It 2010 Please Join me Part 2!...My lovely Group!



  • Don't worry, I'm enjoying being young :) I'm always so proud of my body after I finish a 'long' run. Actually this morning I did such a run--13 km, which is long for me at the moment. I'm a bit sore now, but it's so worth it!

    I also weighed myself this morning before breakfast, and subsequently did a happy dance. 139 pounds! YES. I feel like I've been in the 140's forever. That was the motivation I needed to eat healthily this weekend! I feel so pumped! Haha.

    I hope everyone has a good (and healthy!) long weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    HELLO MY PEEPS!!!! I have missed you all and so wish we were near each other cause I so need motivation! It is just easier with someone to do it with. But any way guess what??? We are starting our own phorography buisness!!!!! I am so excited I have a job title now not just home maker lol. I am praying we do this right as this venture is between my husband myslef my brother and his wife. THE GOLDEN RULE...never mix family and buisness right?? Pray for me on this one guys :) OHH yeah we did not move! After the drought in Texas, chip speaking of which how are you all doing?? water and fires????
    Any way, I am here all the weight I lost last year (10 pnds) I have gained back and am fighting like hell to stay where I am! I keep getting on and off one day im gung hoe the next who cares! But I will NOT stop trying. The goal in the end is to be healthier in every way what i eat as well as adding exrcise.
    My sister is in college right now and some course she had to come up with a plan on modifying behavior to help permentaly change it. Well she has chose weight lose. So of course it is on my mind again. But things I ahd nto so much put in to practice before... with rewards, and goals and just a different way then I have thought abotu before. Similar to cheat days which I have not done since I started this journey 6 years ago! WOW 6 years ago I was 158 pounds 6 years later I am 134,,,, 24 pounds lost. Eating habbits have changed as well as exercise. They are better but not quite the healthy relationship I would like to have.
    SO hello again my dear friends :) Shall we dance?? lol xoxox

  • Hello Myth! The group's died out a bit, but I'm still here, plugging away.

    Wow! A new business! It sounds really fun (and like a lot of work)... sorry to hear you gained some weight back, but at least you've logged back on and gotten on the wagon again!

    I've gotten down to 138 pounds, so I've been successful recently. I haven't weighed myself in a week or two but I've been measuring and I've also lost an inch or two since my last measurement... which almost means more than the weight loss for me! I still struggle with eating healthily, especially when I come home on weekends. It's like my mind just shuts off and I eat and eat and EAT. Still, it's one day at a time right now. I'll get burned out if I think of the big picture, and how much work is still to go.

    When you're talking about rewards/cheat days, I think if you do have a cheat day it should really be more of a cheat meal, or a cheat night... not the whole day. However that's just my take on it. I know for sure there have been days on the weekends when I've gone majorly over my calories, but as long as I get it back together right after, I still loose weight (just maybe not as fast... I don't know).

    Anyways glad to see you back, happy to hear about your business, and yes, let's dance!!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Eek, congrats on the lose recently! Speaking of inches that is how I knew I had gained some weight back is when i tried on my clothes from last winter... THEY DONT FIT!!! :( And oh yes on cheat day I DO NOT mean let it all go! Id kill myself lol. I mean maybe have a waffle or piece of pizza or sushi, if I go over calories on a cheat day I would hope not by much, although this week I have logged things I dont normally log...liquid calories just to see them, and OMG!!! I am trying to face a lot fo things latley that i have nto faced before......and Im like no wonder I am not losing just maintaning lol. Starbucks and cold coffee drink mixes are my down fall, it almost equals the amount I eat in a day..not good and cost me to much money lol. But I am trying to take this one step at a time! Also maybe figuring out what in the end I can eat to maintain, nothing I have figured out befor.... I also am only trying to exercise 3 days a week because that seems to be the only time I have alotted in my schedule on a normal basis lol. Well Im off to shower, ahd to cool down after my run :) I LOVE RUNNING IN THE FALL byt the way beautiful weather latley!

  • Thanks Myth! :)

    Yeah, liquid calories are a killer aren't they? Sometimes you need a bit of a shock to motivate you to change. I try hard to avoid drinking calories when I can. I was never much of a Starbucks beverage drinker, but I loved hot chocolate, pop, and coolers (not much of an alcohol person either). Now I don't drink pop or alcohol (okay, maybe like once a month...) and I'm currently cutting down on the hot chocolate. It does save a lot of money doesn't it? Starbucks is expensive!

    I'm trying a little experiment to see how I do. I don't have a scale right now (got lost in the midst of a reno...) and obviously measurements don't change everyday. So I wanted something besides logging to track progress. I started a little weekly list of 5 goals I want to accomplish for that week that have to do with diet of exercise. I'm extremely honest with myself, and if I don't meet one of the goals I write it down and deal with it. I write down what goals I met and didn't meet everyday. I'm kind of enjoying it. I'm on a roll this week--I've met every goal so far!

    Anyways, I hope you've been having a good week and yes, running in the fall is awesome! The only complaint I have is that i's starting to get dark too early... but the temperatures sure are nice. Glad the weather is nice where you are. Southwest BC is wet, wet, wet as usual. Haha.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    OK so last week was bad but mother nature was in full effect lol. This week Im doing better. We have had 3 photo sessions in the last 4 day, WOW! So much to do I have got to get organized! I have been so excited like a kid at christmas that i am not sleeping so much, I keep waking up all excited literally like christmas going is it time to get up yet?? Then I am tired as haties the next morning! ugh! But any way I am kicking and trying to eat descently cause this is kind of new to me with all the bust type of things from kids to work and then the house hold duties. ok well speaking of being busy I need to get moving lol. Talk with you all soon.

  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member

    I'm back on treadmill and bicycle. Glad to read everyone's posts. Lost 20 pounds in 2011 will double that this year.

  • Chipgal--glad to hear from you! and congrats on the 20 pounds, that's a great accomplishment :)
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