Women 200lb+, Let's Aim For The Sky This July!!!



  • ktilton70130
    ktilton70130 Posts: 211 Member
    edited July 2022
    hello everyone Kind of down and wandered here looking for some motivation and support.
    2022 thus far
    age 42 years old
    CW: 234
    Goal weight for now 200lbs
    My goal is to hopefully end the year in the 2teens or 200 I know it doesn't seem like a lot but it truly is for me considering I suffer with hypothyroidism . It is such a challenge to lose weight it takes a mental toll on you.

    I did accomplish something this year however and that's to wear tank tops while on vacation ! I hate my arms so it was truly a challenge but I faced it and it's done. I also started focusing more on strength training and I am getting better with meal prepping.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I did my final weigh in today as well, I saw both 127,5 and 124,5kg within a minute so I'm gonna assume I weigh 126kg today.

    I wore an old pair of leggings today, first to the store and then to my workout and my lower legs looked so good. The tape shows no difference but my eyes saw it. Then at the workout they kept moving, the fabric wasn't staying in place. They are big (adidas xxl so a 50-52 iirc) but they tie at the waist so I can still wear them and have worn them back in the day when I was 20kg lighter but only for running. I think it's time to retire them. It's just uncomfortable that the fabric keeps sliding up and down over my legs, hips, belly. It's not comfortable anymore. It's hard to let these go as they've been around for like 8 or so years so there's nostalgia attached to them.

    The workout was 10 min of clean and jerks and ring rows so my arms are thoroughly exhausted and my wrists hurt. I only got in 4 workouts this week but I guess I needed the rest after the competition. Tomorrow I need to (desperately) clean the house and Sunday I'm having lunch with a friend.

    My arm muscles are getting more pronounced and my arm measurements still haven't gone down. The upper arm keeps hovering between 37,8cm and 39,2cm and it was 38cm when I started this journey.

    Ooh I also did my waist to height and waist to hip measurements. My waist to height puts me barely in the very obese category and like yeah? BMI 40,2. I belong there surely. But I'm only about 3cm off from dropping into the extremely overweight category and the normal/healthy range starts at 87cm so that's very big still. I'm surprised. That's size EU44/US12/UK16. Anyway, very doable.
    My waist to hip ratio actually got worse asI lost weight! It was 0,79 when I weighed 138kg, which is in the average category (which is still too high but not that bad) but I lost way more off my hips than my waist. You can see my front on my ig so you can see that my waist is straight/small from that view but from the sideview my belly makes my waist much bigger and I haven't been losing much there at all so now that ratio is 0,82. That's not awful but it would be better if I started seeing some loss in that area before my hips get even smaller. Part of the problem is definitely my lack of butt but barring a ton of squats (which I can't do rn because of my back), I can't really change that.

    @ktilton70130 it does sound like a lot! And you've already lost 55 lbs, that's amazing! Welcome to the group
  • ktilton70130
    ktilton70130 Posts: 211 Member
    edited July 2022
    Thank you @bojaantje3822 happy to be apart of the group
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    MFP check in today. I was honest with myself and did it so the tracking has my high for now. 228.2 this morning. Oofph. I'm really hoping TTOM comes and for that to be the reason. BUT I know I had a lot of high sodium this week. Also thinking the Gatorade I got might contribute too being sodium.

    Having deep thoughts in reactions to everyone's posts on what does ON PLAN mean to me. I have really liked the stance for MFP that unless it's a health issue reason, there's no bad foods except for being over calorie maintenance. Past diet sites the chat discussion groups, didn't discuss items that might be perceived as "unhealthy" so I've really appreciated being able to discuss my good and bad days; instead of just the good on plan.

    Yesterday thought I should try different mediations on the FitOn app; as I got the reminder of the renewal. Thinking that might help a bit. First one was very on topic that if that's the only one I see it's good to do daily - You're Good Enough. I've always struggled with those feelings via many events so definitely what I need to remind myself. Seeing I can access via my tv as well I wanted to try more yoga and strength as I need to do those more frequently.
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'10"
    Starting Weight: 246.9
    Current Weight: 189.9
    Goal Weight July: 185 188
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165-170
    Weigh in Day: Friday

    7/1: 189.9
    7/8: 190.3
    7/15: 190
    7/22: 188.3
    7/29: 188.4 (+0.1 pounds)

    1. Do something social once a week
    2. Walk every day
    3. Work out 3x a week
    4. Go to gym once a week
    5. Dedicated 30 minutes a day to hobbies
    6. Dedicated 15 minutes a day to cleaning something
    7. Take puppy on 15 minute walks on non dog daycare days
    8. Eat out 3x a week or less

    Had a lot of sodium yesterday (got Chick fil a for dinner because the low calorie buns I was going to use for venison burgers got moldy). Also got snacky and went about 200 calories over my goal. That probably explains why the scale didn't move. I'm planning on weighing myself Sunday morning to close out the month.

    This week, I didn't look at my goals any. Due to my strained quad, I stayed home and rested. So no work outs, no social outings, no gym, no walking, very little cleaning. I did, however, only eat out for 2 meals.

    The quad is feeling a lot better though!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    69 years old
    SW: 266ish
    CW: 248.8 (I got down to 247.6 last month) new scale weighs me 6 lbs heavier than old one so not sure about how much I have lost.
    Halfway GW: 199.5
    UGW: 150 (healthy weight) then reconsider
    July GW: get into the mid 240’s

    I post weigh- in when I lose.
    7/2: 248.8
    7/13: 248.6
    7/15: 247.4 (new low)
    7/22 247.2 (new low)
    7/23 247 (new low)
    7/24 246.6 (new low)
    7/29 246.4 (new low)

    🌻 July GOALS! 🌻
    🟨 Log daily on MFP and track on my spreadsheet Yes
    🟨 Keep making progress with walking longer and walk 6 days a week It has been very hot here so only had a walk early evening.But getting some NEAT
    🟨 Add strength training (weights, body weight and stretching)
    🟨 plan and cook healthy meals at home Yes
    🟨 Eat at a sensible deficit Yes

    I am glad I am still going down. I eat lower calories most days but seem to lose the morning after the days my calories are on the higher side. The interview went well not that I am saying I will get this just that I did well. Although I didn’t check in here yesterday I am checking in more often so that catching up with posts is easier. Yesterday I went shopping for a dress for the funeral because it should be white ( a Chinese thing) and I do not wear white - Doesn’t look good on me. I haven’t been to a mall since pre-pandemic. It tired me out and I didn’t actually go into the mall - Just one store. I was able to find some underwear to fit unlike the ones I ordered online. Not that I tried them on but they have my brands and I know how they fit. The clothes I ordered online recently have fit me too big so I was curious about my size now. I found that my usual size is big and looser but not too big so I just bought the dress I found. I think I am transitioning to a smaller size. The place I ordered from may just be bigger in its sizing. I still need shoes.

    Yesterday I felt tired and it is really hot here and Seattlites aren’t used to it even when they were born in Texas. We did get a portable AC but it uses the sliding glass door in the kitchen so it doesn’t do much for the bedrooms etc. We blow out the hot air at night and use fans and little swamp coolers. Anyway not walking much this week. It isn’t as bad as other parts of the country but we usually don’t get this hot here except for a day or two every other year.

    @bojaantje glad you are looking ahead to when you are on maintenance. Hope the meet up went well.
    @CupcakeCrusoe “My highs are getting lower as we go, and I've seen some new lows in the last couple weeks. Consistency and sticking with it means more to me than seeing a lower number on the scale all the time.” You could write my post for me. Nice NSV with smaller measurements where you want them.

    @sandielewis2001 congrats on your new nephew. Glad you were able to enjoy the peach daze with an old friend.

    @sarah12277 best with figuring out the next steps for now

    @The_Fat_Optimist I don’t see this thread as a challenge although there is no reason one couldn’t approach it that way if it helps. . It is a place to get support at achieving your health goals.

    @Alatariel75 Listen to your body as you recover. I agree sleep is key.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Just looking at my spreadsheet and my weight app. My weight app shows my highs going down and my lows going down. It doesn't show any weights in the 250's this month but my spreadsheet shows a week early in this month where I was in the low 250's (251 for 2 days and the rest 250.x). Otherwise I have stayed in the 240s this month and have been going down. So I would say I am pretty firmly in the 240s and slowly losing. I was hovering for a while between the low 250s and the high 240s so this shows that I am getting below this. My body got used to being in the 250s and I have had to fight to get it to move into the 240s. I think I am getting through the 240s faster than I did through the 250s. It will be harder when we go to Hawaii next month but it is only a week and there is a pool where we are staying.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm having weird body changes. When I am lying down on my back and lift my leg to about 45-60 degrees and let my foot hang, my lower leg looks scary skinny and right below the knee there's a dip on the inside so my lower leg looks slimmer than my knee.

    And in side-view there's a bunch of something hanging down by my calf, like a sack of water, and in the middle of the side view between the top part that has my shin and the bottom calf sack there's a dent. It's so weird. But then when I flex, part of the sack becomes a muscle and moves from the calf region to the side of my shin. And the fat part still hangs below but is more jiggly than it used to be. The side view is crazy. This is the first time I'm seeing this.

    I know it's related to fat loss and the fat is redistributing and whatnot but the visuals are creepy af. There was a thread somewhere on here about these changes and how you look worse before you look better but it never happened to me until now. And it's nice because the scale is still fluctuating like crazy and I don't see lows as consistently as I used to and measurements fluctuate as much as the scale so it's hard to see changes even though I'm definitely in a deficit.

    There's also the fact that I'm working out so much so seeing my muscles helps me visualise what I'll look like later. My quads and calves are already playing peek a boo, they are visible about half the time, even when I don't flex and my biceps are contouring more than they used to.

    The only other time I lost weight I wasn't actively trying and my workouts were far more cardio-focused than they are now so I never saw these changes. At the time I did see more changes in my belly though, that I'm not experiecing now.

    I was lying on my side earlier and my side fat felt way jigglier than it used to. It's hard to accept that I can feel my ribs and I still have quite a lot of side fat at the same time. It feels like these realities shouldn't exist at the same time but they do.

    Very early on I lost 2cm off my ankles and my shoes got looser, though I can't size down because my feet are long, I have high arches and my feet are wide. But they look so bony and skinny now, I find it hard to believe they carry my whole body around all day.

    I also have a bunch of loose skin. It's not like actual hanging flaps or anything but when I push some skin on my arms or legs to the side, there are all these wrinkles that weren't there before. It's not bothering me but my skin does look a little worse except seeing my muscles move does look really good and exciting so it kinda compensates. I'm 26 so I am a little surprised by the amount but so far it doesn't bother me too much.

    I also feel like my stretchmarks got less visible. There used to be indentations all over my belly that were quite a dark reddish pink and now they're more a beige-y pink and they no longer dip into my skin but it's more even, just a different texture and shade. I went into this without any expectations so I'm just curiously logging my observations. I would prefer to avoid a lot of flappy loose skin but I wouldn't mind if the stretch marks stayed. They don't bother me.

    Now I'll stop procrastinating and start cleaning. Have a lovely weekend, everyone!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Happy Sunday, all. I'm struggling with my feelings today, my eating all weekend wasn't bad but I drank too much wine and the scale is not being my friend. Then today we went out for lunch and I had a delicious woodfire pizza which I now feel really guilty about even though it won't put me over calories if I'm sensible about dinner. I'm just doing that "I screwed up, what's the point" thing which is my absolute worst enemy.
    Despite that I still made lunches for the week, pork and black bean chilli with lots of mushrooms and zucchini, and I'm back in the office some days these week so I'll be getting some exercise again.
    I *know* that one 'bad' day isn't make or break, I'm just so tired and feeling flat and that always makes me undermine myself.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    @Alatariel75 if you're getting burnt out from all this, is it maybe time for a diet break? Or a slightly less steep deficit? Even if just for a week, it might help you feel less bad? I don't think weightloss should make you feel miserable.

    I don't think my casual approach of 'try to stay under maintenance but avoid hunger so if a few days are over maintenance it's fine as long as the weekly average is maintenance or below' is right for you if you're this stressed about one pizza (I had 3 pizzas in the last 2 weeks) but it might help to see that even with this approach a person can be consistently losing, which I am, and in a healthy way.

    Where does the 'I screwed up, what's the point' feeling come from? And why is it seemingly linked to pizza? Maybe pizza isn't the most nutrient-dense option but it's not an evil food either. Skinny people eat pizza. Fat people eat pizza. People losing weight eat pizza. People gaining weight eat pizza. People maintaining their weight eat pizza. Pizza is just a food and if it was delicious and fit into your calories, why does it make you feel bad?

    Finally, if the scale isn't budging, are your measurements? How do you look? How do your clothes fit? Are you noticing differences in fitness? How much did the scale move in the past? Is one week of the scale not moving so awful that all the weeks of success preceding it no longer matter?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    @bojaantje3822 thank you! I'm still getting over Covid and I think my main problem is I'm still fatigued, and sick of being sick, and I was doing so well being on track and getting my fitness back and then this dreadful virus knocked me on my butt. The scale has been moving down, but for all the wrong reasons (sleeping all the time, not eating a lot) and so the rebound is completely logical given that I'm now eating again.

    I just have a terrible diet mentality which I can stay on top of when I'm well, but right now everything is just all too hard and tiring and I just want to take the easy way out! I don't even regret my pizza, it was delicious, I think it's just the back end of feeling like I've not made good decisions for my body this weekend.

    I need to be more kind to myself, especially while I'm recovering.
  • karilbrandt
    karilbrandt Posts: 55 Member
    Hi all! Can someone share the link for this August? I can't seem to find it. Thanks!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    186.2 today, yikes, lol. I know that's not real, but it's fine.

    33 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW: 200.4
    Halfway GW: 183
    UGW: 150

    SW 7/1: 186.8
    7/8: 185.2 (-1.6)
    7/15: 184.4 (-0.8)
    7/22: 184 (-0.4)
    7/29 185 (+1)
    7/31: 186.2 (+1.2)

    And hey, even if it were real, I still ended the month lower than I started it, so heeyyyy lol.

    The thing I have to remember about loss slowing way down is, it did not stop. I am not giving up. And I am not gaining weight.

    The last time I made a concerted effort to lose weight, in 2020, I got down to 181ish from 208, stopped being consistent, and steadily gained, to start 2021 at about 187.

    Which, you might say, not that bad, and you're right. And I vaguely tried, at the start of 2021. But not super hard. Lost a couple pounds, lowest I saw was 184, and stopped trying again.

    I started 2022 at 194. And hit 200.4 at the end of February this year, which prompted me coming back here.

    The common denominator here is always that I stopped being consistent, that I stopped trying. If I had been consistent, even at a slightly higher calorie level, I would have maintained my progress at least, and maybe made a little more progress. Instead, I was too focused on seeing another lower number on that scale, and so when I hit the doldrums, much similar to where I'm at now, not making a lot of progress...I gave up. And then I started to gain.

    For me, personally, it is better that I log everything, be aware of what I'm eating, even if I'm not losing. Even if I'm gaining over a short period of time, it is still better for my mindset if I'm logging it than if I say "I have gone off-plan, I've ruined it, gonna take a break from logging." But that mindset shift is enormous, and it's hard to do. As you can see, I've hit that pitfall like three times in the last two years, and probably a bunch of times before that, when I don't have records (thanks for putting my historical weights and posts behind a paywall or just deleting them, MFP).

    So I'm going to log everything (before I eat it this time, lol) and really enjoy this kinda-diet-break. I can't keep running with no gas in the tank. And when I have really leaned into a diet break, I've come back to the deficit with enthusiasm to get going again. That is what I need. The enthusiasm. The LET'S GOOO feeling I get every January, when it feels like I'm really going to change my life, this time, this year, this moment. So I'm going to enjoy this week, give it until next Saturday, eat reasonably, and get at it starting Sunday.

    For today! I bought some delicious looking salmon yesterday, and some excellent sounding tortellinis: sundried tomato burrata, smoked salmon, shrimp and something, and gorgonzola walnut. I'm going to try at least one of each, so that will be fun.

    I need to prep my chicken for the week, and figure out what I'm doing for dinners this week. I bought a gyro kit, so there's one day, probably tomorrow, since I'm going to the gym and that will be quick. I also bought frozen chinese food, so that will probably be Thursday, when I'm going to the gym again. And then Tuesday Wednesday, I can do whatever I need to, I'll be home to cook.

    I'd like to do a bit more cleaning, and set up some wonderful paper lanterns I bought out on the front porch for some ✨ambiance✨ lol. Then, if I get everything else done, be a bear running a bed and breakfast.

    Okaaay, sorry about the book, tag party time!
    @karilbrandt the august thread isn't up yet, normally @RavenStCloud posts in here when she sets it up. And hey, while you might have been hoping for more, 2 lbs in a month is not bad!

    @ktilton70130 hi, welcome! And progress is progress, as you can tell from my book up there ^ I don't go in for aggressive loss, lol. And good for you, wearing your tank tops! It's good to confront the things that make us self-conscious.

    @bojaantje3822 I love hearing you talk about your progress, and the look of your body. Self-love and acceptance is so good, and you do it so well. Not to mention, you're killing it in your workouts, haha. You talk about pull-ups, and I can't even do one, never have :lol:. I agree with you 100% about attitudes towards eating, but we've always been on the same wavelength about that. The dynamic duo!

    @sarah12277 I completely agree with you about the threads that ONLY want to see perfect progress, and couch it with "tough love" or some such. Life isn't perfect, and if your progress is, how much of your life are you putting by the wayside to get that perfect progress, ya know?

    @kenziestabes your month is looking a lot like mine, haha. And probably, something similar is happening to you: some combo of salt/increased calories/decreased movement, easy to overcome.

    @KeriA I can only imagine seattleites aren't used to heat- I know in Boston, when I went, most houses didn't even have AC, because they so rarely needed it. New size, that's so exciting! You are making good steady progress. And I hear you about not wearing white- I usually don't, either. Although maybe I should start- it would help with the heat...

    @Alatariel75 I know the mind*kitten* that is rebounding after illness. The crazy thing about it is, you do need to fuel your body to help your recovery. Weight loss can and should wait until you're fully recovered. Your chili sounds delicious, and I hope you make peace with your mindset. :heart:

    I think that's everything! See y'all in August!
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
    @tahitig Oh, wow! How amazing for both of you! I'm so glad all your hard work paid off!
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
    💜💜💜Hello, ladies!!! Next month's group has been posted in the Motivation and Support forum:

    🌞Women 200lb+, Let's Be Adventurous This August!!!🌞

    Hope to see you there!!!💜💜💜
  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    I weigh in on Mondays.

    Started 2/5/22
    SW: 288.8
    CW: 256.2 (-32.6)
    GW for July: 249

    6/27: 256.2
    7/4: 256.0 (-0.2)
    7/11: 253.8 (-2.2)
    7/18: 252.6 (-1.2)
    7/25: 250.2 (-2.4)
    8/1: 248.6 (-1.6)

    Total for July= 7.6 pounds

    Goals for July:

    🍎 Keep eating 4-5 fruits and veggie servings per day, at least 5 days a week
    🧘🏼‍♀️ Work up to 4-5 minutes at a time doing Leslie Sansone workouts by the end of the month if able to
    🏊‍♀️ Start water exercise when the pool opens up (we finally got a note it’s delayed- no duh 🤦🏼‍♀️)
    👩‍⚕️ Hopefully have the first physical exam with my primary doctor and schedule the second for August
    ⬇️ Lose 7 pounds if possible and enter the 240s, which means being able to sit in our balcony chairs weight limits (I’ll be happy with any loss though)

    Met my goals for the month, except for exercise and pool. It was a hard month and felt extremely long. The pool opened on the 12th, but I haven’t been able to go yet. It took us a week to get the key and then it was that time of the month for me.
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    Age 45
    Height 5'4"
    SW 249 3/2020
    CW 226.4
    GW for June 218
    UGW 145

    7/1: 221.2 lbs
    7/8: 221.8
    7/15: 223.4
    7/22: --NY--
    7/31: 226.8
    Total month loss: +5.6
    Measurements had gain around the middle and thighs; others did have a loss.

    Weekly goals:
    -At least 2 day at gym - 1 cardio, 1 strength
    -64 oz of water each day
  • gbj4120
    gbj4120 Posts: 43 Member

    Hello 👋, I’m GB. I have been struggling with weight loss for last few years but I never give up! 💪🏻
    I’m 30 years old and 5.5”.

    Highest weight: 204 ( early this year)
    Starting weight: 192 (last I recall from June)

    Goal 1: 180 (obese to overweight) ✅
    Goal 2: 150 (overweight to healthy)
    Goal 3: 120 - 130 ( Target)

    🌟July Goals 🌟

    🚶‍♀️10,000 steps everyday ✅ ( almost)
    🍴 Eat home cooked meals everyday✅
    🏋️‍♀️ Strength training 3-4 times a week✅
    🥉 Reach my goal 1✅

    07/04 - 188
    07/11 - 185.3
    07/18 -181
    07/25 - 178.3
    07/31 - 177

    July weight loss : 11 lb
    Total weight loss: 27 lb

    July was the first time ever I followed my routine every single day without fail for the whole month. Super proud of myself for prioritizing weight loss after struggling with it for almost 10 years. I never committed myself to it fully but always felt horrible about not losing weight.

    * Moved more everyday! Average of 8k steps for the month. I have a desk job, so that’s a big jump.
    * Played games out 3x per week in the sun. This was super fun, plus I burned calories too - pickle ball, badminton, beach
    * Ate home cooked meals everyday ( well 95%). This is huge. We always did a lot of take outs before.
    * No soda! I literally had one can of soda for the month when I had Pizza ( homemade). I used to drink 1-2 Coke cans almost everyday. I replaced it with water, coconut water, fruit and vegetable juices.
    * Did weight training 3x times a week. I started this mid July. I still see a difference in my arms. I followed low impact 10min workouts I found online. Il add links below if anyone is interested.
    To improve:
    * Add gym days - HIIT workouts 1x per week.
    * May be increase step count to 10K. It’s summer, if not now, then when? Dog loves going out too!
    * Keep doing what I’m doing!
    * Increase weight training days to 4x times per week.

    And the journey continues..
  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    That's fantastic, @gbj4120 !! Can't wait to see what you do in August!