

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    edited July 2022
    Went bowling, had dinner, it looks threatening outside so no walk (boo). Made a pork roast for us for during the week, now making pineapple zucchini muffins (yes, Barbara, in the mini-muffin tin) because I know Jess won’t eat them and neither will Vince, but I think Colby will and I know I will.

    Leslie – I do hope Pumpkin comes back soon. Ceramics is very relaxing to me, I even wish Vince would go more often. But I understand. Since they just bought her a new kiln, I do think they’ll look for another place

    Lanette – so glad you found someone to do your driveway

    Lisa – isn’t that always the way it is? You make an appointment and suddenly whatever is bothering you is better

    I was very surprised, there weren’t many fireworks around here. At least not compared to previous years. Maybe it was because things have gotten so expensive, it’s even expensive to drive to SC to buy them, that people didn’t have as many to shoot off

    Anne DE – I do hope you get away. As was said, even if it’s just in your own town. You deserve it

    M – honestly, most of the people who go to ceramics aren’t computer savvy. You’re supposed to register to go, you have no idea how many people ask Michelle to register them because they can’t! To find a way to view random posts – I think not. I couldn’t be bothered and I highly doubt anyone else would. Not the people who go there. And so what if someone finds out ceramics will be closed temporarily? Who will die? Word is going to get out eventually. Wouldn't surprise me if someone else had a friend in one of the classes there and the friend mentioned how they have to find someplace else to have their class and the reason why. I'm just not going to be the one to tell the people there that we will be in a different location in the future, but we will have ceramics. You know, if someone here isn't on for a week or two, we all get worried. That's what friends do. So you're saying that we shouldn't tell someone we're going away? If I ever posted something on Facebook that we're going away, Vince would kill me. Too many people on Facebook. But not that many, certainly not thousands, of people here. Kim - so what if you find out my street address? You can stop in and have a cup of tea (or right now more like iced tea. Unsweetened, of course) Actually, I have better things to do with my time than trying to find out someone's address. Just so everyone knows, Vince has a concealed carry permit and NC is a castle doctrine state :smile:

    Oh, it seems that the mgr at BK is really concerned about this "inspection". She told Jerry today that when he gets things for me (like the lettuce and tomatoes) to put them on these trays that the bread comes on so that nothing is touching the ground. Whatever. Jerry wants to put it on a pickle container. I told him that that probably isn't a good idea because there isn't enough surface. He did it today and when I went to tie the bag of lettuce up to put it back in the refrigerator, the box (natch) fell off. So what I'm going to do is just put out the trays and THEN ask him to get things for me. Eventually he'll get the idea. And if that doesn't work, I'll ask him to tie the bag for me and he'll see first hand that the box falls off the bucket.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
    Stats for the day -

    Walk home to gym- 11.12min, .51mi= 72c
    Strava app = 59c
    Treadmill jog- 29.90min, 6.1-7.2sp, 9.51min mi, 134ahr, 171mhr, 5k= 310c
    Walk gym to home- 12min, .52mi= 50c

    Total cal 412

    Had an appointment with the oncologist so I missed my walk. instead of every 3 months, I will b going every 6 months. When he was examining me, I felt a pinch so they are going to set me up for a cat scan to make sure it’s nothing.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    edited July 2022
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Because I really want us all to be aware from this forum I could probably figure out 9 of your street addresses, I could also glean first names, DH names, and in many cases last names which makes googling your info so much easier. And then the dates you are leaving and returning from home for vacation. We have become comfortable and as a result not as careful as we should have been. it's easy to assume that no one has the time to scroll through our rambles and get info, but computer programs can be written in moments to do just that.

    Kim in N. California

    I agree!

    Out of curiosity I did exactly that with Michele and it took about 5 minutes to find out all sorts of things. I could probably even guess her passwords. If one of her kids or friends was even remotely tech savvy they'd know everything she says about them.

    That said it would likely be fairly easy to connect several dots with me too. I know I have dropped several clues.

    And yes there are computer programs that do data matching which could do what I did in about 5 minutes in about 5 seconds or less.

    BTW it's easier to find things on here with a simple Google search than it is to find things on Facebook if people aren't posting publicly on Facebook ... which I hope no one here is. Please make sure whatever you're posting on FB is for Friends Only or has some degree of protection about it. :)

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    edited July 2022
    exermom wrote: »
    You know, if someone here isn't on for a week or two, we all get worried. That's what friends do. So you're saying that we shouldn't tell someone we're going away? If I ever posted something on Facebook that we're going away, Vince would kill me. Too many people on Facebook. But not that many, certainly not thousands, of people here. Kim - so what if you find out my street address? You can stop in and have a cup of tea (or right now more like iced tea. Unsweetened, of course) Actually, I have better things to do with my time than trying to find out someone's address. Just so everyone knows, Vince has a concealed carry permit and NC is a castle doctrine state :smile:

    Michele NC

    Kim and I are both saying that. :)

    I wouldn't talk about a trip till I'm back. If we disappear from here we disappear from here. It happens. And what you consider your protection doesn't do much good if you're both in Florida and the house is empty. :)

    As for "Too many people on Facebook. But not that many, certainly not thousands, of people here." People don't need to be members of MFP to do a Google search and find our everything we've posted on MFP. Several billion people can do a Google search. Facebook at least has some measure of privacy. MFP has none.

    Is Vince's family from Louisiana or eastern Canada?

    M in Oz
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Just a quick hop in and out :) trying to catch up, but now need to get off the PC and do some work, it's surprising how long it can take reading five or six pages! :)

    Belated happy birthday to Beth and and get well soon Heather and Johnny.

    Welcome newbies.

    We heard fireworks a few nights ago, not sure why, seems people want to set off fireworks for any type of celebration these days. I think they should be banned and only supervised firework shows available, or at least stop selling the really noisy bangers to the public. Luckily they only lasted for a few minutes. It will be between the end of October (Halloween) and most of November (Bonfire Night on 5th) that it gets bad, then there may be a few weeks break early December before it starts up again Christmas and New Year. Our poor dog is a nervous wreck for many months afterwards, jumping at any loud noise like a car door being shut.

    Better get on, I have washing to put away and more to get out to dry - if it stays fine, it's not looking too promising.

    This afternoon I'm going to look at finding a bed and breakfast or a small hotel at the coast for me and mum to have a few days break. I think we could both do with a mini holiday.

    Take care and love to all <3

    Viv UK
    (up to page 11 )
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    I was concerned that I had nothing to look forward to really for the month of July on weekends when Rodger was at work.
    I have it all booked up now.
    Michaela is coming for a sleepover Friday. Sunday I am going to meet the new baby from last week.
    Next weekend Jonah and his friend are coming for the weekend. We are going to a movie.
    Weekend after that I am going for a girls night at Kaitlyn’s.
    Exciting stuff!

    Tracey in Edmonton

    I'm glad you found things to fill up your July. :)

    I came across this on FB ...


    My very first thought is/was: "I would go back to sleep".

    That's pretty much what I've got planned for my July weekends. :) And perhaps some gardening.

    Machka in Oz

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,629 Member
    Page 10 :)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,368 Member
    Kelly ~ Happy Anniversary!

    Carol in GA
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,113 Member
    Tracey the mother is several months pregnant. She could be fine but will likely need lots of rest. And the older boy is a full-time child by himself. He gets into things. I've seen him get into the kitchen knives and turn on the stove just for attention.

    My parents get wiped out easily. I have my own issues. It just was overwhelming to think of two wild children and nobody active enough to keep them entertained.

    My sister came up with a compromise. The kids are coming but only for a day, and using a hotel rather than brave the fleas. So that works for everyone.

    Funny thing about internet security- I have been careful to keep my address off the internet because of the online dating. But if you search on my town and my name, there is another lady of the same name who posted her address. My internet double. Hope I don't cause her any trouble!

    Heather hope you and your DH get well soon!

    Lisa hope your tooth stays painless!

    Rebecca glad you had a great trip!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    edited July 2022
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Please remember that there are many of us who live very quiet lives and have very little outside of our daily visits here. I must say that some of you are making it very uncomfortable to post photos and talk about our daily lives! That's all I have to say about the subject. :(

    Carol in GA

    I'm truly puzzled why the topic of being careful on the internet seems to upset people. ???? I've heard something about that topic about once a week for years in my employment. It's just how things are and have been for quite some time ... pretty much since the beginning of the internet. This is nothing new.

    We shouldn't feel comfortable posting everything about our lives.
    We should be selective about what we post.

    We shouldn't feel comfortable posting every photo we might want to share.
    We should feel uncomfortable posting photos (especially photos with children in them) without permission.

    This forum is very open. It is not private at all. Anyone can google a phrase and discover what we've posted. Anyone can find the photos.

    What we're saying to each other, to all here, is ... stop and think before you post. What if your post was found ... by a family member, by a friend or neighbour, by a work colleague, by a complete stranger?
    Would that be OK ... or not?

    And aside from a few people who post in this thread who have actually met each other, we don't know who other people who post in this thread or in this forum are. We could be exactly who we indicate we are ... or we could be something completely different. It certainly wouldn't be the first time I've come across someone who was presenting themselves as someone they weren't on a forum!!

    Please be careful.

    M in Oz