

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    edited July 2022

    Katla Heart goes out to you during this difficult time. Time to be extra kind to yourself and know your DH is getting the care that he needs. Prayers.

    In my quest to find out alteratives to help my dog DrewB with her anemia. I learned part of what might have caused her condition besides the vaccines is stress. To be adopted three times and all the vet business that was done to her because of her multiple adoptions and and COVID took a toil on her. I am aiming to keep her stress down and mine too because she picks up when I am overstressed too. Dogs are very good at hiding their pain. She does not fool me.

    Annie a role model for me to work on saying NO when the need arises. Better for me to be proactive than reactive. Because I know what happens when I am reactive. Best for all concerned to not get to that point.

    I found a great group on FACEBOOK that gave me many holistic ideas on how to help her. I also think the holiatic diet I am transfering her to is bringing a sparkle back to her eyes. Yes food is part of a healing plan.

    I am grateful for all the info I find here and on the web. I am better for it.

    Time to go walk DrewB.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,617 Member
    Lisa glad your bloodwork done. My dr office dropped the ball getting orders to lab. I went to dr, picked up orders, now am walkin at lab. Maybe soon....
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    Machka- there is another privste forum?
    I just had a thought and was chuckling to myself.. i can see you and your husband cycling with Rhody in a backpack...with his head sticking out with kitty goggles on a little scarf blowing in the breeze..
    What a hoot..
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,101 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I did my dumbbells last night, and my yoga and fast marching today. Yay!

    Next is a bunch of phone calls to make medical appointments. Plus I seem to have lost my blood work order.

    I think my latest diet cheat streak is over. We will see soon what the damage is. Then I need to be really good until the family visit.

    Katla, thinking of you!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,101 Member
    I gained 1.2 pounds last week. Gotta rein that in!

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,528 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Now ... if someone would like to let me know what I'm doing this weekend .....

    I've completely lost track ...

    M in Oz

    Um, you have an appointment for massage with Magnus, or Gunther?!!!😁👍😂💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,528 Member
    Barbara - I am a very social person and have so much fun with my family.
    I think healing anything hurts somewhere else. I have been in pain for in some area since 1995. I fix one spot another goes it seems.

    Viv - DH and I are trying to figure out a place for a few days break too.

    If I could do anything with my day. I would have everyone together and we would just enjoy each other’s company. Maybe my SIL would cook supper.

    That button bicycle is cute.

    Lisa - I have had my wallet stolen and I also had some kind of activity on a bank account once. They tried to deposit a “cheque” and withdraw money. However, I hadn’t used that account in a while so they didn’t get anything. Except for the cash that was in my wallet and the cost of having ID replaced it wasn’t that big a deal to me. It just taught me a lesson on being more careful on city transit. Truthfully, they would probably feel sorry for wasting their time on trying to steal my identity. There is nothing to take and my credit sucks.
    I have my FB set to private, I did that years ago and test it regularly because as a manager I had a lot of staff try to friend me and rather than make things awkward by saying no and them being hurt, I just made it so they couldn’t find me as easily.

    Lanette - we were told by the pest control guy that mice need to relocated 75kms away or they would return “home”. Squirrels are 30kms and skunks are 50. Things I really wish I didn’t know.
    We have the same weather pattern I think.

    Machka - I’ll have to watch that movie. I will always need an in person social life. I find myself get very lonely very fast. DH could be a hermit though, so I understand it.
    I’m sure relaxing should be on your to do list for the weekend, but I’m sure you have lots to do again

    Katla - Hugs to you and your family.

    Flea - I hope you get to retire and enjoy your life soon.

    Thanks Michele - I used a stylus. I have a set with 6 different ends so I can make different size dots. I have used paint brush ends too, but these are a little more consistent in size than the brushes for me anyway.
    I would try a can of frozen concentrate juice that has melted maybe. Or add sugar to the apple juice.

    Rebecca - I bet Athena and the harmonica made you tear up with happy tears a bit.

    We finally had a sunny afternoon and it just lead to severe thunderstorms and in one area a tornado. 6-9 homes damaged.
    The tornado was in the area of the province where my Grandson is currently at camp. I worried a bit and kept a close eye on the path and it didn’t look like it was near enough. My daughter texted tonight that the camp was untouched.

    The dog we are watching has fallen for my husband. Rodger can’t sit without the dog, Jeb, pushing his hand up until it lands on his head. He then moves his head until Rodger starts petting him. When he feels he’s been petted enough he just lays his whole head in Rodger’s lap. It’s quite comical. His owner asked me if Jeb had stolen my husband yet? 😂

    I’m so happy tomorrow is Friday. If I didn’t live under the firm belief that I’d you lie to get out of going to work because you’re sick, you end up sick, I would definitely call in sick tomorrow.
    Too bad there wasn’t an “I just need an extra day” type of day.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    It did!💖🤗
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,528 Member
    Hugs and prayers for you Katla💖🙏.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,014 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Those were the days!!


    and that weird noise that went with it. Hearing that noise from the kitchen while I was making my son's breakfast way back when he was about 2 and finding out that he had memorized the keystrokes for my password and was logging on- before he knew the letters- That was a big surprise- didn't know how to do anything on the computer but did know how to log on.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Katla: Holding you and DH in my thoughts. I am so glad the kids are there to help you. How long are they staying?

    The nice thing about having a social cat that walks on a leash is that it does open up opportunities to meet the neighbors. I have three houses across the street where the elderly residents do not have any pets, so having Mars come over for a porch visit brightens their day. Today we just happened to visit a lady who was celebrating her birthday, and Mars sat at her feet while we chatted for 15 mins. Didn't hurt that she gave him a smidge of her avocado. 😸

    Work continues to be fun. Have seen Halsey, Blues Traveller and Bob Dylan, and the week isn't over yet. They days have been very warm, but every evening a series of thundershowers rolls through, sometimes soaking us, sometimes just drizzling then dazzling us with rainbows.

    Feeling lucky in the Colorado Foothills

    Does some of Mars' harness go around his middle?

    Rhody's harnesses have a loop around his neck and a loop around his middle and a bit that joins the two loops. Then there's a place for me to attach his lead to the loop around his middle.

    He's become really good at walking with me.

    M in Oz

    When we started leash walking with Mars 11+ years ago, there wasn't much to chose from by way cat harnesses. He had one for about a month, but my DH struggled with the buckle. One day I came back from a business trip, and DH had switched to a standard dog leash and collar for walking. It is loose enough to slip over his head like a halter. We have used that ever since.