60 yrs and up



  • Ernest_Nigma
    Ernest_Nigma Posts: 69 Member
    @LolaGatto , @MaryZZZZ Good luck dealing with the physical issues.

    I'm still peeking in here now and then, and also currently dialing the activity back a bit. After a number of years away, I was trying to get back into the three triathlon sports but apparently I'm not as flexible as I used to be. Starting back swimming lanes, I've quite unexpectedly strained a neck muscle. It didn't occur to me that I might not be as comfortable as I used to be turning my head that much to breath. I'll continue swimming once this settles down, but building back into it a little more gradually.
  • tnh2o
    tnh2o Posts: 159 Member
    I am also a swimmer and hope to do another triathlon next year.
    I've had a frozen shoulder for the past year that is finally thawing out. (I don't think that is the correct medical term, but anyway).
    When I get back in the pool I'm going to use a snorkel until my flexibility improves.
    We all have to do what works for us.
  • Ernest_Nigma
    Ernest_Nigma Posts: 69 Member
    @tnh2o Using a snorkel is a great idea, thanks! I'll still have to keep working on neck flexibility to wean myself off of it eventually but for now it gets me back in the pool sooner.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,638 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    You're going to tempt me into going out to join the Masters even though I've never rowed crew. I bet I'd love it, but I don't have time to make commitments to that kind of team.

    When you come visit, I'll rent or borrow a nice tandem or you can paddle one of my solo boats.

    @mtaratoot, we're scullers, two oars per person. There are singles. It's not just sweep rowing/crew/big boats/teams.


    I'll shut up about rowing now. For a while. Probably. ;)

    Nah. Keep talking about rowing. I think I would prefer sculling (two oars) to using a single oar, although I know that the boats where each rower has one oar can FLY. Lots of power.

    I was speaking more about the commitment to show up on a schedule for practices and meets. Right now I'm reticent to tie myself to schedules all that much with a few exceptions. Once a month to the aquarium. Once a week hike up the local coast range peak. Lots of paddling, and on a schedule if I or someone else posts a trip that I'll coordinate or join. The aquarium schedule is set well ahead. All the other things happen on various days. I'm also doing some other volunteer work that's been on the calendar for a while, but multiple nights per week and then some weekends traveling? Nah. Too bad. I think I'd like it. The person who leads the Masters here used to be the department director where I retired. He retired a decade or more ago. More. Nice guy. He's tried to recruit me.

    And.... On the trip I was on yesterday (scouting for an upcoming event; we actually need to slow the participants down so they don't get to camp before land crew has camp set up), someone had one of those VERY ultra-light Advantages. It just had its 30th birthday in February. The owner knew it was from the '90s. I looked at the tag. It had the molded-on ash gunwales only inboard of the hull and no gunwales outboard. I picked it up. Oh my. I bet that thing is 26 pounds. Wow.

    I paddled my Encounter just to see if I really want to sell it. Within five minutes I decided that yes, I do. Funny. It felt short to me. It's not. It's 17' long. My longer boat is only six inches longer, so only three inches longer out front. But it's so WIDE that my eyes perceived it as shorter. Then an hour later I decided I should keep the boat. It paddles nice, and it will carry a HUGE load. And it's paid for. And it really is gorgeous even though it's got a lot more wear and tear since I've owned it. Paddle 'em, don't polish 'em.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,912 Member
    edited August 2023
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    You're going to tempt me into going out to join the Masters even though I've never rowed crew. I bet I'd love it, but I don't have time to make commitments to that kind of team.

    When you come visit, I'll rent or borrow a nice tandem or you can paddle one of my solo boats.

    @mtaratoot, we're scullers, two oars per person. There are singles. It's not just sweep rowing/crew/big boats/teams.


    I'll shut up about rowing now. For a while. Probably. ;)

    Nah. Keep talking about rowing. I think I would prefer sculling (two oars) to using a single oar, although I know that the boats where each rower has one oar can FLY. Lots of power.

    I was speaking more about the commitment to show up on a schedule for practices and meets.

    That was my point. A club with a sculling program doesn't necessarily have schedules, past the learning phase. We run a 4-week class (2 days a week), have some scheduled times soon after that are more flexible, to get people a little more solid. Then once they check out as safe on their own, people can come to the club anytime, take out a club-owned single all on their own (as long as they can carry it safely), row when they want to. Full members get boathouse keys. My group that rows together on a schedule is the exception at our club, not the rule. It's just a group of friends with regular meet-up times (varying numbers participating each time), not a formal program with required attendance. I row 4 days a week in season on a regular schedule because that's what I want to do, not what I have to do because the club imposes it.

    Yeah, a single or even quad is not as fast/powerful as an eight. Still fun, pretty fast. Quads, especially.

    And.... On the trip I was on yesterday (scouting for an upcoming event; we actually need to slow the participants down so they don't get to camp before land crew has camp set up), someone had one of those VERY ultra-light Advantages. It just had its 30th birthday in February. The owner knew it was from the '90s. I looked at the tag. It had the molded-on ash gunwales only inboard of the hull and no gunwales outboard. I picked it up. Oh my. I bet that thing is 26 pounds. Wow.
    Yes, that sounds similar to the Advantage I have. It's about that weight. Don't want to hit any rocks very hard, or anything like that, though!
    I paddled my Encounter just to see if I really want to sell it. Within five minutes I decided that yes, I do. Funny. It felt short to me. It's not. It's 17' long. My longer boat is only six inches longer, so only three inches longer out front. But it's so WIDE that my eyes perceived it as shorter. Then an hour later I decided I should keep the boat. It paddles nice, and it will carry a HUGE load. And it's paid for. And it really is gorgeous even though it's got a lot more wear and tear since I've owned it. Paddle 'em, don't polish 'em.

    A serious cargo/touring boat can be a good thing. Voyager is pretty much that for me.

    ETA: I suspect all of this boat talk is boring for others. There's not a suitable group or thread, though we could start one.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,638 Member
    There's dragon boating up in Portland. I think it would be really fun, but there's no way I'll drive that far on any kind of regular basis, especially with the Portland traffic. Yuck.

    I am going to check out the local rowing club. It looks like I missed the required two trainings that allow a person to join the club. If they let folks come down and row on an as-desired schedule, maybe it IS for me. I just don't want to commit to several days a week and also to sign up for races. I think that may be acceptable. The dues are a speed bump for me, but after my mortgage is paid off, I should be able to swing it. I'll get in touch with the person who used to be our department director who is in charge of "guest rows" for prospective members. After all, he did try to recruit me many years ago.

    Voyager and Encounter sort of fill the same niche, but Encounter can haul far FAR more stuff. Also... so light. And if I sell it, that's fine too. Voyager just feels good under my butt.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,912 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hi, @shultz9 and @VAGal61, and welcome to the group! In my experience, MFP and food logging is can be a great help in managing weight, if it suits our personality. It's been perfect for me. Keep us posted on how you're doing; ask questions if you have some. I've found that people on MFP always do try to help. Not all the ideas we have may work for you, but possibly some will.

    Wishing you success!
  • history_grrrl
    history_grrrl Posts: 216 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hi, all! I was looking for a 60+ group that’s active and happened to stumble on this one; happy to find it. I’m 62 and first joined MFP back in 2011 but didn’t stick with it, then had a big, complicated surgery in the early days of COVID and promptly packed on a lot of weight during lockdown. Am looking to lose about 25 pounds. Have been tracking carefully for the last month or so and appreciating that doing so forces me to be mindful about what I’m eating. The scale isn’t moving much, but clothes are already fitting better and I’m feeling better.

    The SO, a serious foodie, is getting excited about planning a trip to New Orleans in a month or two (he’s in Wisconsin, I’m in southern Ontario, Canada), and I’m slightly terrified that the food there will do me in. So I need to build up my willpower in advance. :)

    I’m especially interested in how people are handling exercise and aging. I used to have more options for activity, especially yoga and walking, but now have various restrictions due to a connective tissue disorder and related problems: can’t lift weights, do isometric exercises, or do anything too high-impact on my feet. I use a stationary bike at home, just started a chair yoga class, and am finding some good Pilates videos online and a channel called SeniorShape that I like a lot (though I can’t keep up quite yet). Would love to know what others are doing.
  • karlschaeffer
    karlschaeffer Posts: 1,507 Member
    @history_grrrl This is a great group. Glad you found it. You have the right attitude to do this healthy thing right. I have similar issue with high impact stuff. Bottom line, for me, walk.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hello & welcome @history_grrrl I started mfp when I was 62, can't believe I'm 69 now, the years just flew by. I actually didn't have any problem losing about 1 lb/week. I've gone to the gym for 30yrs but did up my exercise by doing some classes there too. I lost 50 lbs & decided to stop there because I didn't think it would be sustainable to lose more & keep it off. I'm not as firm as I was because I had an injury in 2020 where I couldn't exercise except walk for some months & after that I kept getting sick. This year I had retina surgery & this week I had skin cancer removed from my face so have to take it easy but honestly, I just don't feel like going to the gym. I can exercise at home as I did in between gym days but I just don't want to go. I do walk every day, about 3 miles because I love being outside & walking with my dogs. I don't know what my gym future holds. I unfroze my account about 2 months ago & the handful of times I went, it wasn't the same. I'm thinking to do a few classes to inspire me but most are at 10 & I'm not willing to give up my outing with the dogs, we have 5 ;us our grand dog has been staying with us while her family has been busy moving. she's a handful. A high energy golden doodle so I've been taking them all to the dog park & doing my walking there. The evening classes are so full & the gym in general is so
    busy, I don't like to go when it's like that. I'm going to go more times before I freeze or close my membership to make sure.
    I did find when I turned 67 my energy went down a bit & a bit more with every birthday since. I'm out about 3 hours in the mornings( plus it's been so hot) & by the time I get home & have lunch, I really don't feel like I have enough energy to exercise. I cook for me & husband & dogs after lunch & visit our son in town quite often. I guess that's a short version of my current life, oh & I work 1 day a week also
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,912 Member
    Gosh, it's been quiet around here for a few days! How is everyone in 60+ land doing?

    I don't have anything grand to report, just still working at weight maintenance, getting in a little rowing, trying to work more cycling into my schedule again, and trying to accomplish some projects around home.

    New folks, how's progress? Long-timers here, whatcha up to?