

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Morning ladies
    Got the dishes done and had a BLT yum
    Going to check the mail and tomorrow will go get bloodwork done.monthly for the transplant team. Will maybe wrap the couple presents i have for Miles.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Good morning (Pacific time)! I’ve enjoyed reading your posts. You seem to know each other well and are incredibly supportive! Glad I found you!!
    Have a fabulous day!

    🌻 :)Hi Laurie I hope you will come back . We were all new once and by joining the conversation we got to know each other better. I read this thread every day and join in when I have a comment

    🥰Barbie in NW WA
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    edited December 2023
    Today’s gratitude: wrapped fudge and rum balls, box is ready for post office. This for my “goddaughter” (not technically, but emotionally, as I am also her emotional auntie) who practices a Messianic version of Christianity, keeping kosher, Jewish holidays etc. Package might even get there before Chanukah starts at sunset on the 7th. No Matzoh Roca, cookies or Chex mix as no oven . . . yet ;) UPS tracking says part will arrive today. Just got an automated call from Sears telling me to call as soon as possible to RESCHEDULE my repair appointment. ? Called and the automated system let me “reschedule” for the original appointment date: Wednesday, Dec 6. Fingers, toes, eyes crossed. :laugh:
    Heather :love: your mini santons, like Tracy had to google them. IF I was more in the decorating (and dusting haha) mood, I’d send away for the bare minimum nativity. Fortunately for me both stables are out of stock.
    Carol I miss Rosemarie too and hope all’s well with her.
    Laurie tell us a little about yourself so we can get to know you too!
    Now to break fast, get ready for line dance class.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
  • VeryVeggieVegan
    VeryVeggieVegan Posts: 14 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Good morning (Pacific time)! I’ve enjoyed reading your posts. You seem to know each other well and are incredibly supportive! Glad I found you!!
    Have a fabulous day!

    Where are you, I’m in California now

    I’m in the Sacramento area. Looks like there are a few ladies on the west coast. My goal is to retire on the Oregon coast. We camp there every summer and it’s so beautiful and peaceful! Worth the winter weather.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    edited December 2023
    Barbie - Do you think you might be on the autistic spectrum, like Machka thinks she might be? DH's elder daughter was diagnosed post 50 yrs old, my elder son is borderline, and Max is also on the spectrum. So is my brother's granddaughter.
    I once had a student who had a late diagnosis, after 55, and she was so relieved that it explained everything she had been struggling with all her life.
    Nowdays there is a vocal autistism-positive movement, that explains it as 'otherwise gifted' and not a disability.

    Had a nice chat with L, who is finding Christmas hard, as her deceased partner loved all the razzmatazz. When I rang she had managed to put a few decorations up, through her tears, and with the help of whisky. She was just finishing her second batch of mincepies to share with neighbours and yoga students. She was eating a few! :p
    Fortunately, mincepies are not my thing, though DH likes them, and bought some on his way home this afternoon. He ate two. I delayed dinner a bit. :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    MFP Weekly Check-in for December 4, 2023

    Kylia in Ohio - So I am starting December 1/2 pound lighter than November. 128. yay!

    Rita in Roswell NM - Up a pound this week. The water wait is really annoying! I lost 2 pounds overnight last night!

    Evie in BC : Disappointed in this past week, was showing a loss early in the week, but they found me!! The only good news is I didn’t gain!

    Lanette in SW WA State – weight still holding steady in the healthy range for me; everything at status quo. Maintaining this for the coming month will be a “win” in my book. Helps to not be baking or bringing sugar/sweets into the house. Still “house walking” with 3# weights three times a day after meals.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    edited December 2023
    House Walking = Farmer's Walk

    I follow a physical therapist on YouTube in Bellingham, WA, named Ed Deboo. This morning he posted a video about Osteopenia & Osterporosis and running. He's responsive to comments so I mentioned the "house walking" I've been doing, carrying light weights. He replied to my comment and said something like good work and posted a link to something similar he recommends, called the "Farmer's Walk". Here's the link if anyone is interested:


    Of course I switch it up by carrying weights, mostly held bent-arm as in a bicep curl. And I have a one story house with a long floorplan so I can get in many steps at a time. I just heard back from him to keep increasing weight as I get stronger, which was my plan. It was gratifying to hear that this carrying weight is great for bone density.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,537 Member
    Tina - My best friend ended up as a Defender, too. Meticulous, careful (she was a bookkeeper for years, and now she does people's taxes), hardworking, all those wonderful things. She is also very prone to taking things personally AND repressing her feelings, which means that people who've hurt her, particularly family, simply never get the chance to heal a rift. That reluctance to change kicks in when I urge her to talk to them and give them that chance. This is very much about her specifically, by the way, not all Defenders. I love her, and she's been my best friend for more than 40 years, and will be until one of us dies. I know that my perfectionism combined with my analysis paralysis is enormously annoying, so I'm glad she still loves me too!

    For all those who don't take the tests - Thank you for the reminder that we are all different, and that there's no need for us to be the same to have common ground. I find the tests interesting, but as noted elsewhere, they show a range of behaviors or tendencies, not specific, unchangeable, invariable traits. Indeed, I find the questions more interesting, as someone else said, because my answers have also changed over the years.

    Kelly - The parade and your kids' response is well deserved but sorry about the feet thing. Well done for your husband taking care of you and both he and your son chipping in!

    Lanette - Love the Farmer's Walk, thanks for the video.

    Gina - Well done on the 32 pounds! Ginger looks very sweet.

    Laurie in Sacramento - Welcome! We're glad you found us, too.

    Barbara AHMOD - Hope Sears comes through with a Christmas miracle for you! 🤶🥰🙃❄️

    Kylia - LOVE the Christmas decs, and the family pic!

    Went to Sam's Club to return some stuff this morning, and that added to all the phone flap wore me out. People were stacked up at the gas station there because it's 25 cents per gallon cheaper plus a free car wash. I just threw up my hands and left. I'd rather pay a little more than burn a gallon waiting to get to the gas pump.

    Chilling out, watching "Cheat," the British game show.

    Lisa in AR
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Another today’s gratitude: the stove part arrived. Fingers X’d for technician Wednesday ;)
    Laurie where on the Oregon coast do you camp? We’re just north of Brookings. Most people don’t move away because of the winter weather, but because of access to medical specialties. Nearest are 3 hours away… ;{
    Gina :love: the Ginger’s pic, and con VERY gratulations for taking off those 26 lbs!
    Lanette thanks for the Ed Deboo YouTube.
    Lisa as an adoptee I’d be very interested in your daughter’s bio-dad and half sisters story.
    Annie, ((hugs)) just ((hugs))
    Tomorrow’s consultation with oral surgeon will tell me if there’s enough bone for implants, what kind of anesthesia/sedation they’ll offer for the extraction, and co$t. Even though they won’t do anything tomorrow but Xrays, I’m nervous.
    12/04: Move: ZERO sets PT. , line dance class. Steps:6966
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=26 CI<CO net=418 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, ptT, ptS, wrapped fudge, rumballs, packed and sent. Wt: 130.1
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    December: Move more: chair yoga, line dance, dailyish PT, play with dogs.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, readings, meditate 3 minutes/day. Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2023: Be of good cheer.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,630 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    edited December 2023
    Well tonight mom had to rest going up the stairs. My dad thought a 5 second rest was enough, but I pushed for about ninety seconds. No penalty for resting too long. Mom is 91. How long a rest do you think is safest? Five minutes? What is the recovery time after pushing muscle close to failure? Hmmm. I better research this.

    Annie in Delaware

    Does there have to be a specific time?

    I let my husband rest until he is ready to go again.

    We also take things much slower than before ... for me, it's painfully slow. How long can you balance on one foot while you move the other at a glacial pace forward? It is a good thing the Tree Pose in yoga was one of my favourites. OK, it's not quite that bad but it feels like it sometimes. I just have to find a way to move at his pace.

    M in Oz