Women 200lb+, Let's Aim For The Sky This July!!!



  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I've been feeling sick at night for a few days, mostly headaches and some nausea, and it sucks because this never used to happen. There are two things I can try.

    I've been using electrolyte tablets recently because I've been sweating more than usual during workouts (my intensity has been about the same but the weather got warmer) so it could be a bad reaction to those since they're new. I'll stop using those for a week and eat some more salt instead and see what happens.

    Then I'll go back to using them as necessary for a week, see what happens.

    If it's not the tablets, I read nighttime headaches can be solved by having coffee before bed. Or anything with caffeine. I don't feel more energised from caffeine usually so this should be okay to try. I'm not a big coffee drinker so if I can't stomach a coffee every night for a week I'll mix it up with some red bull or cola. Let's hope one of these solutions works.

    In better news, I figured out what I'll do when my current contract is up! I'm gonna stay at my employer but in a different department, working on water quality and biodiversity instead of circular economy. Excited and scared because I still have to negotiate my pay.

    Food-wise things are good. My weight yesterday after training was 128kg but the training was fantastic and I accidentally got a new personal best on a hard lift while injured. I think realistically I should be down around half a kg from 125kg but it makes sense that it doesn't show up on the scale right now. I'm not bothered. I'm feeling my arm and leg muscles from yesterday, which is unusual for oly class but not a bad thing.
    I am stuck at home until 5 or 6pm today (it's 11am now) so I'm feeling extra restless. Ugh
  • mshawski
    mshawski Posts: 1,054 Member
    edited July 2022

    @mshawski Welcome! We’re all a work in progress too so you’re in good company. I have never loved running but I tried it for a while. However, I have a bad hip from a car accident and 2 bad knees that click and twinge a lot just with walking and hiking so if you ever see me running you should run faster to get away from whatever is chasing me.

    @pamperedlinny - This made me smile, thank you - I needed that this morning. :smiley:

    @CupcakeCrusoe - Thanks for the app suggestion, I will check that out for sure!
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    My legs look very skinny today compared to other days but more muscled too ánd my biceps are sticking out when I'm not flexing so my brain is very confused. No idea what I look like right now.
    The scale was down to 126kg again today, from 128kg yesterday after the training. I started weighing myself more and posting my wild fluctuations more because there are so many people here that freak out over scale fluctuations, I figured this helps normalise it. I think the main reason my fluctuations are so dramatic is because I'm tall. There's so much space to gain and lose water from, it's bound to be more than on an equally overweight short person.
  • karilbrandt
    karilbrandt Posts: 55 Member
    I, again, had a really bad day. I managed to not go over calories, but I didn’t eat well. I need to get myself back on track! I will really work on that today.

    • Sticking to my plan 95% of the time. Only small variations.
    • Lose 5 pounds (down to 246)
    • Start more regular exercise again. I was doing something every other day, but I got out of the habit and need to get back.

    7/1: 251

    Tag Party:

    @bojaantje3822 – I bet that it is the electrolyte pills. I always thought that caffeine before bed would keep you up. But caffeine is supposed to help with headaches – that is why it is in almost all pain relievers.

    @CupcakeCrusoe – Great job at pole class. I need to find something near me that I can go to. It is really too hot to walk outside except at 6 or 7 am and I don’t really want to walk then, and I am having trouble motivating myself to do something after work. Maybe if I had somewhere to go.

    @JAC581 – Glad to have you join the group. It is not that late yet. I hope that the move goes well. Good luck eating and tracking during this busy stressful time! Just read that you have COVID! So sorry! I hope that you feel better soon!

    @Pamperedlinney – Yes, I shouldn’t be surprised by how many calories there are in alcohol, but I always am. Good luck with the leftovers. I, luckily, have good leftovers from my cooking binge over the weekend. So I should be able to stay on track! Good luck with your doctor. I have lab work later this month and then see my doctor as well. As, other than the past 2 days, I have been doing well, I hope that my A1C is down this time. I want to get off some of my medication too.

    @gbj4120 – Welcome to the group.

    @sbortnick – Thanks for the encouragement. I need it right now.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    edited July 2022
    Good morning everyone!

    186.4 this morning, which is fine. Either I'm still at 185 or I gained a pound during my diet break (doubtful, but who knows).

    Tonight is poles and oh, split, which might be my favorite combo. I think for dinner we're supplementing leftovers. I've got some penne with sauce and cheese in the fridge, some chinese food, and whatever else we need can be quick stuff.

    My older kid has been in a funk about food lately, and I don't know why. She doesn't want to eat many things, or eat at all, and it worries me a little. I'm so used to having to deal with my younger kid not wanting to eat for medical reasons, now I've got to deal with both not really wanting to eat.

    Although my older kid has said some worrying things about wanting to be thin, so that she can be on YouTube or be a gymnast. I try to emphasize that athletes have to fuel their muscles, and if she doesn't eat she can't grow, but I just don't know if I'm doing a good job. I don't model disorder in front of her- I eat what the family eats. And I know, to some extent, she's just going to get some of this in the culture we live in. She's six, and she's a healthy size, I just wish parenting came with a manual sometimes. I don't want her to develop an unhealthy relationship with food.

    Anyway. Tag party time:
    @JAC581 I'm so sorry to hear COVID got you. Make sure you take it very easy, and I hope you get better very quickly.

    @pamperedlinny mojo for your doctor's appointment! I hope it goes well.

    @gbj4120 hi, welcome! We have almost the same stats, looking forward to hearing about your progress!

    Remember we can choose to be on track every day/minute. If you fall off for a meal or a day or a week, shrug it off and get back to it. No guilt, just improvement.
    preach! Yesssss

    @bojaantje3822 I definitely mention my weight most every day for the same reason- bodies can be weird, and what you weigh is only you + food in process + water, after all.

    ETA @karilbrandt we cross posted! I want to focus on this:
    managed to not go over calories, but I didn’t eat well.
    If for that, your aim is only weight loss, that will get you there- all you need is a deficit. If you mean that what you ate made you feel bad, then absolutely, more effort is needed to be sure what you're eating makes you feel good, supports your health, and supports your goals.

    I have often had the problem of it being too hot in the summer to do things outside. I hope you find something you like!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I didn't feel bad last night but I don't feel great now and I'm generally having a bit of an off day. I did buy new PJs that look super cute so I'll work on editing aome photos so I don't doxx myself and show some to this group sometime this week.

    @karilbrandt I didn't know it was in many pain relievers, mostly because it's not in the ones I use. Thanks for the info! I'll keep up my experiment and hopefully it'll resolve itself. And look into those pain relievers
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    It's Thursday and that means we get to head back to Zumba tonight.... specifically, my daughter's favorite Zumba instructor (who used to be her class mom). We're still working through eating the leftovers but are mostly down to pasta salads and potatoes. So many carbs. I'll figure out how to fit it in though because I really hate letting things go to waste.

    My daughter is showing some interest in Yoga so I had to go in the garage to find my mat this morning. I always seem to fall over or look a mess trying to stretch and move but if she's interested that's something I'm happy to encourage. She is supposed to join Volleyball in the fall but the summer doesn't have a lot of physical activities scheduled. We were letting her join Girls on the Run in the fall too in preperation for the Basketball Team she wants to join in December except they seem to have closed the program near us.

    Short Tag Party
    @sbortnick I’m sorry you had drama on your trip but that’s also fabulous about being more comfortable at the water park. We did 3 days at a waterpark in June and while I was comfortable getting on the scale with the kids I never looked at the number there.

    @JAC581 Feel better!!!

    @karilbrandt You didn’t go over calories even on a rough eating day. That’s so great!

    @CupcakeCrusoe My daughter is 8 and has had multiple occasions had out of the blue breakdowns about being fat. Her father is quite heavy with a bad back and unable to do a lot of things and I’m obviously trying to be healthier. However, there is nothing about her that is “fat”. It really worries me when she has these moments.
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    I had quickly gotten in my post for goals to bump up the thread after posting my finishing for June but couldn't get back.

    Work is a bit tedious and in crunch time right now so very focused on that.

    High sodium food over last weekend but it's coming off now.

    DH, his cousin and I had a Stranger Things marathon and ordered for them after I had also eaten dinner. Not the best but it is what it is.

    Went to DH's friend's house for the holiday. They didn't have much food setup and those that they did I couldn't have much so that was easy to stay away.

    Last night was the last concert postponed from 2020 - Backstreet Boys. It was at our outdoor venue so lots of walking going in and out. On my feet for it all once they started. But darn my apple watch died once I walked in so it wasn't captured in those counts.
    Scale was nice this morning.
  • sandielewis2001
    sandielewis2001 Posts: 318 Member
    Age: 39
    Height 5'10"
    SW Jan 7 2021: 271.1
    SW July 2022: 181.8
    GW this month: 181.8 (maintain)
    Goal for 2022: reach maintenance (160-170?)

    7/7/22 - 183.2
    7/14/22 -
    7/21/22 -
    7/28/22 -

    July: +1.4bs
    LTD: -87.9 lbs

    I am planning for an entire month at maintenance for July. I am not surprised at the small increase likely due to water, stress at work and poor sleep.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe Regarding your 6 year old thinking she is fat. I remember going through that at her age as well. My Mom kept trying to tell me I wasn't fat etc. But when I got older I figured out what my issue was. So you know the kid pre-pubescent body? Yeah, it doesn't have a waist. That freaked me out, since I kept seeing all these ladies with waists, all of them had waists! I didn't therefore I thought I was fat. So, maybe if you can explain to her that her shape is perfect, and it won't change until after puberty or something like that, it might reaffirm her and ease her mind. In a "this is a perfect, totally normal, not fat size!!" It kind of messes with kids minds, since it is difficult to look at an adult and not be like them. I mean, what 6 year old isn't wanting to be a nice looking adult already! I know I did.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Friday weigh in day!

    33 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW: 200.4
    Halfway GW: 183
    UGW: 150

    SW 7/1: 186.8
    7/8: 185.2 (-1.6)

    🌈🌈🌈 July Goals! 🌈🌈🌈

    🟣 July GW: Let's get to 183 this month! Halfway baby!

    🔵 Log everything in grams ✅
    🟢 Do at least three pole classes a week ✅
    🟡 More than 100g protein every day ✅
    🟠 No doomscrolling after 7PM each night ✅
    🔴 At least 64oz of water a day ✅

    Poles last night was great, the instructor thought we were all ready to let our poles spin, so we got to just stay on the pole and it spun us around! It was so fun. Oh, Split was good, stretching toward splits makes me feel great.

    Tonight is pizza night, and I haven't decided yet whether I'll eat pizza or make my pizza wrap and air fried potatoes. That pizza wrap does sound good right now. Hm. And I get to play video games with some friends and drink beer with my husband. Just have to get through this day at work. :lol:

    Tag party time!
    @bojaantje3822 LOVE new PJs. I'm still riding the high of buying some cute floral satin PJs a couple months ago, I wear them all the time.

    @pamperedlinny I think, based on what you're taking about in the thread, though, that you are doing well modeling balance- zumba classes together, movie nights to enjoy with friends, and thinking about healthy food.

    @sarah12277 Backstreet Boys?! I'm so jealous! I'm glad you had a good time.

    @sandielewis2001 Absolutely, maintenance is a range, I love this for you.

    @justanotherloser007 This is a good perspective, something I hadn't thought about. I'll try to focus more on the way lots of bodies look different ways throughout our lives. Thanks.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • karilbrandt
    karilbrandt Posts: 55 Member
    I actually got back on track yesterday. But it looks like my weight is up anyway. It may be sodium. I hope that it comes back off quickly. I just have to stick with my plan. I am not off to a good start this month. Of course, the holiday (4th) didn’t help. I hope that I can get re-motivated over the weekend and get my exercise on track.

    • Sticking to my plan 95% of the time. Only small variations.
    • Lose 5 pounds (down to 246)
    • Start more regular exercise again. I was doing something every other day, but I got out of the habit and need to get back.

    7/1: 251
    7/8: 252

    Tag Party:

    @bojaantje3822 – Excedrin is the primary pain reliever that I remember definitely has caffeine. That is what makes it better for migraines and other bad headaches than regular ones that don’t have caffeine in them.

    @CupcakeCrusoe – That is worrying that your 6 year old is already concerned about weight! I hope that @justanotherloser007 is right and she is just thinking about missing a waist.

    I am trying to get healthy as well as lose weight, so not going over calories is good, but I need to eat good whole food – not junk – to get healthy again.

    @sarah12277 – It is our busy season at work too. Which makes this unexpected long weekend kind of awkward. I will probably end up working some of it anyway since there is stuff that needs to get done and the timeline didn’t change just because our company decided to give us 2 days off.

    @Pamperedlinney – It sounds like both you and your daughter are very active. I still need to work on the activity more. That is one of my goals for this long weekend that we have for some reason.