July 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,096 Member
    @Scott6255 I would agree that you are definitely not a wimp!

    @Teresa502 Oh, wow! I have never seen a bear in the wild outside of Yellowstone/Tetons. I can’t imagine just running into one near my house.

    @quilteryoyo Good job on your intervals. That’s a good pace when you consider the walking is all averaged in!!
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    7.6 treadmill miles this evening.

  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,004 Member
    July Goal: 110 Miles

    7/1: 2.02 miles
    7/3: 10.26 miles
    7/5: 6.02 miles
    7/6: 6.02 miles
    7/7: 7.06 miles
    7/10: 10.02 miles
    7/12: 6.02 miles
    7/13: 6.02 miles
    7/15: 2.52 miles
    7/18: 5.26 miles
    7/19: 5.26 miles
    7/20: 5.30 miles
    7/21: 5.26 miles
    7/22: 1.61 miles
    7/24: 9.40 miles
    7/25: 1.26 miles
    7/26: 6.26 miles

    95.57/110 miles completed for July

    It was hot as usual this morning, but I had a nice run. I got up and got going so I had time for 6.25 miles. I figured I might as well run 10K.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,027 Member
    Nice cross training day @kgirlhart .

    Great running @Teresa502 . Congratulations on meeting your monthly goal. Your comment about keeping lowering it made me laugh. I think I need to follow that method in order to meet mine too. :lol:

    @martaindale Your treadmill running make me really wish I had used my free subscription when I first go my treadmill. I really do like the automatic changing of the incline feature. You are doing fantastic. And running outside today. I bet it was hard in those conditions.

    Nobody here is a wimp! C'mon, you talk about bears and snakes and treadmills nonchalantly, wimps don't do that! Lol!
    This^^^ :lol:
    I hope the winds die down and the fires are gotten under control quickly.

    Congratulations at meeting your goal @Mau_Hutch ! Setting a workout goal is a great idea if you know that you won't be running. A cottage on a small island sounds lovely.

    Great run @kgirlhart !

    I did a 35 min Foundation Run on the treadmill after work today. The goal was to keep my HR under 143. I did a 4/1 min run/walk. The walks were 3.8 mph. The runs were 4.2, 4.5, 4.6, 3 x 4.7, 4.2 mph. After the "warm up," I kept increasing the pace until I found one that increased my HR to close my goal. I wound up running 2.60 miles in 35:39 m:s for a 13:43 min/mile pace. A little slow, but not horrible for a Foundation Run. My average HR was 126 bpm. The max was 142 bpm. I also walked 0.7 miles total for warm up and cool down. That brought my total for the month to 48.9/70 mile goal. But I did reach my 400th mile for the year today!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,027 Member
    That weather sounds awful @eleanorhawkins ! I'm glad you didn't run into a wall of fire! Great job on the pace.
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,113 Member
    Thanks for the comments on my son, he's doing Ok.

    @kirlhart - sorry to hear about your Mum and daughter.
    @eleanorhawkins - the fires are awful and it takes a long time for the ground to recover.

    01/07 2.60 miles
    02/07 2.60 miles
    07/07 2.75 miles
    12/07 2.75 miles
    14/07 3.19 miles
    19/07 1.56 miles
    20/07 2.64 miles
    27/07 2.48 miles

    Total 20.57/30 miles
  • Mau_Hutch
    Mau_Hutch Posts: 25 Member
    @quilteryoyo thx for the mention. Yes looking forward to that island with one cottage on it. My dog is so funny there. If I say 'let's go for a walk' he bounce up and down and then happily follow me around its perimeter (of about 300m!) , thrilled that he doesn't have to be leashed. It is in the Kawartha highlands in Ontario. And congrats on that TM run. When I used to run on TM a lot training for 10ks and halfs, my happy place was HR143 @ 10kph. After I had done a bunch of interval training and race pace training, it felt like I could continue at that HR forever (never tried it for a whole marathon tho)

    Is there a simple way to mention ppl that I am missing. (Copy their name, add and @ in front?)

    I gained weight this month, and that is the last thing I needed. Looking to buckle down and contain my eating better this month, despite being on vaca. (If I don't pack it, we won't eat it!)

  • Mau_Hutch
    Mau_Hutch Posts: 25 Member
    @martaindale omg too funny. I've never seen an opossum
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Ha, that's a great way to get your heart rate going @martaindale 😁 (did it show up in your HR monitor)?
    @quilteryoyo your trip sounds fun. Hope you all have a good birthday celebration!

    My brother came in town for the weekend, so we ran together this morning. He lives in Georgia, and he said it was so much hotter here than there (and it was one of our cool mornings at 82F). But we did 10 miles, and it wasn't so bad.

  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    I slept so soundly last night. Didn't wake up until 3:03 am when a heavy downpour of rain was hitting the roof. I rolled over and went back to sleep until the alarm went off at 4:00 am., looked at the weather map and it said rain would be stopping in 25 minutes so I headed to the town where I work and ran 7 miles. It only rained on me for a few seconds on mile 5 and it felt wonderful. Before I started my run my Garmin watch told me that my recovery time would be delayed because of my night of poor sleep....huh? I thought it was a great night of sleep!

    @quilteryoyo - hope you had a great time today. I stopped at the arts and crafts on Barter Green on Sunday after my bike ride. I was disappointed in the number of vendors - not what it used to be. Did you already have tickets to the Barter Theatre or where you able to get them at the window? They are usually sold out this time of year.

    @Scott6255 - hope you enjoy your brother's visit!

    @Mau_Hutch - I also think your island getaway sounds heavenly! Send us some pictures!

    @martaindale - that silly opossum!

    Great running everyone!
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,113 Member
    Getting closer to goal.

    01/07 2.60 miles
    02/07 2.60 miles
    07/07 2.75 miles
    12/07 2.75 miles
    14/07 3.19 miles
    19/07 1.56 miles
    20/07 2.64 miles
    27/07 2.48 miles
    28/07 2.39miles

    Total 22.96/30 miles
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    @eleanorhawkins I hate to hear that the fires are still going. I hope they are able to contain them soon. I know that must be scary having to worry if they will be close to you.

    @quilteryoyo Great job with your runs! I hope you enjoyed your day at the festival.

    @Mau_Hutch Enjoy your island getaway!

    @martaindale I think an opossum would have scared me too!

    Monday was a rest day following my long run Sunday.
    Tuesday's run was a Fast Finish - 5 min Z1, 35 min Z2, 12 min Z3. It was 90 degrees and sooo humid, so I was slower than I wanted and only got 3.88 miles.
    Yesterday was a Foundation Run - 5 min Z1, 35 min Z2, 5 min Z2. Again, I waited until after work so it was hot, and I got in 3.31 miles.
    I worked late today and decided I really want to have the energy to get up in the morning to do my hill repeats before work, so I decided to just walk tonight. 1.6 miles to wind down after a long day.

    I did pass 100 miles for the month! I'm at 105.19. I should get about 15 more before the end of the month.