What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I had a fun weekend trip to upstate NY to visit my son and friends who worked for an outfitter guiding clients on Canada goose hunts. The 3:30am wake up calls and the work of unloading and setting out a trailer full of 200 decoys, then picking them up again when completed reminded me that this is a young person's game. :) I did manage to get in a nice afternoon ride on Saturday, but Sunday's weather was lousy, so I skipped my plan to ride the Lake Placid bike course before returning home.

    After a recovery day yesterday, I returned to the gym this morning. My goal is to establish a consistent stretching and mobility routine as I begin a return to running. This morning's short treadmill intervals of 1 min on/1 min off were very encouraging, since I felt no pulling on the hamstring.

    I also threw in an entry fee of $10 to join an Oct 1- Nov 17th Fall Challenge at my gym. The winner gets a cash prize and points are awarded for completion of a list of activities including workouts, water intake, food tracking, meal prep, etc. It's all tracked on the gym's phone app. Given my competitive nature, this is perfect focal point for me. I get the best results when I have a goal.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,863 Member
    First trip back to the gym in about ten days after taking a recovery week last week. All the little niggling aches and pains were gone, and I didn't have to pull back on sets/reps/weight at all, just jumped right in as if I never left and went for it. Felt great! Only down side remains the fact I don't have time to soak in the hot tub following leg day, since I have to get to work.

    I reworked my lifting routines this past week also, so we'll see how the week goes. Leg day was a success, so here's hoping my pull/push/full body days are equally well received.

    Squats 4x20
    BB Step-Ups, Romanian Deadlift, BB Hip Thrust, Standing Calf Raises 3x10
    Abs (Cable crunches, planks)
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited September 2022
    Easy hour again today of cardio. Did 30 minutes on the treadmill @ 15% incline (walking @ around 2.3/2.4 MPH, which surprisingly gets my HR up to around 120 or so) and then 30 minutes on the Assault Bike.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,701 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    It was bike day, and I meant to do about 20 miles, easy pace.
    Here's the thing: at around mile 14 or so, I met by happenstance a friend I haven't seen in a long time (my former massage therapist, nice guy (no, not like that)). So, we rode together for a while, and it was fun to catch up conversationally, so I rode further than I'd planned.

    I hadn't thought of anything 'like that' until you denied it :mrgreen:
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    @Lietchi: At least it was beautiful? I'm sorry it was rushed.
    @Lietchi -- that looks beautiful. Sorry your coworker took a bit of the fun out of it!

    I could see some people were struggling to keep up, and we even lost part of our group (they got lost and ended up taking public transportation back to the starting point)! I thought it was very disrespectful towards the group. But it wasn't too bad for me (thanks to three years of building up my fitness level).

    Friday's workout: treadmill run, 5.5km in 37min34sec (8.8kph)

    Saturday's workout: treadmill run, 7.5km in 52min27sec (8.6kph)

    Sunday's workout: treadmill run, 8km in 53min52sec (8.9kph)

    Monday: rest day

    First strength training: 3 sets each of DB bench press, DB shoulder press, BB rack pull, assisted pull-ups, dip bar leg raises
    Then a short run (in my zero support strength training All-stars to save time) a short 2.5km treadmill run in 15min49sec (9.5kph).
    My strength training is horribly irregular, last time was 8 days ago. I feel frustrated at lot lack of progress, but at the same time just generally not feeling motivated for strength training - that makes recomp a bit tricky 🤪

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,718 Member
    Rowing bow of the quad today, with an oddball route: It was windy, so especially choppy on the most upstream stretch (after a curve), but the ski team was practicing on the downstream side. We rowed the full upstream chunk once, decided the chop at the bridge end was un-fun, then did a couple of loops from near our boathouse to the curve before the bigger chop started, total 8.2k.

    Steady state (with decent energy through the boat, decent pace) because I was spending more time on watching the water/wind (and the gathering dark clouds), didn't really think about calling interval pieces.

    We got back to the dock just as thunder started rolling, saw a flash of sheet lightning as we were getting out of the boat. Surprising how fast four 60+ y/o people can lift/carry a 40-foot boat and oars back into the boathouse, when motivated!

    Yesterday my "workout" was the increase in heart rate when I learned that the tree-trimming I'd planned on 7 very big maple trees needed to be rethought as removal of most of them (internal rot), with a cost-estimate increase from 4 figures to 5 figures. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Other than that, no workout.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,718 Member
    edited September 2022
    Lietchi wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    It was bike day, and I meant to do about 20 miles, easy pace.
    Here's the thing: at around mile 14 or so, I met by happenstance a friend I haven't seen in a long time (my former massage therapist, nice guy (no, not like that)). So, we rode together for a while, and it was fun to catch up conversationally, so I rode further than I'd planned.

    I hadn't thought of anything 'like that' until you denied it :mrgreen:


    LOL, @lietchi! I'm probably twitchy about it because some of my RL social circle were a little weird about the idea that I was seeing a male MT in the first place . . . every couple of weeks for several years. He's an excellent MT. Unfortunately, he's decided to change careers to something involving geography, mapping, and drones. We're still friends, though.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,701 Member
    edited September 2022
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Yesterday my "workout" was the increase in heart rate when I learned that the tree-trimming I'd planned on 7 very big maple trees needed to be rethought as removal of most of them (internal rot), with a cost-estimate increase from 4 figures to 5 figures. Ouch, ouch, ouch.

    Yikes 😬 that's not really a negociable expense, I imagine (dangerous situation?).

    My workout today: 9km, at a steady speed of 8.8kph for 45 minutes and the rest at 9.3kph. Autumn has arrived, which is a bit depressing, but at the same time so happy my basement is cooling down now.
    My Garmin estimated calorie burn seems even more off today than usual: only 425 calories, according to exrx.net it should be around 600!
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Took a quick ride after work tonight, lasting just under an hour. Rode one of my regular weekday routes. Didn't bother with the garmin, but I think this route is 16 miles.

    I've learned to keep an eye peeled for bears, since they eat raspberries along the river, then amble through the woods up the hill, often crossing the road just before dusk.
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    Intended to do an easy elliptical hour today (I'm a little sore from Monday), but then I ended up just doing the same pace as last time. :D It was good to be moving.

    P.S. Tried out my new air purifier today. Wow, it smells so fresh in the room! Why didn't I get one of those before??? It will be interesting to see how it does against smoke whenever the next fire hits.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Thursday morning gym session with trainer. Chest press lying on BOSU ball, KB RDLs, KB squats, plus core work including crunches w/dynamax ball, etc. I really miss going to the gym during the summer break, so it's great to be back. Best part was the trash talking in advance of the 7 week Fall Challenge.
    May run tonight if the rain stops.
  • nurkowskimarcus
    nurkowskimarcus Posts: 13 Member
    Ran a 5k
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Lietchi wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Yesterday my "workout" was the increase in heart rate when I learned that the tree-trimming I'd planned on 7 very big maple trees needed to be rethought as removal of most of them (internal rot), with a cost-estimate increase from 4 figures to 5 figures. Ouch, ouch, ouch.

    Yikes 😬 that's not really a negociable expense, I imagine (dangerous situation?).

    My workout today: 9km, at a steady speed of 8.8kph for 45 minutes and the rest at 9.3kph. Autumn has arrived, which is a bit depressing, but at the same time so happy my basement is cooling down now.
    My Garmin estimated calorie burn seems even more off today than usual: only 425 calories, according to exrx.net it should be around 600!

    I don't know if this might be a consideration or not, but sometimes you can find people that know what they're doing that will do it at a discount for the wood. I had a neighbors tree fall in my yard around 10 years ago in Ohio. It luckily only broke my split rail fence and not my shed. I actually offered to pay to clean it up (much cheaper than taking one down) in exchange for the firewood and if he fixed the fence. It was a young couple with small kids, so I didn't want to see him pay a ton for it. The wood alone was probably worth $500 and I paid two guys to clean it up and stack it $250. And this was a huge Walnut Tree.

    Today was back at the 8 X 2 minute/2 minute recovery row. Finished it this time, despite it being hot again and staying out late last night at Senior Karaoke night. I finished with a 1:57.6 average, pretty respectable for where I'm at now in my training. Crushed Karaoke night better (did Eric Clapton's Forever Man -- his voice is right in my wheelhouse). Just glad to get the row over!

    Tonight is normally gym night. Might just lift at home. Not really easier but I don't have the travel there and back (an hour total drive). Nothing's really close where I live. My wife calls it "desert country". In truth it's a beautiful area, just 20 minutes from nearly anything.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,718 Member
    Like I said, I skipped Tuesday's usual bike ride, so I decided to try upping today's distance above my usual. Ended up at 31.89 miles, and a bit slower than usual, 10.0mph moving average. Partly, that was not wanting to add both distance and intensity, partly it was that several miles of the ride were out in the open, heading straight on into a 16-18mph North headwind. I also added an extra hilly bit at the end: Finally needed my easiest gear set on the hybrid, even though it was paved!

    I supervised open rowing again tonight, but didn't row. I did take my handy beach towel, and did some yoga/stretching on the dock for a while, when waiting for the rowers to finish their circuit. That felt good!

    @MikePfirrman, I appreciate the suggestion, but I'm afraid two things make that kind of approach difficult. First, this is urgent: The trees are rotten in the center, and could threaten my neighbors' house - very bad news. (They have a critically ill son in their home, so the thought of damaging their house is even worse than average.) Second, these are not just trees. These are *TREES*. We're talking 6 maple trees twice or more the height of my two-story house, probably at least 15-18" in diameter, and some of them rotted enough that the tree service's climber wasn't willing to climb all the way up them. This is big lift trucks to do the cutting, and many loads of (partly-rotted) wood to haul away or chip onsite. Multi-day project, multi-worker. Gotta be done, though.🤷‍♀️
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    @AnnPT77 -- sorry about that! That's very tough.

    Did my lift tonight at home and scrapped the gym. My home lifting sets are harder when done in 40 minutes than my usual spread out through an entire morning, but got done with the 30 compound reps for shoulders, chest and legs X 5 sets. Definitely pooped now.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,926 Member
    Two aquarium dives. Scrubbed and used the siphon.

    Stomped around in the very steep woods afterwards looking for mushrooms. I found essentially none.

    Rode my bike to go see the Vaux's Swifts again.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,863 Member
    Wednesday was pull day at the gym:

    Pullups, BB row, BB shrugs, high machine row, preacher curls
    Abs (Side) - BB side bend, side plank

    Today was push day:

    Cable twists, bench press, incline DB press, decline cable fly, standing overhead press, cable pushdown
    Abs (Twist) - Perloff press, cable woodchoppers (low, mid, high)
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,701 Member
    Yesterday: absolutely nothing. I had hoped to have time, but I seriously misjudged prep time for dinner.

    Today: postponed my run till after dinner, and made it a bit shorter than originally intended.
    6.5km in 45min 25sec (8.6kph). Didn't feel terribly smooth, but hey, getting my mileage in.
    Been stagnating a bit lately, I might have to look into a real training program instead of just 'doing my thing'.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,718 Member
    Not hard to guess: Row day. Ski team out again, did the double upstream loop, for about 9k. In the quad, I was in 3 seat (behind - or is it ahead of? - stroke rower, who's in the stern).

    Chilly enough for pogies for the first time this Fall, today - 40sish F, to start. (Pogies = funny mitten-ish, cocoon-ish thingies that go over the oar handle, enclose your hands in warmth.) I'm not colder after weight loss at all . . . except for my finger tips, when out in cold weather. I rarely used my pogies when overweight, now I appreciate them every Spring/Fall when it's cold.)

    We did some race starts, some power 10s. One of the club's best rowers - one of the learn-to-row coaches - was out in her single today, prepping for the Head of the Charles, the biggest rowing race in the world, coming up in a few weeks in Boston. So it was our quad, a single from our group, and her single.

    Not rowing tomorrow as we usually would, as the university women's team has a scrimmage on our river and it'll be a madhouse. (I might go watch.) Thought about rescheduling to Sunday, but the forecast is all day grim, cold rain. Might bike tomorrow, might not. We'll see. Back to my usual bike/row schedule once the weather sorts out.

    I can feel Winter coming. I don't mind Winter generally, but I grieve the coming break in on-water rowing, trail biking, TBH. Machines are just not the same.
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    Still fighting some fatigue, so I skipped the elliptical yesterday. I was just not feeling like working out at all and almost skipped all exercise entirely. Instead, I decided to stick to my lifting schedule and did some strength training.

    I hope to get out and do my "weekend workout" today (aka mow the field and back yard).