Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story




  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    Worked today then went to the HOA meeting/social. They had this pizza that was SOOOO good. I very rarely eat pizza but I had like 4 slices. The pres. Made it. Then went in the pool, will go to church in a few

    Tracey – great design and I agree, Roger made it perfect

    Rita – feel better fast. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. When it rains, it pours

    The part for our grill FINALLY came in. I’m defrosting the meat right now. Maybe we’ll grill tomorrow. Jess was talking about coming here next weekend and going out to dinner. I’m thinking that assuming that there isn’t any problem with the grill (which is why we’ll try it first), I’ll suggest we instead grill

    Ginny – hope you feel better fast and that nasty sore throat is gone

    Tooth still tender. Before I was leaning towards extraction if it doesn’t get better but now I’m leaning toward a root canal. I just don’t know

    Michele NC
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,218 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Tracey and Kim, thank you for thinking of me and my dad. I can't help him with projects though, it makes me even more angry. He can't hear, so if you tell him something he smiles and nods and then ignores you. He makes his plan and accepts no input. I've thought about taking some of the tools away, like the ladder and the pole saw, but I'm not ready for that confrontation.

    Today I ate 1163 calories Yay! And I did twenty minutes on the bike and then my dumbbells, Yay!, for a deficit of 320. Yay! A good day.

    It was a lazy day other than that. I need to go through my clutter, but I'm waiting for the perfect moment.

    I love Louise Penny's books! They are excellent. I wish I had read them in order, but I just got them randomly from the library. Right now I'm reading Sara Paretsky about detective V. I. Warshawsky. Also a very talented writer.

    Annie in Delaware
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,131 Member
    edited June 2023
    Afternoon ladies
    Im beat lol
    Went for bloodwork early morning,then to pick up some playschool cats for Miles and then to Costco..
    Bought some diapers and wipes a rotisserie chicken and a few odds and ends and gas.
    Took my 2 laptops up to Carmines boyfriends house so that he can get important stuff off my old computer onto my newer laptop.he graduates the 15th from same school as Carmine with an IT certification so i trust him with my stuff..
    But all that running around im in alot of pain...hips thighs ,hands ,feet everywhere hopefully someone can figure it out.
    Tracy just told me the lady they went to see for daycare..will be taking Miles starting July 10th.. im gonna miss the little guy...hopefully they let me see him on the weekends and the afternoons

    Is Tracy going with the one lady she had the issue with or is it someone new?
    I know you will miss him but you need some time for you. Just let her know that you are there as her back up any time she needs you. That is what I will be telling Ezie's mom the first of July. I will watch her for the summer but when she starts 1st grade, I won't be watching her every day. Not worth my time for just an hour or two a day. I will be her back up though.

    For the pain, have you tried the Stopain spray? Was just talking to former hubby about it- he is ordering some to try(we use it all the time) and I found another that is 4%lidocane that is a bit cheaper so I ordered a two pack of it to try. I need it for lower back, hip and hands. DH needs it mainly for hips but also hands.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,980 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    Mary - what a mess those pigs would have made. Hopefully none of them were injured though.

    Evie - I agree. If I watch a movie I don’t enjoy the book as much. I very rarely watch a movie based on a book I have read because what I envisioned the characters and settings are never accurate.
    I remember the the 90’s a lot of Danielle Steel books were made into for tv movies. At the time I loved her writing and had read most of her books more than once. One in particular, the main character was pregnant and the housekeeper made spaghetti and meatballs and she couldn’t eat it. In the movie they changed it to beef stroganoff. I never understood why they had to change something so insignificant but at the same time, and apparently still, it just turned me off the rest of the movies.

    Niagara Falls is where DH surprised me for our 1st anniversary. It was in the Maid of the Mist that I realized I might be expecting our eldest.

    Lanette - I’m sure there would be times when you feel isolated. I would hear too. I don’t know how I will handle living alone if that time ever comes. I don’t think I would do well.
    I might if I got active in the community and doing things like some of the ladies on here.

    Lisa - It’s always a shame when a drug doesn’t do what it’s supposed to in our body. I hope the next attempt is better received.
    I have to do my windows again! The neighbours had new sod laid and the spray from their sprinklers have hit my windows. 😮

    Allie - That’s great news he’ll be going to daycare. If they don’t let you see him in the afternoons or on weekends, they should be ashamed of themselves. You do everything for them.

    Rebecca - your sister is very nice. I hope they appreciate her.

    The Grands and their Mama came to hang out today. They made some shirts and ran in the sprinkler.

    Has anyone watched the movie Queenpins?
    The language is a little rough but it’s a funny, inspired by true events, movie.

    It was a great day.
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,434 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Today I ate 1553 calories but I did twenty minutes on the bike and an hour of yoga and thirty minutes of aerobic walking, so I had a final deficit of 25.

    I have got to stop getting so upset and frustrated with my dad. He got to me again today. I have to accept the things I cannot change.

    Annie in Delaware

    Is what he is working on dangerous?

    For example, my husband is not supposed to work with power tools or climb ladders because of his epilepsy.

    If it is dangerous, then you might need a medical professional to advise your father to stop doing whatever it is.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,434 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    People do have a way of not responding to emails and leaving others in the dark. Just about every day I am waiting for a reply from someone. Since Thursday afternoon I have been waiting on replies from at least 3 people.

    I keep reminding myself that my questions are probably not the only things going on in their lives. But it does become a bit annoying at times.

    M in Oz



    I am SO glad I don’t feel compelled to check email anymore. My work emails are defunct, thank goodness. Email is my least favorite way of communicating.

    Now that I am retired, I let people know that I am not good at checking and responding to email so their expectations can be adjusted.

    On the other hand, I am excellent at responding to texts and pretty good about phone messages.

    I have never figured out a way to keep my email clutter under control, so it’s a huge chore for me to wade through it looking for a message that I care about.

    My bad.

    Karen in Virginia

    It becomes problematic for me when I need information at work, or when a response or lack of response will result in money/time/effort etc. savings or loss.

    Of the 4-ish email responses I'm waiting on, 1 is a work email and the other 3 are personal but important in terms of money/time/effort etc.

    And email in those situations is efficient because I can include all the details and attachments, and have an email trail.

    If it is just casual emails between friends or family, I'll often go weeks before I'll respond to someone.

    Texts and phone calls ... you may never hear from me! The chances I'll return a phone call are really slim. They're slightly better with a text but not much.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,434 Member
    I'm just not a huge beach person. I LOVE the water, mind you. I just don't do "beaches". Like M said, I love the water, I love the smell, I love the sounds, I love being there. I just don't DO them. Mainly, I don't do hot and I don't do sun. I get overheated way too easily, so the mere energy it takes to drag a chair and umbrella to a beach so that I could sit, with my feet in the water, carefully shaded, completely exhausts me. Then there's getting all that stuff back to the car. Now, give me a zero-entry, beach-type pool in my backyard and I'm there daily, doing laps and then relaxing, watching my grands! And we have a large enough backyard for it. We just don't have the funds for it! LOL.
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN

    I love beaches, but I rarely sit on the beach.

    I love walking in the water or on the sand, especially barefoot ... it seems to ease my arthritis.
    If the beach is nicely packed, I'll jog on it.
    We've also cycled on firmly packed beaches.
    As in the photos I posted, we'll fly kites on the beach or play games.

    There was a beach off the coast of Western Australia, that was so gorgeous. The water was warm and seemed to have a higher than usual salt content, and it was fantastic for swimming.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,434 Member
    edited June 2023
    Machka: Glad to see you back and glad to hear that you're feeling some better.
    Barbara: Lisa hate it when what’s supposed to heal you makes you feel sick. ((hugs))
    Evie: Lisa, sorry to hear you had a bad reaction to the new meds, hope you can find an alternative! (other than no meds, that is)

    Thank you so much for your kind comments! Boring medication stuff and TMI:
    I do find the ongoing search for something to alleviate my gut inflammation quite frustrating, but it demonstrates something I've said for years. Doctors don't know our specific body will reply, they just know the data on what ought to happen with a given medication. Individual bodies do not necessarily react the way their known data says they will.

    This is the second drug in this same family of salicylates that has not been useful for me. TMI - but with the first one, the capsule contents of tiny white beads carrying the medication emerged exactly as they went in--didn't cause vertigo or dizziness, just didn't get absorbed by my body at all.

    I am still a bit dizzy around the edges, but slowly feeling better each day as the medication wears off. Thank you for thinking of me.

    Love to all,
    Lisa in AR

    I have a growing list of medications I am allergic to. Mainly antibiotics, but a few others as well. By allergic, I mean breaking out in a huge rash and difficulty breathing, as well as several other symptoms such as painful joints as though I had arthritis in them, numb hands, tongue & mouth, dizziness and all sorts.

    Makes it interesting when I actually need something.

    You're absolutely right ... individual bodies do not necessarily react the way their known data says they will.

    In general, I make a point of taking as little medication as possible because my body doesn't react well to so many and because, where possible, I prefer to deal with the cause rather than the symptoms, realising, of course, that sometimes we need the medications.

    I forget where I was recently, but I had to list the medications I was on, and I listed both of them (I'm on 2) and the medical specialist just looked at me for several moments, then she said, "And ...". I responded, "That's it". It seemed to surprise her.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,434 Member
    Sunday Cycling ...

    We were attempting a 50 km ride, but ended up with a number of flat tyres so didn't quite finish. My husband is changing a flat in the photo.



    However, it did give me the opportunity to cycle briskly in a few places, with lots of huffing and puffing.

    How Does Fat Leave the Body When You Lose Weight?

    "The lungs are the primary organ used to remove fat from your body. During the energy conversion process, fat leaves the body either as carbon dioxide when you exhale, or as water in the form of urine or sweat. Body fat does not turn into muscle or exit the body through the colon."

    "When fat leaves the body, 84% is exhaled as CO2 and the remaining 16% is excreted as water. So most of the fat we burn is literally released into the air."

    Machka in Oz