
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,701 Member
    Heather - I hope they get it fixed fast for you! My biggest fear is that something happens to ours and we don’t have money to fix it.
    Hopefully G gets some answers and an appropriate treatment.

    Ginny - thanks for your insight. Today we learned more about helping children in care.
    Have a safe trip.

    Lanette - you impress me with what you get accomplished. I could probably do all of that but I don’t think I want to.

    Annie - I thought a minister just kept things moving along and said a prayer or little sermon and a family member did the eulogy. That’s how funerals are here anyway. Is there a niece or nephew that may be willing to read the eulogy?

    Carol - I’m sorry your DIL doesn’t make it a priority for your to see the grandchildren more frequently.

    My Grands other grandparents used to complain they don’t see them often either. One time she said to me “you get the kids all the time”, I said “I just call and go pick them up” they are always up for it. That was 4 years ago and she has called once this past Fall to take the kids for the night. She then got upset because Michaela wanted to go home. They only visit with them a couple times a year and Michaela doesn’t ever remember spending the night there. They (other grandparents) live 5 minutes from me so it’s not a distance thing. They go visit the other grandchildren in Florida 2-3 times a year.
    It was strange anyway, their son was told he wasn’t allowed to visit without an invitation when his mother made him leave at 19. She wanted him to leave at 18 but his Dad wouldn’t allow it. She complains they don’t visit or drop in but has never told him the rules have changed. Their daughter lived at home until she was 25.

    Kim - I like the orchestra metaphor. Glad you were able to get heat for your Mom so fast. I hope I’m never that difficult as I age, but fear I may be.
    I agree about orchestrating the kids too. Almost all of my life I have been orchestrating or doing logistics of some kind.

    Rebecca - what a beautiful painting.
    Those Marketplace things drive me crazy.

    Barbara - I hope you get relief soon. This is my dilemma with my foot by relaxing and staying off it as much as possible it isn’t so painful I want to cry and everything I’ve read says to do the exercises for it, use restore and ice. I can’t get my house in order and rest my foot. It just won’t work.

    Michele - I babysat a couple of little boys that became wild if they watched Power Rangers. They wanted to mimic and fight and so on. I ended up not allowing it on because with those two and my nephew if he was there, plus three girls it was too much! My grandson is 12 and wasn’t allowed to watch anything violent. He still wanted to fight and wrestle so I don’t think it matters much. I think the important thing is how their parents talk about the shows with them and explain the differences between fantasy and reality.

    Simone - Beautiful family.

    Kylia - I understand selling the snowblowers, but how does it help the landscapers have more money in the Spring? Do a lot of them do snow removal in Winter?

    A friend on FB posted a picture of a cup today that she needed. I told her I could make one for her. She asked me what I would charge. I told her shipping and a donation to the Kropla Baby Fund. I have it finished and will ship it out tomorrow.

    I’m thinking of crawling in bed early tonight. I bought another plantar fasciitis splint and I’m hoping it will be better to sleep with.

    Tomorrow is DH’s 59th birthday! It may be a hard day for him because I’m sure one of his FB memories will be his sister letting him know their Dad isn’t well. He was gone before a week had passed. It will be a rough week coming up for him.

    Has anyone tried the new browser called DuckDuckGo?

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Thanks, I love it too.💖👍🏼
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,701 Member
    So we put in yet another trouble call for our water stained floor in the kitchen. Turned out the last management company we had before it was changed well they hired a guy, he came out to look at it, didn't do much except look, and then the management company paid him. Without checking to see if the work had even been done. Crazy. So now we are with Century 21 so its back to square one in getting this fixed. The plumber came and looked way under the dishwasher and said the motor was leaking water in the back. So its back to washing dishes by hand until I get a new dishwasher. They will have to replace the flooring, and wood underneath the linoleum. I hope it won't be scheduled until after the boys come and go. I need a working kitchen to spoil them via their bellies!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,151 Member
    Walk was nice- a bit chilly(I know, 46 isn't cold to most of you). Was worried about breathing the cold air but knew I had my inhaler with me if I needed it. Thankful that it wasn't windy. Was high tide so all the ponds and the river were very high. No walking on the beach and none of the little least sandpipers, killdeer, stilts, etc were out. Not sure where all the geese and swans were either. Very few birds at all.

    Got my 11,000 steps in.
    Tracked my food and at just 900 cal for the day- will have a little snack before going to bed. Way over on sodium again today. It is the quinoa soup. Calories are low but sodium is high- I have one more bowl full left.

    Dinner was different Japanese dishes MIL sent home. Hijiki w/ rice, daikon/kamaboko/carrots/gobo, spicy cabbage with kamaboko plus I made some lotus root/brown mushroom/tofu in oyster sauce. I had 1/4 cup of rice with my meal.
    I did have a cup of Royal milk tea to warm me up beings I still had calories to use.

    No rain tomorrow so I will walk the wetlands. Big storm Saturday so won't walk MIL's dog.
    Won't get my 5 days this week- will have to settle for 4 I think.
    Better than I have been getting.
    No class on Monday because of the holiday- if it isn't raining, I may see if my friend wants to walk at the park

    Going to go do another breathing treatment then go to bed. Made it through the day with what will be only two treatments(should have done a third but didn't-glad I am not still doing 4 a day)

    Napa Valley,CA
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,992 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,586 Member
    edited January 12
    Today’s gratitude: one good arm ;)
    Chicken Kim in N. Calif we are birds of a feather. Neither do I do scary movies. Have nightmares enough without ‘em.
    Barbie ((hugs)) and healing strengthening vibes to dear Bessie.
    Michele Fingers X’d that FaceTiming with PJ gets to be a regular occurrence.
    Machka would something like this fit in your awkward corner cabinet?
    https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Lovkit+ST-R-36IN-BLK-A&amp;dc&amp;crid=O6BBMRV4PL9Z&amp;sprefix=lovkit+st-r-36in-blk-a+,aps,152&amp;ref=a9_asc_1 Lovely patio/catio area.
    Kylia sorry for your loss. ((hugs))
    Rosemarie I wouldn’t believe that salesman either. Left spare key and manual on his desk? Didn’t know about Consumer Reports or recall? How can you tell when a salesman is lying? Like a politician, when his lips are moving… :laugh:
    Tracey good luck with your cupboard and closet organizing.
    Simone, Machu Picchu. Wow, well done!
    Rebecca how long til the great reunion?
    Debbie 46 is cold to me too, now. Back in Boise 45 was balmy but I’ve reverted to my native coastal temperature range.
    Time to turn in for early chiropractor appointment. Know the sling helps, but want to start moving the arm again soon as possible. Really don’t want the shoulder to freeze up.
    1/11: Move:BUPKES. Steps:4634 better than Wednesday’s 2377
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=20 CI<CO net=158 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, ptT, ptS, Wt:132.5
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    January: Move more: dailyish PT, play with dogs, more steps than yesterday.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins. more AF days than not.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, dogs, readings, Hebrew, meditation.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,613 Member
    Simone - I walked the Inca trail to Macchu Picchu for real. I did the shorter one, and my son did the long, higher, one. 2001. I was always the last one on the trek, but I had a very sweet back marker who kept me going. Unforgettable.

    Hugs for Annie. <3<3<3

    Rosemarie - I am excited for you tomorrow! Are you able to share before and after photos with us?
    Yes, we talk French at the Circle. When you enter the room you are in France. :p We have lectures on some aspect of French life, and get togethers. John doesn't like talking much, but he understands pretty well.

    I enjoyed my little shopping trip this morning, after my writing session. The flower shop I went to often has sold up, so I went to chat with the builders. It's going to be a flower/gift/card shop, with coffee and some art. I will miss my chatty gay guys, but I'm sure they will enjoy their retirement. I know they had a link with Cornwall.
    I also chatted to the grocer, the butcher, (bought a haggis for Burns Night) and the deli. Came home feeling grateful for my 'village '. :D

    Now to paint!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,139 Member
    :) About three inches of snow overnight. Walk at 5 PM was great because the snow made the streets bright and easy to walk with dark skies and no flashlight needed. It is 12 degrees F this morning. I'll put YakTrax on my boots so traction will be good on my walk. Annie saw snow for the first time last night and has enjoyed it. Bessie has liked it since her first winter but they won't walk too long.

    :)Rosemarie, I hope you will enjoy every moment with your new car. Don't let the salesperson's incompetence get you down.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Betsy in NW WA
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Annie ... thinking of you. Hugs.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,701 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: one good arm ;)
    Chicken Kim in N. Calif we are birds of a feather. Neither do I do scary movies. Have nightmares enough without ‘em.
    Barbie ((hugs)) and healing strengthening vibes to dear Bessie.
    Michele Fingers X’d that FaceTiming with PJ gets to be a regular occurrence.
    Machka would something like this fit in your awkward corner cabinet?
    https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Lovkit+ST-R-36IN-BLK-A&amp;dc&amp;crid=O6BBMRV4PL9Z&amp;sprefix=lovkit+st-r-36in-blk-a+,aps,152&amp;ref=a9_asc_1 Lovely patio/catio area.
    Kylia sorry for your loss. ((hugs))
    Rosemarie I wouldn’t believe that salesman either. Left spare key and manual on his desk? Didn’t know about Consumer Reports or recall? How can you tell when a salesman is lying? Like a politician, when his lips are moving… :laugh:
    Tracey good luck with your cupboard and closet organizing.
    Simone, Machu Picchu. Wow, well done!
    Rebecca how long til the great reunion?
    Debbie 46 is cold to me too, now. Back in Boise 45 was balmy but I’ve reverted to my native coastal temperature range.
    Time to turn in for early chiropractor appointment. Know the sling helps, but want to start moving the arm again soon as possible. Really don’t want the shoulder to freeze up.
    1/11: Move:BUPKES. Steps:4634 better than Wednesday’s 2377
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=20 CI<CO net=158 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, ptT, ptS, Wt:132.5
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    January: Move more: dailyish PT, play with dogs, more steps than yesterday.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins. more AF days than not.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, dogs, readings, Hebrew, meditation.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections

    Less than a month!🤗💖
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,587 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    It's below freezing but I'm not sure how much. I got tired of reading/hearing all of the doom and gloom worst case horrible wind chill "advisories" and the weatherman can have them, lol. Something I can't control. I might check it out later today.

    Right now beautiful light snow is falling, sun trying to peek through. A teensy bit of a breeze pops up now and then.

    All the hens made it through the night and seem just fine. The lame hen is doing OK. She can't get on the roost so I put down extra cushioning (one of those mats I stapled to the deck) for where she sits at night to keep her feet off the metal floor. I'm likely worrying about the lame hen too much - she's probably has more fat on her body than all the rest of the hens put together. She just eats all day and doesn't lay eggs. :p

    Here's Dr. Matt's Friday message on mindset and labels. I wonder when this was recorded - he's in a T-shirt on the beach. :D I used to be very guilty of what he talks about - setting myself up to sabotage my hard work by rewarding myself with the food I'd been avoiding.

    Barbara - I tried the saltwater rinse he recommended before bed. Makes sense, why not! I do have a minor concern tho spitting all that salt down the sink drain and ending up in the septic tank. It's probably unfounded though considering our bodies process salt through all the time that ends up there.

    I watched a couple videos yesterday - Dr. Rose Anne Kenney from Ireland again, talking about aging. She said our minds are very strong so the old adage "You're as young as you feel" is more than just a passing comment. I'm 72 and most of the time feel 62.

    Along that line, this just popped up in my FB feed:

    Need to head out and give the girl's water bowl a shot of hot stuff. Check the hummingbird's feeder to see if it has ice in it. Probably time to bring it in for a little bit anyhow to get the chill off.

    Keep warm, ladies, and make it a wonderful day!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State