

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,814 Member
    Lanette - ITTAHO Double Sided Window Cleaner,Window Squeegee and Microfiber Scrubber with 53" Stainless Steel Pole,Long Handle Window Washing Equipment for Indoor Outside High Window Cleaning-Two Pads https://a.co/d/iE4KLCM
  • li327sa
    li327sa Posts: 52 Member
    Sweet Dreams, all. I have just enough time to say hello before I turn into a pumpkin. My name is Lisa D and I am 49.5 years old. 50 is my year, but I didn’t want to wait. ❤️
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Moweys tuckered the poor boy out!!
    Well Tracy talked to DCF today unless she threatens harm to them or herself basically there isn't anything they can do.. Carmine basically bullys Tracy every day,wont do it to her dad though.
    I guess she is staying up at Seth's tonight..
    I asked if she has her on anything yet and she said no..
    I know she knows they are skating on thin ice with that ,he is of legal age and Carmine is not.

    By, "if she has her on anything yet", you mean birth control?

    If Carmine is not on birth control, she needs to be. If it is not too late already.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Barbie - I can’t believe it’s August!
    Thanks for another month.

    Terri - I love the poem, do you mind if I share it with a couple of my friends that can use the reminder.

    Kylia - you sound positive today, I’m glad your customers appreciate you and let you know it.

    Margaret - I enjoyed reading how you are clearing things out and how you appreciate the gifts

    Minimalism - I recently joined a FB group called Maximalist Design and Decor. As with any group there is a set of rules you must agree too. One of the rules is you don’t get to decide what is minimal or maximal for someone else and if you don’t like something you see just refrain from commenting.
    I am a mix of both I think. I enjoy my “stuff” but have to have it all neat and tidy. I think I have pared down as much as I’m willing to for a while though.

    Rebecca - I’m with you on the milk glass. I have been getting rid of some dishes I don’t use. Except my Crystal, I have an emotional attachment to all of that as I can tell you who gave me each piece and for what occasion.

    Joy - enjoy the visit with your family. I’m glad the window washing tool worked well for you. I see I need to wash mine again. I may wait until September though so they will do for the Winter.
    My DH had a gadget in the Amazon cart for gutters. I’ll have a look at it.

    Photos - I went through my photos in 2011. I got rid of any landscape photos unless I knew where they were taken or were quite beautiful. I also got rid of photos that I didn’t know the people. (Some of my photos were from my parents and grandparents albums). My Mom had 100’s of parades. I threw most of them except for a couple that I have to friends because it was their parents business float.
    I haven’t scanned photos as I fear the technology changes so much that there will be no way to retrieve them in the future. Like Rebecca, I also like the feel of old photos. I really need to print a few years worth of photos and start scrapbooking again too.

    Vicki - I hope the meds help. Your granddaughter is lucky to have you.

    Debbie - Craft stuff is a big source of stuff for me too. I do have it all organized though. One thing about living in a 700 sq ft home is you don’t have a lot of places to collect stuff.

    Annie - my Grandmother was 91 when they sent her a 5 year renewal for her license. She didn’t drive much at that point, but had it renewed in the event she had to in an emergency.

    Heather - I bet your wrist healed so well and quickly because you are so healthy and exercise regularly.

    Machka - I do have some seasonal decor, but it all fits in a small tote except for Christmas. I do have a lot of Christmas decor.
    I will never get to the point of having to rent a storage unit for it though.

    Beth - is your DH willing to discuss hiring someone yet? I’m sorry about your new driveway.

    Debbie - I follow a pest control company, you have to relocate a possum at least 25 miles away.
    I was shocked at how far some things need to be relocated for them not to find their way back.

    Well I went to my friends on Sunday, returned home last night. Today she texted me that her husband had taken a vacation without her and wouldn’t tell her where he is going. He is a broken man and has been for a few years now, I hate to see any marriage end, but I think this one needs too. The emotional abuse they inflict on one another is not healthy.

    Today we went to rescue our grandson from family camp with his parents. He was having a miserable time. It was a 5.5 hour drive, he’s worth it though.

    Kaitlyn is doing well, things seem to have settled and she had an ultrasound on Monday that shows that the baby is way up high where it should be. This relaxed her, so hopefully she can remain calm and have a healthy pregnancy.

    It is late so I’ll catch up more tomorrow.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    Regarding photos ... jpgs have been around for decades and will likely be around a while yet. 😀

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    What is your keystone habit? Mine is my writing session every weekday morning. I don't always want to do it, but I feel so much better if I do, and it ripples out to my whole life.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    What is your keystone habit? Mine is my writing session every weekday morning. I don't always want to do it, but I feel so much better if I do, and it ripples out to my whole life.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx


    Machka in Oz
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,360 Member
    Tracey-so glad all is well with Kaitlyn and baby!
    Heather-good luck with planning. While it will no doubt be hectic it will be good family time.
    Machka-agree with you about .jpg. Also as new technologies come out there are typically conversion programs if needed.

    No scheduled meetings today-getting hair washed and cut. May stop at Best Buy on way home to get Iphone screen protector replaced. It is one of those with lifetime guarantee that it gets replaced if cracked/breaks. This will be third replacement. I have dropped it a couple of times on sidewalk while walking. It and the case have protected the phone screen itself. This crack goes all the way across the center of the phone and is a bit annoying.

    I am annoyed with the virus protection company I use for my Mac. I wanted to make a change to cover my iPhone and iPad and it was a huge issue-website was weird, I had original logged under one email address and a the one I was trying for three devices under another. You can't actually talk to a person. I submitted two tickets-no email response. On third ticket I told them to cancel everything. Now they want to help me. Need to decided today if I want to try another product.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Machka-agree with you about .jpg. Also as new technologies come out there are typically conversion programs if needed.

    Take care all,
    Ginny in Ohio

    Just checked, out of curiosity, and jpgs came along in 1992 so they're 31 years old!!

    I've been working with them nearly all that time. In 1996, I learned AutoCAD and also worked with images as part of an Engineering Tech qualification. Starting in 1997, I got a job in an Engineering office and one of the jobs I did was to digitise the office ... converting all the paper drawings etc. to computer. We converted most to tiffs, but some things we converted to jpgs.

    Long time ago, yet feels like only yesterday!

    M in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Machka- we all know it..But to face it is a whole other ballgame
    Tracy got pregnant at 18,with Carmine.
    My friend Trudy had a baby at 15 my aunt let me know when I was in Tennessee that she had a baby at 15 and put it up for adoption.
    So... I know all to well what can happen.. I think Tracy is just sticking her head in the sand..but I told her don't you think you guys are a bit young to be grandparents?
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Good Thursday,
    Welcome to the new ladies!

    My mountain vacation in TN is now 2 weeks long! Not until September but the countdown has started 🤪 We will tow down the miata again-fun! And am hoping to spend one day at Dollywood. We usually add one new activity each year. I am not a rides person, but love the shows and shops. Who knows may even ride one or two. Generally we walk lots, eat twice a day, and probably drink too much once at cabin. Even though I usually have sone work to do while gone, I do it sitting on the deck in a bathrobe, with coffee, listening to nature! Definitely my second home.

    So yesterday....I finally took time to set up the new computer we got at shop in the springtime.....not good as computer is broke. Part of me knew I should have set up earlier, but haven't had time. Now get to deal with that. DH asked what happens now. I told him once I have receipt from SIL, I will have to take it to best buy. Not anything else I can do. Won't make that mistake again. Really need to keep my head in the game. Still trying to figure out how to assert my needs and changes needed especially at work. I am such a people pleaser and hate conflict.

    Congratulations to the new babies on the way.

    Congratulations to the losers 😉! I am "maintaining" between 124-127. Goal is 115, but haven't had the energy to put the effort in, so am happy to be maintaining where I am. It took me years to get out of 130's. I have been to goal twice in the past 10 years, but then self sabotage (get lazy). I am in healthy BMI so not overly concerned, but feel my best under 120. I am 5'2" and petite frame.

    I need to get ready for work.

    I love reading about all the going ons in your lives. You do inspire me to be the best me. Now to figure out how to do that......

    Much ❤️!
    Make the best choices you can at the moment!
    I just remembered I have a doctor appointment in an hour!!!!!

    Kylia in Ohio

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,420 Member
    edited August 2023
    Tracey: Good news about Kaitlin. I don’t mind you sharing the poem with the copyright on it. It’s nice to know so many people enjoyed it.

    My habit for Augustviscto write a poem a day.

    Heather: My keystone habit is looking for how I can benefit or learn from every event good or bad.
    ☘️ Terri
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    My baby Teddy boo came home from the vet looking awful. They cut a lump from his eyelid that got biopsied, and he has a two inch gash on his shoulder that used to be a cyst. He is half Maltese with a beautiful long white coat, but now half his face is shaved, and his shoulder, and his paw. And he has a collar for two weeks, and he keeps bumping into things. I hope he will settle down and nap.

    Annie in Delaware

    Poor puppy!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    S66S wrote: »
    Hi everyone

    I would love to join this discussion. I went through some the the earlier posts and found them very inspirational.
    Barbie "The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials." - that's a wonderful quote. I have been trying to follow it too.

    Savi, India


    Conversation moves quickly here so just jump in wherever you like. :)