

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/kids- 2hrs 1min 2sec, 20elev, 3.0ap, 86ahr, 102mhr, 6.16mi= 588c
    Strava app= 755c
    Walk home to gym- 10.08min, .53mi= 50c
    Strava app= 66c
    Treadmill jog- 30.52min, 5.7speed mile 1, 5.8speed mile2, 6.5-7.7 last 1.1mi, 9.82min mi, 148ahr, 172mhr, 5k= 312c
    Spin bike at gym- 18.56min, 12-14gear, 129ahr, 158mhr, 5mi= 179c
    Walk gym to home- 12.02min, .57mi= 55c
    Strava app = 71c

    Total cal 1184

    Walked solo w/the kids, he had a dental appointment.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,328 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,504 Member
    Sue - The allergies here are in full swing, as well. Sorry they've inflamed your lungs, and hope the prednisone clears them quickly.

    Evie -
    Thanks for the heads up on S2 of "Why Women Kill." It's so hard to find series that are absorbing.

    Cravings and such:
    One of the things that I absolutely crave on an ongoing basis is something sweet and crunchy. However, I'm sensitive to sugar, and my system can end up dumping if I hit it with more than about 15 grams of sugar at a time. I just found a new snack that has only about 20 calories each and only two grams of sugar. It's called Muddy Bites, and it's basically a bunch of tiny waffle cones, each wrapped around a small piece of chocolate. They are designed to be like the boxed ice cream Drumsticks that we grew up with, but just the tip end that held the chocolate, which was the best part anyway. I'm not advertising it (swear), just noting that they exist. Do you have a craving that you've figured out how to satisfy within your calorie range?

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    Good morning, afternoon and evening, all, whichever the case may be...

    Rori - So glad you got checked for injury! As Barbara AHMOD noted, your words were profound, "“Slow down. Accept help and expertise. Treasure my health and especially my mobility. Feeling lucky, grateful and as Heather said, humbled.” Stone truth, that. It's a pity that we all tend to learn these after we've had a brush with disaster, but I think it's human nature.

    Heather - Thinking about you and your cast...

    Terri - Hope your recovery continues apace, as well...

    Barbara AHMOD - Your ability to be aware of your emotional substructure is admirable, always: "Joe just suggested I limit my onscreen time with a kitchen timer as he noticed I spend as much time on my butt in the office as he does in the red chair. He’s trying very hard to lose weight, get more active, eat better. I’m amazed and grateful (and a teensy bit resentful >:) )." It's a gift, knowing yourself that well. Your Joe is a lucky man. I would have probably bonked him with the nearest non-lethal weapon.

    Rebecca - I've not said much because there's just so little to say, no advice to give, just all the hugs and sympathy in the world, my dear. I'd offer to yank him up by his lapels if he gets near me anytime soon, but the Navy just doesn't come through Arkansas that often... :wink: So much love whooshing your way...

    Trying to convince myself to get outside this afternoon to yank the nasty common vetch out of the fenceline, but feeling a little fragile at this minute. Still got laundry to fold... and then I'll decide.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Hugs gladly accepted. Its really a situation that's easily fixable by him. We'll be here with open arms whenever he decides to walk back into the family. A hug and a DiNozzo slap to the backside of his sweet head. What are you thinking son?😜💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    I think we would all like to shake some sense into Rebecca's son, but Lisa you had me laughing as from the pictures I think he is on the taller side, you're pretty short so maybe you could goose him but probably not "yank him up by his lapels"

    giggling Kim
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    I think we would all like to shake some sense into Rebecca's son, but Lisa you had me laughing as from the pictures I think he is on the taller side, you're pretty short so maybe you could goose him but probably not "yank him up by his lapels"

    giggling Kim

    He has ears, a good ear tug down to our level is completely acceptable for me! I plan on having a chat with him, whenever he strolls back into our family. With my pointer finger thumping on his chest on all the important parts.💖😁
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    edited May 2023
    momzilla11 wrote: »
    Spring has sprung here in Portland, finally! This week has been glorious: everything beginning to green up or bloom, cool and crisp, and sunshine.

    May is looking like it will be a re-set for me as well as pivotal for health-related matters. It's been quite the year so far: went into aFib in January, underwent a procedure to fix that in February, had my gallbladder removed in April then had to be hospitalized because of post-op complications from the blood thinner for the aFib, and while hospitalized a CT scan revealed concerning indicators that a hysterectomy is next, along with a biopsy and a potential cancer diagnosis...whew.

    The daily food and exercise tracking I began last September have served me well through all this! It's provided a surprisingly helpful, steady track for all the other challenges and changes. On May 1 I was able to start walking farther and longer, and now I'm up to two miles and 60 minutes, even though I'm really tired afterward. In two weeks I'll be released for full activity, following the gallbladder surgery etc. I had an expedited ultrasound this week, and see a gyn surgeon on Friday the 5th...so, moving right along.

    My weight loss has hit a plateau, but honestly I'm just happy I didn't regain any of the 50 pounds I've lost since last August. I spent some of my down time exploring Instagram :smiley: , and my May refresh will incorporate meal prepping for the first time. I'm retired and live alone, but I recently realized that I want to eat the foods I like BUT I don't want to have to cook every dang day. So, on Sunday I cooked shredded chicken and high-protein pasta, along with blanched veggies, enough for five days. I love it! Each day I just choose the sauce, condiment or flavors to add. Next up is salads in 32oz mason jars :wink:

    Hello fellow Pacific Northwestie! I grew up in Damascus, worked at us main Branch in downtown Portland, then married a sailor! The closest we have lived to Portland was when from 2012-2018 we lived in Hammond Oregon on the coast by Astoria. Now we are up on Whidbey Island in WA state. I'm so not a Washingtonian. Never studied the history like when I attended Boring Elementary and we studied everything Oregon.
    Sounds like you have had quite a time of it medically, but persevered! I wish you continued positivity for you! I had my gallbladder removed last Nov after the nightmarish "month of pain" in October. I also had stones in one of my kidneys, but its atrophied, the stones too large to pass or anything, and my other kidney has picked up the baton and is doing well.
    I like to cook for many days, and have self proclaimed myself Soup Queen!
    Welcome again!
    Whidbey island Wa
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Re: dilation. My eye doctor offers to look at my eyes with a machine, that's not covered by insurance, but it's maybe $25, so I have her do that rather than dilate my eyes. I'm going again in about a week, so I'll pay more attention to what it's called. Because of that, I haven't had my eyes dilated in almost 10 years. It's really nice.

    Willamette Valley OR

    ETA. I take blood pressure meds, but my BP is under control. I think my kidneys were compromised with my three pregnancies. I had pih with all three, pre eclampsia with the middle one, and gestational diabetes with the last two. Even on insulin during the last one, so my kidneys were abused.


    my eye dr has that machine too and found the tear using it. She does dilate my eyes every few years but uses the machine the rest of the time. Kaiser was very impressed with the images she sent them about the tear. They said there is a good chance they would have not found it until it was a lot bigger if I had just gone to them. She is a private eye dr that our insurance covers well with(they don't cover that test either but worth it)

    They have 2 or 3 different machines to look into your eyes and get detailed pictures of your eyes here ... and prefer to do that for most people.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    Sue - The allergies here are in full swing, as well. Sorry they've inflamed your lungs, and hope the prednisone clears them quickly.

    Evie -
    Thanks for the heads up on S2 of "Why Women Kill." It's so hard to find series that are absorbing.

    Cravings and such:
    One of the things that I absolutely crave on an ongoing basis is something sweet and crunchy. However, I'm sensitive to sugar, and my system can end up dumping if I hit it with more than about 15 grams of sugar at a time. I just found a new snack that has only about 20 calories each and only two grams of sugar. It's called Muddy Bites, and it's basically a bunch of tiny waffle cones, each wrapped around a small piece of chocolate. They are designed to be like the boxed ice cream Drumsticks that we grew up with, but just the tip end that held the chocolate, which was the best part anyway. I'm not advertising it (swear), just noting that they exist. Do you have a craving that you've figured out how to satisfy within your calorie range?

    I crave salt.

    In the past, when that craving would be really strong I would eat a bag of potato chips.

    Now I go for a few olives or a dill pickle or a slice of cheese.

    M in Oz
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,101 Member
    I crave chocolate. I buy low sugar dairy free baking chocolate chunks and eat that daily. One serving fits in my plan, but when I get nervous I go back for more.

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member

    Today has been a good day. DH is tucked in bed & asleep. I’m planning to watch tv in my room.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,879 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited May 2023
    Tracey Yes you have to drink it. I don’t like drinking it by itself. I make soup out of it. I use 2 cups of broth 1/4 cup dry soup mix. That equals 170 calories for the dry mix plus 130 calories for the broth. I use Bear Creek Cheddar Broccoli. That’s actually twice the liquid to mix but it’s less calories and tastes great. You can also make soup with it with your own ingredients and make portion sizes that have at least 1-2 cups of broth per day. I even tried ramen noodles with my broth but I’m trying to stay away from carbs. It did work though. There’s a lot of premade soup mixes that call for water. Lots of soup recipes too!

    💕Mary from Arizona/Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited May 2023
    Voting day for local elections. I have a hair trim this afternoon around the corner, and the polling station is two steps away from there, so not too arduous to do my civic duty. We have two votes and have to bring photo ID for the first time.

    Tracey - thinking of you. <3

    Getting excited about meeting Rori. I'm at her disposal for anything she wants to do! Crossing fingers for good weather. It's so much nicer when it isn't pouring with rain!

    Wrist not too uncomfortable., as long as I don't jolt it. I'm waiting for a phone call from the hospital hand health clinic about going in for a fibreglass cast. The nurse practitioner told me to ring them tomorrow morning if they hadn't been in touch. Next Monday is a Bank Holiday (again!). An extra one for the coronation. We are taking Max out for lunch as a late birthday treat.

    DH is hoping to drive to the cricket today. He's keeping an eye on the weather forecast as it's a long journey for it just to be rained off! Both routes he uses have big traffic problems as a result of previous mini disasters, so he's feeling less than enthusiastic. He also has a very stiff back. May it be worry about me(???)
    I got him to do the hard prep for tonight's dinner last night. Chopping things like sweet potato. I can put things in the oven with one hand, but wrestling with tough vegetables is beyond me!

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx