fit & butt ugly OR fat with and stunning??.



  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Alright, can we hold up for just a second?
    I don't eat everything in sight. I didn't become fat by "letting myself go." I'm not lazy, I'm not gross, and I don't come with a crap ton of emotional baggage.
    Why are you making all of these assumptions about overweight people? In some cases, we eat the exact same as that skinny gal on the corner, but call it genetics or metabolism, whatever, we gain the weight and she doesn't. That makes me gross?

    I am frigging gorgeous, regardless of what size I currently am. The fact that I wear a 16 instead of an 8 doesn't make me a less suitable partner for you, doesn't mean I have low self esteem, doesn't mean I don't care about my body.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I'm pretty sure I specifically said I wasn't referring to people who are actively trying to lose weight.

    But for the record, the whole "genetics made me fat" thing just doesn't work with me. I do believe genetics play a role in where you store fat on your body, but for an overwhelming majority of obese people, the only weight-related things they inherit from their parents are poor eating habits and a total lack of respect for physical fitness. Of course a child who is raised by parents who believe it's perfectly acceptable to eat fast food every night of the week and have twinkies for breakfast has a much higher probability of being fat than a child raised by parents who believe in eating mostly fresh, whole foods. That doesn't make it genetic; it means the first kid has parents who are almost certainly fat and who simply don't care what goes in their kids' mouths.

    Face it, if obesity were largely a genetic issue, it wouldn't be so simple to correct (note that I said simple, not easy), nor would it be such a recent epidemic ... humans have been around forever, but obesity wasn't a serious problem in this country until the past 25 years or so.
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    In my world i am Fat and stunning ... so i am going to have to go with that.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    I'm pretty sure I specifically said I wasn't referring to people who are actively trying to lose weight.

    But for the record, the whole "genetics made me fat" thing just doesn't work with me. I do believe genetics play a role in where you store fat on your body, but for an overwhelming majority of obese people, the only weight-related things they inherit from their parents are poor eating habits and a total lack of respect for physical fitness. Of course a child who is raised by parents who believe it's perfectly acceptable to eat fast food every night of the week and have twinkies for breakfast has a much higher probability of being fat than a child raised by parents who believe in eating mostly fresh, whole foods. That doesn't make it genetic; it means the first kid has parents who are almost certainly fat and who simply don't care what goes in their kids' mouths.

    Face it, if obesity were largely a genetic issue, it wouldn't be so simple to correct (note that I said simple, not easy), nor would it be such a recent epidemic ... humans have been around forever, but obesity wasn't a serious problem in this country until the past 25 years or so.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Depends on how fat or how ugly we're talking here.

    yeah I kind of have to agree -- how fat are we talking here? "ugly" is kind of i the eye of the beholder, but I'd rather be ugly and super fit than 'pretty' and 400 pounds. If we're talking pretty and 50 lbs overweight instead of 250 lbs overweight the fat and pretty.

    And to the people getting upset about this post - relax, its just chit-chat. No ones saying you're unattractive to everyone in the world because you're overweight. Phyiscal attraction is a VERY individual thing.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    No no, wasn't upset with the topic, not at all. Just bothered by the amount of responses that were along the lines of "fat is gross, a sign of a person's ugly habits and therefor ugly." And the ones that pretty specifically said that you can't be pretty and overweight. And yeah, mostly genetics = developed poor eating habits. Still ends up being luck of the draw sometimes too though, but we won't go into that anymore on this particular thread.
    No drama intended, I promise. Just need to put the keyboard down and let people have their opinions.
  • ahalla
    ahalla Posts: 66 Member
    No no, wasn't upset with the topic, not at all. Just bothered by the amount of responses that were along the lines of "fat is gross, a sign of a person's ugly habits and therefor ugly." And the ones that pretty specifically said that you can't be pretty and overweight. And yeah, mostly genetics = developed poor eating habits. Still ends up being luck of the draw sometimes too though, but we won't go into that anymore on this particular thread.
    No drama intended, I promise. Just need to put the keyboard down and let people have their opinions.

    Please don't take this wrong. I do not think "fat" people are gross or ugly, but most overweight people have very low self-esteem and that is UGLY. There is nothing more of a turn off then someone who thinks they are "fat and unattractive". My best friend is over weight, but by far the most beatiful person I know. I would be with an semi-overweight person, someone who has to purchase more than one seat on an airline is too big for my taste. With that being said, I do not have sympathy for anyone...we all go through things, maybe in different scales, but still situations to be dealt with. If you are overweight, then lose weight if that makes you happy because ultimately when one is happy they attract happy people.
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    Wow- reading this whole thread just made me feel super depressed about the state of human beings.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I'd rather be fit. I can work towards being fit the other...i cant really change.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Eh, it really depends. The problem is how fat? Are we talking 400 pounds+? How butt ugly? Are we talking moles, boils, growths? Need a better definition. If I had to pick, probably the fit one

    From a Biological and Medical standpoint for those who are getting offended, by either side of the response.

    Attraction is not something that can be denied. Human beings are attracted to one another on a genetic and instinct level. It is not about shallowness, it is not about people being jerks, its is simply their innate opinions. Some people may act like jerks when describing how they feel, but in the end, attraction CANNOT be controlled. Now everyone is programmed to be attracted ot different things for different reasons, the typical being large breasts and wide set hips, which is really because it is better for child bearing and raising, but also a persons history can effect this aswell.

    My point is, dont get offended by someones opinion. This thread has a pretty clear topic, and if one or the other may offend you, then thats the case.As I said, its a genetic and psychological answer, cant really be changed
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    You people must know a lot of ugly people. There are most DEFINITELY fat and stunningly attractive people. Good God.

    BWahahahahaahahahahahaha:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Fat and stunning. If they lose weight they'll be damn near perfect.
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    I'd rather be fat and stunning because it's free to lose weight but would cost a fortune just for the chance of getting pretty :tongue:

  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    My Dad always said thin is in but fat is where its at! So I would take an over weight girl to a butt ugly one any day of the week! I think the term is a BUTTERFACE! Every thing looks good but her face!!!!!
  • Fat and stunning
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    Fat and stunning.

    Can always work that fat off...ugly ain't going nowhere.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I would have to go with fit and ugly. I'm too obsessed with the gym and other aspects of fitness that I would need somebody who is also into it or things just might not work... Ugly is all about perspective anyways.

    Unless the option involves the person still being able to pick up exercise and healthy living, then of course I would go with the latter if they took up an interest in fitness. But I'm assuming we are discussing their current condition only..
  • defyallodds
    defyallodds Posts: 21 Member
    i personally would prefer to be fit and healthy, instead of fat and beautiful, if it meant my fatness prevented me from doing awesome things like...oh....being healthy, running marathons, doing races, and being "stunning" is such a superficial judgement on a person that you could be "beautiful" but not have any talent, morals, etc. So...yeah. I'd choose to be fit. And beauty is often dependent on genes, which, unfortunately, one couldn't control when one was born. ;P
  • Wow, your a jerk! I am overweight and I do not think I am ugly. There are many overweight people out there that are attractive! There ares some skinny people out there that may be fit and healthy but are butt ugly. Somebody should blow smoke up your butt!
    Booyah!!! You beat me to it!! LOL