

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Worked then came home and started getting ready for tonight. I really don’t like waiting until the last minute. I cooked the noodles for the mac & cheese, washed the lettuce and tomatoes, breaded the pork, made the meringue and baked the pie. Lector at the church tonight and I’m hoping to leave early so I can get home to finish cooking. Also set the table

    BK is open tomorrow. From 10 to something like 11. I honestly thought they’d be closed, but they’re not

    kylia – I buy my honey from this guy down the street. You can see the bee hives in his backyard. Can’t get much more local than that!

    I don’t know about any of you, but for NYE I just can’t decide if I should wear my red pajamas to the living room or my green one!

    Barbara – do you have to take your recyclables to a recycling center? We’re fortunate, we can co-mingle, they recycle A LOT (even aluminum foil), but the bad thing is that they pick up recyclables only every other week. Well, on the weeks they don’t, I just don’t put out the garbage, we have so little. But I’ve had to borrow the neighbor’s recycling ours was so full!

    Vince got Turbotax in the mail yesterday. That translates into “leave him alone when he’s working on taxes”

    katla – oh no! What was the reason your hubby went to the hospital?

    Carolhemma – welcome! My dh has the same medical issues you have !

    KJ – so sorry about Chappie but glad you are there for them

    M – happy new year to you!

    Betsy – words escape me for what they’re doing to you! Is that what their religion is about? Bullying? Blackmail? I don’t think so. If it’ll help, let me know and I’ll ask Jess’ bf what his thoughts are. His family is very mormon, but he turned away when he was 13. I so agree with Lanette – “conditional” love isn’t love.

    Well, I left church early. Usually Ken & Lynette come late. Like if I say “dinner is at 5”, they usually don’t get here until 5:10 or so. Well, I’d said “I have to lector, so let’s have dinner at 6”. I figured leaving church early, I’ll be able to get things done. And they came at 5:30. Thank goodness I had so much done ahead of time!

    Usually, they leave around 10. Ken was talking to Vince and they stayed until shortly after the ball dropped. I don’t have a problem with them staying.

    Happy New Years everyone! Jess called us right after 12. After Ken & Lynette left we called Denise and left a message (as usual)

    Had pork chops. I was surprised at how little Lynette ate, ½ of one pork chop, some of the macaroni & cheese I made, and a little of the vegetable. I found out that she doesn’t like banana (wish she’d told me before, I wouldn’t have made a banana cream pie), didn’t have any cookies. I don’t know...I’m just a little sad that she ate so little. She didn’t eat any salad, said she doesn’t like salad (I could swear that she’s had it before). She said she’s “watching what she eats”. Really, I’m a bit tired of people saying that. Usually, nothing seems to come of it.

    Debbie – CHICKEN SAUSAGE!!!! No, No, No….you MUST have pork on New Years, never ever fowl

    Nene – welcome! Be sure to bookmark this site and come back often

    Lanette – thanks for the first smile of the new year

    Off to bed now.

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Debbie – CHICKEN SAUSAGE!!!! No, No, No….you MUST have pork on New Years, never ever fowl

    Michele NC

    Oh believe me, that has NEVER happened in our family. At least not to my knowledge unless someone snuck a bit of pork into something. I guess it's possible the salami on the pizza might have had a bit of pork.

    I try to avoid pork as much as possible. Not even that keen on bacon.

    I think you might have explained this in a previous year but it's not a tradition I'm familiar with.

    M in Oz

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,040 Member
    Have another 45 min until midnight here but the neighbors have their Mariachi band going so I won't be getting to sleep until they are done.
    Going to try sleeping in the bed tonight-first time in 2 1/2 weeks. I went in a bit ago and thankfully dh had put his c-pap on(it was off the other times I was in there). He went to sleep about 7:30.
    Hopefully no asthma attacks tonight. Dh is off tomorrow and son is at his girlfriends house- hope to sleep in a bit tomorrow. Will have to wait and see.

    Need to wake up my kitten so I can get my blankets and pillows and take all of into the bedroom.

    Happy New Years
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
    Thanks Barbie
    You CONTINUE to keep us together on the Rocky Road of life.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Katla ((hugs)) and prayers for your DH and you. Glad your DD is near and you were able to visit him in hospital. ((hugs)) and prayers.

    31 A “daily-ish” ;) habit you’re happy you’ve cultivated. PT exercises, keep me moving pain free.

    Monthly average weight down 0.3 lb to 137.7 so ending the month and the year a tiny bit lighter. Spending a week in my pjs took a toll on daily step count, over 2K short of goal steps. Don’t want this to be my maintenance weight so have some thinking/changing to do.

    Joe took the dogs and me to Harris Beach campground this morning, hooray! After brunch I would normally nap, (and wanted to!) but instead took Shadow to dog group for the first time in weeks. Good brisk pack walk and exercises. Gorgeous warm(ish) sunshine, so glad I took advantage of the break in the rain.

    Struggling to find a word or motto that resonates for 2023. Want to be cheerful, flexible, active, giving, resilient, even-tempered and present but nothing just says “Yes, that’s it!”

    Happy New Year Machka and Heather!
    Welcome @carolhemma3415 Carol in Mx.
    KJ safe travels. Big hugs held extra long for your sad little family. Always the hardest but last, most loving thing that can be done.
    Ginny con VERY grats for your first smoke-free year. “… didn't actually do any of the things I thought of doing to some people at work…” :laugh:
    Betsy so sorry your in-laws are pressuring you to permit them to do something your husband would not have wanted. In my opinion, saying they will still love you, but your relationship will be different, well, that’s on them. Be true to yourself and your dearly departed.
    Lisa yours to Betsy. In spades. Likewise everyone else’s.
    Pip your highlight from 2022, truth that.
    Margaret what a lot of troubles, first the garage door, then car snowed in, finally thermostat failing. Time for a nap indeed!
    Carla thanks for your tweaked gratitude list.
    Lanette… “but thanks for asking. How about this weather?” rotflmao!
    Carol “The smell of the chocolate makes me feel like pounds are adding on and I haven't even had any. Not even a taste!” I read somewhere that just LOOKING at a picture of fattening food in a magazine stimulates the hormones that store fat. That you can gain weight by just looking. SMH :astonished:
    Rori love the “new body” meme and look forward to seeing some of your calendar pics.

    It’s 8:40 pm here so Happy New Year to those on the East Coast. Our neighbors have been shooting off their guns since mid-afternoon and the dogs respond by barking. Not sure I’ll make it to midnight, so see you in the January 2023 thread.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2022: Be still and listen.
    December: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.

    Maybe "buoyant"?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    edited January 2023
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Looking forward to some better sleep. Night before last was insomnia until about 3AM(and up at 6 for dr. appt.) then last night it was two asthma attacks. Slept on the couch because I didn't want to wake dh up with my coughing beings he had to be up at midnight to go to work and by that time, I was too tired and too comfy to go into the bed. Kind of getting used to sleeping in there now after two and a half weeks.

    Happy New Years Ladies!

    Napa Valley, Ca

    Have you considered twin beds for you and your husband? Ours are in the same room, but our heads are in opposite corners so that we don't disturb each other too much. We also have different mattresses, pillows, etc. so that we can sleep as we like.

    You asked about tea.

    I drink teas with chamomile.


    This one has chamomile and valerian.

    I used this one the night before my surgery and the morning of my surgery. I think it helped me sleep and then keep me calm and relaxed during the surgery. It's got chamomile and valerian.

    As for pills, I take a combination of Melatonin and Valerian at night and Ashwagandha in the morning although I may try it at night too.

    Even though I am usually very tired, I find I don't sleep without the extra help.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    Rumination is a bi@tc#.

    Karen in Virginia

    I know.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    edited January 2023
    Machka9 wrote: »
    🎉 Highlights of 2022 🎉
    • I exercised 303 days of the year.
    • We completed the longest bicycle ride since Rowan's accident and the fastest.
    • I ran a 10K.
    • I've had more sleep this year!
    • Skin cancer spotted ... and dealt with.
    • I found a new doctor and a great skin cancer surgeon.
    • We've made progress on projects that have and will make garden care easier in the future and we've had the joy of seeing so many flowers and lots of fruit and veg.
    • I've had 3 jobs this year! The tail end of one job, a 6-month term position and my new job. Big learning experience!! And these jobs have been an advancement upon the job I had at the beginning of the year.
    • I had the opportunity to be on an interview panel for the very first time!
    • We've started to build relationships and connections within the beekeeping community, and continue to do so within our cycling community and brain injury community.
    • I have really enjoyed having about 3 weeks off work over this Christmas season. Granted, some of it was recovery from surgery, but it has been so nice to just rest.
    • We've travelled to several areas in Tasmania.
    • We were able to go to a couple plays in person.
    • No university or other further education this year but lots of learning in new jobs, the garden and about bees.
    • More reading for pleasure, rather than study.
    • I've been reading the Bible every day.

    And now to think ahead to 2023. :)

    Machka in Oz

    2023 Goals

    My 2023 goals are a continuation of my 2021 and 2022 goals based on my ToDo list and my 50Things list with reference to a Wellness Wheel.

    Upcoming Appointments - these are at the top of my list. The things I need to deal with in the next few weeks.

    Intellectual/Occupational/Financial or Education/Career: Advancing my career. Moving from adequate to proficient at SQL, brushing up on VB and cost accounting, learning Python and data analysis software.
    Also, I want to have a closer look at our financial situation to see where we can save money and to make sure we're on top of things.

    The goal is to expand my skillset and to improve our financial situation.

    Medical: my husband's appointments, which I also need to attend because I'm his ears and cognition and my appointments now that I've been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease.
    I also want to create medical record binders (and on the computer) for both of us, in case something happens.

    The goal is to keep us as healthy as we can be and to ensure we have information at our fingertips.

    Fitness/Sports > Cycling > Audax Tasmania: There are a number of fitness/sport things I'd like to try, with a focus on cycling, and a large part of my cycling endeavours includes my volunteer work with Audax Tasmania ... and maybe even riding some events again myself!
    On my 50Things list I have all sorts of things like riding a horse for the first time, trying archery, learning to dance. Maybe this might be the year to try a bit of that.

    The goal it to improve my fitness level.

    House > Office > Computer become more specific as they go along. I have a number of thing which need to be done in the house (kitchen, dining room, etc.) but most importantly the home office needs a whole lot of work. And along with that I need to organise the drives on my computer into a better filing system.

    The goal is to have an organised and decluttered house and computer system.
    The goal is also to ensure all paperwork is up to date and accessible by both of us.

    Garden: I have several projects I would like to do this year. One of the main ones is to finally finish my dry stream. :)

    The goal is to have a pleasant, creative, relaxing and functional area outside for reading, exercise and socialising.

    Spiritual: Continue to read the Bible every day. And attend church a little bit more often.

    The goal is to learn, relearn, revitalise.

    Emotional/Social/Recreation: More creativity, relaxation, connections. I have all sorts of things on my 50Things list like doing more with my photography, playing the piano again, working on my website and more.

    The goal is balance. Doing a variety of things that aren't just work and education.


    Machka in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    The museum was very crowded because it was a weekend. The friend who organized it still works so weekends or evenings is the only time she can go. Still enjoyed it despite the crowds. I got lucky and got a good place to park. Our favorite was a sculpture of a young man examining his foot. It was just such an everyday thing. The sculpture inspired Botticelli to do a similar drawing. His Gift to the Magi painting also created an interesting discussion about how times have changed since this painting was done and how some things never change.

    I was up to watch the note drop. In Nashville, TN they dropped a large red note. I sang Auld Lang Syne and then went to bed.