stitch, but I start feeling nauceous. I find that if I eat about 2 hours before, and something small, it's alright. Or just go on an empty stomach. And breathing definitely helps! I tried breathing only through my nose...yeah, that didn't work out. So I breathe through my nose and mouth, and that helps.

    I like the Wimps 2 Warriors name, has a nice ring. I'm not so good at that, but if I think of anything, I'll suggest it.

    Good work everyone! Wow, we are getting it DONE! Lol.

    As for myself, finally finished week 5, day 3 on Friday. The first 5 minutes, and the last 2 were the hardest. But the middle wasn't so bad. I got in a groove and just went with it. But let me say, I almost cried in the middle of the gym when I finished! I felt so great that I finished it. On day 2, I didn't make it all the way through the 2nd 8 minutes, I had to walk for about 30 seconds (which I tacked on to the end), and was so disappointed. Didn't think I could do the 20. But I did! I'm hoping to do week 6, day 1 today...I so slacked this weekend. I justify it by realizing I needed to rest, so I did. I did a pretty intense strenght training right after my 20 minutes, so I was a bit sore. Besides...I'm on the Biggest Loser week timetable. ;)
  • linbee - Awww....I cry at the drop of a hat, so I understand how emotional and wonderful it had to be for you to get through the entire 20 minutes! HUGS!! And there's nothing wrong with the "Biggest Loser week timetable"! (For those of you who may have missed the comment - on the Biggest Loser, a "week" isn't necessarily 7 days. I read that it could be a 10-14 day time period!)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    YES! I did my 40 minutes and ended up with a BP for my mile. 14:16!! That's SO much better than my mile during the 5K in the spring.... 16:28.*really happy*"

  • Hi guys, not posted in for a while but still been checking up on you all and you're all doing fab.

    Well a friend of mine called last week and asked if I would accompany her on a half marathon next April. She must've got me at a good time because I said YES. To 13.1 miles in hilly Edinburgh. I must be crazy.
    Anyway I looked up some half marathon training. Jeff Galloway popped up. Yesterday I had an hour in the gym before aerobics so hopped up on the treadmill. I ran two and half minutes at 9.8kph and walked 1 minute at 7kph and before I knew it in my hour I had gotten up to 9km. You have no idea how I felt apart from pooped, I was ecstatic. On such a high I still done the aerobics.
    Still gona have to try it outside though, I think it's much harder to run outdoors than the treadmill.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    mag- 13.1 miles! yikes!:ohwell: i can't even think about that right now! i'd have to run with duct tape so they could put me back together again! having said that, there's nothing you can't do when you put in some training and a lot of dedication! GO YOU!:flowerforyou:

    shannon- :bigsmile: :bigsmile: you knocked OVER TWO MINUTES OFF! that's fabulous! talk about a reason to be proud! WAY TO GO GIRL!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    linbee- that second 8 minutes nearly killed me too, but YOU MADE IT THROUGH the WHOLE 20 so that's history... not to mention you'd been sick. WAY TO GO! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    skinny- welcome to week 4! i'd say 4 is a turning point to say the least! you can do it! :glasses:

    as for me, i had to take yesterday off due to rain. brendalyne told me not to hurt myself, so i took that to heart and did my run this morning. i COULD have gone last night and run on the track, but the timing didn't work out and i really wanted to have the lemon pepper fish i cooked for my family last night. there's no way i could have eaten and ran... not enought daylight left.

    so, week 7, day 1 COMPLETE! this was a 25 minute or 2.5 mile run, so i made it 2.5 miles. it took me 26:55 to run and i'm not at all unhappy with that time, but i can tell you, i worked pretty hard. i had a pain in my side from about 5 minutes in until about 17 minutes, but after that, it finally went away! i've learned on these longer runs not to look at the hill as a challenge, and i don't really push myself to keep up my speed on the hill of death! (did you know you're actually supposed to lean into the hill, not back? sounds weird to me, but it does help a bit....) anyway, today i was really trying to focus on keeping my back, arms, and shoulders loose throughout my run. after the last few runs they've been pretty tight and sore. i'm still not doing as well as i'd like. today my arms were either too loose and just flopped around, or they were tight, or they just plain felt weird. oh well, i'm sure i'll figure it out eventually. i suppose i'll have to spit my gum out next time so i can focus better. :wink: :laugh: on my second mile, i got within about 25 feet from a baby deer. i couldn't believe she didn't move when i was running toward her. i guess she could sense that i wasn't a threat. (aka- too slow), but she saw my running partners and took off like a flash. (my fuzzy wookie terrier mix, my hound- lab mix, and my neighbor's husky- lab mix love to run with me in the mornings. they get bored pretty fast, but they stay in the general area i'm in and explore the woods while i'm trudging...)

    at any rate, i'm not sure what my heart rate averaged because the HRM croaked out again. it just now turned back on, but i think it probably needs new batteries. (either that or it's getting too damp outside?) it's supposed to be water resistant, though, so who knows what's going on? maybe the seal isn't tight anymore... it is a dinosaur....

    keep up the great work everyone! :-):flowerforyou:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    chi- welcome back! glad to have you with us again!
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey Everyone! I'm so proud of all the progress that everyone is making. I feel like I'm officially a runner now.

    linbee - Yay for you! I know how excited you must feel. Who cares about how fast or slow you are! You ran for 20 minutes straight! I actually found Days 1 and 2 or Week 5 to be harder than Day 3 as well.

    mags - Wow! A half marathon. That's a wonderful goal, and it sounds like you're well on your way to achieving it. I've been thinking about what I want to do after I finish C25K and run a few 5Ks. I guess a 10K is a reasonable next step. I know there's a Bridge to 10K program.

    Shannon - great job getting your 40 minutes done. I know you're ecstatic about improving your time by that much. That's a huge improvement.

    Jenny - I did Week 7 Day 1 yesterday. I think your 26.55 time is wonderful for 2.5 miles. I decided to try to get in the full 2.5 miles too, and it took me 27.52, which I was pretty pleased with. I really tried to focus on my breathing during the entire run, keeping my mouth closed and breathing through my nose. It made things a lot easier.
  • After reading through all the recent comments, I am convinced the name "Wimps to Warriors" is VERY FITTING indeed! WTG everyone!

    Rachel - How cool is it that you feel like you're "officially a runner now".....yes you definitely ARE! So you're a "nose breather" huh? I'm sure you look way cooler than me....cuz my mouth is hanging open.....it's the only way I can do it!

    mags - that is SO COOL that you are signed up for a half marathon! That is a very inspiring goal!

    Jenny - glad you listened to mom and waited to run! And the lemon pepper fish sounds yummy too!

    As for me - after reading these posts, I suddenly realized that yesterday I was on the WRONG WEEK! I was a week AHEAD! I only needed to run 25 minutes.....and I ran 28! :ohwell: But at my slow pace, that also means I got my 2.5 miles in too (barely).........so that's a good thing.......even though it was completely unintentional! :bigsmile: No WONDER it seemed so darned hard! But it also proves that the mind is a powerful thing......I was convinced that I was supposed to go 28 minutes....so I that's what I did! :noway:

    Happy jogging fellow W2W's!
  • Wimps 2 Warriors! Woot! Lol.

    J - good thing you waited. Awesome about the baby deer...it probably realized you weren't a threat. The dogs sound like good company though! Way to go on your run! I am going to try for the full 2.5 when I get there too, but I'm running at about 13 min miles, so it'll take me longer I know. Yeah, and spitting the gum out might be a good idea! I would end up swallowing it.

    Rachel - I think we can all say that we are officially runners (at least in our minds.) Even us penguins!

    Mags - wow, you go girl! You are at least part of the way there. With a bit of training, you could do it!

    Mom - don't feel bad...I'm a mouth breather too. Usually about 1/2 way through, I can't breathe through my nose anymore. I have headphones on, so I can't hear myself, but I'm sure my breathing is loud enough for everyone in the gym to hear! At least I'm not gasping as much any more! And you go on that 28 minutes! Sometimes making mistakes can be a good thing! You did it!

    For me, I finished week 6, day 1 yesterday. I am with J & mom...why is running 18 minutes broken up into increments so much harder than running 20 minutes straight? I just barely got through the last 5 minutes, I was dying. But I got it done, and didn't stop, so I'm ok with that. Then my crazy self decided that I was going to try the ARC trainer, and only got about 1/2 mile on that, and was ready to die. I'm surprised I wasn't a puddle on the floor! But oh well.

    Keep on truckin' ladies!