my accountability thread Day one



  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hi Everyone! So sorry I did not check in yesterday ...I just had such busy day and I was going to post in the evening but the day just got away . Melanie know I have wondered sometime if I have an eating disorder because I obsess to much about weight and food. I wish I wouldn't but I just seem to do this. I will binge eat as well which will make me super depressed after. I have been doing well though and happy about it even if I don't lose. If I eat healthy and exercise I know it will happen although slow. Keep your eye on the prize right? Beverly...glad your mindset changed and you are feeling better. I know what you mean about upping protein-- it helps with satiety. This weekend will be an ultimate challenge. A baby shower for my youngest (her 2nd..but first was a COVID baby so she never had a shower for the 1st.). I am sure there will be lots of junk food. I am bring a big bowl of fruit so I know at least one thing will be healthy. Weekends are always so hard for me. Starting my day with a 5 mile walk which will help.
    Melanie I just looked back at your post and realized it was only two weeks ago you had the knee replacement! How is your recovery so far? I have a friend who is having one this week. Are you able to walk and get around ok?
    Have a great Saturday everyone. Thanks all for checking in.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Morning Friends, I have a very busy day today and I overslept which hardly ever happens. Have a Great Saturday!
  • dvmmcw8273
    dvmmcw8273 Posts: 84 Member
    @sarah7591 Prior to having the surgery, I had varying insights as to recovery. There are several different replacements from partial to full, as well as the state of the knee before surgery, so I think recovery is really variable. I went in with a knee that was rebuilt in 1986 from a ski racing injury. I had severe osteoarthritis and I couldn’t straighten it for years. It finally completely broke down completely in January and I had been on crutches since then.
    I saw physio yesterday and my recovery is minimal walking with crutches for another 4 weeks but really focusing on getting full mobility back. The minimal walking surprised me but she said too much actually reduces the effectiveness of the physio. I think people forget how traumatic the surgery is.
    One piece of advice- take the pain meds! Especially the first week. Although my knee felt better then when I went in for surgery, it is awfully painful. And use a good laxative! My sister mailed me a care package prior to surgery with a laxative included. The surgery and pain meds do a number on your GI.

    I am struggling some today. The 2 hour drive to and from the city for my appointment did a number on me. I am still very tired and sore. Trying to really concentrate on my diet, meeting my daily macro numbers, especially protein. I am going back to work on Monday- I work from home. I won’t be able to work full days but I need to get back to some form of mental stimulation. I have watched enough Apple TV and read enough books these last two weeks to last me awhile. Time to get back to the real world- I think it will help with my mental state.

    Happy Saturday- Melanie
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you are all having a wonderful day. Happy Mother's day. Wow...Melanie..that knee surgery sounds VERY intense. Hang in there and keep up doing what you need to do. I can't imagine going through this. My husband needs a new knee but he has had some health issue and has had several surgeries over the past year. They are going to inject some jell into his knee now to see if it helps. Thanks for sharing your story about this. I'm doing ok here. Gained a pound yesterday (big sigh)....I really didn't overeat that much but it was so hard with all this food around at the baby shower. Today will be hard too. Beverly you are doing well and keep up the good work. Like you I don't have much to lose but those last 10 pounds are so hard. Happy Sunday to all!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Hello All, Melanie - You are in my prayers. You seem to be staying focused on your health, not sure I could. Yesterday was my husband's birthday and we went to our granddaughter's softball game. I have eaten more than planned Tues, Wed, Friday and Saturday. Sometimes bonding with people and grandkids is more important to me than keeping in my calorie goal and that's ok. I plan on taking it easy today and eating in range. Baked fish and broccoli for lunch, spaghetti for dinner because I run tomorrow and need the carbs! Happy Mother's Day!
  • dvmmcw8273
    dvmmcw8273 Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you for the kind thoughts.
    Sometimes I think that holding back on eating at social events actually winds up with me bingeing later on. I am trying to get to a place with food where I can sit and enjoy it and not treat it like it's my last meal because I will be "good" tomorrow. Do either of you experience that? I'm not sure I will ever get there- it's been so many years of doing it.
    I hope you enjoyed the shower @sarah7591 That pound will vanish as quickly as it came on! I used to weigh myself daily and I could have fluctuations of 2 pounds- up or down. I would often put on a couple of pounds the day after a long run. I hope you enjoyed the 5 mile walk,
    Have a fantastic run @BeverlyW1108 - are you in a race? I am kinda jealous- really miss a good run.
    Happy Sunday-
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    sarah7591 wrote: »
    ... weekends are so hard for me... I'll try to check in daily

    A buddy of mine is taking a class, and he keeps talking about "structure" as a requirement for making progress.

    Sorry you find weekends hard, and you use the soft phrase "try to" when talking about checking in.

    Can you challenge yourself to add a very small amount of structure to the weekend check in? Type it out here if you will.

    Since you have talked about consistent/regular/chronic relapser, just make it the very smallest simplest easy piece of weekend check in structure you can imagine. Type it out here. Really set all of us up in this thread to see you be a success following through on your progress. Good luck

  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Monday Morning!
    Melanie, Yes, this has definitely happened to me. I pass up on the food that looks so good only to come home and eat "butter crackers"! Saturday I really wanted to try this deep-fried cheesy thing that my grandson was eating. I had two of them, they were small. I came home and had a salad, so I call that a win! "Sometimes I think that holding back on eating at social events actually winds up with me bingeing later on. I am trying to get to a place with food where I can sit and enjoy it and not treat it like it's my last meal because I will be "good" tomorrow. Do either of you experience that? I'm not sure I will ever get there- it's been so many years of doing it." @chris_in_cal. I agree that structure helps me stay focused. My one small change this round is to come here to MFP first thing in the morning if I don't the day gets away from me. Also, instead of trying to do strength training for every muscle group I've decided to focus on my core and only commit to a plank challenge which takes about 5 minutes. It's hard to say I don't have time for 5 minutes. So yesterday I was home, and it wasn't difficult to stick to my goal. I hope you all have a Marvelous Monday!
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    @chris_in_cal. I agree that structure helps me stay focused. My one small change this round is to come here to MFP first thing in the morning if I don't the day gets away from me. Also, instead of trying to do strength training for every muscle group I've decided to focus on my core and only commit to a plank challenge which takes about 5 minutes. It's hard to say I don't have time for 5 minutes.

    Ha! I love the stories I tell myself. My one small structure was to set a 9:30 p.m., 7-day a week, alarm goes off on my watch. I am supposed to do a "2 minute" breathwork exercise. TWO MINUTES! And I've only done it about half the time. That other little thing just happens to be going on, I don't do the two minutes exercise until later...and later never comes. Silly humans. Blanks are great, good luck with that.

  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    sarah7591 wrote: »
    ... weekends are so hard for me... I'll try to check in daily

    A buddy of mine is taking a class, and he keeps talking about "structure" as a requirement for making progress.

    Sorry you find weekends hard, and you use the soft phrase "try to" when talking about checking in.

    Can you challenge yourself to add a very small amount of structure to the weekend check in? Type it out here if you will.

    Since you have talked about consistent/regular/chronic relapser, just make it the very smallest simplest easy piece of weekend check in structure you can imagine. Type it out here. Really set all of us up in this thread to see you be a success following through on your progress. Good luck
    Chris - WELCOME! Such wonderful advice and I will follow this for sure this weekend. Thank you for joining us and sharing your wisdom. Again, I was a failure this weekend. I tried so hard on Saturday to do well by Sunday I was overwhelmed with it all and after two glasses of all went out the window. Back to day one. Thank you for posting and glad to have you here.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    dvmmcw8273 wrote: »
    Thank you for the kind thoughts.
    Sometimes I think that holding back on eating at social events actually winds up with me bingeing later on. I am trying to get to a place with food where I can sit and enjoy it and not treat it like it's my last meal because I will be "good" tomorrow. Do either of you experience that? I'm not sure I will ever get there- it's been so many years of doing it.
    Melanie - YES ...that is exactly what happened to me this weekend. Actually I blame it on two glasses of wine as well.
    Good Monday Morning!
    Melanie, Yes, this has definitely happened to me. I pass up on the food that looks so good only to come home and eat "butter crackers"! Saturday I really wanted to try this deep-fried cheesy thing that my grandson was eating. I had two of them, they were small. I came home and had a salad, so I call that a win! "Sometimes I think that holding back on eating at social events actually winds up with me bingeing later on. I am trying to get to a place with food where I can sit and enjoy it and not treat it like it's my last meal because I will be "good" tomorrow. Do either of you experience that? I'm not sure I will ever get there- it's been so many years of doing it." @chris_in_cal. I agree that structure helps me stay focused. My one small change this round is to come here to MFP first thing in the morning if I don't the day gets away from me. Also, instead of trying to do strength training for every muscle group I've decided to focus on my core and only commit to a plank challenge which takes about 5 minutes. It's hard to say I don't have time for 5 minutes. So yesterday I was home, and it wasn't difficult to stick to my goal. I hope you all have a Marvelous Monday!

    BeverlyW - Yes, I need to come here in the morning as well because the day does get away from me. Thank you all for such great advice. Glad our paths have crossed on this journey!

  • healthierorbust
    healthierorbust Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone- thanks for checking in on me, Beverly. I’m not able to keep up with the messages but doing ok. Lost a few pounds finally. Whew! Trying to keep tracking accurately. I’m finding it hard to get through the afternoon when I go running in the morning.
  • dvmmcw8273
    dvmmcw8273 Posts: 84 Member
    Not able to get here until this evening. My first day back at work and it was insanity. At least I know I have job security. My boss kept sending things my way until I finally said no more! It will take me all week to get caught up on the last 2 weeks. I told her my surgeon typically requests 3 months off post surgery even with office jobs. It is painful sitting in an office chair all day and that surgery really knocked the crap out of me physically. Good to have the mental stimulation of work again though- could not stay away for longer at this point in my career.
    @BeverlyW1108 butter crackers! Ha! Right? Like so worth missing out on what ever the “bad” food was you passed up on! I have done that thousands of times, often coming home and eating whatever’s around and not even enjoying it. I am going to change that behaviour.
    @sarah7591 wine is a control killer for me. I enjoy a good glass with dinner sometimes but I find it hard not to have 2 then the flood gates open. Since menopause, I cannot metabolize alcohol like I used to. I find myself not really drunk but slurring my speech which mortifies me. I have switched to some non alcoholic beers and wines when socializing- I find people often get really offended when you won’t have a drink with them.
    Since it’s just about Tuesday- hope it turns out to be a good one 🙂
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Morning! I hope everyone is doing well today. I'm kinda bummed because I did so well yesterday and then I couldn't sleep and got up and ate, yes, butter crackers. Going for a run, I always feel better after that. Happy Healthy Tuesday to You~!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Good morning! @Melanie...hope your work day goes better today!
    @Beverly...oh can I relate. I could not sleep at all either last night. Last time I looked at clock it was 3:00 am and i was up at 7am. I gained a half a pound yesterday ....ugh.....when I am so tired I get depressed and unmotivated. This too shall pass. Have a great day everyone.
  • dvmmcw8273
    dvmmcw8273 Posts: 84 Member
    I also couldn't sleep last night- weird!
    One thing about this knee is that it's too much hassle to get up and out of bed!
    When I am tired I crave sugar and fatty foods. Worst combo.
    I got moved to my daughter's today- she lives an hour and a half away. She was the only one that could take me to physio in the city tomorrow. Staying with her until Thursday. The n my sister picks me up to go back home. I feel like a 90 year old but can't drive for another 4 weeks.
    I did just get a delicious homemade chicken quesadilla for lunch- much better than the canned soup and toast my husband has to offer. He tries.
    Love to live vicariously through your runs @BeverlyW1108 🏃🏻‍♀️
    Have a great day!
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    Super weird: I woke up about two hours early today too. It's kind of unusual for me.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Super weird: I woke up about two hours early today too. It's kind of unusual for me.

    Same here ! Weird... :smile:
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hi All! Checking in. I actually slept better last night. I cheated and took a benadryl because I was so worried I would not sleep because I had to get up at 5am for a volunteer shift I have. I have had insomnia for years so I have somewhat adjusted but it does worry me. Anyhow even though I was down in the dumps yesterday I am doing much better today. I did eat healthy yesterday and am happy about that. I did lose the pound I gained....small victories.
    Oh Melanie...that knee surgery sounds so intense. I'm glad you are doing well.
    @BeverlyW1108 keep up the running! I am taking pickleball classes! See how that goes.
    @Antiopelle , @chris_in_cal I hope you are doing well and got some sleep!!
    Have a great Wednesday! Keep on eating healthy.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hi fellow MFPers! OMG, so I'm a liar. I just said I check in here first thing in the morning and sure enough this morning my husband got up before me and was on the laptop!!! I usually set an alarm so I can get out running before it gets too hot, but I didn't set it today. Unfortunately, I'm having some knee pain. From everything I've read it seems to be in my IT Band. So as much as I absolutely, positively hate not running I think the wise thing to do is take a break so it can heal. I went to the gym today and tried the Elliptical and it didn't work either. Any exercise where I have to bend and straighten my knee hurts. I'm learning different non leg cardio workouts. Today I did this arm bike thingy at Planet Fitness and although it seemed to somewhat raise my heartrate it was very boring. Tomorrow I'm going to try the rowing machine but just set my feet on the floor instead of in the foot pads. I'm also doing more strength exercises than usual. Upper body, glutes, quads and hamstrings.
    Melanie, so sorry you will not be able to live vicariously through my running for a short time (I hope). But we got this. I'm grateful for what I can do. Do you do upper body exercises?
    @sarah7591 I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better, I'm sure the good night's sleep helped.
    I hope everyone else got a good rest last night.