
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    edited November 2022
    Stats for the day

    Walk w/all kids, rain- 26.35min, .77ap, .34mi
    Walk w/Lucy and yogi- 36.41min, 1.29ap, .79mi
    90c for both short walks
    Walk/slow jog w/ yogi, rain- 1hr 24min 37sec, 23elev, 3.55ap, 5.02mi= 544c
    Strava app = 615c
    Zwift home bike trainer- strava stats- 13.53min, 131elev, 166aw, 21.9amph, 122ahr, 148mhr, 5.06mi= 126c
    Strava app = 131c
    Zwift stats-13.55min, 134elev, 165aw, 57arpm, 21.90amph, 5.08mi= 132c

    Total cal 754
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Miles on grandma waych,he is watching the guy across the street blow leaves...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Worked. I was told that they’re going to have me work only Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday and see how that works out. Honestly, to me, 6 days/week was getting to be a lot, so I really don’t have a problem with it. I do suspect that on the days that I am working, I’ll have to do more prep since I suspect that they’ll run things down to nothing. So at the end of the day, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m working the same number of hours. Plus...now I can go to the gym more often. So it’ll work

    I did talk to Jerry today. First I told him that the onions hadn’t been rotated, that I had to have someone else do it. He insisted that they had been rotated and I told him they hadn’t. He looked to see the dates they came in, and, sure enough, they hadn’t been rotated. His way of dealing with someone saying something negative to him is for him to walk away, which is what he did. But he did come back and I told him that he knows that the reason we separate the pickles on Friday is so that I can lift them on Saturday. I distinctly told him Friday that I could probably lift them once they were drained and they weren’t drained. He walked away but came back again. So I said to him “you were so proud of the fact that you were finished before I was on Friday. Do ya think this had anything to do with it? Do ya think”

    He said to me that Saturday is his day off. So that means you do a crap job on Friday? I don’t think so….. I’m sure (and this I can understand somewhat) that he wants to be done before me so that I can take him home. I can understand where he’s coming from, but that doesn’t make it right

    He did come in late today. Probably slept it off.

    Anyway, when I went to leave he said “ready?” for me to take him home. I just told him that I had a meeting.

    Honestly, I won’t hold a grudge, I’ll probably take him home Wednesday. But I do want the message to get thru and I think it will.

    Karen – I’ve tried going to a FB Marketplace because I would like a different bed for the guest room at the condo. I haven’t seen much on FBM. Maybe I’m looking at something incorrectly. What link do you use?

    Barbara – your drive sounds so scary! So glad to hear you are safe

    Tina – have fun at the concert. I’ll certainly be looking for ideas for food that can be transported. I’ve been asked to bring something to bowling next week when they’ll be celebrating Veteran’s Day and also the November birthdays. Right now I’m thinking cheese

    Rita – when I first saw that first picture, I was reminded of when we watch the space shuttle launches down in FL

    Vicki – congrats on the new vehicle. Tell us more about it. Color?

    Diane – welcome

    katla – so glad you had such a good time. You deserve it.

    Went to ceramics. I think tomorrow I’ll get to the gym to do a body pump DVD. I then have a doctor’s appt.

    Michele NC
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Allie - I meant to ask you, did you see there is going to be a Walton’s special on November 20th. It’s a whole new cast, I wonder if they are remaking it and this is a test run.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Tracey that's a good idea! He can park it at his job and leave it until Wednesday after work and then drive it home. Something we don't have to worry about being broken into or stolen. Although I just asked my husband and he said nowadays that's more like $4,000. He now officially has an expensive hobby, work!🥺

    💕 Mary from Arizona/Minnesota
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    The storm they said would be here has hit and hit hard- came home from class and the door mat had a bunch of hail on it. Thankfully it stopped raining just long enough for me to drive home.
    Got a text while at class. My daycare girl is sick so she will be staying home tomorrow which means an extra day off for me and I dont have to go out in the storm to go get her.
    Finishing up my day with these stats:
    164 minutes(walked the wetlands and then zumba)
    22,170 steps
    8 floors
    10.00 miles
    2356 calories burned.
    Did extra beings I won't be walking the wetlands in the storm tomorrow(but, I did just order myself a rain jacket so I can if I want to another day. Amazon had one half off- so just $10.

    Beings I am off tomorrow, I plan on working on getting the treadmill cleaned off so I can use it again.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mary Terese —Welcome! Stop by often and get acquainted.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    Nov pg 17 me
    Welcome @nelsondiane952 Diane form Seattle area and @designer91056 Mary Therese in Buffalo!
    Rori and Heather thank you for the pics!
    Lisa I feel the same way you do about DH’s snoring ;)
    Tracey I think the vacuum noise is are actually painful for him. The washer not so much. In any case, my resentment has eased after reading the reactions here. This is such a supportive and healing group of wise women. The Vermont Country Store has those chenille bedspreads… for a price !!! https://www.vermontcountrystore.com/bedding/category/bedspreads
    @linder4866 ?Joyce? good to see you popping in!
    Barbie :astonished: That is a big tree down! Glad no one was hurt.
    Carol that teacher’s aid was mistaken as well as rude. From Wikipedia: “The name "Viet Nam" (with a space separating the two syllables) is formally designated and recognized by the Government of Vietnam, the United Nations and the International Organization for Standardization as the standardized country name for Vietnam.”
    Katla so happy for your exceptional day. ((hugs))

    Thanks all for the concern about my harrowing trip. I feel very loved.

    Gratitude 8. Book: To Build a Land by Sally Watson
    11/7: Move: 2 sets pt, dogs to powerline, Jeopardy walking. steps: 7581
    Fuel: plants (running count for week) so far: apple, artichoke, beans-cannellini, beets, broccoli stalk, carrots, cauliflower, celery, corn on the cob, cucumber, garlic, grapefruit, maraschino cherry, orange, pecans, radish, romaine, snap peas, tomato-sauce, wheat-pasta/bread CI<CO=Y
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, vote prep, 3+ hrs desktop archeology.. Wt: 138.9
    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2022: Be still and listen.
    November: Move more (7515 steps), fuel better (protein + vegs), live NOW (time with Joe, Tumble and Shadow).