Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 214



  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    SModa61 wrote: »

    I need to practice enjoying life while making better choices. It is the only way this works in the long run, and isn’t that our real goal?

    So very wise. Thanks for sharing. I need to reflect on this, for sure. <3

  • shmmm3
    shmmm3 Posts: 255 Member

    @shmmm3 Great idea for Valentine's day! Regarding the not weighing, when I worked in the office many years ago (I work from the home office now), I was able to sign up for Weight Watchers at work, which was great. We met weekly in the office during lunch. I lost the weight I wanted and kept it off for years. The WW leader made us all promise not to weigh more than once a week. That worked well for me. I think that sometimes when I weigh every day and have a good weight-loss day, I reward myself the next day with food. My goal is NOT to do that this round, i.e. reward myself with food. For now I do plan to weigh every day. I'm obsessed! lol

    @RockinRobyn672 What you said here helped me this morning. I almost gave in today to the scale. I saw myself in the mirror and was tempted by the thought that if I've had good weight loss I can loosen up today. That is exactly what I usually do and why most of my weight loss attempts yo-yo up and down around the same few pounds. Last night I was so strong and thought this is going to be great and then this morning it is so hard! I'm glad I wrote in last night because it really is true and I need to keep reminding myself that as long as I'm under maintenance calories and I'm eating the right kind of calories and I'm strength training the muscles I don't want to lose, the right kind of weight will come off. I shouldn't need a scale right now when I'm tracking so cleanly. But, I want to see that number go down as a reward and that will trigger me to reward myself with food. Ugh. I already chugged water so I passed the temptation but whew it was a close one.