DECEMBER 2023 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,112 Member
    You are doing great @daria0919 . At some point, all of those doing those amazing miles started with a one mile, or less, run.

    @yirara Sometimes you have to rearrange runs in order to get them done. I think your plan is a good one. You are doing great.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,112 Member
    @kgirlhart I'm glad you felt a bit better part of the day. This is just a bad time of the year to be sick. Hopefully you will feel better tomorrow. Hugs.

    @SummerSkier I'm not very motivated right now either. You are doing great and I think shorter, faster runs is a great way to end the year. Plus, 100 miles isn't anything to sneeze at. I hope you are able to get the new shoes.

    I'm sorry your run today wasn't pleasant @yirara , but great job on getting it done. Have a safe trip.

    Sounds like you did great @martaindale , even if you weren't at the pace you wanted. I'm glad you enjoyed the equestrian trail.