
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,091 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Zwift home bike trainer- strava stats- 17.08min, 125elev, 102aw, 17.7amph, 122ahr, 148mhr, 5.04mi= 146c
    Strava app = 100c
    Zwift stats- 17.09min, 127elev, 101aw, 62arpm, 17.63arpm, 5.04mi= 100c
    Other- 45.59min, pressure wash garage door and garage entryway *going to use that area to pressure wash and clean the living room area rug*

    Total cal 904
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member
    Flea: So sorry about your mother’s deterioration. It’s difficult to watch them decline. (((Hugs)))

    Katla: I hope you are able to move your DH close to you soon. (((Hugs)))

    Too tired for other comments tonight. Having an early night.

    ☘️ Terri
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Flea so sorry about your mom's situation. I'm sure she gets a lot of comfort from your calls and visits.

    Katla hope your DH is well enough to travel soon. So sad that you are apart but maybe that part will be over soon.

    Yes end of life is a difficult stage. So many doctors checking on things without improving quality of life. My mom needs physical therapy, but she has to go through one more doctor to get it. And then she might blow it by saying she is fine without it. She was wheezing yesterday from walking around the doctor's office. Scary.

    My sister is coming tomorrow.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Flea -my heart goes out to you. You have a lot on your plate, I wish you strength! <3 I'm sure your sweet mom loves having you visit. Is there a reason she's up on the peninsula?

    Barbara - I'm so sorry to hear about your friends leaving the area. I'll admit when my young friend tells me she is ill with another migraine or head cold, I sometimes get a little freaked that she'll pass before I do. I just have to trust someone else will enter my life it that happens. But that doesn't mean we don't love and will miss them.

    Annie - crossing fingers your sister's visit is enjoyable.

    Katla- I'm so glad you are able to talk with your DH every day. And that you are with your daughter and grands nearby. :) Did I read your daughter is fixing a place in their home for you both and the RV is a temporary spot for you right now? Hooray for air conditioning!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited July 2022
    Flea -my heart goes out to you. You have a lot on your plate, I wish you strength! <3 I'm sure your sweet mom loves having you visit. Is there a reason she's up on the peninsula?

    Barbara - I'm so sorry to hear about your friends leaving the area. I'll admit when my young friend tells me she is ill with another migraine or head cold, I sometimes get a little freaked that she'll pass before I do. I just have to trust someone else will enter my life it that happens. But that doesn't mean we don't love and will miss them.

    Annie - crossing fingers your sister's visit is enjoyable.

    Katla- I'm so glad you are able to talk with your DH every day. And that you are with your daughter and grands nearby. :) Did I read your daughter is fixing a place in their home for you both and the RV is a temporary spot for you right now? Hooray for air conditioning!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    She lived on the Olympic peninsula. But she is now in Olympia. I would like her to remain in Olympia rather than move back to a place back on the peninsula. But my niece wants her back up on the peninsula closer to her. She won't be going back to her house.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    edited July 2022
    Flea -my heart goes out to you. You have a lot on your plate, I wish you strength! <3 I'm sure your sweet mom loves having you visit. Is there a reason she's up on the peninsula?

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    She lived on the Olympic peninsula. But she is now in Olympia. I would like her to remain in Olympia rather than move back to a place back on the peninsula. But my niece wants her back up on the peninsula closer to her. She won't be going back to her house.

    Flea- I don't blame you for wanting her to stay in Olympia. Much closer for you zipping up I-5 to see her. Does SHE want to move back up there?

    Gosh it's so hard dealing with everything when someone's health declines rapidly. Just when everyone is agreed how how things will be handled, here comes something out of left field to disrupt the "plan". So glad you can see her. One day at a time. Again, (((hugs))). Honk when you're whizzing by south of Oly.

    Lanette <3
    SW WA State
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited July 2022
    Flea -my heart goes out to you. You have a lot on your plate, I wish you strength! <3 I'm sure your sweet mom loves having you visit. Is there a reason she's up on the peninsula?

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    She lived on the Olympic peninsula. But she is now in Olympia. I would like her to remain in Olympia rather than move back to a place back on the peninsula. But my niece wants her back up on the peninsula closer to her. She won't be going back to her house.

    Flea- I don't blame you for wanting her to stay in Olympia. Much closer for you zipping up I-5 to see her. Does SHE want to move back up there?

    Gosh it's so hard dealing with everything when someone's health declines rapidly. Just when everyone is agreed how how things will be handled, here comes something out of left field to disrupt the "plan". So glad you can see her. One day at a time. Again, (((hugs))). Honk when you're whizzing by south of Oly.

    Lanette <3
    SW WA State

    I think of you every time I drive by what I have designated as your exit. 😆 I send a wave your direction.

    She would rather be in Olympia. She doesn't trust the other more remote options.

    Willamette Valley OR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,091 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Katla and Flea … hugs …

    Beth near Buffalo
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Worked, bought gas for tomorrow, then to Hallmark to get an ornament for Vince, then home and cut the grass. Vince actually had me use the tractor! But he didn't come outside and inspect my work because he knew that I didn’t do it right. Personally, I think it looks d** good for not having used the tractor for a few years. For quite some time the electric start on the walk-behind didn’t work. Well, Vince would charge it but I still had to use the pull cord. When the old mower hit the dust I told Vince that I didn’t care what model we got but it absolutely had to have an electric start. Well, today I asked Vince where we can get a new battery (I suggested weeks ago that we get a new one). He said “I have no idea”. I finally came in and said “I refuse to use that walk behind until the electric start is fixed”. The next time I came in he had ordered a new battery from Amazon. Why couldn’t he have done that sooner? My guess is that it didn’t bother him since it wasn’t him using the pull cord. But when it started to affect him (if I don’t use it, he would have to) that’s when it got done.

    Went to ceramics tonight. They’re closed all next week because the gal who runs it will be on vacation. I brought one of the things I’m working on since I have the paint. I’ll work on it at home.

    M – no, Vince isn’t allergic to antibiotics. He doesn’t have shortness of breath or joint pain. He is and always was this way. The minute he’s not feeling well, off to the MD he goes. Antibiotics and pain pills. See, I’m totally different. I’d prefer not to take a pain pill unless I absolutely need it. Not Vince. I don’t even like getting novacaine. He has to have it for a filling

    Lanette – Vince was wearing shorts that have this (how do I describe it or what do I call it?) tie-thing that hangs down. Well, Loki was playing and bit him. Loki was trying to play with those things. Vince is allergic to cats (even tho we’ve had them for 20 years)

    After cutting the grass went in the pool for a bit. Not even refreshing!

    Rebecca – how true. One time Vince asked me “what direction is that”. I answered “where the sun is”. To me, it made perfect sense. I am directionally-impared. Jess and Vince are real good with directions, I get lost going around the block

    At the gym they’ve started this “lunchtime yoga” class the day I used to be able to use the aerobics room. I tell you, with those yoga people coming in, getting set up, talking etc; I really felt rushed. Not sure what I can do

    Anne DE – I keep my grocery list on my phone for the reason that I’d forget things I needed unless I had a list and I’d forget the list at home so on my phone it’s always with me.

    Regarding the MJ/C discussion, I don’t know if medical MJ is legal in NC or not (never needed to know, thank goodness) but I find the discussion very interesting personally. One day I may need to know and this is some good information

    Rebecca – gotta try those sweet potatoes. Something I might even be able to sneak into a food Vince will eat……….

    Katla – dear heart (((HUG))))

    So sorry people are dealing with extreme heat. No fun

    Flea – amongst everything, please take care of yourself. My heart goes out to you and your mother

    Michele NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Went to PT today and I am really sore. He did an eval as we are at 30 days and Medicare requires recert every 30 days. I think the ankle is slightly better but I have a long way to go. One of the questions on the eval was could I run and turn sharply. Absolutely not!!

    Flea - so sorry about your mom. Misdiagnosis does not help. The docs kept insisting my mom had ortho injuries because she was 97 and fell when in fact she had diverticulitis.

    Katla - so sorry you cannot be close to DH.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Quick pop on this morning, as I am running out of time.
    Machka- Thank you for the sensitive/prohibited subject reminder. Because I feel so close to all of you, I forget that there are those pesky rules and moderators. lol You are fine (I take your suggestions in the good intent that you mean) and you are doing a fine thing by reminding us of the rules. We all need people to do that.
    Flea- Oh, how heartbreaking about your mom. SEnding love and comfort to you both.
    I had a post event board of directors meeting last night. Our historical reenactment event went very well and we had one of the most profitable years in the 20 years of holding this event. Yea!!
    Heather- What is up with the dizzy spell? Do you think it is lingering effects of the covid? Could it be sinus pressure or an inner ear issue?

    Heading over to our group discussion page to do a quick read through. On a side note: A nice storm went through last night and gave the green things a little soaking and brought the temps down to a bearable 70F! Whoot!
    I slept much better last night. Sending love and hugs to you all! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Rebecca - your post showing the bean/tuna dish was much appreciated. I make "Greek Beans" - cannelloni beans, lemon juice, red wine vinegar, chopped garlic, chopped green onion and a bunch of dry dill. I have some packets of tuna in the cupboard, so will try adding one the next time I make the beans. Thanks for the ideas!

    Heather - hope you are feeling better. :)

    Now the weatherman is saying temps in the 90's all next week. I need to get watering set up for my little garden and plan to stay mostly indoors and at home. Working on the grocery list. We have a couple more days in the 70's/low 80's before the door to the blast furnace opens, lol.

    Also, with all of the rain this spring, nearly everyone's lawn is a sea of yellow dandelions like we've never seen before. My neighbors and I are all checking the weather report and planning the best time to mow so we clip the the blossoms before they go to seed, but not so early we need to be out in the heat next week. Oh well, we are all in the same boat.

    Flea - I will look for your wave. If I don't wave back, honk to get my attention :) Olympia is a beautiful city and I've driven past some care facilities that looked awfully nice, set in the trees. I haven't been up there in ages but need to make a Trader Joe's and shoe shopping run one of these days.

    Funny, not long ago it wasn't a big deal to drive 30 or 40 miles to hit a shopping mall or even drive 100 miles to visit a friend for the afternoon.

    Now, it seems like a pain to drive 10 miles to Walmart and but farther than that.... you might as well tell me I have to drive to Los Angeles, lol.

    Rosie's vet visit went OK
    - a miracle happened, she didn't roll in anything nasty yesterday morning prior to the appointment, lol. She'll need some dental work, a few extractions. I told the vet she'd been peeing in the house a few times, when she's upset (workmen around-strange voices). The vet thought she might have a UTI but couldn't collect a sample so sent me home with a little plastic tray - no luck pushing it under her at the right moment. I'll continue to monitor her and if she starts drinking more water and having "accidents" for no reason at all, I'll haul her over to the vet after she gets done drinking a lot of water and they can "express", lol. They are 2 minutes away.

    That's the latest. Hugs to those who need them. <3

    Make it a fabulous day!!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Just saw this - re our sugar discussion- look at all the sugar in the bottle on the right side. Not sure if it's right but I wouldn't be surprised. DH always used a lot of ketchup and I took pains to get it without high fructose corn syrup if I could - it was soooo expensive. Probably more so now.



  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,533 Member