
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good Sunday!

    The sun is shining but I will enjoy it from the warmth of the house! It is 6°F outside. Don't know about wind chill. Going to friend's house this evening, but that is the only venture out planned today. Slept in. Have a couple things to work on at home when I get off here.

    Beth I understand that the football game got rescheduled due to your weather. Stay safe dear! We bumped up the heat in the house just in case of power outages due to winds, so far good. Thankful for the investment of extra insulation and insulated curtains.

    Margaret Continued prayers for you.

    Annie I am glad it all went well for you. I have to look for pictures of my aunt today for her memorial in March. I have lost so many in move but hopefully can find some.

    Rosemarie Great job on decluttering! I like the other's suggestions. You do need to decompress a well. I am glad you like your new car.

    Tracey I have had days where I am just 😠. Thankfully they done less frequently these days. You've got this! I have noticed that I really do let other's mods effect mine, ie DH being snippy equals my lack of energy for anything. Part of that is the empathetic part of me. I am consciously working on that.

    Mom drama
    When mybsister called our mom about our Aunt passing, mom was nonchalant. Like well" I haven't seen her in 10 yrs and didn'tknow where she was so why shoukd i care" . Seriously!!!!This was her sister! I don't know why it should surprise us. My poor sister told mom that we had given her our aunt's information several times. Mom then asked Kryssa if she had a cold. Kryssa said no, she was crying. Mom asked why?!? Kryssa said because Aunt just died. Mom's response...."welll, i dont know how to consul you. Seriously, this is why there is little to no communication with that woman.

    @ladycopnh1 Congratulations on loss! My recommendation on sugar addiction is to make sure you are getting plenty of protein. It really does help clear my brain to make better choices.

    Rita I am a Droid lady but have thought about going to Samsung watch. I am kind of stuck to fitbit. My girls love their apples though. Take care dear!

    I had better get moving since it is 11 am and I have little accomplished.

    Loving thoughts to all! Stay safe whatever your adventures are today. Remember three things...small steps lead to big results, you have to protect your self care because no one else will, and you are loved for being you!

    Kylia in cold but sunny 🌞 Ohio
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    Margaret - sorry to hear of DH's passing glad you had hospice they are so helpful. Sending thoughts of peace to you.

    Kim in N. Cal
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Margaret I’m so sorry to hear of your husband’s passing but glad that it was peaceful. Cuddling with DrewB definitely is in order.
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Annie, I’m glad your mom’s service went well. I hope you and your sister can get all the paperwork at least organized so that it will be easier for you to go thru. Hopefully the two of you can get the bulk of it done.

    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    Annie-glad to hear all went well. Now you can start relaxing.

    Tina-I have to admit-getting the picture uploaded became personal!

    Kylia is correct. The sunshine here is wonderful-it's the wind chill!

    Lunch is over-back to work.

    Ginny in Ohio
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,073 Member
    Thank you my friends. DH past today at 1 p.m. He died in our home that was a goal for me. We could not have done it without all the support I rec'd from family and friends, and my own self care. Hospice was also a big piece. Everyone should have hospice care during a time like this. He died with 80's music in the background to the song Start Again...I was writing to cousins on Facebook to send phone numbers so I could call his cousin's so they could talk to him. He was no longer speaking but I could tell he liked the idea. I kept cheering him on with what he just accomplished was his marathon, his 5k, his 10K. Neighbors who live knew it was bad because I had to call the parameditics to help with two falls. The husband came and shoveled our driveway without asking. A neighbor at John's shoveled his sidewalk. The cousin who is my age could was a wonderful support! Time to go cuddle with DrewB.

    I’m so sorry for your loss, my heart is with you.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,613 Member
    It's 30 cm wide, without the handles. Weighs a ton.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,475 Member
    Did Jari Love’s Ripped to the Core DVD then took my walk. Then went to WalMart. I don’t know if it’s that I’m getting older or maybe the fact that I don’t exercise all the time any more, but I seem to need lighter weights. Like I used to be able to use 10lb weights for chest, now I need 8lb.

    Ken and Lynette are supposed to be here later for dinner. I took a page from the soup kitchen. I have the pork chops all breaded and Saran Wrap on top, the biscuits separated and Saran Wrap on top, the bacon wrapped scallops (Lynette is allergic to shrimp) on a pan in the freezer with Saran Wrap on top.

    Barbara – I’m going to talk to Vince and see about having the tree removed this winter. It’s probably the slow season for the guy who does our landscaping, and since it’s outdoors it’s not like we even have to be here. The only thing is that I want about 5 other trees removed. That would come out of my landscaping/remodeling fund, not this tree since it’s maintenance. I just don’t know if it will be cheaper to have him do the other 5 since he has the equipment here...I just don’t know. I would like to get the bathrooms in the condo remodeled, so if there isn’t any financial benefit, I would rather wait so that I have the money for the bathrooms. We shall see Update: I did talk to Vince about the tree, I called the guy and told him that we would like the tree removed. Vince is super concerned that the tree is on the property line (maybe) and he feels strongly that we need to talk to the neighbor. He (the neighbor) did say to me “I wouldn’t want the tree to fall on your house”. I really don’t think it’s going to be a problem. Now to have the guy come out and give us an estimate and do it.

    Tracey – how can they promote all electric vehicles and then ask people not to charge them? Sounds ridiculous to me. Another reason why I don’t think gas powered vehicles will ever totally go away.

    Rori – happy birthday

    Barbie and Jake – happy anniversary

    M – the heat outside doesn’t bother me. But the cold really bothers me, especially the older I get

    Magnets on refrigerator – I guess it’s a blessing in disguise that magnets don’t stick to the front of my refrigerator, only the sides. At least I can’t have it completely covered like I did with my last refrigerator!

    A bit of a rant – we have a Goggle Assist. Well, just recently it doesn’t recognize my voice when I want to add something to the shopping list. It recognizes my voice to turn on/shut off lights or when I ask it a question. It recognizes Vince’s voice – just not mine. Even Vince is stumped. Of course, we’ve tried reprogramming it, nothing. What a pain, instead of just saying “hey google, add eggs to home shopping list”, I have to take out my phone, unlock it, then manually add it.

    Lisa – when we moved to NC 16 years ago, we brought our generator with us. It felt so so good to sell the house “snowblower included”, but we brought the generator. Fortunately, we have never had to use it. One time we thought we might have to, but we didn’t. HUG for Levi (big boy)

    Annie – I’m so glad to hear that the service went so good. Sounds like your cousin gave a wonderful eulogy

    Michele NC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,587 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    It's 24F here but feels a lot warmer - no wind or wind chill today, unlike what Kylia and Ginny and many more of you are experiencing today. :( The house is staying warm, a blessing. :)

    Heather - Great news on all of the items your handyman fixed. I have a cast iron/enameled Lodge Dutch Oven. I think it weights 15 # with the lid on, without any food in it. I can't lift it in and out of the oven but I do use it on the stovetop. It really is perfect for stews - if I'm making a huge batch. It's awkward to put in the sink and wash/rinse. What a nice gift for to your son. Your time with Edie sounded great - I love looking at photos of ancestors too. Interesting about your grandfather. Edie has such a good interest in people, she'll make a great psychologist. The red flower painting is awesome.

    Michele - I agree, 10# weights are just too heavy anymore.

    Beth - glad your mom is back home. I remember having similar weather when I lived in northern Indiana - lake effect snow. Sounds like your siding is paying off!

    Barbara - so happy your chiro was able to diagnose your shoulder/arm injury and you have a plan.

    Rosemarie - your new car sounds great.

    Much, much more I want to comment on but it's another day of running out every hour to give the chickies and the hummingbirds warm water/food. Plus tending the woodstove that has been going since 1:30 this morning. Hope I can catch up later. Sending love and warm wishes to all of you.

    Reminder to those of you who want to be included in tomorrow's check-in. :)

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,808 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    ladycopnh1 … I’m sorry you’re dealing with the loss of your mom. You will get back on track … show yourself some grace at this difficult time. However, mouse traps are an interesting dieting technique for sure!🤣

    Beth near Buffalo