LESS Alcohol ~ JUNE 2023 ~ One Day at A Time



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,674 Member
    edited June 2023
    Yes, the coffee ice cubes when blended froth up pretty good. That is an antique glass with bubbles in the glass.

    Those glasses are really hard to find! I call them Daquiri glasses : - ) A margarita glass is just not the same. I had broken my last one 5 years ago and searched and searched, finally finding myself 4 of them at a thrift store last year. I don't think that they are available to buy new.
    Coupe glasses...I thought that those were like champagne saucers. Getting an education here : - )

    Glasses are everything!

    So the pink colour of the cocktail - cherry whiskey or cherry brandy, just a bit of it.
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,331 Member
    A = 2
    AF = 2 (Yeah Tied-up)

    Planning to stay AF today.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 572 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy oh I do love sunflowers and hollyhocks! Best to you for your job interview.

    @Chickadee00 some say that very small, yet achievable goals are a good approach.

    Took a long morning walk yesterday before it heated up to 86 degrees. Had a weird food day because I had not planned too well. Ate 300 calories of organic dark chocolate almonds following my eggs and plant protein shake post walk, and then later had 300 calories of Terra sea salt vegetable chips after my taco salad at dinner. Then…..baked a no sugar banana almond bread and ate a piece at 9:30 p.m.! I guess the win is that I ate food instead of drinking those calories!
    I do better when I plan my balanced meals throughout the day to stay better satiated.

    Oh, it feels like the lazy days of summer are coming…..

    Planning for AF until Friday night.
    June stats:
    AF - 3
    A - 1

    Personal Goals:
    AF - 20-22 days
    A - 8-10 days
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,382 Member
    Goals for June
    Self-care and positive vibes ~ One day at a time
    Zig-zag calorie count - Daily Average 1400
    Success = No more than two glasses of wine per night. Bonus Points for ZERO!

    Current Streak - AF = 0 ~

    6/4 A ~ Moody today. Wine all weekend while watching Netflix shows. Bored too... can't wait for vacation! I've really got to focus on getting that "substitute" drink in my hand as soon as I get in the door.

    Success Days # 0
    Bonus Days # 0
    Last month's random tiramisu, cannoli, and "Mama ya gotta make a lasagna" has made me fear the bathroom scale. Should put it in front of the fridge instead. Or down cellar in front of the wine rack.
    @forestdweller1 ~ You might be on to something!!

    @chickadee00 ~ You said it best - One day at a time. Not that I've been terribly successful, but try to incorporate something that you know you can accomplish and then go from there. I'm considering it success when I limit to 2 glasses of wine. I'm about 50/50. Once I can consistently do that...they I will reduce to maybe set days at being AF. Reward the little victories and like @missmay said, it's not a race!

    The Month recap to stay accountable

    6/1 A ~ Husband was excited as he had been off pain meds long enough to have a cocktails. He made pomegranate sours. Tasted really strong and really sweet to me since I had not had one in quite a while.

    I've got to get it through my thick head....alcohol ruins weight loss....maybe I need to get out my paper and write it 500 times...

    6/2 A ~ I got nothing!
    6/3 A ~
    6/4 A ~

    My 2023 Stats...
    Current Month
    AF = 0
    A = 4
    AF = 53%
    A = 47%
    AF = 29%
    A = 71%
    AF = 0%
    A = 100%
    AF = 14%
    A = 86%
    AF = 23%
    A = 77%
    AF = 0%
    A = 100%
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,674 Member
    Thanks for keeping us going @MissMay : - )

    I am Dawn, I live in South Eastern British Columbia.
    I joined this thread in November of 2018, a daily drinker at the time
    My primary goal with drinking less is weight loss.

    My usual goal is 16-20 AF days for the month,
    I had 18AF days in May.

    I do this diary style, I normally post the next morning.

    Sunday June 04 - AF - Job interview in the morning. I really felt like having drinks though, I went so hard in the yard and began the area outside of my fence which technically doesn't belong to me, but I have been planting it for many years. I have Hollyhocks and sunflowers along there, but it was (still mostly is) completely full of giant weeds. Very very hot here.
    Monday June 05 - AF - Scheduled to work 12 days straight starting Monday at the Indian restaurant to cover some vacay days. Tonight, Tuesday, is my pedicure so I may have drinks/prosecco. I definitely won't be having my usual drinks on the weekend this coming one because I am working split shifts Saturday and Sunday. Tuesday and Wednesday are my window if I feel like having drinks this week.

    Rolling total: 3AF day out of 5 days.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,570 Member
    Oh @Womona OUCH. I hate when.that happens. And then to have it keep tweaking...ugh.
    Happy sailing when you get the time.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,570 Member
    A = 2
    AF = 3 😁
    Planning another AF day!

    Your AF dayys are out shining your A's @looneycatblue. 👍
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    I had a great vacation week, drinking 2 beers each night. Most were pints, but I notice that they don’t pour full ones. Also, I selected pilsners and lagers, which have ABV <~5%. I was very active, doing lots of runs, bikes, and some swims. And even surfing— I have the bruises to prove it!

    Anyway, this is always how I am on vacation, and I gained about 4lbs due to it. Most of it will come back off quickly, but at least 1-2lbs will take some effort.

    Life goal is to go on vacation and not gain weight!