C25K Starting 8/8- Open group for encouragement!



  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    Everyone is doing amazing!!
    Keep up the great work everyone! Special kudos to those running half marathons and 10k's, etc! You all are rockin it!!

    Finished my W2D1 yesterday and needless to say it was rough lol. Definitely fit into the wimps to warriors because I felt like falling over!!

    Does anyone use the app on a blackberry? I have a Curve 8900 and it seems like the app doesn't stay live - it'll lose place and tell me to walk when i'm supposed to jog and vice versa. Also, I do this on a treadmill and notice that sometimes it'll bump me into running or walking at weird times like 12:56 on the app instead of an even 45 or 30, etc... I have it set where my phone doesn't lock for an hour so it can't be that.... Anyone experiencing this?
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    So, my 5K starts at 9am. Any ideas for a good breakfast? How much should I eat? I know if I eat a large meal, I'm liable to get an upset stomach. For some reason I get a bit motion sick in the morning on my drives to work.... no comment about female drivers!:-P

  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    does anyone object to the name "Wimps to Warriors?" or "W2W" for short? speak now or forever be an ex wimp! ;-)

    shannon- i guess your dinner from the night before is far more important than your breakfast. carb it up!... i'd eat breakfast light, if at all,by 7am!

    ariel- i used a podcast for the ipod for my timed runs, but now that i am just on straight minutes i use my ipod stopwatch and whatever i want to listen to. i'm not sure what's happening with yours. does it have a function that shuffles if you shake it???

    linbee- i'm glad i'm not the only one who can't chew gum and think at the same time! lol..... great job on the dedication and i know you'll rock day three!

    brendalyne- ohhh... now YOU'RE the overachiever! ;-)

    rachel- you're leading the way and doing great. thanks for keeping us going! i keep wondering if i somehow lost track of the miles, because my last time seems too good to be true. it's still not 10 minute miles, but it's close. i am sure my first mile was 10:30, but i didn't really look after that until i was done. i sure hope it's right! i really want to do a session on a track one of these days....
  • brendalyne
    So, my 5K starts at 9am. Any ideas for a good breakfast? How much should I eat? I know if I eat a large meal, I'm liable to get an upset stomach. For some reason I get a bit motion sick in the morning on my drives to work.... no comment about female drivers!:-P


    This would probably be a good question to post to the forum to get responses from more experienced runners.

    I intend to hit the treadmill, or maybe the road when I get home from work today. I didn't sleep well last night...until it was time to get up of course!

    Happy jogging W2W's!

    Brenda - aka MOM!
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    ariel- i used a podcast for the ipod for my timed runs, but now that i am just on straight minutes i use my ipod stopwatch and whatever i want to listen to. i'm not sure what's happening with yours. does it have a function that shuffles if you shake it???

    Well I don't have a shake option ( booo wish i had an iphone or droid) I run pandora in the background because I don't have any music on my phone right now, and then I just switch application over to C25K app. It has a timer on how much time is left, and then a little countdown thing that spins and tells me to walk/run. I'm getting in the habit now of just paying attention to when I started running and then when I get down to needing to walk, I just pause and ff to the next run and play it again whenever I get to the minutes listed. Confusing i know right? :\
  • brendalyne
    W7D2 is DONE! Hallelujah! I don't know if it was the time of day, frame of mind or a little of both, but I really struggled tonight. I did it....but WOW! I may be repeating this week! We'll see what happens Friday!

    Oh, and I'm also excited because I ordered a yoga DVD from amazon last night! Can't wait to try it on my "off days". :happy:

    Time for me to hit the showers! Happy jogging WTW team!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    brendalyne- i'm guessing you won't need to repeat week 7... sometimes we just have those days. a busy day can really affect your body and you did this last run at the end of the day, right? if you remember, you did 27 minutes just the other day! you can do this! :flowerforyou:

    i just have to tell you all if you haven't been reading my posts... i might have to change the answer i gave shannon about what to eat before a race. i think chocolate chip cookies are actually the food of choice! hee hee (just kidding, of course) however, having said that, i ran 2.5 miles (week7, day 2) today in 25:20! that's only 20 seconds off my goal, so yeah! (and of course i attribute the personal best to my cookie binge yesterday!) i think i could break it easily without that blasted hill, (or a with a few more cookies-:tongue: ) but i'll bet it's helping the training.... just not the pace! my average heart rate was 168 and it only went up to 170 on the hill, instead of the 188 i saw the other day! we're going places W2W's!

    :heart: gotta run (uh, i mean go....funny how the meaning of that word has changed for me!), time to start school. have a wonderful day lovelies! :heart:
  • brendalyne
    Jenny - Only YOU could down chocolate chip cookies and then have your best performance! Maybe the cookie monster was chasing you! :noway: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    I hope you're right about the reason I really struggled last night.....time will tell! :happy:
  • linbee83
    J - I think chocolate is magic fuel...so are cookies! Lol, but way to go on your goal! That is awesome!

    Mom - Awww...I have those days too. You are used to running in the morning, and changing time of day can affect you. As can a whole bunch of other factors. I thought I would have to repeat week 5 due to one day, but I really didn't. Or was it 4? I can't even remember anymore! I think 1 or 2 rest days can really help you recoup and strengthen your body.

    Well, due to unforseen circumstances (i.e. - Tired little baby circumstances...they're so cute when they sleep!) I wasn't able to make it to the gym yesterday morning as planned to do week 6, day 2. But, I had a back-up! Jillian was staring me in the face, saying you can do 20 minutes of Shred! I had enough time, previewed the video and thought, hey, that looks easy. Let me tell you, I didn't think I was that out of shape...but the jumping jacks nearly did me in! Lol. I was feeling ok yesterday afterwards, but boy, am I sure sore today! Good think today is a usual rest day or I don't think I could make it 1 lap, let alone 1 mile! Lol. I give props to people who do it every day! I was originally intending to use it as a supplement with the C25k training, and I think I'll stick with that plan. Still <3 Jillian though, she's awesome! And tomorrow I am going to try to get w6d2 under my belt. I heard more exercise can help alleviate soreness!
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    W7D2 is DONE! Hallelujah! I don't know if it was the time of day, frame of mind or a little of both, but I really struggled tonight. I did it....but WOW! I may be repeating this week! We'll see what happens Friday!

    Oh, and I'm also excited because I ordered a yoga DVD from amazon last night! Can't wait to try it on my "off days". :happy:

    Time for me to hit the showers! Happy jogging WTW team!

    GREAT job!! :) enjoy the yoga!!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    :huh: the cookie monster! :huh: love it! :laugh:
  • brendalyne
    I can't believe it....week 7 is finished! WOW! Today was much better than Wednesday evening. I burned 463 cals, which is still a lot, but less than prior days, so I take that to mean I truly am getting more fit. YAY!!! I'm still slow, but frankly, I really don't care! Yesterday I went to the chiropractor. I've seen the same guy for the last 25 years....on a monthly basis! I have curvature of the spine, so I go to him regularly to "maintain". He is very physically fit and I often ask him general health & fitness questions. He's always SO encouraging.....even as he's watched me go up and down in weight over the past 25 years NUMEROUS times. Anyway, he told me he'd check my body fat % if I wanted him to....so he did. He got out his little gadget, and the first setting he put in was "athletic".....I said NO - I'm NOT athletic! :noway: He said - YES YOU ARE - you just told me you're jogging 2 miles now - so YOU ARE! I have never in a million years thought of myself as athletic. But fellow W2W's....I walked out of there feeling MIGHTY FINE! :bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend everyone! I'm going on a girls weekend to the river with some ladies from church - we call ourselves "Joy Sisters". I am REALLY looking forward to a change of scenery! :heart:

  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    ... hello W2W gang! i'm taking a break from school just to pop in and say hi! i'll be doing week 7, day 3 tomorrow if all goes well. hubby will even be home, so i may be able to be a road runner! meep meep!

    brendalyne- you ARE athletic! :happy: :happy: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :glasses: oh yeah! i mean seriously, if anyone else would have told you they were running 6+ miles a week, you'd call them athletic without a doubt! ... you didn't tell us what your bf was, though... is it a secret? :tongue: :wink:
  • brendalyne
    Jenny - :devil: I'm not ready to "reveal" the body fat % yet. :embarassed: I still have a long way to go to get to a healthy number! But I can tell you that it's down about 4.5% from a few months ago when I started the 30DS. I have no idea what it was when I first started MFP! When my chiropractor offered to do that for me, I assumed he'd have some gadget that was a lot "fancier" than the one I bought on Amazon as I started the 30 DS.....nope....it was very similar! But I decided to do it anyway to see how they compared....and I also thought that if I did it "officially" in his office once a month it would motivate me too!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    There are worth things in life than a cookie before race time!*LOL*

    Today I'm supposed to up my running to 50 minutes. NOT looking forward to this. I usually do a Random or Hill setting on the treadmill. I might do a flat, non-inclined run for this one.....

    The Knoebel's race that I'm in on October 8th was described as moderately hilly. Not sure WHAT the heck that means. So, I tried to include hill training 2/3 days.

  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    :sad: *running for cover* down 4.5% is awesome!:glasses: i'd like to check mine again. i don't think i've done it since i finished the shred... maybe not even then....

    shannon- wowzers! 50 minutes! there's no shame in a non-inclined run to start with... i mean, you're running for 50 minutes for goodness sakes! work your way up to the incline! "moderately hilly" sounds suspicious to me! yikes! for some runs i've seen they have an elevation map of the course online... can you find one for the knoebel's?

    i'm sure you're right, there are worse things in life than a cookie before race time... how about 7 cookies? :laugh: i'm going for a run tomorrow, maybe i need to cookie up? okay, okay, i won't. i'm limiting myself to two cookies a day. i was going to say i could have a cookie for every 24 oz. of water i drank that day, but i know me... i'd drink water just so i could justify eating another cookie and i'd probably drown myself! lol.:sick:

    have a good weekend everyone! :drinker:
  • mags2504
    Hi W2W guys, you are all doing awesome,

    Mom- I'll second th WELL DONE on the bf%. That's fab. One of the instructors at the gym decided yesterday to do a 6 week challenge to loose 4% BF. He couldn't believe how high mine was. It was 32%. He made me repeat it and then weighed me because he thought I was telling him I was heavier than i really was. I was pretty pleased at that though, I assumed i he must have thought I was looking pretty lean:happy: . He decided it is because I don't do enough resistance training, which I know. I do loads of cardio. Jogging, zumba, aerobics. Anyway I was actually there for my first boxercise class. I was the only one who turned up so was quite gutted as normally we need a minimum of 2 people for it to go ahead, but he said 'It's okay mags we'll still do it and go through the basics. I abolutely loved it, at one point i didn't know if it was sweat or snot running down my face:laugh: . It's left me with a bit of a weak wrist and stiff shoulders today though but not sore. Burned way over 300 cals in 30 mins Definately gona be back.

    Jenny-You will have to message me your cookie recipe (seriously):flowerforyou: , I don't have a good one and american cookies always looks better than the things we have in uk. Plus the fact if it's gona give me a boost, I'm defo up for that.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Well have a great weekend everybody, I've got a wedding tonight so mines gona be fab:drinker:
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Running is real and relatively simple…but it ain't easy.
    I found a qoute to share with you guys

    Well I beat those 5 min runs today I really feel on top of the world I love reading about all of your success and challenges.
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.
    It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed.
    Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up.
    It knows that it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve.
    It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle
    when the sun comes up you'd better be running.

    (But, unless you're a runner, you won't understand.)

    I love this qoute I think im going to get it framed and put it on my wall
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    mags- boxexercise sounds fun! when i have more time i'll send you my cookie recipe. (if i forget, drop me a note to remind me!) do you have toll house chocolate chips where you are? my friend hated the recipe on the back of the toll house bag because they never came out fluffy, so she set out to find a recipe that would have a nice "fluffy" texture. they're aren't too bad! (of course, if it's a cookie and it has chocolate in it, i'm in!) have a nice time at the wedding!

    mizzladylisa- awesome quote! as a morning runner, i especially like it! way to go with those 5 minute runs! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    i got my 2.5 mile run done today... at the track! :embarassed: i thought i was going to die, but i did manage to break 25 minutes! i think it was 24:36 or something like that... not quite what i was REALLY hoping to see, but it was my goal to run 10 minute miles, so i'll take it! i kinda hoped i would be drastically faster if i didn't have to run up and down the monster hill. that didn't happen! i was beat by the end and it was SO boring to run around a little circle 10 times! i kept thinking it would never end! lol. i don't know how you girls make it through 25 minutes on the treadmill! :wink: :ohwell: oh, and i DID STOP at the 2.5 mile mark. i didn't run another 24 seconds to round it out to an even 25 minutes! i was whipped! unfortunately i have no idea what my heart rate was because i forgot to stop my hrm when i was done! i know it was hanging around the 160's for the first mile or so, went up to the mid 170's in the second mile, and was in the high 180's for at least the last 400 meters! i thought i was going to die! :sad:

    do you suppose this running stuff gets any easier or do we have to go out and conquer ourselves each time we start out for a jog? my brain kept saying, "stop, stop, JUST STOP ALREADY!!!" but i knew i had to report back to you all, so i pushed through. thanks for all the support and encouragement you've given me. you are the best! :heart: :heart: having said that, i think i'm going to back off the time goal now and just enjoy the running a little more... maybe work some interval training into my off days once or twice a week and i'm sure the time thing will come. have a fabulous weekend W2Ws!:flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: