

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,114 Member
    edited July 2022
    @fanncy0626 ...
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    You also post where you conduct bike rides. Are you not afraid that people will follow you to your bike rides and get information on you?? Also, it's a little condescending of you to suggest that people do not have computer backgrounds. It feels as though you are being very judgmental. We know all about your husband his accidents and where he worked. We know where you live. We also know where you have lived in the past. Everybody here has lived a very long life and has been around long enough to take care of themselves. As well as other people in their lives. This is supposed to be a place to come for support not condemnation. Let's share the love instead of criticism.

    💞 Mary from Arizona/Minnesota

    I did have to laugh at this ...

    You also post where you conduct bike rides. Are you not afraid that people will follow you to your bike rides and get information on you??

    Given that we don't usually decide where we're going to ride until very shortly before we go ... it would be rather problematic for people to follow us. :lol: I could just imagine someone standing by the side of some random road waiting for us to come along!! :lol::lol:

    Please, let us know where we're riding this weekend!

    We know all about your husband his accidents and where he worked.

    Accidents? Plural? I don't know all about his accidents!!
    And no, believe me you don't know all. I've hardly told you anything.
    Where did he work?

    As for where I have lived and currently live ... I really don't think you do.

    But hey, let me know, you might surprise me!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,114 Member
    Those were the days!!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,114 Member
    Colouring. :) Planning to finish colouring an autumn scene this evening. :)


    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    Morning ladies
    Watching Miles today and then home for the weekend..
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    <3 Mars eating avocado <3
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,495 Member
    edited July 2022
    Flea - I think of you daily, dear heart. Thank you, as always, for giving us a heads-up on your issues.

    Katla - Many hugs my dear, for you and your family. Thinking about you too--thank you for posting!

    Fasting labs this morning to get a read on whether the anemia is back, and of the thyroid to make sure that my medication is working.

    As far as the rest of it goes, the doctor and I talked about the fact that gardening/mowing/trimming etc., during this heat wave drives my blood pressure too low and my pulse rate far higher than it should be. Until the heat wave passes, I will only be able to work outside from about dawn to 8:30 or so. Annoying, but necessary. Autumn will eventually get here and I'll be able to get things done again outside.

    He also gave me the go-ahead to start introducing indoor exercise. Luckily, I own an elliptical--and a rowing machine that I never quite got rid of. What's interesting is that I asked the doc what exercises would be best for my heart... and he said "cardio workouts." I've been doing "cardio" for so long that I totally forgot the definition of cardio exercise as something aimed at helping my heart. It was just a label.

    That was the excitement for yesterday. Whee!

    Today is a half-hour drive to the big city to get to the brand new VA Clinic facility to get those labs. Unsure what I'm going to do after that. I try not to just drive into town and do one thing--I stack my in-town tasks so the gas that it takes to get there makes more sense. However, I don't want to shop just for shopping's sake either, and we're pretty well stocked on everything. Still thinking about it.

    Time to get moving.
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,495 Member
    <3 Mars eating avocado <3

    Seeing Mars eating that green stuff made me happier than I expected. :blush:
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
    Good Friday!
    I have been reading along. Just busy doing other things. There is something about starting a week with Mondays off that tends to mess up for me. It didn't help that DH had an appt in Detroit on Wednesday! So off Monday, work Tuesday, drive Wednesday, work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. My days are so messed up! I got "spoken to" at hospital for DH's appointment. It is in the basement and he is legally blind, so I took him down. At check in, the receptionist said patients weren't allowed guests. I said that I knew that but someone has to help him navigate the elevator and check on paperwork. My DH doesn't sign anything without me looking first. I replied that I knew that but needed to navigate for him and please call me when he is done so that I can come retrieve him. So I spent the 15 minutes talking with my brother. DH called and he was waiting at the elevator for me. What do they do with the folks that really need assistance? Just curious....they care for blind, dementia, etc......Anyways, was a good drive (8 hrs round trip), no change in his eye, back in 8 months.

    I have started a book, caught up on home paperwork, and decluttered house. Yesterday morning I decided that with electric costs doubling, I would unplug/turn off things that we really rarely use. Every little bit helps! The only problem is that one of the power strips had our sync hub for our security cameras plugged into it. Ooops! Got notification on my phone on way to work that the cameras were off line. I figured we had just lost power. Nope....I turned them off unintentionally. Got that fixed as soon as got home. I just unplugged that TV and tower system from the power strip.

    Katla Prayers and hugs! Thank you for keeping us posted.

    Flea -Prayers and hugs for you too! Tough choices, but my idea is quality over quantity. I have to update my heath directives, apparently they have expired. I didn't know they did that.

    My identity got stolen about 8 or 9 years ago. Social and all. It is running around the web somewhere. I am thankful that several of the credit card issuers were quick to recognize out of the normal details and reach out to me. With their help I was able to lock down everything quickly. I guess I do share on this site that I am out of town, but not on FB. Pictures etc get shared on FB when I get home. But I text lots and send pics to friends and family while gone, so I am sure that could be hacked as well. I have alerts set on items I can. I check accounts often. Cautious without being paranoid. There is a lot of information out there especially if you are a homeowner. I appreciate the advice as learning is a good thing

    Fasting blood work this morning, then work-ugh. Drinking water. Will get coffee on way to shop.

    Lots of love!

    Kylia in Ohio where it is stormy today
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,832 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    I must have missed something juicy

    BAhahahhaha! Omigod, Pip! I love you!

    Katla- Healing thoughts and prayers to your DH! So glad your kids are there to help.
    Heather- I see you are reading Delia Ephron! Just want to pass a long a quick and funny read by Nora Ephron. It is called "I Feel Bad About My Neck". I read it in a day and was laughing so hard through the whole thing.
    Losing wallets/personal info- Once, I lost my wallet/purse at the store. I didn't realize that I no longer had it, until I was home and had the groceries put away and went to reach for my purse to get the receipts. DH and I went back to the store and checked with customer service, lost and found, checked carts in the lot and in the store. Nothing. We cancelled all of the cards and ordered a new driver's license. etc. Well, I found my purse about two months later; in the freezer under about four pounds of hamburger. lol Now, whenever I can't find something my DH says, "Did you check the freezer?"
    Machka - Let's see...your weekend has started...I think you will take a relaxing walk or bike ride, maybe two. It is winter, there; does Rhody still explore the yard in the winter? I hope you get time to relax and recharge after your first week at your new job.
    Carol- Thank you for the anniversary wishes. It was a very low key "celebration". lol I worked. DH tried some cbd pills (finally) for pain management. My son brought home dinner for us. Chinese food. Always a good call.
    Rori- Mars visits neighbors and is rewarded with avocado! Mmmmm!

    Ah well, it is Friday and my numbers for today are low, due to a few kids out with different illnesses. I really, REALLY believe the 1 1/2-2 years of social distancing has done NOTHING for any one's immune systems. Especially the little ones, who need germs to build an immune system. They are catching EVERYTHING and in turn, are giving it to me. If we do one thing well in childcare, that would be sharing germs. Gah. Weekend coming and I am so ready for it. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited July 2022
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,114 Member
    Friday -- Raining this evening (and all day)

    In answer to your question, Kelly, Rhody goes out for a little while during the day if the sun is out. Today he wasn't out much because of the rain. Then when I come home from work, I'll often take him for a walk on his leash, but not today. Pouring rain.

    What we end up doing will depend on the weather. As you mentioned, Kelly, it is winter so the weather can be quite changeable. It's cool and if it's raining, it'll be that bitterly cold rain with a wind.

    I've been colouring and the Tour de France is on. :) I probably will dream of cycling. :)


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,114 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    What do they do with the folks that really need assistance? Just curious....they care for blind, dementia, etc......Anyways, was a good drive (8 hrs round trip), no change in his eye, back in 8 months.

    Kylia in Ohio where it is stormy today

    I have to get quite demanding sometimes. :(

    I used to be shy and retiring ... not so much anymore.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,114 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Katla: Holding you and DH in my thoughts. I am so glad the kids are there to help you. How long are they staying?

    The nice thing about having a social cat that walks on a leash is that it does open up opportunities to meet the neighbors. I have three houses across the street where the elderly residents do not have any pets, so having Mars come over for a porch visit brightens their day. Today we just happened to visit a lady who was celebrating her birthday, and Mars sat at her feet while we chatted for 15 mins. Didn't hurt that she gave him a smidge of her avocado. 😸

    Work continues to be fun. Have seen Halsey, Blues Traveller and Bob Dylan, and the week isn't over yet. They days have been very warm, but every evening a series of thundershowers rolls through, sometimes soaking us, sometimes just drizzling then dazzling us with rainbows.

    Feeling lucky in the Colorado Foothills

    Does some of Mars' harness go around his middle?

    Rhody's harnesses have a loop around his neck and a loop around his middle and a bit that joins the two loops. Then there's a place for me to attach his lead to the loop around his middle.

    He's become really good at walking with me.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,114 Member
    Went for a 2 mile walk by the sea this morning. By 9 am it was too hot for me! Going to get hotter 🤪. I am feeling very 'off' and tired. I will have a nap this afternoon. DH is doing better it seems. I'm full of aches.
    I picked up a few items at the artisan bakery. Most have gone into the freezer, but we will have the asparagus focaccia tomorrow. Waitrose have just been with a delivery and DH went out this morning to get fruit and veg. So we are all set.
    Haven't seen the grandchildren yet since we've been back. Missing them. We are due to go to the women's Euro match on Monday with my son and Edie but I would love to see them before that. No energy though. I couldn't walk over there right now. :s

    Katla - you are in my thoughts. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx

    Stay in and get some rest!

    Here, people with COVID are supposed to isolate (preferably inside their own homes) for 7 days ... or more if they've still got symptoms. And a lot of people seem to be feeling it for at least 10 days.

    Cases are on the rise here, so I figure it's only a matter of time for me. I'd rather not get it this month (let me get more established at work) but a week at home with not much to do seems strangely appealing.

    M in Oz
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,354 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,114 Member
    Friendly reminder ... we have a Group! Remember, it was created a couple years ago? It's still going. :)
    There isn't a lot of activity, but there is some.

    It is somewhat more protected than what we post here which can be accessed by any search engine.

    So if you'd like to talk about political or religious things, that's the place to go. You could post things that are more personal there too if you would like ... no pressure.

    If you have trouble getting in, let us know.


    M in Oz