Like Minded Lushes - Septemeber 2011



  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi all! I was very lushy last night. :ohwell: I have been consistant on the amounts; I don't know what happened last night. Still within calories though. Back to the regular amount tonight. I see many of you are doing so well not indulging. GOOD JOB! I'm going to have a little talk with myself about laying off my lovely 3-4 drinks each night. On the brighter side I have added exercise, finally!!!! 9 days out of the last 11. <Pat on the back> The scale is responding nicely.

    :drinker: Thanks for the support! I am so glad this site is here! :smile:
  • Andyrun
    Andyrun Posts: 6 Member
    :wink: Oh Wow I am so glad I found you all..I perhaps have found my place! I am terrible at ruining my good choices with wine wine wine, then getting super (hungry) after and binging.... AND then waking up thirsty and because my sugar is naturally high from the wine I end up craving a soda...which i drink!!!

    I love everyones honesty on here , its good to see the same struggles...its nothing for me to drink every night...i know I will this evening but I hope to come back tomorrow ready to say I only had 1 glass!! :happy:

    perhaps setting a time to stop???? or perhaps allowing myself to drink only when i make a whole meal for myself!! ah geez couldnt hurt to try something:/
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    perhaps setting a time to stop???? or perhaps allowing myself to drink only when i make a whole meal for myself!! ah geez couldnt hurt to try something:/

    I start later so that I drink less....that way, you almost run out of time to, if you normally do it at 6 PM, wait until 8 PM...Welcome to the club :drinker:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member

    perhaps setting a time to stop???? or perhaps allowing myself to drink only when i make a whole meal for myself!! ah geez couldnt hurt to try something:/

    I start later so that I drink less....that way, you almost run out of time to, if you normally do it at 6 PM, wait until 8 PM...Welcome to the club :drinker:

    Me too!!! I usually don't have my first sip until 7-730ish...we go to bed at 9 so I that doesn't give me much time!!!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    Me too!!! I usually don't have my first sip until 7-730ish...we go to bed at 9 so I that doesn't give me much time!!!!!

    Great minds think alike :bigsmile:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member

    Me too!!! I usually don't have my first sip until 7-730ish...we go to bed at 9 so I that doesn't give me much time!!!!!

    Great minds think alike :bigsmile:

    You said it Sister :wink:
  • Biglovelovesme
    Biglovelovesme Posts: 133 Member
    I have found my people.
    I am a bi-wino (both red and white)
    I love sailing, therefore I am a bit addicted to rum
    I look at my evening glass (ok..vase) of wine as my just dessert,.just need help accepting that when you have a lot of weight to lose you really shouldn't eat dessert every night.
    :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • dtdam
    dtdam Posts: 20
    Wow, I haven't really posted on these boards, but let me just say this board called to me !! I went through the summer drinking all cold beer I could lay my hands on, thinking there would be time when summer was over to get back on track. OK, summer is gone and my thoughts are consumed by all the wonderful fall brews that are available.....I love the octoberfest beers, the cherry wheat and the blueberry ale (yummy)....Trying to keep myself in check and haven't purchased said october brews YET....Thanks for this great board and to know there are others of you out there.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Welcome BigLove!

    So last night Football as predicted got me. It was weird though. My daughter txt'd me at 4 PM and invited me to see Contagion with her and friends at 7:15. It pointless to go home and then back to town after work, so she brought a change of clothes, and I headed to the pub and had pizza and wine and watched the game. Yum!

    The Oak Fired pizza was called the Garnet: Toppings were Prosciutto, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Mushrooms, Roma Tomatoes, Mozzarella, Basil and Arugula. Wine was house Syrah, two glasses (one glass was about 1/4 bottle).

    So tonight I have 18 miles on the bike scheduled, and I am going to do it tonight! No alcohol. It's just one day! I can do this!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Good luck Kim and all you others with your weigh in!! You've all been doing fantastic!
    Welcome newbies. :drinker: Jump right in.
    Solpwr..I don't eat much pizza but we've got a similar place here that makes it with wheat crust and all organic toppings. It's awesome to indulge once in a while. I actually prefer the wheat crust now and the toppings taste like they were just picked off the farm. Have a great ride tonite on your bike!
    I indulged in 1 glass of wine last night. But stuck with my exercise plan. The scale is dropping for me also..but i'm afraid to record it. If it still is there by the end of the week I will log it in.
  • Well I had a proud night last night. After finishing a four day car project (in the garage with no beer.) We went out to dinner and I DIDN'T have a single drink! Dinner out and a reason to celibrate but I didnt drink, thats just un-hread of! wooo go me! lol
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Well, Sunday was sober with plenty of water and I took two naps. I am however proud of myself for not needing the hair of the dog after my personal party on Sat night. When he got home from work on Sun he was giving me "that" look all evening. The half smile, twinkly eyes that says, "you were funny last night and I'm laughing right now thinking about it".

    Husband is on his weekend today and tomorrow. We went to dinner last night and I had 2 20oz budlights and drank a shinner boch with him at home before bed. I think drinking later is the best way to go. We are all so smart! I really wanted to stay up and drink and hang out last night but I new 6am was coming this morning no matter what. I am sure there will be beer tomorrow as well but I think I'll make myself a promise to not drink until the sun goes down. I work on Thurs as well so I'll have to go to bed early and that will keep things at least respectable ;)

    Congradulations Everyone on their losses! So awesomely awesome!

    @Biglove - "bi-wino" HA! I love that.

    @dtdam - I feel ya on the Oktoberfest beers. This is the best beer drinking time of the year. I smiled when I read your post because my husband said almost exactly the same thing to me last night and we're two peas in a pod when it comes to beer.

    @solpwr - that pizza sounds amazing. Pizza is one food I miss since eating better. I feel like it's a drag to eat it because most of the time the ingrediants are not fresh and the grease makes my stomach hurt. The one you described sounds wonderful. I may have to start experimenting with home-made pizza dough.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Mon - 0
    Tues - 0

    Wed I guess I better not since weigh in tomorrow :sad:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    stay strong Faith.

    Solpwr you can do it

    Welcome newbies. The more the merrier.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    oops wed - 1 bottle of wine. I just did nearly a 2 hr walk though!
  • I do believe that I have found my people!!! I just joined MFP today and started cruising the community boards and found this one!

    My name is Amy, and I love to knit socks. I am also an RN who works in a rather busy Open Heart/Trauma ICU. I work 12 hr night shifts. I still don't like to drink when I get home in the morning, but when the clock chimes, 9p, I'm all in!!!

    Like BigLove, I am bi-wino....but prefer reds, blends are the best!!!
    I had surgery last year and as a result, I found that I am gluten intolerant, therefore, no beer, Dang it, I was just getting to like it, too!!! Oh, well!

    I have decided that I really need to cut back on the wine drinking! Last week, I averaged almost a bottle a night! Of course, it could be that I was under quite a bit of stress with DH being in the hospital, having surgery.

    Oh, another one of my favorites is vodka and Crystal Light, although I haven't had that in a long time.

    I am working on keeping the drinks to 1-2/day, and so far, so good...yesterday was actually 0!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Monday =0
    Tuesday =0

    Back on track and the scale is soo movng. another 1.8 pounds since my Saturday Weigh in for th competition. I am not attributing it all to no alcohol. I think it is because I am excersizing and really keeping food clean and low cal.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, 0 drinks, check
    Tuesday, 0 drinks, check

    Wednesday, ??? drinks
    Thursday, ??? drinks
    Friday, work 3 to 11
    Saturday, work 3 to 11
    Sunday, work 3 to 11

    Goal is: < 14
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member

    Jester, that's awesome on the garage-monkey work and then going out without drinking. My husband is the same way...if he's working in the garage/yard, he MUST have beer!

    Welcome all the newcomers!!

    I have a weigh-in today...I'm a bit nervous, but I've been really trying to eat well and drink tons of water to counteract any alcohol...
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I did it! One whole day without alcohol! Who's the Boss now!?! LOL.

    I banged out 17.8 miles on the bike last night in 59:17. Average speed 18.1. Hilly ride, feeling good. Outside temps were high 50's, a little chilly.

    But awesomeness, I ran a Fitness Test on my HRM this morning (since I didn't drink last night it gives more accurate results). My VO2 max is now 50, excellent range for men my age. Hell excellent range for men in their 30's! My resting HR is 43 bpm.

    And my bike odometer turned over 1,200 miles last night. Since my first ride April 23 this year. I'm happy today! Five Oh baby!