
  • dustflame415
    dustflame415 Posts: 2 Member
    Loving this.. I need Pals to keep me motivated in quest to lose 5# and increase exercise… age 74
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member

    Joe took the dogs and me to Crissey field this morning. I asked if he’d stop at Freddie’s on our way home so I could get a few things. At first he brumbled that the parking lot was packed (at 8:00 am!), but after our walk he was gracious. Freddie’s had FRESH bone-in turkey breasts, more expensive but thaw time. Done shopping except for last minute loaf of bread Wednesday, that I might be able to get at Grocery Outlet. Whew!

    Machka and Debbie, have you tried paper tape instead of bandages? I can tolerate it much better. https://www.amazon.com/Micropore-Surgical-Hypoallergenic-Paper-White/dp/B00ZK9ZEG6
    Carol the dressing is Joe’s favorite part too. Ours is croutons, onions, celery, butter, chicken stock and pork sausage, no turkey in the dressing. My favorite is the leftover white meat turkey sandwiches on Wonderbread with Best Foods mayonnaise, sweet hot mustard and cranberry jelly, Oh and when the gravy turns out well I can just about drink it.
    Michele, Vince is lucky you love him :naughty:
    Pip that’s a long time to have to soak her paw. Is the swelling going down?
    Allie enjoy this trip, you sure deserve the break!
    Rosemarie “…better this evening…” so very glad to hear it.
    ((hugs)) to Heather, Rebecca and all who are sad today.

    Gratitude 21: song=there are so many, hymns, rock and roll, Beatles, couldn’t begin to pick one.

    11/21: Move: 1 set pt, dogs to Crissey field, line dancing class. steps: 8961 so far
    Fuel: plants (running count for week) so far: almonds, apple, artichoke, avocado, beans-cannellini, beans-garbanzo, beans-green, beets, broccoli florets, broccoli stalk, carrots, cauliflower, celery, corn on the cob, cherries-dried, cranberries-dried, cucumber, garlic, grapefruit, maraschino cherry, mushrooms, mustard greens, onions, orange, pecans, radish, romaine, satsumas, snap peas, snow peas, sweet peppers-orange, sweet peppers-red, tomato-sauce, walnuts, wasabi peas, wheat-pasta/bread. CI<CO=Y
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, Freddie’s, asked Dan the appliance repairman about stoves/ovens, voted for Thrivent directors. Wt: 139.1 looks like a one day delay in late night snacking impact.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2022: Be still and listen.
    November: Move more (7515 steps), fuel better (protein + vegs), live NOW (time with Joe, Tumble and Shadow).

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,091 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,091 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Joe took the dogs and me to Crissey field this morning. I asked if he’d stop at Freddie’s on our way home so I could get a few things. At first he brumbled that the parking lot was packed (at 8:00 am!), but after our walk he was gracious. Freddie’s had FRESH bone-in turkey breasts, more expensive but thaw time. Done shopping except for last minute loaf of bread Wednesday, that I might be able to get at Grocery Outlet. Whew!

    Machka and Debbie, have you tried paper tape instead of bandages? I can tolerate it much better. https://www.amazon.com/Micropore-Surgical-Hypoallergenic-Paper-White/dp/B00ZK9ZEG6
    Carol the dressing is Joe’s favorite part too. Ours is croutons, onions, celery, butter, chicken stock and pork sausage, no turkey in the dressing. My favorite is the leftover white meat turkey sandwiches on Wonderbread with Best Foods mayonnaise, sweet hot mustard and cranberry jelly, Oh and when the gravy turns out well I can just about drink it.
    Michele, Vince is lucky you love him :naughty:
    Pip that’s a long time to have to soak her paw. Is the swelling going down?
    Allie enjoy this trip, you sure deserve the break!
    Rosemarie “…better this evening…” so very glad to hear it.
    ((hugs)) to Heather, Rebecca and all who are sad today.

    Gratitude 21: song=there are so many, hymns, rock and roll, Beatles, couldn’t begin to pick one.

    11/21: Move: 1 set pt, dogs to Crissey field, line dancing class. steps: 8961 so far
    Fuel: plants (running count for week) so far: almonds, apple, artichoke, avocado, beans-cannellini, beans-garbanzo, beans-green, beets, broccoli florets, broccoli stalk, carrots, cauliflower, celery, corn on the cob, cherries-dried, cranberries-dried, cucumber, garlic, grapefruit, maraschino cherry, mushrooms, mustard greens, onions, orange, pecans, radish, romaine, satsumas, snap peas, snow peas, sweet peppers-orange, sweet peppers-red, tomato-sauce, walnuts, wasabi peas, wheat-pasta/bread. CI<CO=Y
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, Freddie’s, asked Dan the appliance repairman about stoves/ovens, voted for Thrivent directors. Wt: 139.1 looks like a one day delay in late night snacking impact.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2022: Be still and listen.
    November: Move more (7515 steps), fuel better (protein + vegs), live NOW (time with Joe, Tumble and Shadow).

    It looks like it is. She’s walking around the house better. She still is not going on any long walks. She’s riding in the stroller.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    Lanette These space heater do not have a range. I have two kinds Lasko and Honeywell. I set them at 60 degrees if temps in the space fall below 60 they will turn on and stay on until the unit senses it is 60 degrees in the space where they are located. If the furnace is working it will not get this cold. If the furnace stops working depending how cold it is outside the units may stay on trying to get the air around them to get air to stay at 60 degrees. With the furnace off they will probably read the temperature in the room to be less than 60. That is why I have them near pipes and the refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator will shut down if it gets less than fifty. What I like about the units is they will give you what the actual air temperature is in the space where the space heater is located. I got mine at Target. I am sure places like Home Depot would also have them. I am not sure if they are meant to be used in a humid space like a greenhouse and they should not be used with extension cords.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Ginny - why part of Northern Maine did you live in?

    Heather - I love that you speak of Kate. My parents had a stillborn daughter the year before I was born. My mother rarely spoke her name. She was Lorna Kathy.

    Beth - I don’t have a favourite song either. My DH and I had this discussion the other day, it would be like choosing a favourite child. At one time or another they are all your favourite. My favourite song really depends on my mood in the moment.
    Today it would be The Dance by Garth Brooks, that is because a special lady is on my mind and it was her favourite and played at her funeral.

    Annie - I feel it when I walk on concrete too. I really need to get back to what I was in 2019, I don’t know why I’m finding it so difficult right now.

    Rebecca - is your sister not able to get some help. That sounds terrible.
    I would be worried about elder abuse. Here in AB you are legally obligated to report any you suspect.
    Just saw your response to Flea, that sounds like the definition of elder abuse.

    All of the biscuit talk makes me think I should make some. I used to make them fairly often.

    I finished another stocking tonight, tomorrow night I want to make some more glitter ornaments and will probably get the next 4 designs stitched in place. Wednesday evening I will work on DH’s Dad’s. I am excited to start this next batch.

    I am trying to decide if I should take Thursday afternoon off. It would give me more time for decorating this weekend.

    I do have Wednesday afternoon off as I have a doctors appointment. Friday is a vacation day.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    edited November 2022
    Thinking of you all in the US as you prepare for Thanksgiving. I've got really grinchy at any kind of holiday celebration. I feel so lucky that my younger son is taking the strain for Christmas, with me pre-preparing a few things to take over. I will do the pudding next weekend. It has to be gluten free, but I've got all the ingredients, including gluten free suet.
    I'm at the stage in my life when nothing is more important than my peace and calm. Any excitement or hassle has to be rationed out carefully. If I do one thing one day, then I need a day to regain my balance. If I do too many things, then my writing gets squeezed out, and that is not good for my mental health. My writing is my priority.
    Exercise, writing, rest, and good food are the planks that hold my house together. Commitments, obligations, too much socialising, trying to fit too much in, causes the nails to fall out. I have had to learn to say No a lot.

    Wishing you all health and strength and enjoyment as you take on the responsibilities of the season. I know some of you love it! :D

    Love from across the pond, where the season hasn't really started yet. Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited November 2022
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka and Debbie, have you tried paper tape instead of bandages? I can tolerate it much better. https://www.amazon.com/Micropore-Surgical-Hypoallergenic-Paper-White/dp/B00ZK9ZEG6

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    I got some the other day and got some gauze today. I figure I may need that combination rather than bandaids.

    Christmas Music -- love it! I've started listening to it at work and a little bit at home. I'll probably keep listening to it until sometime in January. It relaxes me.

    Weather -- it's blowing a gale here, gusting over 100 km/h. And snowing at higher elevations. It's late spring here, almost summer and this is not the weather we appreciate just now.

    Work -- I got a new computer at work, and I've spent the day transitioning from one to the other. :neutral: The new computer will probably be better but there's so much to do making the transfer.

    Medical -- I have a new GP at last. Now I've got forms to fill in.

    Exercise -- 3.6 km walking + 14 flights of stairs. Plus about 4 hours standing next to my desk at work.

    Machka in Oz

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,389 Member
    Tracey-after a stint for 3 years in Orono while attending University for Masters degree, lived in Presque Isle for three years-taught at university there. Gorgeous part of the country. They refer to area as "the County" (Aroostook County-which takes up much of state) was primarily woods-still part of of logging industry). And of course-there is the Valley for the Canadian side. (that's the Stl John's River Valley for those not familiar). Very interesting combination of English and French spoken there!

    Closest I ever got to homemade biscuits is bisquik-but that is a great overall mix. Same with cornbread-we always used jiffy mix. But-since they both involve mixing ingredients and baking in your kitchen-I count them as home made!

    Sue-I know what you mean about the messy kitchen-youngest son is the same. I hate the mess but I love cooking with him while he makes it!

    Work gifts arrived from Amazon. One of the items is a bit bigger than I visualized, but it is cute so I will give it. I give to my 6 managers, my admin sec, MIS manager, my boss and assistant boss. 10 in all. Making out Christmas cards for staff (200 or so) and making ornaments for supervisors (35). Takes a little time but I do enjoy it.

    Need to stop by store on way home today. Need to get apple, orange, walnuts and cranberry for cranberry jello salad. Will see if there is a pumpkin roll. I am also making some two ingredient pumpkin mini muffins to take to youngest son's house for Saturday. Actually, since I am u[ O may go ahead and get dressed and stop by store on way into work-then I have sunlight for walk at home afterwork.

    Hope everyone has good day.

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Work gifts arrived from Amazon. One of the items is a bit bigger than I visualized, but it is cute so I will give it. I give to my 6 managers, my admin sec, MIS manager, my boss and assistant boss. 10 in all. Making out Christmas cards for staff (200 or so) and making ornaments for supervisors (35). Takes a little time but I do enjoy it.
    Ginny in Ohio


    I've never done that!! I couldn't imagine!

    Very few people do cards anymore and the only works gifts I've exchanged have been as part of a secret Santa.

    I am glad you enjoy it though ... it's a lot of work.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited November 2022
    30 Days of Gratitude

    1. Smell - freshly cut grass on our lawn.
    2. Technology - the amazing advancements in medical technology.
    3. Colour - blue. Beautiful blue sky peaking through the clouds.
    4. Food - soup. That's what I've been eating just recently because there's less chewing. We always keep a few cans of soup on hand for situations like these.
    5. Sound - my music. I've recently acquired a number of nature sounds CDs with music playing along with sounds of ocean waves, birds, and so on. Lovely.
    6. Nature - I love nature. It would be incredibly difficult for me to pick just one thing. I am so grateful that there is nature and that I can enjoy it.
    7. Memory - Winter 2017. The last time I visited my parents and a wonderful 1-month holiday to Canada that June/July. My husband and I did two cycling events and a lot of other cycling. We climbed mountains and explored a glacier. We visited friends and family.
    8. Book - Norman Doidge's The Brain's Way of Healing. I found it inspirational!
    9. Place - home. I've moved and travelled a lot and home is wherever I happen to feel really comfortable. Right now, home is a certain house here in Tasmania where I can go and just be myself (mostly, for even a little while). Home is where I can lie down on the sofa and doze off when I've had a rough day, like I did yesterday.
    10. Taste - salt. My favourite taste. :) On the one hand I need salt because of my exercise and medications, on the other hand I need to reduce my salt because of my kidneys. But given the choice, I'll usually go salty over sweet ... or maybe salty and sweet!
    11. Holiday - Christmas!!!!
    12. Texture - smoothness. I like smooth clothes, smooth sheets, Rhody's smooth fur ...
    13. Abilities - I don't really think of myself in terms of having abilities. I've sort of thought of myself as "the jack of all trades, master of none". However, organisation is one that I've been thankful for throughout my life.
    14. Sight - the beauty all around. In our yard, where we go cycling, where I work, and travelling around this island.
    15. Season - I like the seasons in the following order from best to worst: Summer, Autumn ............ Spring ................... Winter.
    16. What about your body are you grateful for? Healing ... that it heals. Mostly anyway, and perhaps imperfectly, but healing does take place.
    17. What knowledge are you grateful for? Everything I do know. It all contributes to my work, my carer role, and my other activities.
    18. Piece of art - of the arts, I think the two I appreciate the most are literature and music. On the subject of music, I have really appreciated discovering ABC Classic FM on the radio and the app on my phone. I pop in my earbuds at work and I can focus on my work while feeling relatively relaxed at the same time. :)
    19. Touch - Rhody's fur, his little wet nose, his whiskers
    20. Who in my life - my husband. I'm glad he is still in my life. My parents who have always been supportive.
    21. Song - He Is -- Mark Schultz. One of several songs that has been with me through the difficult times.
    22. Story - I'm grateful that there are so many stories! I love reading. It provides me with a much-needed distraction.


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited November 2022
    The nose biopsy dent after 3 weeks of healing.


    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im up and going to get dressed and take my pills,then pull the car up and and start packing..picking Doris up between 8-9
    And we take our time driving up.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    I let Teddy out at 6:30 and he was barking like crazy out there. I got him inside as quickly as I could. I hate early morning challenges to my routine.

    I have grocery shopping to do today, and a medical appointment for Mom. She is supposed to take her blood pressure daily, but she won't do it unless I hover and beg, and sometimes not even then.

    I got my new Kindle set up. Yay! Next is clearing a spot for the charger.

    Exercise will be dumbbells tonight. I did well on my diet yesterday, hoping it's the start of a new trend. Dinner is probably hamburgers for my parents, maybe a sweet potato for me. Meanwhile there are chores to do and phone calls to make.

    Allie have a great trip!

    Machka I had interior nose surgery many years ago. The doctor said I should get cosmetic done at the same time but I thought it would be vain. Now I wish I had done it. Going back to have it done would triple the cost.

    Wishing you all a healthy diet and exercise day!

    Annie in Delaware

  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 640 Member
    Grateful for...
    22-*story-Le Petite Prince par Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN