

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,530 Member
    Rain! Supposed to get wandering thunderstorms this morning, fingers crossed we get the rain we need without destruction. This is also the first morning in a week that I haven't woken with a headache. I'm grateful for both.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    edited July 2022
    5:37am and it’s 70. Our ac is set for 78.. our energy saver turns on from 4-9 and it won’t go let it go higher than 80
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Skimmed thread between “Creating a Fall Resistant Body” presentation at the library and line dance class. ((hugs)) and :love: to all.

    At class, dear friend C announced she and her DH are moving back to Colorado, due his medical issues. There was only one VA neurologist in the state and when he left, they did not contact them to refer or reschedule so he was left “waiting for an appointment” for over a year. He’ll get much better care near Denver, and won’t have the 3+ hour drive to the nearest facility. Whiine. I’m very sad, first my PT, now my friend, and D, another dear friend, is contemplating a move to Rhode Island to be nearer grandkids. Left line dancing an hour early. When sweet P checked on me, I confessed my knee hurt, and my heart hurt to be losing C, then started to cry. Cried in car, cried on Joe’s sleeping shoulder, tearing up now.

    Debbie glad DH got to relax and have fun at the con. Good of you to encourage him to go. Ah the wetlands make me nostalgic for the Napa valley where my favorite season was autumn.
    Michele likewise good for you for dragging DH to the ER. Hope his recovery is fast.
    Barbie hope the wait for an eye dr appointment is not a long one.
    Welcome @Ineedtolose50lbs ! Would you remind me what you’d like to be called and your general locale?
    Margaret :love: the garden tour pics and good cooling tips.
    Likewise Annie. That iced washcloth on the back of the neck also works to ward off nausea. :sick: Praying your Mom’s MRI results point to effective healing.
    Carol house I grew up in had floor furnace too! Took only one experience of waffle/grid burnt sole to learn THAT lesson ;)
    Rita I’m with you about the 9 months of winter. That’s the main reason we left Idaho.
    Michele, sorry to confuse. Joe wouldn’t dream of going to a comics convention, too many people. :laugh: That was Debbie’s DH. DDS then lawn mowing? :noway: Hope the DDS is just a checkup. Praying for favorable followup at Baptist Hospital.
    Tracey You’re right. Being able to say “No” without giving a reason is the first step in setting boundaries, both with children, and other adults :naughty: Enjoy your day off.
    KJ your friend’s “cooler A/C” is brilliant!
    Machka thank you so much for checking in. Was worrying. “…or at least may freak out somewhat gracefully” must have been channeling this last night when I managed to stave off my tears until I got in the car.
    Vicki the price we pay for a weekend of fun. Hope your DH feels better soon.
    Rebecca your mushroom, garlic, butter, white bean, chicken fettucini sounds mouthwatering! Thanks for showing me how to sneak more beans in!
    Heather Bravo Johnny and yikes for your son’s London journey. Joe also has a “one thing a day” rule. I try to squeeze in more, but find I’m more relaxed the fewer things on the agenda. My sense of direction is almost always reliably 180 degrees off. Where I grew up the oceans were west, the mountains east, everything else was easy after that. Now, from our house, the ocean is north, the mountains all around, and I’m hopeless unless its left or right. I do like maps, unlike characters in Charlote Macleod mysteries who felt people with maps had to be “severely dealt with.” :laugh;
    Allie sorry you have to miss your friend’s concert, but believe that’s a wise decision. Too bad they can’t broadcast/podcast/you tube/livestream it somehow.
    Lanette thanks for the inspiration, have a Kodiak muffin mix I can use to make a “nut bread” for when I’m snacky. “…I do like sardines…” :sick: :noway: :sick: Joe does, I do NOT. Expect Rosie will soon roll all that “clean” off… ;)

    And finally, belated birthday wishes dear Katla. ((hugs)) and tears and thankful you’re safe with DD and able to talk to DH. Praying he’s soon strong enough to join you.

    7/18: Move: 1 set pt, pt appointment, 93 mins line dancing active mins:269 steps:6266
    Fuel: protein=60g sugar=82g fiber=18g sodium=1728mg fruit=1 vegs=3 CI<CO=636
    Live: readings, BP, Freddie’s for D
    Wt: 141.3 Really? Those two little pistachio kernels at midnight did that ?!?

    7/17: Move: 1 set pt, active mins:276 steps: 6108
    Fuel: protein=47g sugar=89g fiber=22g sodium=1351mg fruit=1 vegs=4 CI<CO=484
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, church, council, 63 mins paperwork and filing.
    Wt: 140.2

    7/19: Move: 1 set pt, dogs to powerline, 41 mins line dancing.
    active mins:286 steps:8633 including estimate for dogwalk when iphone left in house.
    Fuel: protein=56g sugar=70g fiber=16g sodium=2530mg fruit=2 vegs=4 CI<CO=
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, “Creating a fall resistant body” presentation at the library, prep chinos for return, post office, 41 mins vacuuming, 89 mins walking
    Wt: 138.5
    Lighter, lovelies!

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    2022: Be still and listen.
    July: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Me ...


    Also me ...


    Machka in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Sorry if I did anything to threaten the forum/thread.

    Sending you a PM.

    Karen in Virginia

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    @SophieRosieMom and @margaretturk ... DO NOT talk to me about it. It is NOT my rule. It is the rule of the forum Community Guidelines which state:

    "Posts about marijuana which is not legal federally in the USA yet, posts about steroids, and posts about substances that are not legal, federally, in the USA are not allowed."

    If you've got a problem with it, talk to the people who run the forum. NOT ME!

    I only point it out because I'd rather not have moderators come in and tell people to leave or close this thread.

    Thank you.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,424 Member
    edited July 2022
    Machka9 wrote: »
    @SophieRosieMom and @margaretturk ... DO NOT talk to me about it. It is NOT my rule. It is the rule of the forum Community Guidelines which state:

    "Posts about marijuana which is not legal federally in the USA yet, posts about steroids, and posts about substances that are not legal, federally, in the USA are not allowed."

    If you've got a problem with it, talk to the people who run the forum. NOT ME!

    I only point it out because I'd rather not have moderators come in and tell people to leave or close this thread.

    Thank you.

    We've been discussing this topic for years. What makes you think the mods will now clamp down and tell people to leave or close this thread? I think we've gotten a "friendly warning" when over-discussing politics in the past if I remember right, likely due to someone report it.

    See my following post. I think it clarifies the perceived "risk."
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    I wonder if we are allowed to discuss this topic in the private group?

    Karen in Virginia
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    edited July 2022
    Karen - the way I read it, doing the MJ/Cannabis discussion in the private group should be ok... it's the public forum that is the challenge.

    I set up a discussion spot for it on our group.

    Personally I am all for it here - but we don't know who outside the participants is reading and if one of them report us we could all be harmed.

    smiles Kim
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,424 Member
    edited July 2022
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Karen - the way I read it, doing the MJ/Cannabis discussion in the private group should be ok... it's the public forum that is the challenge.

    I set up a discussion spot for it on our group.

    Personally I am all for it here - but we don't know who outside the participants is reading and if one of them report us we could all be harmed.

    smiles Kim

    Kim - I really don't want to belabor this, but I couldn't find anywhere that we would "all be harmed" - the way I read it, if the post is reported, the poster could be "warned" then after 5 warnings, could be dropped.

    Did you see something where the whole group could be threatened?

    If we turned this into a "kiddie porn" group, then I imagine it would go away pretty quickly. :o

    By the way, if we want to take these discussions to a private group, I'm all for it. We need to let those of us in this main group know where the discussion is if they are interested. Guess they'd have to join that group first.

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,581 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Karen - the way I read it, doing the MJ/Cannabis discussion in the private group should be ok... it's the public forum that is the challenge.

    I set up a discussion spot for it on our group.

    Personally I am all for it here - but we don't know who outside the participants is reading and if one of them report us we could all be harmed.

    smiles Kim

    Good idea. I don't understand the problem, honestly, since it's legal in so many places. I guess I'm just so used to it being around, and I know how much it helps people, I didn't think twice about it.

    Willamette Valley OR
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Lanette - I'm not sure either about public, but private seemed like no questions.... so that was my thought process. kinda the KISS principal Keep It Simple S____
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Michele - what happened to Vince's leg again? Yes, men aren't always the most "patient" patient. Sounds like you got a good deal on cherries. My neighbor across the street has a dozen blueberry bushes that have just started to ripen. She wants to make sure I come pick to my heart's content. No worries on that, lol.

    UK ladies in the cooker right now - we'll be seeing it in SW WA State early next week. Projected high next Tuesday is 95. It will be hotter at my house, in June last year we had a "heat dome" of 106 plus it didn't cool off at night. Normally, even with the hot days, it cools down into the 50's at night so first thing in the morning we open windows on all 4 sides of the house to get good cross breezes going with a couple fans. Then when the outside temp starts climbing, close the house up, draw the blinds.

    It's 74 in my living room right now, I have a fan going. A/C is set at 72.

    Rebecca - Thank you so much for telling us about those Kodiak Power Waffles. I found them at Safeway and they are delicious, I had a blueberry power waffle for dessert tonight and it was sweet enough. It had 5 gm of "added sugar" = pure cane sugar, not that high fructose corn syrup. I figure the 3 gm of fiber and 10 gm of protein makes up for the added sugar so Dr. Lustig might let this slip by. :)

    The waffles pretty spendy at Safeway, but I found the Kodiak Cakes Flapjack & Waffle mix at Walmart and making them like this will save a lot. I got the Cinnamon Oat flavor. Plus a person can use all milk and add an egg for extra protein. This is exactly the type of dessert I was looking for that I hope will keep me from getting hungry right before bed.

    I baked a sockeye salmon filet for supper, got it on sale at Safeway this morning. DH hated the smell of cooking fish so I have been making up for lost time. I'm aiming to eat 2-3 fatty fish meals per week. I got some sardines from Amazon, will try them next week. I do like sardines canned in tomato sauce. Anything I can dump on top my mega salad works for me.

    Machka - glad to see you back, we figured you were super busy.

    Barbie - when will you be able to get in to see the eye doctor? Hopefully soon!

    Margaret- beautiful gardens. That tour was enjoyable for sure!

    Rosie got a bath this afternoon and she was a sweetie. Held pretty still and I was able to suds her up and get her well rinsed in the bathtub. She's been rolling in rabbit and deer poo and who knows what else the past week. :# You watch, she'll probably find some fresh stuff to roll in before bed. Dogs.

    I've started reading James Patterson's auto biography on Kindle. I've been reading his Alex Cross series and everything he wrote that I can get my hands on. I love his style - 2 or 3 page chapters, tightly woven story lines. :)

    That's the latest. Stay cool, ladies! :D

    Lanette B)
    Sunny 83 degrees SW WA State

    Awesome! I have the plain ones and I spread peanut butter and honey or jam, like its a warm piece of toast! I have also envisioned a fried chicken patty, with a melted slice of cheese in between 2 of them! I know crazy!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    edited July 2022
    KJ thanks for the cooler idea!

    Happy birthday Katla!


    Edited to say I wrote this yesterday but forgot to hit post! Lol it was in my drafts. Sorry it’s late!