

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    edited February 2023
    myvt9v4crh wrote: »
    I have to put up with the cr@p that MFP dumped on me. I’m still frustrated & POed that MFP dumped on me.

    Luckily I still have my friends here. 👍🏻


    Have you signed out, waited 5 minutes and signed back in with your previous user ID yet?

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Happy Birthday Carla :flowerforyou:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sorry I’m late to the party 🎉
    🎉🎂🥳 Happy Birthday 🥳🎂🎉
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Lucy is looking good!!!
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    myvt9v4crh wrote: »
    I have to put up with the cr@p that MFP dumped on me. I’m still frustrated & POed that MFP dumped on me.

    Luckily I still have my friends here. 👍🏻


    Have you signed out, waited 5 minutes and signed back in with your previous user ID yet?

    Did you reboot your phone?

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    Welcome newbies and returnees! (((hugs))) to those who need them.

    YES! Happy Birthday to ME! 63 today and proud of it! I really dislike these women who don't OWN their age. I think it's something to be proud of. I've made it this far and I'm strong! I love all you ladies calling me a baby! That's a switch. Started today with breakfast at the Legion with a buncha friends we haven't seen in awhile. Not doing to much else today. Then dinner with the fam tomorrow.

    Thanks Carol! Loving every minute of it! Sorry about your crown. Ouch and OUCH!

    Can't wait to hear the rest of your news, Machka. Enjoy your break. I agree with the rest saying "let your coworker dig her own grave".

    OMGosh... daffodils! How wonderful. Can't wait until spring comes to MN.

    25-Express gratitude today by thanking someone... I try to daily, today is just that I'm a year older and loving every minute.
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,934 Member
    Word of the year: APPRECIATE; today I appreciate sleeping in.
    #2 Practice fairness today by putting yourself in someone else’s shoes: I did this with a camper who I received complaints about. I put myself in his shoes when speaking with him. He was a very lonely man who only had his dogs (one barking, one loose) and the people he meets at campgrounds. Made me more comp

    #3 Watch a movie that reminds you of kindness. I watched the Adam Project.
    #4 Take a picture of 3 things that make you happy. Send them to a friend. Done!
    #5 Be kind to yourself. Self-compassion is equally important. Will do today.
    #6 Start a conversation with someone new. I do this every day with the campers!
    #7 Consider a current struggle. Write down 2 thoughts that give you comfort. My dog Brownie’s heart trouble. Her spells are getting worse and there is nothing the vet can do. Comforting thoughts—She lived a good life with us. She brought us many days of comfort and enjoyment with her loving attitude.
    #8. Consider and celebrate diversity today. I am a white girl living among darker Mexicans and native Americans. Campers come from around the world and love to hear the accents and learn about the different cultures i come into contact with. Do this every day!
    #9. Identify a role model who embodies perseverance. Can you find two ways to emulate them? My 30 year old autistic nephew. He never gives up no matter what health challenge he faces. I can emulate him by not complaining about every little ache and pain, and by doing what needs to be done to get through any health issues that may come up.
    #10. Check an item off your to-do list this weekend. Working on my taxes.
    #11. Make twice as much for dinner and either invite guests or deliver the meal to a friend. We give food to people all the time. My DH cooks and we give food to different campers and workers here at the park almost every day!
    #12. Make a list for the week ahead so you stay focused. Done
    #13. Consider a recent disagreement. Did you extend forgiveness? After I bough myself a Sonic blast to ‘cool down’.
    #14. Express creativity by making art or cooking a new meal. I write in a journal that has writing prompts I have to make up stories for. Yesterday I wrote a short story about a dog leash!
    #15. If you are waiting in line today, let someone get in front of you. May not be today, but i did do it on Sunday!
    #16. The next time someone does something you appreciate, be sure to let them know. Will do! Didn’t have the opportunity but will watch for a chance today!
    17. Offer a helping hand to someone, such as holding a door for a stranger. I may have a chance today.
    #18. Share about a recent book you read and what you learned. I just finished reading ‘Everything You Are’ by Kerry Anne King. It dealt with alcoholism, recovery, death, and grieving. I learned that no matter where you are in life, never give up and find a way to celebrate life.
    #19. Show sincere appreciation when someone serves you food or drink. Did this today. DH made me pancakes and served me coffee this morning.
    #20. Complement someone today. Ideas include recognizing a great smile or earrings. Did this to a lady who looked angry and tired at Walmart today. Made her happy and smile.
    #21. When you recognize someone is struggling, offer words of support. I did that yesterday!
    #22. Ask for help. That’s a simple way to express bravery. Sometime today.
    #23. Encourage your teammates to utilize their unique strengths. Do this with my co-hosts every day. I thank them and tell them they have done a good job, and really are working too hard.
    #24. Reflect on the steps you have taken to achieve your past goals. I looked at past lists to see if I had achieved my goals.
    #25. Express gratitude today by thanking someone. Thanked my DH for making coffee.
    #26. Think about the upcoming work week. How can you apply teamwork?
    #27. Send or leave a handwritten thank you note to someone.
    #28. Giving constructive feedback is one way to ignite honesty.

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,355 Member
    edited February 2023
    Katla ~ You sound so frustrated and angry! We are all here for you. I know you said you log into MFP on your phone. However, is there a computer available for residents in the facility? You might could log in with your preferred ID on another computer. Please let your daughter know what the problem is and maybe she can help you.

    Carol in GA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,934 Member
    myvt9v4crh wrote: »
    I am totally frustrated by MFP. I am Katla 49. I want the site to get rid of the false name.

    Go back to page 65 on MFP and try all the suggestions different people have given you. Takes patience, I know, and can be confusing, but go slow and do one step at a time.

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,098 Member
    Well I looked at aerobic step platforms and read some reviews. Seemed like it might be a good way to burn calories and strengthen my knee. Then I watched some " beginner" videos.

    I'm not ready for that. Too fast, too much twisting, and just too much. Maybe I will be ready in November for my birthday. My knee still pinches a bit when I go up stairs. So I better stick to the aerobic walking for now.

    Annie in Delaware
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,934 Member
    edited February 2023
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    Machka—I have not signed out yet and appreciate help. I have my hands full with husband’s health challenges.

    It is hard to get through to fix this mess and I can definitely use help. A to-do list would help. I am in DH’s room much of the time. He needs attention. He will be going to lunch soon, and I will be eating with a group of friends.

    I would love guidance. Now my only device is my phone. My son has my laptop. I am near lunchtime and the next chunk of time is lunch. A todo list would be wonderful.

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Happy Birthday Carla!!

    Katla, as RVRita suggested, go back and read everyone’s suggestion who offered help. If you haven’t logged out of MFP and back in, try that. Several people offered step by step instructions. If it were me, I would sign out of mfp (click your photo at the top of the page and select log out). Close the mfp app (like you close all apps on your iPhone). Reboot your iPhone. Open the MFP app and log in as Katla.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Well I looked at aerobic step platforms and read some reviews. Seemed like it might be a good way to burn calories and strengthen my knee. Then I watched some " beginner" videos.

    I'm not ready for that. Too fast, too much twisting, and just too much. Maybe I will be ready in November for my birthday. My knee still pinches a bit when I go up stairs. So I better stick to the aerobic walking for now.

    Annie in Delaware

    Biking is probably the best way to start strengthening a bad knee. Then do the leg lifts to strengthen the quads. After 2 years, mine are both finally much better. I still feel a bit of a dull pain from time to time, but I can run on them now. They also give me some trouble when squatting all the way down to the floor. I don't do that anymore.

    Good luck.

    Tina in rainy CA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,784 Member
    Happy Birthday Carla !!!!
    Ugh I just got the most sad sad news another friend of mine who retired about 3 yrs ago ,she was a nurse at the state veterans hospital ..has stage 4 bladder cancer that is in her ureter, pelvis and spine and is on Home hospice.damn it I just lost 1 friend at 61 yrs old and another one is about gone.. and she is all alone.. down in Florida.
    Took Alfie over to see Tom and Elena he leaves tomorrow for Florida for a week.and he hasn't seen Alfie in awhile. Homer will be 17 on March 1st I think that is the main reason he retires he wanted to spend whatever time he has left with him...
    Its snowing to beat the band here. We haven't really had any to speak of and its not supposed to last.
    Lisa- hopefully Corey feels better ,men are not good patients.