

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, I went off the train rail yesterday. I think I had had enough of the life changes and just heck with it...but of course I am back at it again today. LOL.

    @trooworld Oh my I hope we don't go to the planned outages...I was just thinking what was I going to do if our power went out...We have had that happen twice in the last couple of years....and usually during the hottest time of the year...a container of ice with a few rags in it to keep you cool? LOL.

    @renaegry you are making great steps...good for you!!!

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,351 Member
    edited June 2022
    Good Morning and Happy Saturday!

    Hope all is well with everyone! Just a quick check in to say hi! Was good with eating this week and while I was away with my dad and stepmom. We ate healthy and were active so I ended up losing weight yay 😀 and I think I decided on a program- MBA and just work the ladder up in my industry. I wanted to go back and pursue a PhD but by the time I graduate I’ll be close to wanting to plan retirement lol so that just doesn’t seem feasible plus there isn’t a program within a reasonable driving distance for me to attend for the PhD. MBA seems much more feasible plus I can work on what I have built now rather than starting all over. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

    ~ Missy
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @renaegry Sounds like you've got the eating down and a plan for the exercise. Enjoy your massage, that sounds heavenly!

    @cbabie Oh dear, sorry about your day. We were still up when the power went out. Remarkably, I was able to sleep for the most part. I got up too early though, considering what time I went to bed. :(

    @gemwolf110 Good morning! That's great you lost. Congrats on deciding on a program.

    Hi all. I gained 1.4 lbs this week and I'm mad at myself. I have no one to blame but ME. I was kind of loosy goosy with my tracking this week and it shows. I'm hoping this week will be a bit better. What makes me mad is that I have lost all month until this final weigh-in! :(

    Water yesterday: 15 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, I ate terrible yesterday. It's all stress eating and I know this. I am looking to change my behavior and reactions as I don't know that my current situation is going to change anytime soon....EXCEPT there is always a part of me that says Suddenly..... Suddenly is in one Bible translation 101 times...

    @trooworld So sorry about the gain, but you know it's not a permanent's just a bump in the road. I will probably be right there with you this week..LOL Enjoy the day.

    @gemwolf110 Sounds like a positive plan of glad you had a good time with family and lost weight too!!

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld Good job on eating well and getting in all of your water. Yuck on the planned outage. I wonder why they did it at that time. Why not when everyone is at work? Yes, I know people work from home now. LOL Ours was out an hour in the middle of the afternoon but it wasn't planned. You know weight loss is not a straight line. So were you down overall from your end of May weigh in? That's progress.

    @cbabie Glad about the rash. The ship is not going to turn around all at once. It will take little maneuverings. What's one little thing you can do the next time you have some stress at home. You are the one that writes the script of your story. Right now your script goes like this. Family stresses you out. You go to the kitchen and eat PB or Sugar. So how about this.....Family stresses you out. You go to the kitchen and eat PB or Sugar.
    Now you need a rewrite for that scene. What is it? Family stresses you out. You go .............

    @renaegry So your food sounds good. What kind of exercise can you do today?

    @teresaw1020 Early on with this new "normal" at your house with your sister. Set your boundaries. Let "people pleasing" hit the road. You take care of YOU. Its so hard when everything is fluid. Think of what you have had happen. Your mom moved in, Joe got sick, your sister moved in. So I hope you navigate the time it takes to eat healthily and move your body. I don't want the next thing you tell us is that you are sick with something. We're your people here. Come vent if you need to. Gather some support from us and get back to it. Hugs.

    @gemwolf110 Yaaay on eating healthy, exercising and you lost some weight. Extra special you did it while out of your routine. Your MBA plan sounds good

    No green dots this week because of water mostly. That is where I need to improve. But I did go over calories yesterday. I have no groceries since I'm going on vacation. so take out.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Had a gain this week. Not surprised but it’s bigger than expected so am cranky with myself. Its back to work today and I really want to have a good food day, but I’m sitting here planning dinner and my mind wanders to all the delicious snacks and options for afternoon teas and …. well, just snacks.

    ………..Okay, a significant rant followed here but decided once it was out of my system that you all didn’t need to hear it, so the gist of this post is that I’ve realised how much my mind wanders when I’m trying to meal plan for everyone else and how much of a trigger that is for me, followed by the acknowledgement that I cannot avoid this trigger - it is such a huge part of my life. And now I guess I’m resentful that I can’t partake in all the delicious foods I love to cook for family and my willpower to have them sitting in the house but not eat them is so low, but I don’t want to deny everyone else access to them. *sigh*. Such is parenting I guess.

    It’s now a couple of days later and I’m having another go at a fresh weeks food plans. Found some new recipes and feeling positive but still apprehensive regarding my own will power and restraint - I’ve been failing dismally in this area for a week now and it has to stop. Hoping a return to routine will help. Wish me luck.

    Day 1…….
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    edited June 2022
    Hi all...been gone so long...just haven't felt like getting on the computer much. Not sure I can catch up with everything.

    We had our trip to Sweden & Norway 6-11 to 6-21 with Dd, sil, & the gkids. Dd & sil ordered a Volvo & they flew them there to pick it up. Can drive it a little, return it to Volvo & they ship it here in about 6-8 weeks. Dh & I had to pay for our airfare, but we still invited ourselves along, lol. We had an exchange student from Sweden when dd was a junior, and we still keep in touch. It was great to see her & her dh (we last saw them about 22 yrs ago before they married) and their daughters. Also saw her parents who we met when she was here.

    It was a fun time, lots of train travel, did lots of walking (about 15,000-18,000 steps per day), & didn't overdo the food..we had a hard time with menus not knowing the language & google translate wasn't a big help. So I only gained about a pound, and it is gone already. Yay! Bad thing is Dh has been coughing since thurs night & tested + for Covid today. Said his throat is so sore!! Got the antiviral pills for him today, so hope they start helping. I tested negative today, maybe the Covid that I had in January is giving me a little extra immunity. (I can hope) I will need to test again about Tues to make sure he hasn't given it to me. I kept asking should we mask & he said no & hardly anyone was wearing them. He sounds miserable, I wish we would have masked more. Oh well, too late now, lol.

    Airplane travel was not fun, delays, etc. & got home a day late. After missing our connection in Detroit because of delays, we had to spend the night there & then fly from Detroit to New York City & back to Iowa.

    @theslightedgeforever Have fun on your vacation.

    @TeresaW1020 Glad your sister is there to help, it sounds like you could use a little rest. Hope Joe starts doing better.

    @cbabie Glad your rash getting better, supposed to be 90+ next week again, I'll be wishing I had your pool.

    @trooworld You have been doing so well, I'm sure the gain will go away.

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hi @RetiredAndLovingIt. Your trip sounds great. I remember hosting an exchange student when I was in high school and was really looking forward to sharing that experience with my own children, but it seems Covid has put a stop to school exchanges so I was very disappointed 😢. Can see you’re also in the US, I’m way down in Tasmania. It has been somewhat amusing hearing about how you are all struggling in the heat and I’m here in thermals with a heat pack 😂. Weather has been beautiful and sunny today though, and really warm if you can catch the sun coming through a window 😊

    Anyway, just saying hi while I’m keeping myself out of the kitchen for a while longer. 👋
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hi @roz0810. Welcome back! I’m new in this group but it’s been nice to have a place to share struggles and just feel less alone on the journey. I’m struggling this week, but hoping returning to routine tomorrow will help. Not set on an exercise plan yet - exercise does not feature or prioritise for me if I’m honest - just time mostly - but I’m intending to find something small that I can commit to each day. What do you do for exercise or movement?

  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,238 Member
    thanks all. I'm 7.4lbs down. I was 13lbs down before but gained some but at least I didn't gain it all back! Just taking one day, one meal at a time. Back to basics definitely.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Meandering on the app today i came across this, and the timing is perfect:

    “Don’t Compromise - Make sure that you love your food. Do not eat nori in your salad if you hate it simply because you need B12 and sea minerals. You can get those things from a supplement if you are deficient in B12 or certain minerals.

    Many of us have completely lost touch with what we truly desire and enjoy in our meals. It’s time to get back to what delights us!

    If you want chocolate chip pancakes for dinner, then you should eat them. There are high quality, whole grain options for everything, so there is no need to settle for a salad if what you are really desiring is something warm and fluffy with pure maple syrup drizzled on top. Always honor your desires, while also honoring your body and health.”

    It really struck a chord with my current situation, and gave me permission to have yoghurt with bran, apple and roasted almonds for dinner tonight. And because i was feeling positive about it and looking forward to eating, I was able to take time to think it through and even decided to use the zero yoghurt which is not my favourite, but gives me the option to be able to “afford” a small scoop of “real” yoghurt later when DH will want an evening supper. It is the first time I’ve really felt in control of my food decisions in quite a while 😁
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @cbabie You aren't alone in your terrible eating lol...yesterday, it was the pits! Suddenly, your behavior will transform! Thanks, yeah, I'm trying not to let it get me down.

    @theslightedgeforever I think they had to work on the lines and they figured that would be the time it didn't affect people as much? Yes, so many people work from home so that might not work. My weight loss graph would look like an EKG lol. I'm down 1.2 for the month, so at least I lost lol. I need to improve on my water, it's a constant battle if I'm not diligent. I hope you have a nice vacation.

    @Tamevv I gained, too, I am disappointed and mad at myself but it was deserved for me lol. Could you tweak the way you are planning for your family so that it isn't a source of resentment? has a lot of meal plans with healthier recipes. I would not be able to resist that other food if it were me. It would be too hard. Tasmania, wow, that's a distance! :D It is funny to think you are cold when I am sweating lol. For movement, we have a workout machine called a Tonal, it's digital weights. I know that won't make any sense but if you go to the website, you'll see what I mean: It's basically weight lifting with a cable system that is based on magnets. I also walk sometimes. The important thing is to find something that works for you and you like. That's perfect, what you found on the MFP site! I'm glad you felt in control. Great job!

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Who are you? LOL just kidding! It's nice to "see" you! What a cool trip! I'm glad you had fun. I'm sorry about your DH's diagnosis. :( I hope you don't get it again. I have a coworker that had it twice. Sorry about the airport drama. Thank you, yes, I hope that gain goes away.

    @roz0810 Congrats on that loss, woot woot!

    Hello all. I did NOT do a good job eating yesterday. My DH and I went out for breakfast at a French cafe and then 2 hours later, I went for Thai food for lunch with a friend. And then I had something unhealthy for dinner. :( I'm already negative in my points for the week and my week just started. I'm going to ignore that negative number and just proceed as if it weren't there. Today, I am going to meal prep. Here's what is on the menu, in case you are curious:

    Carne Con Chile Colorado -
    Refried Beans -
    Mexican rice made with brown rice

    Turkish Beef w/Peppers & Tomatoes (this recipe is from a cookbook but I'll post a pic of the recipe if anyone wants it, just tell me!)

    Taco Stuffed Twice Baked Potatoes -

    Instant Pot Chimichurri Chicken -
    Cheesy Roasted Broccoli & Garlic -

    Lemon Scallops over Greens -

    Water yesterday: 15 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    @trooworld Ooooh, I love the idea of sharing your meal plan! Am at work right now but looking forward to visiting the websites later tonight. I made a special trip to the next towns butcher this morning to get a nice cut of meat for a home made char sui I have been hankering for. Started the marinade this morning but we won’t cook and eat it till tomorrow night. Cant wait 😁
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @Tamevv That char sui sounds yummy. I love going to the butcher, it always feels like a special meal when I do. I don't know about in Tasmania, but in California, the butchers are more expensive than the grocery stores so it IS a special meal when I go. Enjoy your char sui!

    Hi all. I did some meal prep yesterday (about half of what I posted) but I got lazy and wanted to lay around and read so that's what I did. I'm not doing the Tonal this morning because I woke up with a headache but if it goes away, I'll do the Tonal when I get home tonight. I forgot to plan a breakfast for this week but luckily I had the stuff to make Peaches and Cream Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats so I am making that right now.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    @trooworld looked at that oatmeal recipe. That sounds delicious! Finally got an Instant Pot, so I might have to try it instead of my blueberry, walnut oatmeal that I usually eat, lol. Sorry about the headache, hope it gets better!

    @Tamevv Wow, Amazing how this app connects people from all over the world. I like the thing you quoted, I am trying to eat healthy, but don’t usually eat something just because it is healthy, lol. Enjoy the char sui (I don’t know what it is 🤷‍♀️)

    Still confined with dh, I think Wed we can leave, especially if I still test negative. Good thing…my washing machine is acting up & think we need a new one, but not looking until then. Hope it can get delivered soon!

    Dd in OK was coming up for the 4th of July & a few more days, but after Dh got Covid she changed her mind because gd going to Girl Scout camp on the 10th, & didn’t want to possibly expose her so she couldn’t go. Now her camp is cancelled, so not sure if they will be up or not. Will definitely need a washing machine if they come, lol. Dd & gs had Covid when they came back from vacation, too, but gd missed it.

    Well, gotta get busy & get something done here today…my suitcase still not totally unpacked & put away. I have gotten back to my treadmill walking in the morning. I was doing Core & Balance also before we left, so need to get back to it, too.

    Hope everyone has a great week!

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    @trooworld Yep the butchers are generally more expensive here too, but I really enjoy going when I can justify it, they are always helpful and friendly. The next town over (15mins) has an outlet attached to a meatworks so their prices are comparable to the supermarket and the meat is much nicer. I’ve had a look at a couple of your meals and def will be doing the baked broccoli, although it will be cauliflower cause we can’t get broccoli at the moment (And I prefer cauli anyway 😊). And yay for reading time - I do love to get stuck into a good book but they are few and far between these days. I do love it when one really catches my attention tho.

    @retiredandlovingit this is the recipe. This is my go-to site for Chinese meals - they always work for me 😊

    We usually have eggs on toast for breakfast, but you guys are inspiring me to do a fancy porridge. I do them for a change every so often, so we must be about due and your ingredients sound so darn appealing!!

    It was a good day today - I pre planned my food to allow for the dinner I was really looking forward to and even navigated the early evening hunger while in the kitchen by munching on celery sticks 😁. The meal was great and heaps of leftovers, and I am stoked to be able to afford some yoghurt later. Also did some exercise this morning which felt great. And water is a tick as well. Yay me 😊

    Question please: A while ago, someone (i think @renaegry ?) commented they were keeping a 500 cal deficit and I’m curious about that - how do you work out the numbers for expended cals each day? I have the budget which MFP worked out based on my quiz, but not sure how to measure what is actually expended during the day. Thanks.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @RetiredAndLovingIt It was really good, I didn't add the coconut milk just so I could save on points but I'm sure that would be delicious! Thanks, my head feels better today. Sorry about your washing machine. I hope you test negative on Weds. Hopefully your DD will come to see you guys. Have a great week!

    @Tamevv I agree! Cauliflower cooked that way would be really good, too. Yeah, I'm a librarian so I love to read although it's not something I can do at work (a lot of people think librarians read at work, but not this one!). I'm reading a book that really keeps my attention, it's a fantasy/sci-fi novel which is something I am not usually into but this one is really good: It's called The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin Thanks for posting the recipe for the char siu, it looks good and easy to do. I'm glad we inspired your breakfast, I hope you like what you make! You are doing great, you've got this! Regarding your question, are you asking how you decide how much is -500 cals? If so, I think they just do it in their head or with a calculator. I don't think there is a setting in MFP but I don't use it to track and haven't for a long time, so I don't know.

    Maybe @renaegry can confirm the above?

    Hi all. Yesterday was a pretty good day. I didn't drink enough water but I did track everything and I worked out on the Tonal after work even though I didn't feel like it and it was really hot. After I worked out, I wasn't really hungry for dinner so I didn't force myself to eat. I was tired, too, so I went to bed at 6:50 p.m. with no dinner. :D

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, this week is pretty crazy for me. I thought I posted yesterday, but see I didn't. It was all a blur, I went to my oldest daughters house and she has cats and dogs...and I came home with a migraine...UGH.. but feeling better today, just trying to catch up on all that I DIDN'T get done yesterday, which was everything!!! I was up 1.6 and I am sure it's because I didn't track. I didn't track yesterday and now that I think of it I don't think I really drink much water yesterday..NOT GOOD, since it's the only liquid I drink..

    I will try to catch up on post later, but NO promises..LOL

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Good morning! Set myself up last night by preparing lunches for today and set out clothes to get up for exercise. There were the usual evil voices in my head when my alarm went off but i got it done and feel great.

    I noticed today that my breathing is much calmer than it used to be when my heart rate is high - i can be breathing hard but don’t feel “short” of breath and can even carry a conversation (although somewhat laboured 😊). I also noticed my step rate is higher when i settle into a comfortable rhythm. Both these things made me happy. It was also nice to discover my apple watch gives me double the distance and calories over the elliptical - i knew it was off in distance based on outdoor walks, but the calories burned is an added bonus.

    So its been a week now post covid and Ive made some decisions - i don’t know how often i will be able to do long workouts, but i will commit to doing at least something, even just a few minutes on the elliptical every day. I often don’t because i do get quite sweaty which requires a shower and so on which bumps up the time required. However, i have realised i can do just 5 minutes without needing a change so can even do that in my work clothes or pyjamas. No more excuses. Cant promise it will be much, but i will get on the darn thing every single day.

    I will also commit to doing some form of strength training every day. It might be simply a set of sit-ups, but I’m hoping three days a week i can do something more significant and will do SOMETHING every day. At present it is harder for me to set aside big chunks of time, but small chunks more often i can do. So feel free to call me on it and check whether Im keeping up 😊

    Water is back on track and I’m feeling much more positive and motivated about my food choices. Happy days.

    @retiredandlovingit Hope you get released today - fingers crossed for you.

    @trooworld. Haha, yep, whenever i see coconut milk in a recipe i ignore it too - i do enjoy it but for the most part it is something i can live without. Its funny how im so much more aware of the value of thngs - like would i rather have this item or that item? One mindset change that has really helped me was realising calories can be looked at much like money - we have a finite budget to spend each day, and you best be frugal and intentional with your choices. I spose ive known it theoretically for years, but guess something clicked this year, probably should credit WW with that 😊. I think my missing info is how to calculate the calories OUT each day. I can see steps and workout calories burned, but not sure how to figure out the normal dad-to-day usage.

    @cbabie I find I always get headaches when I don’t drink enough water, but today I have one even tho I’ve been to the loo 4 times already! (Haha, I can tell if I’ve had my water quota by the number of times I go to the loo 😂).
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @cbabie Oh no, I didn't realize you are allergic. So sorry. And sorry about the gain. You know what you have to do.

    @Tamevv That was a great idea to set out everything for the day. Those are great NSVs (non-scale victories) you had! 5 minutes here and there really add up. I'm proud of your work! Yeah, the coconut milk. I just knew it would add like 4 pts to my breakfast so I wasn't having it lol. Yeah, that's a great way to look at the cals/pts, via a budget. I'm not sure to help you but when @theslightedgeforever gets back from her vacation, please ask your question again, I'm sure she can help you.

    Hello all. Well, I didn't do too well yesterday, I didn't want to eat my sweet oatmeal, I wanted something savory for breakfast so I went to the cafe at work and got a breakfast burrito. :( I didn't stop there, I got a cookie too. I need to stop this behavior and just eat what I bring.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"