Welcome New Members!



  • ladybug998
    ladybug998 Posts: 23 Member
    I been a member of MFP. I could always you an accountability person and support!
  • kaz6087
    kaz6087 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi since last may I have lost 37 lbs gone from a uk size 22 to a uk size 14. I need to lose another 30lbs or so maybe a bit less but I’m aiming for 30lbs. MyFitnessPal has been the only way I have ever lost weight. I live in Scotland
  • CoffeeCastle
    CoffeeCastle Posts: 24 Member
    I’m turning 47 this month. Mostly I’m here because my diet has been just horrible for years and I really want to clean it up. As I get older I’m finding I’m tired all the time and my body hurts when I leave work at the end of the day. I’m determined to get my eating, exercise, and self care on point this year. I want to start feeling good in this body I have and currently I really don’t.
  • lisagclonmel4029
    lisagclonmel4029 Posts: 4 Member
    Would love some friends on here for motivation and support. Have been on here a few times but am wanting to finally make the change in my life that I need to feel better about myself. Feel free to add me (no clue how to add others 🤦🏻‍♀️)
  • hollieee94
    hollieee94 Posts: 2 Member
    Joined today! Would love to meet people for support and motivation! 😊
  • luischavez99
    luischavez99 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Luis and I’m new to MFP. I’ve gone into this new year with a brighter outlook on life, health, and my own self image. I want to work hard to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It’s only been a few weeks, but I can already feel myself taking little steps to a better future. I’m wishing everyone nothing but success in their journey. It won’t come easy, but it’ll come!
  • Scott_pust
    Scott_pust Posts: 2 Member
    colzola wrote: »
    New returning member, over 70 years old, female, still active, and I want to keep it that way. I have 30# to lose to my ideal weight. I do need more help this time, and commitment on my part.

    I can help out if you interested
  • sachindawane6215
    sachindawane6215 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new here and joined to reduce my weight by 8- 10 kgs .. following the guidance from the App for last 3 days but not sure if the app really helps to reduce the weight..
    my caloric intake is less than recommended by App and I have been doing you and gym wearing Apple Watch to track valley reduction
    But I am not sure if it is mandatory to achieve recommended calorie goal by App or we can customise it and follow our own calorie goal..

  • KaylaAltemose
    KaylaAltemose Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I'm new as well here.
  • duggers923
    duggers923 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi All,

    56 and loving life but wanting to make sure I get to enjoy it more. Trying to finally take care of me after taking care my kids and making sure they thrive. Now it’s my turn. Getting healthy, losing some weight and learning more about what and why I eat. Looking for couple accountability partners as I begin this journey
  • henrymayor24
    henrymayor24 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I’m just starting off today and I hope to achieve my target
  • ZoyaAkhtarmfp
    ZoyaAkhtarmfp Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! Looking to loose a stone and a half and gain a few friends who can motivate me and vise versa. Zoya from Hertfordshire. 35 x
  • _Timshel
    _Timshel Posts: 7 Member
    Not exactly new Just around YA, but older and dad body'erist.

  • bigthumpin101
    bigthumpin101 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi y'all, new here. Spend almost all my time sitting, from the work desk to the couch. I had previously been on track with a life change that was working, years in the making, but I fell off slowly but surely I stopped keeping up with myself and the next thing I knew I was right back where I started if not a little worse off. I took it serious before and I do now. While weight lose is a goal for me being and staying healthy is the goal.
  • ryannxtlvl
    ryannxtlvl Posts: 108 Member
    Hello new friends! Feel free to add me, I try to motivate daily.
  • BlackSh33p03
    BlackSh33p03 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello I’m Jesse, currently active military,Dad 4 youngins , i am studying exercise science. I’m a wannabe strength athlete which I’ve competed in various powerlifting meets and small amount of strongman competitions.
    I did some 10k race years ago and Ummm yeah, that’s about it. Oh and the most I’ve ever weighed in my life is 170lbs
  • GlennMurphy48
    GlennMurphy48 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 3
    I was on here about 12 years ago. I got in great shape! Ive been off for 3 years with the plandemic and obviously couldnt work out. Im back at it now. I made someone big chages with my eating and lost 17lbs in the past Month. Excited to get huge again! Feel free to add me! Love to hear from you all
  • marimax283
    marimax283 Posts: 1 Member
    Trying this again…last logged in 2017!
  • Smith_Lady
    Smith_Lady Posts: 10 Member
    I used this site to reach a goal awhile back. My health took a hard hit, and I ended up with 4 surgeries. I'm now ready to get my health back on track and make choices to live a healthy life. I'm especially looking for heart healthy/low cholesterol recipes. Any support is appreciated!
  • bdoyle042590
    bdoyle042590 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 5
    Hello all! I'm not exactly new! I have been using this app on an off for about 8 years, but I had NO idea it had a community section. Anyway, I'm Bren. I'm 33. I have Crohn's Disease and Type II Diabetes. I am married to my beautiful wife, Amanda, and a few years ago, we adopted an adorable babygirl, who is now 5 named Aria Rose. We have two dogs. Dougie is 14, and Mowgli is 7. I love reading, playing games, meal planning, Betty White, Colts Football, and ANYTHING DISNEY! I have about 100lbs to lose, but right now I'm most proud that my Diabetes is under control, and I've lost 6.6lbs in the last 3 weeks! Tell me about you! Let's be friends!