Less Alcohol ~ JULY 2022 ~ One Day At A Time



  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    @globalhiker You ARE worth it! Just showing up every day is a challenge within itself. Allow yourself some grace. I know work can be unforgiving and draining. Do you have any time off on the weekends or are you pulled in all directions? Sometimes I do deep breathing for 2 minutes at my desk to reset my mind. Sometimes all I get away from working and sleeping on the weekdays is the shower so I let the hot water hit the back of my neck while I focus on my breathe. Hang in there, so sorry to hear about your DH, glad all is okay!
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    @globalhiker Good for you! Take the time you need! (See my post above-easier said than done)
    I had a bad bike accident when I was 14 (45 now) requiring surgery and many months of wound care, still won’t get on a bike. My mom broke her hip falling off a bike and now she never goes without her phone
    @ahoy_m8 All I can say is hugs to you and if maintaining is what you can do through depression, well that’s a lot because depression is hard. The heat your experiencing doesn’t make it any easier.
  • ducky133
    ducky133 Posts: 82 Member
    I also had a bad bike accident in my teens, although I am in my 60s now. I bought a new bike last year but I ride mostly on trails near my home and always with a helmet. I am trying to remember my phone as well just in case. The main risks on my rides come from some of the super competitive riders and people speeding by on e-bikes. That is very controversial around these parts because the trails are really not set up for people traveling at high speed. I am looking forward to August as well and will get a break for several days (forced) before my skin surgery. Trying to look at that as a good thing!
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited July 2022
    Commitment to myself - Aug 1st I will start back up with all the good stuff: exercise, less stress, less eating and drinking and absolutely, having more fun....my goal is to work on the stress re-set this weekend.

    @globalhiker - I'll join you in the "commitment to myself" for the entire month of August. I can stick to good habits for a month and meet my target goals that I set for myself. Here is to us holding ourselves accountable!

    @joans1976 - It is important to take that mental reset! Take it from someone that wouldn't take all my vacation when working and worked through vacations ...
    GO FOR IT ... make plans for your staycation. Plan a few lunches out, visit a museum, find a park to walk that is further from your home. Garden, bubble bathes, library books, music playing throughout the house. Even cleaning out the cabinets in the kitchen & bathroom can help make you feel like you are more organized and caring for yourself!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,608 Member

    The 7 days will probably be easier than you think...you will likely be on some sort of medication during recovery.
    Best of luck with that.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,608 Member
    Hi : - )
    My name is Dawn.
    My continuing goal is 16-20 AF days per month.
    I had 19AF days in June.

    Diary style:

    Wednesday July 27 - AF - Yay to hitting my 16. Knowing that I had Thursday off tempted me, but going to a lake with a bloated belly was the motivation I used not to. Planned AF until Saturday night. Very hot here. @globalhiker I went to Jimsmith Lake after work - quite busy, but close to my house and I needed to cool off. Thursday will be a full lake day at one of my favourite lakes for floating : - )
    Thursday July 28 - AF - Awesome day at one of my favourite lakes. Planned AF for Friday night.
    Friday July 29 - AF - Working a split on Saturday (normally my day off) and am planning to have drinks afterward. Perhaps the last hot night. It has been 38 degrees every day here downtown, and is supposed to drop to 28 starting on Sunday. (100.4F and 82.4F)

    Rolling total - 18AF days out of 29 days.
  • ducky133
    ducky133 Posts: 82 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy thanks. Because of timing/entertaining out of town guests it will actually be 6.5 days AF. I did 8 a year ago so I know I can do it. It's actually a little harder because my dh is here. Last time he was away. He never over drinks but it's our habit to have a before dinner drink or two, then cook/eat. We'll have to watch some movies! Question for you. When you cut back your drinking days did you also cut back the size of your drinks? It sounds like you pour tiny amounts, which is good. I want to start cutting back on the amount of alcohol I drink...The surgery is not too bad (I hope). It's a melanoma but early stage so they are making a deep/wide incision. I generally don't take pain meds. For some reason they don't seem to have much of an affect on me! Wish i could say the same about alcohol.
  • ducky133
    ducky133 Posts: 82 Member
    @lmlmrn I like that saying about becoming water. Thank you for that!
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    AF this evening as I babysat my 5 week old granddaughter in order to let my DD & her husband could have a night out. That is a lot of work!

    July accountability: 9 days AF
    Alcohol: 21 days (48 drinks)
    Goal: Limit 1-2 glasses per day; 12-16 AF days per month. Aim to drink no more than 2 nights in a row.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    Oh my @globalhiker that is a scare about your husbands bike accident. Quick healing sent his way.

    I am away for an overnight out of town. Excellent dinner, has anyone ever eaten breaded, fried, ripe (not green) tomatoes! I am still amazed hours later how absolutely delicious they were mixed in with bacon and grilled shrimp on a Cesar salad. Also indulged in a chocolate coconut martini(one) knowing I did not have to drive around town. Walked about town then topped of the evening with an affogato.

    Nice to get away.

    10 drinks total for July

    See you on the new August thread.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    @MissMay - The salad sounds yummy! I like fried tomatoes green or red but never had them on a salad.
    Enjoy your get away!
  • ducky133
    ducky133 Posts: 82 Member
    Yum, that sounds like an amazing salad. Enjoy your time away.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member

  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    7/1-7/7: 3 AF out of 7
    7/8-7/14: 4 AF out of 7
    7/15-7/21: 5 AF out of 7
    7/22-7/28: 5 AF out of 7
    7/29: 2 A
    7/30: A 1/2 I seem to be pouring warm alcohol down the sink at the end of the night lately. I don’t understand why I open it to begin with.
    Today/tonight will be alcohol free.
    I looked in June and totaled up my drinks-I log everything.
    June was 9 AF days out of 30 with a total of 39 drinks! 😣
    Then I found this thread and started paying attention.
    July was 17 AF days out of 31 with a total of 20 drinks!
    I only struggled one day with really wanting a drink. I’m trying to learn to only drink during times I am relaxed or celebrating, not for stress relief. Everyone on here has their own unique struggles and I think this is a great support system.
    On to August!