
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Machka - my books were 1200 for this course and there hasn’t been one yet that we’ve had to read the whole thing. They are all electronic too.

    Heather - I got the message, I did respond to it.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    edited January 22
    Machka - my books were 1200 for this course and there hasn’t been one yet that we’ve had to read the whole thing. They are all electronic too.



    We just read peer reviewed journal articles we could access for free from various research sites (pub med and the like) via the university library.

    They went away from books because by the time a book on IT is released, it's already slightly out of date. Although, that didn't stop an instructor or two from photocopying pages from books I recognised when I took my software development certification almost 20 years before!!!

    I bought 3 (I think) books on my own for additional reference material during the course ... and after.

    Machka in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,587 Member
    edited January 22
    Good morning ladies!

    Kylia - your DGD is very talented, and I'm sure has a great career ahead of her. I have a friend whose dancing daughter ended up in LA, had a couple bit parts in movies - just appearances, but paid parts nonetheless. And did some stints on cruise ships as Heather mentioned. WOW on the sexy photos of your mom. :o Considering how beautiful you and your sis are, I'm sure she was a stunner at one time. Maybe still is.

    Tracey - Happy your DH has lost weight and the diet changes are helping his diabetes. When my DH wanted to lose weight, he'd simply cut back on his eating, lose the weight and magically kept it off, lol. I don't mean to be indelicate here - I know your daughter and her DH desperately want their own biological child - but have/would they consider adoption? Crossing fingers it all works out for them.

    Good job on the thermostat replacement. <3

    Heather - I looked up your weather yesterday. Sustained winds of 30 mph and above for a day or two. :# Glad your DS and family made it home safely.

    Terri - what a wise outlook, thank you for that insight. Batten down the hatches at your end as well.

    Joy - is Starlink available in your area? Some folks around here have had it installed and were able to ditch Dish and other satellite TV services.

    Rita - I'm all for you getting your friends to give us a lift to a central location for a party. I still catch reruns of old Art Bell broadcasts on Spotify from time to time, talking about Roswell. Good job on the 6 months!

    Barbie - Annie is one busy chewer. :o But such an angel when she sleeps :) I'd love to visit Shetland with you. When we had the farm, we raised Shetland sheep, and managed to find a line near Regina - DH and I made a trip through Montana and headed north to pick up several. It would be fun to see where they originated decades back.

    Sue - wow, what a weekend for you. Glad the broken pipes got fixed and your hot water is back, and also the cleanout valve for the cabin. You can't beat good neighbors like that. <3

    Michele - good job walking in that cold, cold weather. As long as it's not windy and icy, I don't mind it that much.

    Rosemarie - looks like you Georgia folks are headed for a much-needed warm up. Hope the HVAC gets straightened out and your house temps return to normal. What did you say you are knitting?

    Debbie - hope your lip heals OK. What a freaky thing!

    Hard time getting to sleep last night, so I tried Dr. Matt's suggestion of "I'm just going to lay here and rest" and go over in my mind how comfortable I was there in bed and quit focusing on sleep per se. I think it worked. :p

    Need to get busy. Welcome new ladies and sending hugs to all!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State where the warmer rains have returned.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    edited January 22
    Hard time getting to sleep last night, so I tried Dr. Matt's suggestion of "I'm just going to lay here and rest" and go over in my mind how comfortable I was there in bed and quit focusing on sleep per se. I think it worked. :p

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State where the warmer rains have returned.

    That's something my mother taught me when I was little and restless when I went to bed. She would tell me to just lie there and get as comfortable as I could, and just rest for a bit. I imagine I must have gone right to sleep because I don't recall lying awake very long!!

    She was a nurse who worked the night shift in Emergency on weekends, so she probably had to deal with wonky sleep patterns.

    Then, when I was in my early 30s, I got into yoga and the last "pose" they did with us was one where we laid down on our mats, the lights were dimmed, and we were told (in a slow and soothing voice) to tense up our toes, and then relax our toes, then tense up our feet, and relax our feet, then tense up our calves, and relax our calves. I'm not sure what came after that because I'd always fall asleep!!

    I still do those tricks, even as recently as last night. :)

    I was feeling restless, finally got myself into a comfortable position and was randomly going through tensing and relaxing arms, feet, etc. ... what felt like minutes later, I got up to use the toilet and discovered an hour had passed. Guess I fell asleep!! :)

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    Monday --

    Working from home again this week. I felt really tired today and couldn't focus well, but did get a few things done with my database and code.

    My husband and I went for a short walk at lunch, and of course, walked Rhody.

    I ordered the groceries.

    And other than that, it was reading and colouring.

    I feel like I'm not doing much these days.

    M in Oz
  • anmlmzdiet
    anmlmzdiet Posts: 179 Member
    I love that relaxation technique. I like to sleep after I relax, though. However, I use it after cardio as a cool down. I even have a VHS with one of the coaches saying the steps. I like that one because it's even easier to relax when you don't have to think about the directions. I should move the sound to a computer format before I lose it, lol.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,230 Member
    Well the mocha latte was wonderful, and now I've got caffeine in my veins! I bought three pair of workout pants from Amazon. I better get on my bike before the slump hits.

    Annie in Delaware
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,795 Member
    edited January 22
    Heather and Terri - We had headlines here about the wind speeds of that storm. Sounds very destructive. Glad the family's home and safe, Heather.

    Annie - It may be that you worry about your dad so much because you just lost one parent, and don't want to lose another. For him, though, every restriction you try to give him, whether it's "don't drive," or "don't walk in the traffic areas," is one more attack on who he IS. He was a strong man who was in charge of his life and your mother's and no one overrode his decisions. When you're trying to keep him safe, it's possible he feels as if you're taking away his whole identity. I wish I had an answer for you, I genuinely don't. His hearing loss is an awfully handy way of simply doing what he chooses, though. Well done on the bike! I'm barely ahead of you - I made it twice on the elliptical for ten minutes each time for the last two weeks. I'm shooting for three this week. Baby steps, girlie. I'm here, too.

    Allie - I'm glad you slept well... hope the combination of Siri and Alfie goes well. Who knows? Maybe it will settle Alfie down and give him something to do besides bark at the TV... :smiley:

    Sue - So glad you were able to fix the plumbing! Hot water is pretty much key to my daily life, so I have much sympathy for not having it for any length of time.

    Kylia - Loved watching your granddaughter's dance. She moves with such crispness and joy. You and Tracey are making me want to get my photos either re-done or scanned into the computer and discarded. Still thinking.

    Tracey - Well done to Rodger on the weight loss (they do seem to find it easier). It means he'll be around longer, and that's a very good thing! Well done to you, too, for getting the thermostat and for replacing it yourself. Checked the fund for your DD/DSIL and it was over $9,000 this morning. Such wonderful people their friends are to get this started for them. I know it's not even half the necessary for even one session, but it will be so much easier for them to work toward half of one than to work toward the whole amount! Always impressed by your grades. They mattered to me, and probably still would if I went back to school.

    Rita - So impressed by your 6-months without alcohol, and I know it can only help the kidney and other issues.

    Barbie - Annie looked very peaceful after her busy day of chewing. I'd give solutions if I had any. My ex and I had a beagle named Alexander that we ended up rehoming with a farmer to be an outside dog, mostly because he cost us hundreds by chewing everything in sight. We were young, and not good pet parents, to say the least.

    More in a minute...
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,795 Member
    edited January 22
    Morning from the ice-covered reaches of the River Valley, and a gray, gray morning is in progress,

    At 5.15am, when he left for work, Corey got less than a half-mile down the road and could feel the slick ice beneath his tires... put his brakes on and slid past the driveway where he was going to turn around, but was able to turn around at the next one and inched his way back to the house. Thank goodness. He's chilling beside me, reading in his recliner, Egg snoozing, in between his legs, with his feet pointed toward the fire...

    I woke up about midnight, dreaming that I painted a mural on the side of the refrigerator. We moved things around a few months ago, including moving a microwave cabinet away from that side, leaving a six-foot by three-foot-wide white expanse of the side of the fridge, and it just draws me. Was able to go back to sleep, but it stayed with me. Still thinking about it.

    On that note, I was having dreams all night last night, and the last one, I just kept going back into the same dream, almost like surfacing between chapters of the story. It was a happy story, whatever it was. I'm consistently getting between seven and eight hours, or even a little more, and don't want to jinx it, but have been doing so for the last eight days. Turned the air conditioner off and moved a fan in to give me the air movement and noise I need, and it's helping a lot.

    Got all the chores done this weekend, and the whole house-bound day stretches out in front of me... wonder what kind of trouble I can get into today? 😈

    Later y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,230 Member
    Lisa thanks! I do think that Dad isn't accepting me as caregiver very well.

    Barbie I used to spray everything at dog level with grannick's bitter apple. It worked for us.

    Annie in Delaware
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,613 Member
    edited January 22
    We survived the storm OK down here, but a couple of people died in Scotland. Terri had it worse, I think. Maybe her power is out. Winds and rain coming back tomorrow. Got to decide what to do with Bea. Maybe a rare car pick up.
    The Spirit of Adventure has at last been able to leave Portsmouth Harbour, two days late. Very frustrating for all, but they had a terrible time in the Bay of Biscay late last year, with very bad publicity, so I guess they are playing it safe. Our biggest storm was on the SOA, with our chairs sliding 30 feet down our hallway and wardrobe doors crashing. Luckily for us, it was at night.

    I wrote this morning. Only one chapter of NOW I AM left to revise. :D

    I also decluttered a very annoying drawer in the utility room by throwing away a few bits, and finding a new spot for things in the garage. Much better.
    I'm soaking some moth beans (yes, that is what they are called) ready for sprouting in the IP.
    Also glued a buckle back on a posh shoe that I'm going to donate to yet another bag that's come through the door. Breast Cancer charity. Two very nice, pairs of nearly new trainers also. Too small. :'(
    That will take care of all the wardrobe decluttering I did a couple of weeks ago. Just my Austrian dirdnl to take care of.

    The cleaner is here, so I'm waiting to go upstairs when she's finished up there. The storm made my legs ache, so I'm very short of sleep.

    John is out walking, and will be testing out the passport photo booth at Tesco. He will also pick up a couple of things we can't find elsewhere.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,073 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,204 Member
    Today is: 🌶️ Hot sauce day, but don’t give any to your cats, even if they ask! 🔥


    PS. on the news today, they talked about Libby. I have downloaded it and will try it. I read enough so should save me a bunch of money! I like owning books, but I usually only read them once, except the audio books. But I can download audio books as well, so will give them a try!

    RVRita, in Roswell, NM. 🛸
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,139 Member
    :)Lanette, After I told Jake what I said to all of you about going to Shetland, he started looking at houses for sale near Lerwick until he found one he thought we would like. He thinks about the prize and I think about all the steps to get there and knew we couldn't do it. Finally he conceded that we were so old that they wouldn't grant us residency.

    :)sleep When I wake up in the middle of the night I try to enjoy the comfort and privacy of the moment. When I stopped getting angry that I was awake, I felt better. I heard on a podcast about meditating in the yoga "corpse pose". Either I actually meditate which is good or I fall asleep which is also good.

    :)Annie, we have used bitter apple and it's effective. The pillow that Annie chewed yesterday was a pillow that Bessie puts her head on so bitter apple wouldn't have been a good choice or even something we would think of.

    :)Allie, I have cordless headphones for my TV. I got them so I could watch TV while Jake was asleep. When Bessie got freaked out by beeping noises on medical TV shows, I started using the headphones so Bessie would be comfortable. That might be a good solution for Alfie.

    :)Heather, We paid about twenty dollars each to have passport photos taken at the photo department at the pharmacy. It was worth it to us to not have to deal with the do it ourselves alternatives.

    :)Rita, Congrats on six months of sobriety. About Libby--it is dependent of the library that supplies the books and audios. I hope you have access to a library that is a good as mine.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA