I remember..



  • Peachesnstuff
    Peachesnstuff Posts: 1,261 Member
    I remember dressing up my five years old daughter for her preschool Halloween party as a bunch of grapes. We pinned purple balloons all over her, and put a cute beanie with green leaves on her head.

    However, what I forgot to do was leave her little butt free of balloons so she could sit down. In a fit of anger she ripped off her little beanie and the static from the balloons made her cute lil blonde locks stand up straight on her head. She has never forgiven me after all these years.
  • Alinouveau2
    Alinouveau2 Posts: 6,284 Member
    I had a pretty idyllic upbringing. We lived in the country, in a subdivision, we were farmers, all the neighbours had kids our age so we'd play road hockey, baseball in our backyard, once we had a camp out cause my dad was airing out some tents. There were farmers fields behind us so we'd go exploring through the fields, walked or rode our bikes to the plaza for pops and candy.

    Eventually in my teens when we'd skate all summer friends I'd make who were sent for summer training would want to come to my house to hang out with my parents cause they always made them feel welcome and didn't care if people just dropped in.

    So ya... I remember the easy going days of youth
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    I remember my mom used to brush my hair, she'd brush my ears, my forehead, my neck and even my brain.

    🤣😂 I remember this.. and she'd pull my ponytail so tight
  • OpheliaCooter
    OpheliaCooter Posts: 1,635 Member

    I remember adopting this tyrant of my life. Logan. A memory popped up with these pictures. Oct 7th. His papers say no fingers for good reason. He to this day will not hesitate to bite me or take a swipe. ‘Pet me!!! With your eyes! 😾’ And o m g when he was a kitten he had too much energy. Was so glad when I adopted my street cat after him bc they became instant friends and would play with him forever; handle that energy.
    He is a dog-cat. Neurotic af. He’s been herding me and the roommate like cattle. He is sleeping at my feet rn and always stands watch. High alert. Do NOT touch his stomach! Or nub tail. I always touch his tail and sometimes I bleed bc of my annoying ways. 😼
    Oh ya past events, not current. He used to look so cute inside the Christmas tree. He’s too big now, not that it really stops him. About that season again. 😸
  • tigrig
    tigrig Posts: 659 Member
    So this is more of a comical memory, BUT I remember when I was younger i stayed at my grandparents alot. One day my grandma pulled me in the kitchen and told me ," Son I'm gonna teach you how to cook and clean cause you ain't gonna be able to rely on any of these girls these days" and to this day I still love to cook and keep the place clean while taking care of everything else 😂
  • _Dan1985
    _Dan1985 Posts: 310 Member
    tigrig wrote: »
    So this is more of a comical memory, BUT I remember when I was younger i stayed at my grandparents alot. One day my grandma pulled me in the kitchen and told me ," Son I'm gonna teach you how to cook and clean cause you ain't gonna be able to rely on any of these girls these days" and to this day I still love to cook and keep the place clean while taking care of everything else 😂

    Love this. Grandma served you well.
  • ermengarde22
    ermengarde22 Posts: 2,116 Member
    raining on asphalt
    fall of 1985
    gray sky, heavy air
  • cowsfan12
    cowsfan12 Posts: 6,043 Member
    raining on asphalt
    fall of 1985
    gray sky, heavy air

    We’re you going to see the movie Silver Bullet ?? That would be a great day to see it

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    I remember third grade, the teacher kept telling us we would learn to write in cursive after Christmas break. My family moved to a different state during that same Christmas break. First day in a brand new school to start the new year, my teacher says, "Since we've been practicing cursive all year so far, from now on I won't accept any homework not done in cursive." I had to teach myself how to write cursive by looking to the example display above the chalkboard, look down to write a letter, look up for the next letter, etc. All while trying to keep up with the actual new material everybody was being taught.
  • TwitchyMagee
    TwitchyMagee Posts: 4,579 Member
    I remember visiting a pet shop, I was there to pick up a couple of new leads for my 3 dogs. In the corner of the store was a cage with one sad little toy poodle in it, his hair was all scruffy, knotty, dull and long, he appeared to have ear infection by the way he was rubbing his head on the bottom of the cage, his eyes were dull.. he looked so sad. I was told he was nearly 5 months old and not likely to find a home as most people took the little puppies.

    I could not leave him there to suffer another minute. Mario has had 13 happy years with me, he's a beautiful little dog and I'm so glad I found him.
    I love when true loves find each other ❤️
  • Peachesnstuff
    Peachesnstuff Posts: 1,261 Member
    tigrig wrote: »
    So obviously everyone gets compliments left and right on here, but in real life for me they're few and far between. I remember when I was donating blood one time I had a little old lady as my tech. She was very keen on keeping eye contact the whole time when she just popped up and told me, you have really pretty eyes. No one has ever told me that my Dookie colored hazel eyes were pretty and its stuck with me and made me feel pretty good

    Most of our memories are remembered because of the emotional response we feel during the moment it's taking place.

    I am one of those people that tend to compliment strangers often. This was nice to read.
  • Peachesnstuff
    Peachesnstuff Posts: 1,261 Member
    I remember my Mom decorating the house at Christmas time. She made this beautiful snow scene using cotton balls, then proceeded to light the candle...yup, almost lost the house that Christmas. Good times!
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    I remember the taste of that peach I picked from the tree in the corner of the grounds encircled by the tenement houses in Newark NJ that summer when I was about 7 years old. The trunk was encircled with barbed wire to keep kids like me from climbing the tree ... but I climbed it anyway and got a huge peach off it. It was the best peach in all my memory.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    _Dan1985 wrote: »
    _Dan1985 wrote: »
    I remember landlines, nobody had a phone of their own, it was just 'the phone' in every house.

    I remember in the early internet days, Yahoo and Lycos dominated search engines. Google didn't exist yet.

    I remember MSN messenger being a thing :#

    That land line phone was awesome! No cell phones yet and people actually talked to each other on the phone or in person...now that is a concept. This dates me doesn't it. :D

    If this dates you, then it dates me too. Then again, so does my username.

    It's kinda mindblowing that in the 90s it was perfectly normal for children of 10 years old to go into the city with their friends without any way of their parents contacting them. Also you're right, people did talk to each other more - and we weren't so constantly saturated with digital media.

    I'm not going to be a boomer and go on a rant about it all being better in the old days - after all, mobile phones must have saved millions of lives by now, but I do have a strange nostalgia for a time before they were mainstream.

    I've spent more years being alive without cell phones than with them, now THAT dates me. Although I remember in the mid 90s-ish some coworkers having massive clunky satellite phones.

    It makes me sad to see a young couple out for dinner and both are engrossed in their phones, not exchanging a word of conversation with each other. Maybe I'm just a dinosaur and that's the new "togetherness".

    It's also annoying that people assume my phone is surgically attached to me and they can always reach me, instantly.
  • TwitchyMagee
    TwitchyMagee Posts: 4,579 Member
    edited October 2022
    I remember being 16ish and attracted to a 24 year old man. When my mother asked me what I liked about him I told her, “he has a job.“ She thought that was hilarious. Nothing ever happened because he wasn’t a creep but that was an important turning point at which I learned I had a better screening system than my mother.
  • TwitchyMagee
    TwitchyMagee Posts: 4,579 Member
    I remember the day my tearful daughter told me she was pregnant. I was still a few years off 40 so it was quite the shock. I calmed her down and told her it would all be OK... and it was. I have to say those couple of years babysitting while she did some further education were some of the best in my life and it helped forge a very special bond between Skyla and I 🥰

    Best mom