

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,347 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    edited February 2023


    Terri WOW!

    I feel the same way about having a workman in our home. DH does not understand the prep work and clean up that is needed. I found it is better to be proactive. We lost a shelf once because I did not take it off the wall when we had some work done. I was left with the clean up. I am sure they heard it fall. I was not home at the time. (Working) DH was and he did not clean it up. A Handyman wants to work fast and they do not take the care that you or I would. Hope they come and get work done quickly. Fortunately it was an old shelf I hung in the basement, and it was expendable.

    Newbies Watch for Barbie to give us a way to access March. It will appear sometime today. Click on it and it will send you to the new month. Make sure to bookmark it in the upper right hand corner. It will look like a small flag. See you next month. Go to bookmarks to find us again when you want access.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,086 Member
    Terri your watercolors are fabulous!

    Karen glad you are feeling better.

    Lisa I see you were feeling better this month. Yay for improvement, even if it's slow.

    I have to buy groceries today, then start a pot roast. Then my dumbbells. Nothing exciting.

    Annie in Delaware
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,393 Member
    Machka I have about 35 different exercises and stretches including planks, crunches, chair squats, deadlift to upright row, 2leg lift variations, punches, bicep curls, row, overhead lift, calf raises, and many more. It takes me longer, but I log it as 75 minutes. I use light weights and move faster than "real" strength weightlifting. My goal is more about burning calories than building muscle.

    I don't know if I could handle the recommended slow pace. I'm too impatient and it makes me lose count when my mind wanders. Plus the fast way is working for weight loss. I'm probably not getting the full benefit, but I'm getting it done.

    Annie in Delaware

    Annie- I think the Strong Women Stay Young program is designed for women to develop some muscle and strength, not weight loss. And avoid injury to our older joints. As you read the book, you'll see that the goal of strength training is to fatigue the muscles which makes them stronger by gradually upping weights. Some calories might be burned in the process, lol, but I don't think it does what cardio (like riding a bike or HIIT - high intensity interval training) - would do.

    But, I'm a big fan of "if it works for you, don't fix it."

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    edited February 2023
    DH is on his way to see his heart doctor. I am not accompanying him today. I hope DH will tell me about the Doctor visit.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,912 Member
    Sorry, I have not posted in a bit. I hope you all are well and I will read through the posts over the next few days.
    My husband passed this morning at an inpatient hospice. A lovely facility that gave us excellent care. My son and daughter in law were with me. The passing was peaceful and we are thankful for this. I look forward to reading your posts and hearing about your lives as I accept the changes in my life.

    Rosemarie from Georgia

    I am so sorry Rosemarie. There are no words for this. I am glad it was a peaceful passing. Many many hugs sent to you virtually,😥 <3

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,912 Member
    Word of the year: APPRECIATE; today I appreciate warmer weather.
    #2 Practice fairness today by putting yourself in someone else’s shoes: I did this with a camper who I received complaints about. I put myself in his shoes when speaking with him. He was a very lonely man who only had his dogs (one barking, one loose) and the people he meets at campgrounds. Made me more comp

    #3 Watch a movie that reminds you of kindness. I watched the Adam Project.
    #4 Take a picture of 3 things that make you happy. Send them to a friend. Done!
    #5 Be kind to yourself. Self-compassion is equally important. Will do today.
    #6 Start a conversation with someone new. I do this every day with the campers!
    #7 Consider a current struggle. Write down 2 thoughts that give you comfort. My dog Brownie’s heart trouble. Her spells are getting worse and there is nothing the vet can do. Comforting thoughts—She lived a good life with us. She brought us many days of comfort and enjoyment with her loving attitude.
    #8. Consider and celebrate diversity today. I am a white girl living among darker Mexicans and native Americans. Campers come from around the world and love to hear the accents and learn about the different cultures i come into contact with. Do this every day!
    #9. Identify a role model who embodies perseverance. Can you find two ways to emulate them? My 30 year old autistic nephew. He never gives up no matter what health challenge he faces. I can emulate him by not complaining about every little ache and pain, and by doing what needs to be done to get through any health issues that may come up.
    #10. Check an item off your to-do list this weekend. Working on my taxes.
    #11. Make twice as much for dinner and either invite guests or deliver the meal to a friend. We give food to people all the time. My DH cooks and we give food to different campers and workers here at the park almost every day!
    #12. Make a list for the week ahead so you stay focused. Done
    #13. Consider a recent disagreement. Did you extend forgiveness? After I bough myself a Sonic blast to ‘cool down’.
    #14. Express creativity by making art or cooking a new meal. I write in a journal that has writing prompts I have to make up stories for. Yesterday I wrote a short story about a dog leash!
    #15. If you are waiting in line today, let someone get in front of you. May not be today, but i did do it on Sunday!
    #16. The next time someone does something you appreciate, be sure to let them know. Will do! Didn’t have the opportunity but will watch for a chance today!
    17. Offer a helping hand to someone, such as holding a door for a stranger. I may have a chance today.
    #18. Share about a recent book you read and what you learned. I just finished reading ‘Everything You Are’ by Kerry Anne King. It dealt with alcoholism, recovery, death, and grieving. I learned that no matter where you are in life, never give up and find a way to celebrate life.
    #19. Show sincere appreciation when someone serves you food or drink. Did this today. DH made me pancakes and served me coffee this morning.
    #20. Complement someone today. Ideas include recognizing a great smile or earrings. Did this to a lady who looked angry and tired at Walmart today. Made her happy and smile.
    #21. When you recognize someone is struggling, offer words of support. I did that yesterday!
    #22. Ask for help. That’s a simple way to express bravery. Sometime today.
    #23. Encourage your teammates to utilize their unique strengths. Do this with my co-hosts every day. I thank them and tell them they have done a good job, and really are working too hard.
    #24. Reflect on the steps you have taken to achieve your past goals. I looked at past lists to see if I had achieved my goals.
    #25. Express gratitude today by thanking someone. Thanked my DH for making coffee.
    #26. Think about the upcoming work week. How can you apply teamwork? I can apply teamwork by helping out the paid employees and the other volunteers. I also need to put together the agenda for Tuesday night’s Friends Group meeting.
    #27. Send or leave a handwritten thank you note to someone. Done
    #28. Giving constructive feedback is one way to ignite honesty. Did that yesterday to my co-host.

    RVRita who can’t believe March is here already!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,912 Member
    myvt9v4crh wrote: »
    This is katla49 and my username has been changed to myvt9v4crh by the site. I don’t like it.

    I am katla and will also answer to Katla 49 or 4katla9.

    Did you create your account with a different email address? Use that once you log out and log back in. Be sure to check what name is in the username box when you log out and back in again.

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,347 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Vicki, Happy birthdays to you and your husband! <3

    Heather, Well done on the painting. I think it is beautiful. My brother sometimes does several of the same painting until he paints it the way he wants it. I love looking at all the versions.

    Lisa, Applauding the way you handled the contractor. t2015.gif


    I went to woodcarving this morning. I am working on a shore bird.
    Then I met my wife at the pool for the Aqua Arthritis class - she is getting better and better at that class and no longer needs me to steady her or encourage her to get through it.
    Then we went to lunch in the Bistro here in the old folk’s home. I got a white bean and chickpea salad Greek style, and she got a Beyond Burger & sweet potato fries.
    At 3:00 we go to a seated Parkinson’s Dance class, and then I will go to the old house to put the trash to the curb and get ready for our HVAC company to do some maintenance work - make sure access to the breaker boxes aren’t obstructed by stuff in the garage, leave a note giving permission to enter/work in my absence, etc.
    After that we will settle in and I will probably read more in The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd. I’m only a little past halfway, and the book club meets Thursday, so I need to make some headway. I am really enjoying it.


    Sue, I am thinking of you.


    Karen in Virginia

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,393 Member
    Vicki - <3 Wishing you and your DH very Happy Birthdays! <3 Absolutely sounds like a couple good days :p Good luck at the skin doc! ;)

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,086 Member
    edited February 2023
    Happy birthday to Vicki and your DH! Have a marvelous celebration and a fabulous year!

    Uh oh I'm in a buying mood! I bought the bike, and now I'm looking at dumbbell racks and ankle weights!

    Annie in Delaware