Less Alcohol ~ OCTOBER 2022 ~ One Day At A Time



  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,677 Member
    Busy day for you Dawn. How many pounds of potatoes did you harverst?

    Good for you for getting the shingles shot. I actually had shingles this past August and never knew it. I woke up and noticed an odd rashy patch on the right of my belly button about the size of a half dollar. It kept getting reder and brighter.

    I went to the clinic and they said it was a rare case where the only symptom is the red rash. No itch no burn no pain. I had to buy this really expensive cream to help it go away.
    I was extremely lucky.
    And will be getting the shot once we move into our new place.

  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,960 Member
    edited October 2022
    MissMay wrote: »
    @lilylady3k I hear and relate to the down sizing. We all know it is eventually necessary. Good job done on that, plus it is a true workout at the same time.

    I'd like to ask you a question about your Sister. Have you ever explained to her your desire to have LESS alcohol in your life?

    From many many of your past posts your goals seem to be on target until your Sister is around you. WE ALL LOVE OUR FAMILIES, but I sense you get off track more than not with this one family member.

    If I am out of line I apologize in advance. If it might be closer to the truth, then maybe it is time for a heart to heart so she supports your health goals for and with you.

    @MissMay - The only place around Houston that seems to sell Clausthaler citrus non-alcoholic beer is Total Wine. Might check around to see if they have that liquor store there near you.

    @MissMay - You are not out of line at all. @dawnbgethealthy has noticed the same association concerning my sister.

    Yes I've explained to her over the past two years that I'm trying to cut back and not drink as much. She knows that I'm tracking my intake. She knows my reasons ... lose weight, our grandmother being an alcoholic, etc. And DH has told her he too would like to drink less. But it is in one ear and out the other.

    I told her I was not bringing wine on the girls' trip with mom back in early October but she still brought 2 bottles for the room. She left a bottle at the camp for me last time she was here knowing I was the next one to check on mom. And she opens many bottles when we go to her house or she brings them to ours. AND the cosmos pitcher that she brought to my son's house a couple of weekends ago when I was there well aware that I love them (which I did not drink that evening YEAH ME).

    She doesn't drink alone usually. But when with friends or DH & me she always wants us to drink with her.
    DH even told her last week that we didn't have any wine and were not planning to drink but that she was welcome to come over for chili. Our thought was wine doesn't go with chili. But then she showed up with 2 bottles.

    So though we have said something about cutting back and/or we don't plan to drink ... she still influences us. I've actually cut back inviting her over just so we don't open bottles of wine. It is hard to cut family out of your life ... especially when they live near by ... never married and no kids of their own. BIG SIGH.

    I've just got to get more will power myself and learn to stop at 2 when around her. That would be a great step in the right direction!

    AF ! This evening with my mom ... she had a beer and I had a non-alcoholic ginger beer! Think I'm going to make my 12 AF days this month!

    October accountability: 9 days AF
    Alcohol: 13 days (33.5 drinks)
    Goal: Limit 1-2 glasses per day; 12-16 AF days per month. Aim to drink no more than 2 nights in a row.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,960 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy & @MissMay
    I've seen enough people in pain having shingles internally and externally that it is definitely something to avoid!
    DH, my mom & I got our 2 shot Shingrix last year (you have to space them between 2-6 months apart). Talked my sister into getting hers this month too.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,677 Member
    @Lilylady3k I so appreciated reading your post.

    I feel it was probably very good mental therapy for you to write it out. And good on our end to read it and possibly relate to another persons unwelcome influences.

    Whether it be alcohol, food or some other activity we do not always want to participate or be a part of.

    We got your back girl. ❤
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,677 Member
    @joans1976 chocolate cures everything! 🤪

    Getting called back to the imaging room after a yearly checkup was a huge anxiety for me several times.

    Not even close to needing a biopsy. So I can see/hear your concern.

    We are all thinking of you at this time.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,677 Member
    Finally feeling a bit settled in this new state/town.

    Tomorrow I take possession of my new town-house, my moving POD comes Tuesday and I am getting giddy thinking about setting up my new place.

    Being able to have time again to be able to post on our thread is another HUGE help. It seems forever (since last April) that I have not posted daily. UGH!!

    8 more days in this month
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,812 Member
    Hi : - )
    I am Dawn.
    I live in SE BC, Canada.
    I joined this group in November 2018, and had my very first AF day in many many years then.
    My usual goal is 16-20 AF days per month, and have maintained that for a few years until September of this year when I had only 14AF days (couldn't resist the daily Margaritas in Mexico I guess).

    I do this diary style.

    Saturday October 22 - Drinks. I had Apricot Brandy mixed with Espresso Bailey's on my front porch with the little space heater beside me and the rain coming down. I used to have that on chilly days with my bestie that moved away this year. It is not something that I drink in the summer. Planned AF Sunday, and all but one weekday this coming week. Planning to reach my 16 this week.

    Rolling total: 13AF days out of 22 days.
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 788 Member
    Good day to everyone
    2 beer yesterday afternoon, only excuse was DH and I were bored, it was cold, raining outside and we wanted to get outside the house.
    The stress of the selling the shop, with our unwanted guests, DH parents, my mom. Wow can I use excuses or what?????
    Today my mind is pretty made up to stop this nonsense for the rest of the month. I can do that.

    @MissMay and anyone else who may know........we are considering eastern KY for retirement. Does anyone have any insight into the climate, livability, landscape outside of the Lexington area? I thought you may have driven that direction but I am sure you kept to mostly the coast.......I do need to send you some pictures of my latest paintings

    ok off for now to find something to do on a Sunday afternoon that does not involve a beer and nap.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,720 Member
    tmbg1 wrote: »
    10/1- A
    10/2-10/3-10/4-10/5 AF
    10/6-10/7- 10/8 - A
    10/9-10/10 10/11- 10/12 - AF
    10/13- 10/14- 10/15 - A
    10/16 - 10/17 - AF
    10/18 - 10/19-10/20-10/21-10/22 - A - went completely off the rails this week- i almost left the group because I'm embarrassed but decided to just log it and try to do better.

    So glad you’re still with us! This is exactly where you want to be because at one time or another, we have all gone off the rails. Don’t be embarrassed. We totally get it.