Over 200 New Year New Me Part 52



  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hello Ladies! Hopefully, I am well by tomorrow. This week has been a pretty sick week for me and I can hardly get up and go. I am all caught up on everyone and it looks like you all have some pretty exciting plans. I will probably be back in force next week. Right now I am becoming exhausted just walking my daughter to the corner. I think all of this sickness is wearing me out. Not to mention our late summer this year. We are getting near 100's all this week after having one of the most mild summers I can ever remember(averages in the low 90's)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hey girls

    lstpaul - sorry you have been in a crabby mood, but all that is going on i don't blame you.

    Ladeb - Glad to you see you. Sorry you are having issues with your kids.

    momma - hope you feel better soon.

    YOu girls doing 1/2 marathon ...YOU GO GIRLS !!!

    I am still not into the running too much. I tried to start the c25k and my ankles are just giving out , i never got past week 1. Maybe when i looose some more weight i may try it again.

    But i have come up with a plan for the gym, been doing really good ,i have been burning an average of 500 cals a day,

    Last week i was up , mainly sodium i think cause ate crappy last week. But as of today i was where i was 2 weeks ago, so hopefully i will be at some loss.

    I think that i have lost some inches in the last few weeks thoughtk, cause i had to tighten my hrm strap. I hadn't take measurements inj probably a year, so i am going to do that in the morning. I am doing more weights that i have ever done so hoping that will pay off

    Check in -
    09/21 -
    Cals - way way under had like 600 left
    Exercise - 55 min/526 cals on eliptic
    water - 60 oz

    9/22 -
    cals - under
    water - 60 oz
    exercise - 35 min arc trainer and 20 min weights.
    Proud - that i am doing something every day and i am in a zone of burning more calories.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy FRiday !!!

    Cris - Not sure if you are lurking at all...but i am thinking of you this wekend and hope everything goes great.

    So i weighed in today, not as great as i was hoping but i will take it...i lose .9 lbs. that is .9 lbs closer to my goal woot.

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Well, ladies, I am officially registered for the half marathon with Allison!! I'm so psyched. I've told a few people about it so far, no has even told me I'm crazy!

    Melinda: I really hope you join us!

    It sucks that I have to sit at my desk all day now. I really think even signing up for the event should be a cause for celebration, so I should totally have the day off....

    Oops, edited because I forgot to check in.
    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: ??
    Water: 96 oz.
    Exercise: One hour grooming and tacking horses, one hour leading a horse on a trail ride, one hour walking around the arena at volunteer work. Whew, was I busy!
    Proud: I got all of the horses fitted for saddles and tacked before the riders were there last night and all the saddles I picked worked great for both the horses and the riders!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I *MAY* be able to do the 1/2 marathon with you guys!! Williamsburg is a driveable distance for me, especially since FIL lives about 2 hours away, my best friend lives 3 hours away. I can't register yet because I don't know when BIL's wedding in California will be. Last I heard, May was the month. Really we have to wait and see when he's going to be moved from Pearl Harbor back to Monterrey (he's in the Navy).

    Plus, I can't seem to find any information about whether or not it's okay to run with a stroller. I'll keep looking and email them if I can't find it.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    momma........-2.5......................I dont understand how I lost this weight I have been sitting around eating all week. I am not going to count it just share it with you.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sherry: Don't question it, just take the loss and RUN!
  • purpleprose
    Sherry: Don't question it, just take the loss and RUN!


    Julie - the course has one stretch on bricks and one stretch on gravel, so am not sure that strollers will be allowed. Not sure it would be particularly comfortable for little Maisie!

    Heather - so incredibly excited you registered today!

    Deb - congrats on your loss!

    I forgot to weigh in this morning. Too excited/terrified by the half marathon. :smokin:

    Work's been long today and my back/neck are in need of some R&R - too much time at the computer today, unfortunately. Luckily today is a trainer day and not a running day because it is pouring and gross out and lately I've really hated the treadmill.

    In other news, I started a blog to (theoretically) track my progress in getting ready for the half marathon. I've never blogged before, so this is totally new territory, but I wanted someplace for my family to check in on my running (they're hilariously obsessed with it) and for me to track my thoughts/emotions as I continue along this path. Check it out? Leave me love/comments? http://conqueringherfear.blogspot.com/

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am going to join back in but I won't be able to post everyday but I miss seeing you guys and hearing your inspirational stories so if its alright with everyone may I please come back to the group.I have been dealing with so much lately and I need to make some time for me so here I am if you'll have me back
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    My goal is to lose 20 pounds before the end of the year so here we go!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Oh Ann, I am so happy to see you! I look forward to you being back.
  • Partyofpugs
    I'm just starting (AGAIN) but I need to make this work. I'm tired of starting over and over again.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ann - I am soo happy to see you :)

    Momma - Don't question it just take it !!!

    Well i did soo awesome last week, did killer workout sat morning, but eating crap since then. I haven't even gotten on the scale as i know it is not going to be good...

    Going to get back on it this week...one day i will not sabbotage my good work by eating crap.

    At this point i would love love to loose 20 lbs by the begining of december , abby's bday is dec 6th. And i really want to do family pics. I woul dlove to be under 250 but if i can be low 250's then i will take it. My last family pics were when i was over 300 and i know i look lots thinner now, but another 20 lbs would be good.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Great job last week, Sherry and Deb! I was only down .2 from 2 weeks ago after having been down kuch more earlier in the week to a new post prego low. So I sulked instead of posting my pitiful results.

    Welcome back, Ann!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I would like to lose 50-60lbs by October 1, 2012.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allison: I will add your blog to my subscription list. I'm a blog-aholic! I look forward to reading it. Maybe you'll keep me motivated for the half. Like you, I'm both excited and terrified!! Oh, and also hating the treadmill. I have a feeling my snowshoes will be getting a workout this winter!

    Speaking of blogs, if anyone ever wants to take a gander at mine, it can be found at:


    Ann: Welcome back! Why would you ever think we wouldn't want you back?

    I had an amazing weekend and am so sad it's Monday. Friday wasn't too exciting with running errands, but I did go to the barn and get my horse haltered so I wouldn't have to chase her around when others were at the barn. Saturday, I went to breakfast with a friend and then helped her look at horses at the auction. She ended up buying a yearling palomino Quarter Horse filly who is absolutely adorable! After the auction, I went to my barn where I took my horse through the obstacle course both on foot and in saddle; she did awesome! Then, we ate our potluck dinner, had some wine and had snacks around the bonfire. It was a gorgeous star-filled evening. Yesterday was a FULL day of trail riding. I'm a tiny bit sore, but not as bad as I thought I'd be. Guess I'm in better shape than at last year's trail ride. It will probably be worse tomorrow, though.

    Anyway, it was amazing and it felt SO good to spend an entire weekend doing horsey things...with my own horse! Every time I trail ride her, I'm reminded why I don't sell her, even when she is hard to catch. She's just so awesome on the trail, even when all of the other horses are scared.

    There was a big, scary incident at the bar where we stopped for lunch. Two horses pulled back on the hitching post and snapped the thing off. They took off, with this huge wooden rail dragging behind them. One horse had his lead rope snap, which freed him. The other kept running, with the wooden post hitting him. He went down on the ground and stopped moving. I feared broken leg, so I let those more qualified to help handle it and instead helped another girl round up her horse who had gotten loose in the tangle. The horse with the post went down because his lead rope was wrapped around his neck and it was cutting off his air. Luckily the lady who owns the stable I board at had a knife on her and was able to cut the rope and saddle off the horse. Once he was cut free, he got up and was fine; just minor scrapes and cuts. Scary stuff. The six horses in my group were tied at the opposite end of the ruckus, so they were fine, just a little scared. Well, all except my horse who stood calmly watching the commotion. I was SO proud of her for that.

    Okay, sorry that got long!

    Hope everyone else had a good weekend.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi ladies!

    HeatherMN: that sounds really scary with the horses this weekend, glad all were ok!
    Awestfall: glad to see you back

    Congrats to the losers last week!
    I was down .2 pounds but didn't get logged on all weekend to record it so I'm not going to. I didn't have a great weekend for eating, and I made a casino trip this weekend too ... so not a good weekend for me for control.
    I start a weightloss challenge class tonight with a friend. I hope it is motivating and gets me in gear again!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Well Happy Monday morning!

    Heather your weekend sounded exciting, fun, and a little scary. Glad the horses are good.

    lstpaul, I hope the class is fun and motivational.

    Julie, I am sure that you can accomplish your weight loss goals.

    Okay so my pediatrician calls me on Saturday to tell me that my daughter Haley's urine sample was not good again(3 tests). They are concerned that her kidney's are not functioning properly. This is a very scary concept to me but I am being calm:noway: maybe calm, slightly calm. As you all may remember my oldest daughter was having low blood platelets that we are still monitoring. So to have one child with possible health issues is scary but now 2 are getting a bit much for me. My son seems to be extremely hyper right now and I am not sure if he is reading me and it is coming out in his autism. I don't know! But it is kinda stressing me out a bit too. Tomorrow we take Haley in to do a renal function blood test and some other blood work. Then we will be referred over to the kidney specialist. May still send us over even if renal function is normal just as a precaution. I am still not fully well but getting close. My ear is plugged and I am still quite tired. I know that stress can make you tired and as you can imagine I am a little stressed even though I fibbed and said I was calm. I am trying NOT to be stressed. I guess I am not dwelling on it but I am irritable to the point that people I talk to regularly are texting me and asking if I am mad at them because of the way I acted when we talked. Wow I don't want to be like that. So that is my day today. I feel like I only come on here to vent and say poor me I am having a hard time. Sorry.....:flowerforyou:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Momma- THAT'S WHY WE'RE HERE!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Let us know if you need anything at all and please log in and vent as often as you need to!

    Heather - I tied my Arabian (he was actually a great calm and quiet soul but he WAS an Arabian) to the back brace (fence like piece) on a hay wagon. He tossed his head to shake off a fly and yanked the whole thing up out of the brackets - and took off with this eight foot by six foot 2x6 frame hanging on to his halter. I just walked after him assuming he would go until something broke and he would be dead - but he was down behind the barn walking back wards blowing and snorting at the brace as he pulled it along the ground. Sometimes we get a pass on stupid moves! (not that your friends move was stupid - just MY idea to tie to that brace!).

    Anne - Welcome back!!!! :drinker: :heart: :smooched:

    LilDebbie - I started "running" at the 200 lb mark due to my angry knees but I know lots of people on here started when they're above 200 and are doing well! I am restarting now, using the 5K101, and the Vibram Fivefinger shoes - this time I'm also using the "Chi Running" book and going super slow. With the barefoot shoes and the Chi technique, I haven't had to ice my knees once!

    PurpleRose - guess what? I SIGNED UP FOR THE HALF MARATHON!!! It seems as likely as my going to the moon but now I have done it - paid for it and guess what? I'll be there! I put my pace in optimistically at 15 minute miles :tongue:

    This past weekend we went to NJ for a wedding. We drove out to Philly Friday night (actually King of Prussia), and did the cheese steak eating and Liberty Bell looking on Saturday - then drove up to the wedding location about 2 hours North of Philly. OMG THE FOOD!!! :bigsmile: :huh: :sad: :drinker: :drinker: :devil: :sick: :sick: :ohwell: :love: :angry: :mad: :explode: :indifferent: :sick: :heart: :drinker: It was a roller-coaster of JOY, GUILT, grief, contentment, BLISS, distress, FRUSTRATION, horror...

    Over all - WORTH IT.

    And then there was the open bar :wink:

    It would have been fine if I'd jogged the 500 miles back to Ohio....
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    thanks for the wecome back ladies I really need help pushing this weight off.My husband was diagnosed with diabetes and seeing what I have to do for him each day ,pills,testing his sugar,etc I don't want that to be me in a few years or even months.So here I go again starting over but hopefully no more restarts just moving forward!