What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    Stationary bike day again in the row/bike alternation, same 15k + 3 minute cool down, about 40 minutes and 109 average watts across the whole thing. Still moderate: 78% Z3, the remainder below; Average heart rate 132bpm (74% HRmax), peak 142bpm (79%).

    Boring? No. I played a game on my tablet, and listened to a Fresh Air interview. :D
  • dwaddell5376
    dwaddell5376 Posts: 1 Member
    Ten minutes on Power Plate, levels 2 and 3. Shoulder front and sides raises, 3 sets 10 pounds each. Shrugs 3 sets.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    45 minutes yin yoga, 45 minute walk.
  • Kyra_TB97
    Kyra_TB97 Posts: 8 Member
    I've been using the gymshark training app for a while now, and have just starting doing the Mass/Hypertrophy workout plan.

    Today I did the push workout;
    5 minute light cardio warm-up and dynamic stretches
    4 Sets of 8 Barbell Bench Press
    4 Sets of 8 Seated Shoulder Press
    4 Sets of 12 Dumbbell Chest Fly
    4 Sets of 12 Standing Plate Press
    3 Sets of 15 Tricep Pushdown
    3 Sets of 12 Dumbbell Lateral Raises
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    Same old same old . . . rowing machine day in the alternating 6-day schedule. 8414 pseudo-meters in 45 minutes including the row in/outs and cool down. Fell short (long?) in my intention to stay in Z3 and below, with 2:33 in Z4, but only 3 bpm over the line so I'm not stressing about it.

    So close to the halfway mark in the C2 Holiday Challenge that I can almost taste it. Tomorrow.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    Upper Hypertrophy

    Incline Bench Press 3x10
    Machine Fly 3x10
    BB Row 3x10
    Pulldown 3x10 (1 set each hands over, under, neutral-grip)
    Face Pull 3x10
    Machine Lateral Raise 3x10
    Machine Curl <superset> Machine Pushdown 3x10 (both 3-second negatives)
    Perloff Press 3x15sec
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 997 Member
    edited December 2023
    I went climbing on Tuesday. I wasn't in very good form, although I did get one long term project. (I must have tried the climb close to 50 times before sending it).

    I went climbing today. It was really good fun, I got a load of projects. I skipped about 8 holds on one pumpy, overhanging 6B+. (A couple of dynos did the trick.)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    Back to BikeErg today, 16,189 meters (standing still) between the 15k piece and the 3-minute cool down, 110W average over the whole thing. Slipped into Z4 by 2bpm for a whole 17 seconds (oops :D ), otherwise 82% Z3 and the remainder below.

    I'm finally past the halfway point of the Concept 2 Holiday Challenge, 107,059 of 200,000 meters to be completed between US Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. (Bike meters count half, thus the plan for 15k bike and 7k row alternation plus cool down, 6 days a week.) This is actually a little ahead of where I need to be, so I'm building in some extra slack time if I need it.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Leg day…

    3x8 trap bar deadlifts
    3x12 x 3x12 leg extensions superset with seated leg curls

    Short and sweet.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Back to BikeErg today, 16,189 meters (standing still) between the 15k piece and the 3-minute cool down, 110W average over the whole thing. Slipped into Z4 by 2bpm for a whole 17 seconds (oops :D ), otherwise 82% Z3 and the remainder below.

    I'm finally past the halfway point of the Concept 2 Holiday Challenge, 107,059 of 200,000 meters to be completed between US Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. (Bike meters count half, thus the plan for 15k bike and 7k row alternation plus cool down, 6 days a week.) This is actually a little ahead of where I need to be, so I'm building in some extra slack time if I need it.

    Been busy, but just checking in. I'm around the same meters as you (slightly less). I'll hit around 102K today. Been just doing 10K a day Monday through Friday, working in harder sessions on Monday and Thursday. Yesterday, did 10 X 100m sprints/45 secs recovery, then a 5K moderate pace. Today will be a super easy 10K, working hard to hold the HR at 150 or under (75% of max for me).

    This is the most rowing I've done for a while. Arthritic fingers were giving me a lot of issues this year, so I had cut the rowing machine down to two days a week and was doing more treadmill, elliptical, assault bike.

    Still been lifting pretty hard two days a week. The meters I'm doing now would have been nothing five years ago. Amazing how my performance (and ability to handle load) has lessoned from my early 50s to late 50s (I just turned 59 last month).

    Glad to see you're all at it! Still (roughly) holding the same weight. Need to lose the usual 5 lbs during the Holidays, but holding fairly good other than that.

    If I don't check back in, have a nice Holiday everyone!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Back to BikeErg today, 16,189 meters (standing still) between the 15k piece and the 3-minute cool down, 110W average over the whole thing. Slipped into Z4 by 2bpm for a whole 17 seconds (oops :D ), otherwise 82% Z3 and the remainder below.

    I'm finally past the halfway point of the Concept 2 Holiday Challenge, 107,059 of 200,000 meters to be completed between US Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. (Bike meters count half, thus the plan for 15k bike and 7k row alternation plus cool down, 6 days a week.) This is actually a little ahead of where I need to be, so I'm building in some extra slack time if I need it.

    Been busy, but just checking in. I'm around the same meters as you (slightly less). I'll hit around 102K today. Been just doing 10K a day Monday through Friday, working in harder sessions on Monday and Thursday. Yesterday, did 10 X 100m sprints/45 secs recovery, then a 5K moderate pace. Today will be a super easy 10K, working hard to hold the HR at 150 or under (75% of max for me).

    This is the most rowing I've done for a while. Arthritic fingers were giving me a lot of issues this year, so I had cut the rowing machine down to two days a week and was doing more treadmill, elliptical, assault bike.

    Still been lifting pretty hard two days a week. The meters I'm doing now would have been nothing five years ago. Amazing how my performance (and ability to handle load) has lessoned from my early 50s to late 50s (I just turned 59 last month).

    Glad to see you're all at it! Still (roughly) holding the same weight. Need to lose the usual 5 lbs during the Holidays, but holding fairly good other than that.

    If I don't check back in, have a nice Holiday everyone!

    Great to hear from you, @MikePfirrman - I hope all goes will with the arthritis and other aspects of physicality going forward. I know I don't need to tell you to keep moving! It doesn't mostly get easier, with more years on the body, I know . . . but as you know, it gets more important.

    I miss seeing your workout updates in here as inspiration.

    All the best!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    Lower Hypertrophy

    Squats 4x15
    BB Step-Ups 3x12
    BB RDL 3x10
    Leg Extension 3x12
    Lying Leg Curl 3x12
    Calves Extend 3x12

    My knee was grumpy from my very first squat warmup set, managed to work through it for the squats, but the moment I tried doing the step-ups my knee went into full rebellion mode. But only extending my knee was an issue; I could still curl, and RDL's didn't seem to bother my leg, so I got through the rest of my workout from there. (Instead of doing heavy leg extensions I cut the weight in half and did 3-second negatives, which my knee allowed but remained grumpy until I hit the hot tub after the workout).
  • drv123
    drv123 Posts: 63 Member
    edited December 2023
    nossmf wrote: »
    drv123 wrote: »

    Is it too much, no. But I would change the order somewhat, put the bigger, heavier lifts early (row, bench press) and move the isolation moves later (crunch, curl).

    Makes total sense, thanks for that.
  • drv123
    drv123 Posts: 63 Member
    I had the day off today so got to go to the gym with my wife which was a nice change. Our work schedules are usually out of wack.

    13 min jog on the treadmill
    4x 8 cable tricep extensions
    4x 8 EZbar curls
    4x8 machine fly
    3x6 overhead kettleball squat
    3x 9 medicine ball russian twist
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Yesterday my back was flaring up really bad so just did 45 mins of yin yoga and lots of short bursts of walking. Today it was a bit better so I did 30 minutes of core pilates and another 15 of yin yoga.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    Friday RowErg day again, usual recent format, total 8361pseudo-meters. Particularly conscious of keeping HR moderate, having fueled the workout probably suboptimally (on a late lunch of latte, pistachio ricotta cake, battered fried mushrooms, and cabernet 🙄). My HR tends to run a little high on calorie dense, nutrient sparse meals, but I was around the normal recent splits (pace) at 2:33.7 and stroke rating of 19 spm, with a result of 79% Z3 with the remainder below. Seems fine.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    edited December 2023
    Boxing class today. Kicked my butt, glad I went as really lacking motivation and was tempted to cancel but sucked it up.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    Back to the bike, another 15k plus 3 minutes cool down, 110W average, 82% Z3 and remainder below, total of 16,280 pseudo-meters. Rest day tomorrow.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Just long lined the horse today, had a sudden downpour so headed back slightly sooner than planned.
  • dania12345678
    dania12345678 Posts: 2 Member
    Today was core day. Admittedly my least favorite. I did some pilates, some weights with medicine balls and dumbells, and some belly dance moves. I like to do a variety of things to keep me focused and interested in completing the workout.