Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    What is SOA?

    Regarding names, I’m so jealous at all the options you girls can have. Being that I live in a bilingual area, I really need to consider names that work in both English and French (actually, my extended family is predominantly French and so I’d prefer a French name that works in English). That being said there are just so many I can choose from, and I want to avoid my kid going to school with 5 other kids with the same name. For a boy we’re leaning towards Matisse (except I’m not too keen on the nickname Mat, its just too common to me) and for a girl it’s a toss up between Amélie and Elle. My husband and family seem to prefer Elle, and I’m left fighting for Amélie so it looks like it’ll be Elle. We have decided to add middle names (Evelyn (his grandmother), and Christopher (his brother)) but they will not be used unless the child wants to use them once he/she is grown.

  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi all,

    Man some how I missed a couple days and am way behind. I'll have to try to read everything to catch up.

    Congrats Lexi on the big baby boy:0)

    I am super busy this week. I have my glucose test tomorrow morning and then my 3rd Hypnobirthing class at night. Then Saturday I'm getting my hair done and hopefully the weather will be nice so that we can get some maternity pictures done. A friend of a friend is doing mini 30 minute sessions for $40 at a park. You get all the pictures on a digital CD which will be perfect. Our dog Lucy will also get to be in the pictures, our first baby:0) Other than that work has been crazy busy. My boss is already worried about when I'm on maternity leave.

    Yesterday - Treadmill 30 Minutes - Done:0)
    Today- Zumba - Done:0)
    Tomorrow - Treadmill 30 Minutes
    Friday - Treadmill 30 Minutes or Zumba

    Hope to catch up later:flowerforyou:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Ash I am totally putting Evelynn on my list. That's so pretty. So is Amelie. It reminds me of the movie which I liked. Also SOA = Sons of Anarchy. I think it's an HBO show or something. I've never seen it.

    Misti I can totally relate to everything you said. I really want to be the laid back wife that is ok with whatever, but sometimes I just get annoyed. Sometimes not. We had a bunch of people over Saturday and everyone was drinking and I wasn't annoyed at all. I wanted a glass of wine real bad, and by midnight I was ready for the last guests to leave, but I wasn't annoyed even though my husband was a little slurry. IT's funny b/c I used to be the one that was slurry and he'd be telling me about it. I am torn b/c I feel like I am being lame all the time - wanting to stay in all the time and go to bed early and I know my husband has to be getting bored. We were very social people before, big drinkers, so this is a big change. He has never once complained, but it's been an adjustment for me. Mostly I've been okay with it all, but I have my moments. I know it is all worth it in the end and overall I have an incredibly supportive husband, friends and family and am very blessed.

    Gotta wrap up some work and then off to the pool! More than halfway through the week!

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Ash, I love the name Amelie, it's so pretty! SOA is a show called Sons of Anarchy, it's a really good show - you should look it up! :)
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Well, my first OB appointment turned out to be about what I thought it would be; LOTS of paperwork and a bunch of medical history questions (I also had a leep done in 2007 – she said that shouldn’t be an issue but it will be something they’ll keep an eye on it). The nurse put the labwork in for me….6 viles of blood and a clean catch UA. My hand actually started going numb while they were drawing the blood.

    OMW to the Navy Hospital for my appointment with the nurse, my doc called with my lab results (my progesterone results) we talked about how my pregnancy test came back positive and that my clomid follow-up appointment that I already had set up on the 30th would now become a pre-natal visit. I’ll only be 5w3d but he said he wants to do a full exam with an ultrasound to ruleout/in multiples. He said we may not be able see anything more than a sack, so if we couldn’t determine too much at that point we would do another ultrasound 2weeks later at 7weeks.

    Heather - Im not sure what tricare’s stance on ultrasounds is…. – I think as long as you are tricare standard and being seen exclusively at a military facility they don’t care. I had like 4 during my first pregnancy (also at a Navy hospital) and there was no cause for concern at anypoint, it could also be a Navy vs. Army thing? The DR I’ve been seeing seems really gung-ho about early ultrasounds.

    Ash – I honestly didn’t even think about that. I think I would be more inclined to take a birthing class than a pre-natal class. It will all be determined by what my schedule will allow. I feel like I got A LOT out of my first pregnancy educationally, I would be open to doing a refresher course but I feel like I would feel awkward in a class with a group of first time moms….

    Taldie – Unless we end up with Twins I don’t think we’re going to find out the gender either. Keeps us in suspense, adds a little something extra to all the excitement at the birth. Not that it takes anything away from those that find out – and we’ll probably change our minds 10 or 12 times before our anatomy scan 

    As for names – Hubs and I had names picked out for YEARS….but now that it’s time to start talking about them…the ones we had picked out are too popular now so we’re back to square one and we can’t agree on ANY! We have a boy name and a girl name on the maybe list: Sebastian for a boy and Tessa for a girl. However, husband is not to keen on either so they will remain on the maybe list until we either can’t come up with any better ones or we find better substitutes.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi everyone, again I din't get my walk on or the yoga dvd on either. I am feeling much better, the home remedies have helped alot.

    Misti- i can relate I have been unpatient when the kids (son & cousins) are playing and teasing & fighting. I am a very emotional person things make me cry especially sad movies, news etc... To tell you I watched Mars Needs Moms ( older children must see) and there were a couple of scenes that made me :sad: .

    Babeed-I can relate to getting up in the early AM, since ive been sick i was getting up & taking my home remedies, but last night i was plain hungry at 1am. I had a small cup of apple juice and 1 slice of Nature's own wheat bread. I thought it was hilarious hearing my stomach rumble.

    For lunch today I shared a chicken teriyaki bento w-a california roll (OB ok'd -since it's imitation Krab) yummm. So I will definitely get a walk in later tonight at least 30 mins.

    Thanks for sharing on the pregnancy journal. When i had my first i was young :blushing: and now i don't remember much of it, and I don't want that to happen this time around.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Made it to the gym last night, and most likely won't be going again for a little bit. I had a freak out this morning with spotting. It's the second time in a week and a half. Called the clinic on base and after being transferred around to 4 different ppl, I was finally told to come in for a "scheduled walk-in" appointment. They did an ultrasound and I got to see LO moving around and hear the heartbeat again. Good news is that the placenta is away from my cervix, cervix is measuring really good. Bad news is I have a very minor bleed in the placenta and a small clot. Not on bed or pelvic rest, but I was told to take it very easy for the next couple of weeks. Other good news, I've only gained 1 lb exactly since my last appointment 3 weeks ago!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hi everyone -

    Sorry, no time to respond to everyone, but wanted to let you know that I have been cleared for slow, easy walks (no hills!) for 20-30 minutes. Whoo hooo!!!! Went with my husband and the dogs this afternoon and it was SO NICE to be outside and moving!!

    Wishing everyone success with their fitness and nutrition goals.

  • Hi everyone!

    So...I didn't get my workout in last night...AGAIN :o( boo, BUT I did have a really healthy supper - Spinach salad, with garden carrots, cucumber, sugar snap peas and balsamic vinegar and a corn (gluten free) wrap with roasted turkey, cheese, mustard, butter lettuce and a little miracle whip! :o) It was really good and I even enjoyed the salad!
    This morning I made my green berry smoothie and I'm loving it and SO glad that I'm getting more veggies in! Whew!
    Here is the recipe:
    - 1 can of V8 vegetable fusion blueberry pomegranate
    - Frozen mixed berries (mine had peaches, blueberries & strawberries)
    - 2 large handfuls of baby spinach
    - 1 scoop of Greens + Energy powder
    - 1 tbsp of pineapple flavor calcium magnesium citrate liquid
    - some water to make it less thick :)
    Sometimes I also add half of a frozen banana but I forgot today ;)

    The smoothie is really tasty and is a really great way to sneak a big serving of green veggies in! Spinach is great because it is an excellent source of iron as well as the fact that it has anti-inflammatory properties! I have also used Kale in the past instead of spinach which is also really good because it is really rich in antioxidants and has lots of vitamin A, C, & K :)

    (sorry I just love learning about the nutritional facts behind what I'm eating!)
    Hope you guys try it & like it as much as I do!

    Ok gotta get back to work now!

    Oh and as for "Gemma" it would be pronounced like how you say "gem" like a gemstone, if that makes sense?

    Hope everyone is having a great day! :flowerforyou:

    Is someone a Sons of Anarchy Fan??? I wanted to use that too lol
  • How many of you had the gentic testing done for down syndrome?? Also if this is your 2nd baby... how fast did you start to show?

    Weekly goals:
    Excersise Thur, Fri, Sat, and Sun.
  • Mistibergman- Don't feel bad. I'm up 2 cup sizes, too. I measured into a 32 DD, and I was like... whoa!! lol. I don't know what I'm going to do when I breastfeed because I heard they get even bigger then. My sister likes to joke saying I'm all boobs

    I finished painting in the baby's room today. :-) Sadly I didn't have enough time to try my prenatal DVD because I spent so long painting, so I'm going to give it a shot tomorrow. Hubby wants to go for a 10 mile bike ride in the morning so I'll make up for being over my calorie goal today ;-)
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Thanks for the responses to what SOA was, we don’t watch too much TV and so we cancelled our cable two years ago. So I’m a little out of the loop of different shows being aired right now. If we want to see a show we go online and stream it, but we’re bigger readers than anything so that doesn’t happen too often.

    Vkcooper, I have an appointment for the NT scan for Down syndrome and decided to cancel it. I decided that being given the odds (even if it was 1/1000) I would stress myself out. We know we’re keeping the baby either way, so why go through that right now. Granted I’m also under 35 and have no family history of Down syndrome, so it wasn’t a mandatory test for me.

    So last night wasn’t good, I didn’t go to Zumba after all. I felt really nauseous and was afraid to go and be sick in the gym. I opted to go home instead, but did nothing there but read. A complete failure of a night exercise wise. Oh well, there’s tonight!

  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    vK- I'm 27 and this is my 2nd pregnancy. I am showing already at 16 weeks and I just did the 2nd part of the genetic testing Monday. I did genetic testing even for my first pregnancy when I was 24. I live in NYC, and here they test for everything and are very conservative about pregnancy.

    On a different note, DH and I chose the baby's name last night. We decided on Adrian Alexander. I'm not really into alliterated names, but I actually like it. It took us about 10 minutes to decide lol. With my son, it took months to come up with a full name.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I did not make it to the pool last night, but I did walk with Eric and Sydney (my furbaby) for 45 minutes. I left work late and it was gorgeous out. Sunny, low humidity and good temps, so I knew I wasn't going to be spending my free time indoors. It's supposed to be nice today too so I have a run/walk planned. All in all, I'm doing pretty good on my goals this week even if they're slightly modified.

    I was up 1.5 pounds this morning for the 2nd week in a row bringing my gain to 11 pounds. A lot of you have talked about flucuating weight, and I only weight myself once a week on Thursday morning, and I have been pretty consistent. I've have a few back and forth weeks, but probably kept it withing a 2 pound range. Maybe due to the fact I weigh the same day each week. Anyways, I'm pleased. I'm over the weight gain thing. At first I hate to see the numbers go up but I know it's all for good reason.

    Eric and I started looking at names again last night for the first time since we found out the sex 3 weeks ago. We eliminated half of our previous names and added a few new ones. We've decided to keep the name to ourselves. I have a feeling we will probably change our minds 100 times before she gets here. I've also been told to be equipped with several names becuase the baby may come out and just not look like whatever name you picked. Another good tip I got was yell out the name, as if you're calling the kid in from outside, and see how it sounds out loud. I did that with a couple names and thought, nope that's not it.

    I'll check back later. Anothe busy day at work! Only 2 more days till the weekend! Woo hoo!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    How many of you had the gentic testing done for down syndrome?? Also if this is your 2nd baby... how fast did you start to show?

    Weekly goals:
    Excersise Thur, Fri, Sat, and Sun.

    I didn't have testing done with my daughter and I'm not planning to with this pregnancy either. I figure whatever is meant to be will be.

    As far as showing...I kind of already am. I am 11 weeks and have a little belly forming...probably for about a week or two now. My clothes have been tight for almost a month and I went up a size for now...not quite ready for maternity pants yet, but soon. With my daughter I fit in my clothes until I was around 15 this is a big change for me! But my doctor says it's totally normal.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope you all slept well and are having a great day thus far. :)

    Ash from the very beginning exercise became more of a challenge for me mostly because it hurt my chest to jump and do any high impact stuff (they literally grew overnight and was so sore I had to wear a bra at all times or they ached). But I agree that you will have to alter some of your normal workouts to fit your new (and improved) status of being pregnant. You blood volume is already increasing and all the hormones are probably what made you feel nauseous. Make sure to eat a snack before you workout and drink lots of water! And I did laying ab workouts until around 16ish weeks. After that you can do the same thing just on an exercise ball or you can do standing abs and planks. I hope your knee feels better! :) I also love the name Evelyn. One of my best friends named her little girl that and they call her "Evie" and she is absolutely adorable!

    Kristy that's awesome that you liked your prenatal yoga. And I hear ya on the dog on the floor issue...My dog had to be trained that just cause I'm on the floor does NOT mean you can romp on me! lol I am frustrated too with the feeling of losing my strength and aerobic ability that I had prepregnancy...but muscle memory is an amazing thing and it shouldn't take too long to get it back!

    kittycats hope you got in a good workout! The weight gain is hard when you are so used to trying to make that number go lower not higher....but for the health of our babies it is a necessary "evil" of course. Congrats on the great u/s.

    babeed I've had some pregnancy insomnia here and there throughout the pregnancy but it usually is because of an upcoming event that I just can't shut my brain off. I would get up, eat a bowl of cereal while watching some boring tv and fall back asleep (hopefully) within an hour or 2. Hope you had a good doc appt.

    Taldie even if it was slow at least you pushed past and got in your run! Way to go! I bet you felt awesome afterwards!

    Khrys great job on getting in your workouts! Working out with others always keeps me motivated! Without my workout partner there are a lot of days where I'd just wuss out and say I'm too tired....but she helps keep me on track and not so lazy! :)

    Nichole AWESOME job on accomplishing your goals so far this week! Let us know how the glucose test goes. I hated the shaky feeling, but besides that it wasn't as bad as people said. Can't wait to see your maternity pics! :)

    Alisa I totally forgot that most Naval bases have hospitals. The Air Force (what I grew up with and where my husband-who is Army is flying out of) usually only has small clinics and the OB patients are always seen off base. We are not Tricare, but I've known a lot of women who have trouble with Tricare and their ultrasound policy... Glad you have a military facility that has all of that so you don't have to worry about it! :) Al and I have also had our names picked out for years (I guess that's what happens when you are TTC for way too long right?! lol). Our name is (Charlotte and calling her Charlee) has also gained in popularity overnight! I had never ever heard of anyone named Charlee except on an old movie "High Fidelity" with John Cusak and the only Charlotte I've ever known of was "Charlotte's Web" and Charlotte from "sex and the city"....We didn't care that it had gotten popular and have decided to stick with our original name that we so very much loved and dreamed that our baby would be called one day.

    Midnightdaydream glad everything is okay. Bleeding at any point during your pregnancy is scary.

    Holly glad to hear everything is going well. We miss you here but know how crazy it must be trying to get into a routine with you and Ellie. I'm so happy you got permission to do light exercise. I know people like us go stir crazy if we don't get in some kind of physical activity! I can't believe Ellie is already 2 weeks old! :)

    Virginia we recently had the discussion on testing for genetic disabilities. Many of us did, and many of us have chosen not to.

    Ashley 11lbs at 21 weeks is awesome. All of us need to remember that we will all gain differently! A lot of women gain steady and slow. But many women gain a ton in the beginning (me) and level out and won't gain for a month here and there or gain nothing in the beginning and gain it all at the end. As long as we are eating healthy, exercising, and taking care of ourselves the weight gain is healthy. And awesome job for still getting in some exercise. And I'm sure Eric and Sydney appreciated it as well.

    Al got back in yesterday so after my hike/workout I showered and did some grocery shopping then spent the rest of the day with him just relaxing. It was nice (cause that NEVER happens). Today I plan on doing an hour strength training and some walking. The day is dreary and overcast and I feel Fall in the air!

    I hope you all have a wonderful and healthy day!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies!

    I am proud to say I've been feeling better almost all week and been getting in exercise daily! So far...
    Monday--Lindsay Brin's prenatal strength/cardio (1st tri) 32 minutes
    Tuesday--2 mile jog/walk
    Wednesday--LB's prenatal strength/cardio (1st tri) 32 minutes AND LB's prenatal yoga (1st tri) 25 minutes

    Tonight will probably be a jog/walk or maybe a night off...depends on how I feel. Or maybe some yoga.

    Anyone else start feeling better by 11 weeks?

    As far as names go, my husband and I have always like Aiden Jon for a boy as far as a girl we are not for sure yet. We like Jordyn(not decided on spelling yet), Reagan, and Haiden(also not decided on spelling)...I think we might be leaning towards Reagan. We still have quite a while, so I'm sure we'll come up with some more!

    ANYways...have a great day ladies!! I'll check back again soon!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning All-

    I haven't ready any of the post so when I get a free minute, I'll read back up...


    Good news, :happy:
    I haven't lost any additional weight! I'm officially the same weight before I got pregnant wtih that he also lifted my no excercise restriction and said that I can only work on cardio (at the moment) and shouldn't go over 150 on my polar. So long walks it's better than me sitting at home for weeks on end...feeling fatter everyday.

    Bad news, :sad:
    my blood sugars are through the freaking roof. And I mean they are higher than my husand who is a diabetic. SO needless to say, I will be going back to the doctors next Wed to "drink the drink" and do the glucose testing. Because I'm only 15 weeks my doctor is very concerned since most average woman don't begin to show symptoms until 20 + weeks...

    He also mentioned that some of my symptoms have been known to be early symptoms for women with gastational diabetes...but he said it could also be a HUGE cowinci dink at this point (since I'm early into my 2nd tri)...only time and the test will tell the truth.

    "The Pains" :sick:
    Rayna, you were correct. The pelvic pains we are feeling are round ligament pains. I've only felt them on my left side but he said we should also expect to feel them right in the middle & the right side. He said they can be excruciating and recommended a Belly Band to help. Tylenol if they get to bad...

    Happy Thursday!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Morning Ladies! :)

    It's been a while since I've posted, but I've been trying to keep up w/ all the posts. Today is 16 weeks for me! Super excited. The belly is getting bigger. I'm sure I just look like I've gained some belly weight to people that don't know I'm pregnant. I've been trying to get more motivation to work out everyday. Yesterday I did if I can only keep it going. So far I've gained about 5-6lbs.....still all boobs & baby! FOUR more weeks til we find out if it's a boy or girl....the next few weeks can't go by fast enough! ;)

    As for the downs scans...I opted out of the first trimester scan. In the next couple of weeks, I'm going to be getting blood work done (I figured since it was just a quick blood test, no biggie)...but that's the extent of what I'll be doing.

    Hope you're all doing well!
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member

    As far as names go, my husband and I have always like Aiden Jon for a boy as far as a girl we are not for sure yet. We like Jordyn(not decided on spelling yet), Reagan, and Haiden(also not decided on spelling)...I think we might be leaning towards Reagan. We still have quite a while, so I'm sure we'll come up with some more!

    ANYways...have a great day ladies!! I'll check back again soon!

    My name is Jordin, so I vote for that one :)