What was your worst "fat" moment?

Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
Ugh, when my daughter was 2 years old, some lady came up to me and said to her, are you gonna be a big sister soon? I was like wtf is she talking about?
Then she asked me how many weeks along I was. I was not pregnant and have not been for 2 years. The next day I went on a diet. I went from 212 pounds to 144 and it took me about 2 years. Now I am here to lose a few more pounds.

Anyone else have a crappy "fat" moment that changed your life?


  • StephW1990
    the HUNDREDS of fat pictures of me .. what a turn off !!

    just looking through them all has really made me think, and now this is it for me ... WATCH THIS SPACE ! :bigsmile:

    good luck x
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    Sitting down and feeling my belly rest on my legs.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member

    Some of the worst- holding up the rollercoaster because it took me way to long to squeeze the seatbelt on, being afraid to sit on the cloth-type fold up lawnchairs thinking it was going to rip, not being able to buy coordinating team shirts or clothes with my friends because they didn't have my size...
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Most recently, photos from the fourth of july. My sister took about 1,000,000 photos, and the ones of me look aweful. I wanted to get in better shape.

    Also even worse, was being at work, and having the button on my pants break off. Its embarassing to know you still have another two hours, and your pants wont stay on cause your fatass forced the button to pop off, then make up an excuse why you have to sew it back on.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    when i picked up a size 20 skirt off a rack at a store and the sales lady goes "i think you might want to try the 22" wtf?

    fyi i'm in an 8 now. so EFF YOU saleslady!!!!!
  • dosesr4winners20
    my ex boyfriend that i was living w at the time, was fighting w me about something unrelated to health at all (like laundry or something) and he just blurted out "thats why your so fat".

    i kicked him out but then i actually looked in the mirror and got a scale, 220! now i'm 142. he was a douche but that was a wake up call for sure.
  • freshstart4me
    Ugh, when my daughter was 2 years old, some lady came up to me and said to her, are you gonna be a big sister soon? I was like wtf is she talking about?
    Then she asked me how many weeks along I was. I was not pregnant and have not been for 2 years. The next day I went on a diet. I went from 212 pounds to 144 and it took me about 2 years. Now I am here to lose a few more pounds.

    Anyone else have a crappy "fat" moment that changed your life?

    my fat moment is boring but i just wanted to say off topic that you have NO Idea how thankful i am that you posted this. ive lost 21 lbs and am stagnant right now. ive been here at MFP since february and in my mind's eye i should be down a lot more than i am now and ive been at the same 21 lbs lost since june...reading that it took you two years to get where you are really hit a nerve with me, and in a good way. so thank you for sharing your craptastic fat moment for you helped me semi-shake off this funk im in. xoxo
  • bstevens1021
    I'm like Steph-although kind of the opposite. I don't have hundreds of fat pictures, I have almost none because everytime I see myself in one, it's a revolting shock at how bad I look. (I don't ever see that much fat when I look in the mirror, but when I see a picture I am stunned.) So I decided I want to take Christmas photos with my son, which means losing some weight over the next couple months!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    When I was pregnant, I had to buy a seatbelt extender at 4 months and then by 6 months even that didn't fit and I had to rig up some seat belting in my car and scoot my seat farther back so I could drive legally. I was MASSIVE
  • rafor
    rafor Posts: 78 Member
    I was watching my rehearsal and wedding videos from this April and I noticed my stomach stuck out so much, my shirt flowed out a good 4-5 inches past my pants. I was mortified watching it just a few months later. I'm 75 pounds down and I have 39 left. Can't wait to get to my goal and really know what it feels like to be skinny!
  • JohnFurie
    I was in denial about how overweight I was for several years, but my worst "fat" moment would be I would get winded just going up a flight of stairs...
  • mrskaylaforthewin
    just being fat LOL
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Yes. I was staying at a friend's house in another town because my husband's grandmother had passed, and we were there for the funeral. Her six year old was "helping" me get ready. I went to get my dress out of the closet, she looked at it, and said, "Are you really that fat?"
  • megan_mp
    Last July (2010), I was scrolling through some Facebook pics that the neighbor was tagged in. We had had a big bash for the 4th on our street and people were snapping pics left and right. In this one picture of a kid, I completely dominated the right side of the photo with my side FULL BODY profile. I was so disgusted with what I saw that I knew it was time to change. I couldn't believe that was me. I ruminated about it for a full month before I got my *kitten* in gear and started changing myself!
  • frugalmomsrock
    Yes I do have one.

    I was HUGE with my last (of five) babies. I had a pair of XL maternity capris that were my favorites. They are the vanity maternity, so they have the stretch in the back and it isn't noticeably maternity wear unless you read the tag. I was still wearing them a lot because they weren't obviously maternity, KWIM?

    Well.... I outgrew them when my baby was about eight months old. O_o I knew that was it. I absolutely had to lose weight. I had already seen the 190's come and go, and I was inching toward 210. I'm only 5'3".
  • slbeutler
    I teach group fitness and one of my worst moments was when a participant asked me when I was due.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Having my then-wife tell me she didn't sign up to be married to a fat loser. She then left me for one of my friends on christmas day 2003.

    Having a gf tell me she deserved better than being with someone who was fat (incidently she was about 20 lbs overweight, and I was 30 lbs overweight). The timing? My 30th birthday, 2007.

    Seeing pictures of me playing soccer at 245 lbs and wondering if I didn't really look like a pregnant woman.

    Being told repeatedly that I'm a nice guy, but too big to be worth anything date-wise.

    The ultimate... a few months after my divorce not being able to stand up because my blood sugar count was 512.
  • smc1277
    smc1277 Posts: 239 Member
    Realizing I successfully avoided the camera for so long, I have only a handful of pictures with my children....Sadly that and memories will be all they have of me one day.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    The worst one for me was rubbing against peoples legs on the train (public transportation - I commute to work). I just hated and it grossed me out to think that those people probably hated having my fat leg rub agains their leg.

    My legs don't rub on other people now...I fit perfectly into my seat. :bigsmile:

    Now when peoples legs rub on me I just feel sad for them hopeing they don't feel as bad about themselves as I did about myself when I was 49 lbs heavier.
  • StephW1990
    when i picked up a size 20 skirt off a rack at a store and the sales lady goes "i think you might want to try the 22" wtf?

    fyi i'm in an 8 now. so EFF YOU saleslady!!!!!

    LOVE this !!!! well done :happy: