I remember..



  • Peachesnstuff
    Peachesnstuff Posts: 1,261 Member
    cowsfan12 wrote: »
    I remember waiting for my Dad's truck to pull up in the driveway after work. My brother's and I would race out to his truck, the first one who got to him was the one that got to take off his work boots.

    When my Dad passed away a few years ago, it was the one thing I couldn't let go of...so I kept them.

    - this mad me think of when my girls were young when I’d come home I’d always sit in my chair and take off my shoes and they’d race to bring me my slides - good times

    It's the little things in life ❤️
  • cowsfan12
    cowsfan12 Posts: 6,043 Member
    cowsfan12 wrote: »
    I remember waiting for my Dad's truck to pull up in the driveway after work. My brother's and I would race out to his truck, the first one who got to him was the one that got to take off his work boots.

    When my Dad passed away a few years ago, it was the one thing I couldn't let go of...so I kept them.

    - this mad me think of when my girls were young when I’d come home I’d always sit in my chair and take off my shoes and they’d race to bring me my slides - good times

    It's the little things in life ❤️

    Indeed - also - glad you’re feeling better friend
  • cowsfan12
    cowsfan12 Posts: 6,043 Member
    tigrig wrote: »
    cowsfan12 wrote: »
    I remember waiting for my Dad's truck to pull up in the driveway after work. My brother's and I would race out to his truck, the first one who got to him was the one that got to take off his work boots.

    When my Dad passed away a few years ago, it was the one thing I couldn't let go of...so I kept them.

    - this mad me think of when my girls were young when I’d come home I’d always sit in my chair and take off my shoes and they’d race to bring me my slides - good times

    Nothing can beat coming home from work and seeing your kids sprint to you to love on you. I'm lucky enough that my 8 and 9 year old still do this but I know the day is coming where they'll think they're too cool for me 🥲

    It is a great feeling
  • OpheliaCooter
    OpheliaCooter Posts: 1,635 Member
    I don’t have kids but yall are reminding me of when my niece was a toddler and I’ll always remember that time I came back to visit and she was visibly shaking with excitement and jumping up and down on the sidewalk by her apartment, grinning ear to ear.

    Oh and the time maybe a year or two later when I was meeting them at the park for her birthday and she ran clear across two fields too hug me. I MISS that! I think she’s gonna be freaking 11 in March. Smh
  • CoffeeNstilettos
    CoffeeNstilettos Posts: 2,594 Member
    I remember being laughed at by my entire girl scout troop for bringing a bologna and ketchup sandwich to our picnic.

  • TwitchyMagee
    TwitchyMagee Posts: 4,579 Member
    I remember being laughed at by my entire girl scout troop for bringing a bologna and ketchup sandwich to our picnic.

    I bet they’re all ugly and smelly now
  • Peachesnstuff
    Peachesnstuff Posts: 1,261 Member
    I remember being laughed at by my entire girl scout troop for bringing a bologna and ketchup sandwich to our picnic.



    When my daughter was in 5th grade she absolutely loved tuna. Can I tell you that all of her friends told her how "gross" her lunch was. 😤 She refused to eat it for a very long time after that incident. Kids can be so cruel 😔
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    edited October 2022
    I remember being laughed at by my entire girl scout troop for bringing a bologna and ketchup sandwich to our picnic.

    Devon and tomato sauce sandwiches 😋 my favourite
  • Peachesnstuff
    Peachesnstuff Posts: 1,261 Member
    I remember being laughed at by my entire girl scout troop for bringing a bologna and ketchup sandwich to our picnic.

    Devon and tomato sauce sandwiches 😋 my favourite

    I'll need to Google "Devon" - never heard of it
  • Peachesnstuff
    Peachesnstuff Posts: 1,261 Member
    I remember that giant thing in the sky made up of hydrogen and helium. The thing that chases away the clouds, provides light and heat, and uplifts my grumpy mood. Yea, the sun. It's been six days since I last saw it, if you happen to see it can you please tell it I've missed him....and send him my way.

  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,627 Member
    I remember that giant thing in the sky made up of hydrogen and helium. The thing that chases away the clouds, provides light and heat, and uplifts my grumpy mood. Yea, the sun. It's been six days since I last saw it, if you happen to see it can you please tell it I've missed him....and send him my way.


    I tried pushing the CA sun towards you but I'm pretty weak. I really should start lifting.
  • Peachesnstuff
    Peachesnstuff Posts: 1,261 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    I remember that giant thing in the sky made up of hydrogen and helium. The thing that chases away the clouds, provides light and heat, and uplifts my grumpy mood. Yea, the sun. It's been six days since I last saw it, if you happen to see it can you please tell it I've missed him....and send him my way.


    I tried pushing the CA sun towards you but I'm pretty weak. I really should start lifting.

    Start lifting things up and putting them down! You've got til tomorrow to get it to the East coast. I have faith in you!!!
  • piggy_smalls
    piggy_smalls Posts: 1,664 Member
    I remember my knees and back not hurting on a daily basis, but only vaguely.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    I remember being laughed at by my entire girl scout troop for bringing a bologna and ketchup sandwich to our picnic.

    Devon and tomato sauce sandwiches 😋 my favourite

    I'll need to Google "Devon" - never heard of it

    Its the same thing.. apparently Devon and bologna look and taste the same. Guess what I'm having for lunch today? .. a devon and cheese sandwich 😋😃
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    I remember Sunday lunch roast dinner. We never ate it through the week. Sunday lunch was special and there was always a dessert to follow like rice pudding or bread and butter pudding. Sunday afternoon was spent in a food coma 😁
  • CoffeeNstilettos
    CoffeeNstilettos Posts: 2,594 Member
    I remember my mom used to brush my hair, she'd brush my ears, my forehead, my neck and even my brain.
  • ___Soundwave___
    ___Soundwave___ Posts: 1,190 Member
    I remember the Friday nervous anticipation and excitement before a high school football game, the thrill of playing and coming together with so many different people, and pool parties afterwards. Everyone was so happy and alive...in the moment.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    I remember as a young kid we had a massive blizzard dump several feet of snow, no work or school for over a week. Somebody in our apartment complex put forth the time overnight to carve out an actual igloo made of snow/ice blocks, large enough for kids age 6-8 to stand upright inside. All the kids in the complex played in that thing all day...until one kid got the idea it'd be fun to smash it in. I don't remember whose idea it was, but I do remember being part of the demolition team, much to my chagrin.