What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Elliptical Interval setting 150 minutes for 9.92 miles. Looked up & calculated my zone heart rates, I was in the high zone 2-4 range and a bit of zone 5. This is my usual effort.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    Physical therapy session (which involved a lot of the PT reviewing potential weight lifting exercises I could do, and checking form wrt the shoulder problem, plus the arm bike warm-up). I'm cleared to do overhead press: Yay! That's important to me for lifting and carrying boats. She thinks its OK to try machine rowing again, but I decided to wait until tomorrow or Monday when my shoulder will've settled down after some of today's experiments.

    So, more stationary bike today, 60' at 100W, 3' CD at 85W, mostly Z3, peak at 134bpm (75% HRmax-ish). If I believed 220-age, it would be more like 88% and in anaerobic threshold: NopeNopeNope. Why? Because RPE, mostly, and tested max (even though tested a while back now).

    I'll do at least some of the home PT exercises before bed: PT told me to limit today based on perceived shoulder fatigue/strain, so we'll see.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    Great workout this morning. Upper body, core and cardio.

    De-load ended yesterday, and it felt great moving some heavy weight. Felt strong through the whole workout with out a many aches and pains.


    36 minutes on the spin bike, heart rate avg/max:145/167
    32 minutes on the treadmill, heart rate avg/max: 135/147

    51 minutes lifting weights

    - Barbell Bench Press: 10@135, 8@165, 6@195, 4@205, drop set: 2@215, 4@195, 6@165, 8@135
    - Wide Grip Lat Pull-downs: 10@110, 8@140, 6@170, 4@190, drop set, 3@210, 4@190, 6@160, 8@130
    - Barbell Overhead Press: 10@75, 8@95, 6@115, 4@135, drop set, 3@135, 4@115, 6@95, 8@75

    - Triceps Press-downs: 10@50, 8@70, drop set: 5@90, 10@50
    - Crunches: 20, 20, 20
    - Dumbbell Curls: 10@25, 8@30, drop set: 6@35, 10@25
    - Landmine Twists: 3*10@65lbs
    - Resistance Band Face Pulls: 3*10@70lbs

  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    edited February 2023
    Great workout this morning. Lower body, core and cardio.


    36 minutes on the spin bike, heart rate avg/max:128/149
    35 minutes on the treadmill, heart rate avg/max: 126/142

    45 minutes lifting weights

    Wide Stance Leg Press: 10@210, 8@300, 8@390, 8@480, 6@t570, 6@570, 6@570, drop set: 6@570, 6@480, 6@390, 8@300, 10@210
    Crunches: 25, 25, 25, 25
    Bodyweight Box Squats: 10, 10, 10, 10
    Barbell Sumo Deadlifts: 10@95, 8@145, 8i@165, 6@185, drop set: 6@205, 6@145, 8@95
    Kettlebell Pass Around: 4*16@40lbs


  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 989 Member
    edited February 2023
    I went scuba diving this weekend.

    We were in a group of three. I was slightly away from the others at the start. I couldn't see them as I descended (visibility was about 20 centimetres). So I swam around for a bit, still didn't find them, and slowly came up. 12 minute dive.

    They were at the top of the shot, so we went down again. It was nice. 40 minute (for the second dive); 20 metres; 8 centigrade water.

    We failed to pull the shot line after the dive, which gave rise to:

    The went out to the same wreck (the British Inventor.) It was fairly lumpy on the sea, but diveable. The current was ripping, probably 2 knots. We hauled ourselves down the shot, freed the weight from the bit of wreck it was caught on. Then we blobbed and went for a fast drift. I got enough scallops for dinner.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    Skipped all workouts yesterday (off usual rest schedule) including skipping PT exercises. I had an "I can't even" day, I guess. :D

    So, working out today, which would usually be the rest day. Normal stationary bike, easy pace, 60' (89W) + 3' (83W), only started Garmin part way through (😬) but Concept 2 graph suggests the overwhelming majority was Z2.

    Saved up a little enthusiasm (?) to try a very limited machine row, 2k + 2' CD at an easy 2:29.1 pace/22spm for the 2k, just to see how my shoulder felt (applying some tips from my PT), mostly Z3 Not too bad in shoulder discomfort/fatigue terms.

    Thought about lifting, since I skipped yesterday, but decided it would mess up plans for coming week, so will live with 2x this past week. Will do PT exercises before bed (I don't count those for calories because trivial.)
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,464 Member
    Hour of elliptical hills. Couple months ago I would be dripping sweat after this workout, today felt rather routine. Guess that happens when you do daily cardio for a few weeks, instead of 2x per week.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    Good workout this morning, Upper body, core and cardio.


    32minutes on the spin bike, heart rate avg/max: 134/157
    26minutes on the treadmill, heart rate avg/max: 133/142

    51minutes lifting weights

    - Incline Dumbbell Press: 12@35, 10@50, 10@60, 10@60, drop set: 8@60, 8@50, 8@40, 10@30
    - Cable Rows: 12@110, 10@140, 8@170, 6@190, drop set: 4@210, 4@180, 6@150, 8@120
    - One-Armed Landmine Overhead Press: 12@60, 10@75, 10@85, 8@95, drop set: 6@105, 6@95, 8@85, 10@75

    - Rope Triceps Press-downs: 10@30, 8@40, drop set: 8@50, 10@30
    - Crunches: 25, 25, 25
    - Dumbbell Curls: 10@25, 8@30, drop set: 8@35, 10@25
    - Weighted Side-Bends, each side: 3*10@40lbs
    - Resistance Band Face Pulls: 3*10@70lbs

  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited February 2023
    Yesterday (Sunday) was 70 minutes of easy steady state cardio.

    Today was an AM lift during work breaks and I did my monthly rowing challenge at lunch. It was row 3 minutes, one recovery, 2:30, one recovery, repeat (taking off 30 seconds each interval) down to 1 minute. Ended up at exactly 2500 meters/2:00 pace.
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    dralicephd wrote: »
    @Djproulx Hang in there! And yes, please keep posting. :)

    30 min. elliptical session today followed by a full-body low/body weight strength training session. Part of me feels like I can probably kick up some of the weight, but I'm afraid to do so. Every time I've done that in the past, I've gotten injured. So... I'll just keep on with the same for awhile for muscle maintenance.

    @dralicephd, can I suggest that if you'd like to increase the challenge, but don't want to increase the weight (yet), there's a really excellent thread by @nossmf (who sometimes posts in this thread) about other ways to increase intensity? It's here:


    I don't know why no one nominated this for "Most Helpful Posts", so I just did, because I think it is. (Feel free - anyone who agrees - to go second the nomination over in Feature Requests, the Nominate Stickies thread near the top.)

    DrAlice, I'm very injury averse, so when lifting I usually noodle around under my own inexpert piloting to increase useful stress some other way for a while when I'm kind of on the edge of "will I hurt myself if I increase weight". Eventually, the weight increase feels more viable. The results may not be as good as quickly as the weight increase, but there can be progress nonetheless. Just a thought.

    Oh my goodness. What an invaluable resource! Thank you for pointing this out. Thanks @nossmf for writing this up! There's some great ideas in here.

  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    edited February 2023
    Saturday: 45 min on the broken elliptical, followed by some strength training.

    Today: I'm not sure how long. I went elliptical shopping and did a few minutes on several models. :smiley: Life Fitness machines felt the most natural to me. Octane machines are right out! Not because they are bad, but they don't seem to work with my shortish "T Rex Arms". I felt like I had to bend over weird to have a comfortable arm position on those machines. Something similar happened with the True Fitness I tried. The Precor & Free Motion models I tried were ok, but not as comfortable as the Life model I tried.

    I looked at the used shop in my area, but it was filled with Octanes and ancient stair climbers. No thanks. Despite that, I may have found a decent deal on a floor model. I'm going to do a little more model research before I make a decision, but I'm close to a new one! :smile:

  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    Added to my day: a half hour of elliptical on my broken machine. I went faster than my usual, and it felt good. Although, I can feel it in my muscles now. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

    Also: Oof.... I realize how clunky my old machine feels after having tested out some new ones. It is definitely time to replace it.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    I kind of messed up my planning today. I don't like to do workouts after my osteopath fixes stuff, on the same day. I got in a dumbbell workout before the appointment, adding the overhead press given PT approval (super light to start to focus on form), plus most of the upper body I've been doing, and that was what fit in time-wise.

    That's gonna have to do it, though I'll do my PT exercises before bed, at least the ones that don't feel like a problem - most should be OK, wondering about one or two. Yup, being conservative. Maybe too much so. 🤷‍♀️
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 989 Member
    Climbing. A decent session, 2.75 hours. I got two v4s. I spent a long time on a v5, where's I got to the final move. Unfortunately, that was the crux. (You have poor feet, and your hands on a poor crimp facing the wrong direction. You somehow need to reach the arrete from here. Once you've done that, it's easy. But I never managed it.)
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    Good workout this morning, lower body, core and cardio.


    32 minutes on the spin bike, heart rate avg/max:135/165
    26 minutes on the treadmill, heart rate avg/max: 143/156

    47 minutes lifting weights

    Barbell Box Squats: 10@45, 10@65, 8@85, 6@105, 4@125, drop set: 3@145, 4@115, 6@85, 8@65
    Crunches: 6*25
    Narrow Stance Leg Press: 12@210, 10@300, 8@390, 8@480, drop set: 6@530, 8@390, 8@300, 10@210
    Kettlebell Swings: 4*10@40lbs
    Leg Raises: 4*10

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,464 Member
    One hour on the treadmill, incline hills. I've been experimenting with different hill profiles, usually doing six ten-minute hills of varying intensity. Today I did four fifteen-minute hills, cranking the incline up while easing off on the speed. Completely out of breath and sweat-soaked, and it cranked my calorie burn up by 20%. Think I'm onto something here.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    One hour of easier cardio. Half on the treadmill and the other half on the LateralX.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    Physical therapist gave me a pass on home PT exercises today because of what we did during the session. Therefore, just the usual recent stationary bike ride, 60' at 98W, 3' CD at 80W, mostly Z3.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    Good workout this morning. I went core and cardio after lifting hard for 4 days.


    52 minutes (15.3 miles) on the spin bike, heart rate avg/max:137/163
    35 minutes on the treadmill, heart rate avg/max: 140/157

    21 minutes of core exercises:

    Crunches: 5*25
    Weighted Side-Bends: 10@40, 10@45, 10@50, 10@50, 10@50
    Kettlebell Crossbody Swings, each arm: 4*8@20lbs
    Landmine Twists: 4*10@65lbs

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,464 Member
    Elliptical, one hour hills. Forgot to set my alarm last night, but my body has gotten used to waking at the same time each day so I woke up on my own only half hour later than my alarm would have sounded.