

  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,414 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    Power discussion:
    So I have watched my power usage like a hawk for 25+ years I have lived in this home, mostly because of the cost, but also wanting to tread lightly on the earth… I am in the warmer part of Northern California… so our climate is different and that has an effect.
    One of the things I started with was power strips, good high quality power strips will help protect your electronics and are easy to turn off and on. Anything with “instant on” computer, tv, printer actually is on all the time unless you either unplug it or have it plugged into a power strip that you turn it off. The first month I put in power strips I saved $4. Once I realized how easy that was everything how ever small was done considering power and water usage… And it has paid off, my power bill and water bill are by far the lowest in the neighborhood, but yet I have a quality of life I am content with.
    I did put in a clothes line, I did it myself, it is the umbrella style bought at a big box hardware store, I also bought a bag of concrete and at a local tire store they gave me a used tire. I raked a dirt spot flat, put the tire there then covered the bottom hole with wax paper (from the grocery store) mixed up the concrete poured it in put in the clothes line pole and stood there for the few minutes till it set up left it for a day or two and now can tilt and roll my clothes line any where I want it.
    Every time a light blub burned out I traded up for LED and this year replaced my Christmas lights with LED too.
    I upgraded the roll up garage door to a fully insulated one. Replaced the windows in the house one at a time with double paned, double paned gas filled on the bigger ones. Put built in storage shelves WITH DOORS on an outside wall of the garage, so that created a wall of insulation. Upgraded the ceiling insulation- through a community senior energy savings program, Each window covering is decided based on the energy efficiency, both insulation for cold and sun block for summer. On the sunny side plants have been decided the same way, deciduous trees on the sun facing side, lets the heat in during our cold months and blocks the sun in the warm months. After 25 years of this it has become second nature, and as a result my utility (electric and gas) bill is under $65 a month year round. Last years addition was to go to a down comforter, as after 9pm the heat is set at 45 degrees, and I get up get dressed leave and walk the dog first thing every morning so my body is not feeling so cold just getting out of bed and sitting, the heat doesn’t go on until we get home, and most of the time is not above 66 – depending on the day, sometimes I can get it warmer just opening sunny side windows.

    Smiles Kim

    Kim - thank you for chiming in! You have excellent ideas. <3 I will add them to my "audit list."

    When was your house originally built? Is it fully electric?

    I like your clothes line pole anchor idea! You are a very clever problem-solver. ;)

    In the meantime, I was just looking at the deck, I think I can attach a sturdy pole to have at least a one-line clothesline that I can take down when not using, attaching it to an eye-bolt already on the house.

    My house is in an older subdivision that had strict covenants mostly everyone ignores, lol. One of the rules was no clotheslines. I agree, who wants to see granny panties flapping in the wind in the front yard and blowing into the street, lol. But, we've pretty much agreed that what goes on in the back yard is no one's business.

    Including naked gardening (Rebecca :D )!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Kim ... once again I am in awe of your industriousness ...your energy saving ideas are fantastic! I have no problem keeping things on the cooler side in the winter ... but my husband is not in agreement so I often find the thermostat set way too high for my liking. The AC is often turned on by our son who is significantly overweight. Since maintaining IF, I find that I don't get nearly as hot as I once did. Our electric and gas each month (on average) is around $270.00 for a 2000 sq. ft. ranch in the northeast (long winters) I would love to get that lower and need to take a good look at our usage.

    I dry things outside when the weather is good ... this summer has been great ... but that's not the norm. Otherwise I do a lot of hanging of things in our basement (that is heated/dehumidified). Every bit helps

    Beth near Buffalo

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Katla ... I am so sorry to hear that your doctor has revoked your license. It is never easy to be told that we "can't" do something anymore. I hear your frustration and know that this is a hard thing to swallow. Like Flea, I want you to know that we care very much about you and how you're feeling.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2022
    (((Katla))), Now it all makes sense. No wonder you're mad and sad. I would be too.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    P 55 B)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
    Stat for the day-

    housecleaning etc- 4hrs 14min 58sec- vacuum, dust, laundry fold and put away, make hummingbird food, sweep front patio and entryway, clean refill birdbath, water plants= 1196c

    So sorry katla
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    <3Katla I am so sorry to hear that your driver's license has been revoked. This is a sad and scary thing. I am sending many hugs your way

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,104 Member
    Katla hugs for you. Such a difficult time.

    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    edited August 2022
    Katla49 wrote: »
    My drivers license was revoked by a doctor’s orders. I am still angry but have no recourse at this time. DH did not get anything saying his was revoked and he was hospitalized for 2 weeks, and then in a skilled nursing facility for several weeks.

    Over the course of time, I’ve never had a driving mishap, or traffic ticket but did have a doctor who banned me from driving. I am sad and mad. My adult children were on his side. There was no fairness and plenty of humiliation.

    I am sorry that has happened but everyone wants you and those around you to be safe.

    Did the doctor give you a diagnosis?

    Not having a driver's license anymore has upset my husband too. He's not allowed to drive because of his brain injury and epilepsy. It is like an aspect of freedom is taken away.

    But he walks to the local shops and uses the bus to get around, like I do most of the time, so that helps.

    M in Oz

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Got to exercise today so did a Tight on Time DVD (this is a new one) and then some pilates. Then I went for a walk around the block, then to Aldi just for a few things. It’s nice out so I’ll probably go in the pool

    When we moved to NC, as I recall you had something like 30 days to get a new license. To be honest, a lot of people don’t. A friend of mine got hers a few years after she moved here.

    Kim – you can imagine our Christmas electric bill! We now only use LED’s and, boy, has it sure saved a lot. Replaced almost all the incadescent bulbs in the house with LED’s. The biggest problem is that there’s no where to even give the incadescent bulbs to. How I wish we could have a clothes line! Our house in Stroudsburg had one and I absolutely loved it. I believe the people who bought the house from us removed it. Our homeowner’s assoc. won’t allow it (boo). TECHNICALLY we’re not supposed to have one of those plastic sheds. We have one, only it’s in a spot where no one can see it. We just keep the pool supplies in it. I am very impressed how you ingeniously have a clothes line! I had an indoor clothes line in the furnace room in Stroudsburg. It was very warm in there so the clothes dried really well. The only thing that I really didn’t line dry were towels. They were too rough for Vince. But otherwise, almost everything was line dried. Then when we moved to Kennett Square I had to use the dryer and the same here.

    Just back from my walk

    Katla – why did the doctor revoke your driving license?

    Ginny – (((HUGS)))

    Michele NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,792 Member
    Katla- im so sorry to hear your license was revoked ,but it must be for safety reasons.. and you know we all love you.and I know your children do too. Thats why they have you living close so they can be there to help out with things... xoxox.
    Had and impromptu picnic with the ladies tonight.. was a blast of course..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,357 Member
    Katla ~ I know you have stated that you have never had an accident or a ticket, but, I have a friend (my age 74) who got her license revoked last Spring because she had had 4 accidents that were her fault. She retook the driver's test 5 times and finally passed. So there is hope for those who persist! Keep your head up!

    Carol in GA
  • Rosemarie2972
    Rosemarie2972 Posts: 449 Member
    We have a heat pump that generally works okay but when it gets cold we are forced to use electric heat.
    Last winter my husband had me run the heat quite high and in February the bill was $600.00. I was in shorts and sleeveless. We are in Georgia but it was cold. This is triple our usual bill! I am going to try some different clothes for him this winter. Recall he is paralyzed,so prone to being cold.

    Katia, I am so sorry about your license. How is the assisted living residence? It is great news that your husband is doing so well.

    We had a quiet day, watched a movie and some of the baseball game. It is a balance of caretaking vs companionship time and unfortunately the caretaking wins out. I would like to plant a Fall Garden even though it is still hot. I will see what plants are in at the garden center. We did talk with family today via zoom and a video call. They all live out of state, so it was fun to see everyone.