

  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    Barbie— Thank you for August, 2023. I appreciate your leadership and wisdom. ❤️

    Katla in Illinois

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Barbie, many many thanks as always for the new month’s link. :love: the meme.
    Belated welcome @Marcia_Cassiano from FL!
    Rita that WAS a funny skunk story. :love: the pic of tricky Wicket!
    Tina good to see you popping in. Safe travels!
    Wow Kim, What’s left for your other pot luck guests to bring ;}
    Sue thanks for taking part in that study. Hope it finds blood markers more effective than colonoscopies and mammograms… ;)
    Rebecca, Lisa, Tracey, what you all said about smokers not quitting until they want to is so very very very true. It was for me. (That and pneumonia, 8 days in hospital and 5 weeks out of work. Smoke Free since May 1999. Yay me!)
    Machka would you remind me if your sense of smell returned after the surgery?
    Lisa :love: the pic of your gs on the beach. “One more key tap…” made me snort my water. :laugh:
    Rebecca OH that Athena! What a comic!
    Ginny thanks for sharing your toe-to-toe. Wish Joe understood that we have to be responsible and advocate for our own health care, the providers simply don’t have the time. They make rX based on study statistics and not the individual situation. At my last, the PA simply cut and pasted conflicting recommendations for my various dX. Like “More dairy for the osteoporosis.” And “avoid cheese for the hyperlipidemia.” Sheesh.
    Tracey prayers said. ((hugs))
    KJ :love: your neighbor’s inventiveness. Would he let you post pics for us?
    Kayne, add me to the “not bored” contingent. I don’t walk around the house but march in place while watching Jeopardy episodes recorded on my DVR. That way I can fast forward through those dreary commercials. ;)
    Betsy good to see you popping in, Prayers continue for your sister.
    Debbie do you use an old fashioned pressure cooker, or an IP?
    Lanette I sit on something like this and roll along the flowerbed to weed it… but obviously neither recently nor often enough :laugh: https://www.amazon.com/Garden-Cart-Utility-Wagon-Gardening/dp/B016BOX62M
    Thanks for asking Terri for the dance workouts and Terri thanks for providing them! We mostly use our woodstove for drying out when we come in soaked from the rains. Find it most warming. When I get really really cold, I throw a beach towel in the dryer for a few minutes and wrap myself in that. You are made of stern stuff, we keep it much warmer. And during a recent, extended power outage, we hosted an older neighbor for tea, cookies and warming as she had no heat.
    Barbie the newer woodstoves are more efficient and less bad for the environment. That having been said, by gardening and composting you are likely sequestering more carbon than you are releasing back into the air.
    Beth “no thank you” indeed. Your DH and mine must be brothers from another mother with their pocket knife = surgical instrument philosophy. :noway: Sorry to hear about your painful gas, atypical nevis and DH’s heat related incident. Really wish he’d hire the rest of the job out.
    Yay pip! Great smiles. Fingers X’d Addison succeeds.
    Vicki Sorry you had to wait so long to get your swollen foot checked out. Hope its and easy and quick fix.
    Carol, as a child I stepped on our floor furnace’s grid… but only once ;)
    Debbie do you have some WD 40 you could spray on the hinges of the trap? Might help it to “spring.”

    Finally caught up. Updates and monthly summary some time tomorrow. For now it’s time to snoozzzzzzz…

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. July: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live NOW.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,612 Member
    Terri I love your poem!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    edited August 2023
    July Highlights

    July disappeared in the blink of an eye.

    * I did not exercise as much as I wanted because of my knee, but I did something most days ... especially more upper body weightlifting than usual.
    * We did manage to cycle a 50 km ride before I realised that my knee injury wasn't just a bruise.
    * Left arm/elbow just about healed.
    * I lost another kg which isn't bad given how insanely busy the month was So I'm 5 kg down from my high point in mid-April.
    * Added another southern continent bush in the garden bed I'm currently working on. It's one I've wanted for a while ... a Little Bibi!! https://www.pma.com.au/little-bibi
    * Dug up the rest of the bulbs and I'm ready to plant them ... hopefully this weekend.
    * Attended a Pop-Up Cafe featuring beekeeping.
    * Attended a beekeeping webinar.
    * Attended a calendar planning meeting for our long distance cycling club.
    * Attended hockey matches that our son and daughter-in-law played in.
    * Travelled to one of our favourite spots in northern Tasmania for a few days ... nice, quiet, relaxing.
    * Some colouring and reading for pleasure.
    * Read the Bible every day.
    * Did not work on the online course I'm taking from a university in Melbourne. Kept meaning to, but so busy.
    * Meeting, meeting, bow-beeting, banana-fana, fo-feeting, fee-fi mo-meeting. Meeeeeting!
    * Lots of medical appointments.
    * Dyed my hair dark brown.

    It was another month of running from one thing to the next. I thought June and July would be slower more relaxed, winter months, but nope! It's full speed ahead!

    Really low exercise month!!

    2023 Monthly July
    Walking/Running Distance (km): 38.9
    Walking/Running Time (min): 485.6
    Cycling Distance (km): 93.9
    Cycling Time (min): 312.9
    Flights Stairs Climbed Number: 131.0
    Flights Stairs Climbed Time (min): 94.3
    Other Time: 20.0

    Total Distance (km): 132.7
    Total Distance (miles): 82.5
    Total Time (min): 912.8
    Total Time (hr): 15:12:49

    A couple months ago, I decided to start going to a chiropractor regularly. It was a good decision because my headaches have eased off quite a bit, despite all the meetings and stress of the past couple months. I've also found some different ways to stretch.

    However, I've been going a couple times a week, and it's too much. They'd like me to keep going regularly, but I am having a tough time fitting it in. It's supposed to help relax me ... but it's causing me stress. Thursday is my last appointment with them, and that IS relaxing me! :)

    If my headaches return, I'll deal with it then.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka would you remind me if your sense of smell returned after the surgery?

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. July: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live NOW.

    Not entirely.

    I have moments where I have a sudden blast of scent that leaves me thinking things like 'when did leaves start smelling like that??'

    And then it subsides and I return to my usual dull murmur of smell.

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) My biggest take away from all that I've heard and read about minimalism is about intentional living. I shopped and acquired stuff for years with no real plan. That led to the need to sort, organize, and discard. I acquired hobbies and activities because other people said they were good things to do until I my days were overrun with stuff to do. Today it is important to me to know what I have and where it is, to use my time with people and activities that are important to me and say no to the ones that aren't. I have things that are important to me and do things that are important.

    "The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials."---Lin Yutang

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Spot on. I do realize I did not plan enough or set limits on acquiring things.

    I do love it when I find someone who can use some of my stash. I do try to remember to give them only what they need. Example neighbors have a sister with three kids staying with them for a few weeks. I gave them some books at the right age level for each child. I could have given them a whole box but I gave them just a few. If it is too much it becomes a burden to them instead of a blessing.

    I loved the lunch with my cousin when I was able to give the sketch book her mom had drawn in and it reminded her how much her mom noticed her when she was growing up.

    I am learning to be gracious when others want to give me something. A simple thank you does it. It does not mean I have to keep it. Examples are a book a friend gives that I pass on after I read it if it is one I will not read again.

    Some of my favorite gifts I received really do not have much monetary value they just remind me of the person and how much they mean to me and I can tell they really thought about me and what I need. An example is the pistachio bowl my son gave me because he noticed I ate a lot of pistachios and thought I would enjoy it. I didn't even realize he noticed I enjoyed pistachios. Another is when on Mother's Day my sons gave me a pair of pink flamingos because it was something I did not need to water or take care of.

    Some things are worth keeping others not.

    Just like in becoming healthy what works for one person may not work for another.

    What I love about this group is we share ideas in what worked for us.

    Another suggestion from Organized Enough is to go between taking time to organize the small stuff like a draw and then stepping back and looking at the big picture like a whole room. I have heard this suggestion in various forms before. I do find it a good reminder to find balance in what I do. Rather than focus on what is not done I try to focus on how far I have come.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,965 Member
    :)<3Terri, Awesome poem
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    edited August 2023
    Just couldn't quite reach 50 km walking this past month. Oh well, we're into a new month now. :)


    Really tapering off in recent days. :neutral:


    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    Hi @Joy1580vb ... how's the garden coming along? :)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,761 Member
    Morning ladies
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,052 Member
    July highlights:
    Goals -
    ✅Weight - Stay in maintenance range (145-150 lbs., 66-68kg). Was at 146.7 on July 1, 147.7 on Aug. 1. Very happy with always bouncing back to maintenance range this month. Dropped below it a couple times and hit the top number once, but kept centering into 146 to 147.

    ✅Finances - Send final house payment. Done!
    ✅Health - Be healthier.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,259 Member