Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,540 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Monday were walking and Gina B Hiit Low Impact workout.
    DH drove me to the restaurant I was meeting my yoga friends for lunch. It was a lot of fun. There's a supermarket there too, so I went food shopping. It's a good thing they have the small shopping carts, because I wouldn't have been able to push the large cart. This was my first trip to the supermarket since December 22! I hadn't seen my friends since that same date too!

    I had PT in the morning, and it went well. The PT moved my arm in all directions, and it felt good.

    I was exhausted after my little outings and slept a little bit in the afternoon.

    Temps are definitely back toy. normal here. We are under perfect fire conditions again, so the rain toward the end of the week will be very beneficial.

    Laurie, I'm glad you had an enjoyable weekend. The Cosco experience sounds like a lot of fun! I'm glad you made it to work safely.
    Great workout!

    I can't wait to hear what the doctor has to say.
    I'm glad the Mushers secret stuff is working on Rocket, and that he is venturing farther into the ditch. Good idea to putt the booties on him for your walks!

    Laurel, I m so happy you were finally set free from the hill, and that your DH was able to make his flight without problems. I can only imagine what a zoo the supermarket was on Friday! Thank goodness your DH didn't take a nasty fall on the ice! I can't believe how much ice you had! I agree with you that Huntsville should do a better job at treating and clearing roads.

    We are expected to get a lot of rain too. I hope we won't have flooded areas or power outages. I hope we won't see arctic air any time soon around here.

    Great workouts!

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,442 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We are having rain right now, and the temp is just at freezing. Our subdivision was horrible for driving, and DH just texted me that they had just come through with salt. I'm not at all happy with the current crew that our village has hired. We have to many hills in this neighborhood to hope that you are able to stop when you need to. Love my car though!

    My workout this morning was HR12 Week 4.0 / Glutes & Hamstrings. I will have to up the weight on the bridges, have to go with the weight I was using during 2.0. I really enjoyed the beginning portion, she used the fabric band and did some really great moves for the glutes.

    Laurel, Awesome job with those workouts! I noticed that Drill Max made an appearance. ;) When we where kids that ice on a hill would have been the ultimate sledding experience for us. :D I applaud your DH for being able to stay up on that ice. We used to do that when we where kids, but I don't think I would dare to do it at my age. :o Hope that you get all the lovely rain that your area needs. I hear you on the crews, I guess I had a little tantrum of my own. I can give some slack, but things like this happen around here all the time during winter.

    Thelma, Nice job with the workouts! Glad that you where able to get out and visit with your friends. I'm impressed that you did a grocery store run also. Some of these places really do have some huge carts, and I'm always glad that my favorite store has both. Hope that your area gets the much needed rain also. After all that you did yesterday, I'm sure that nap felt refreshing.

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,540 Member
    I'm off the sling!!! I'm so happy! The doctor said I could do normal daily right handed activities, like showering, washing my hair, eating. No lifting of course.
    Will write more later!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,797 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Body Part Chest w/bonuses premix, Gloved Up and Sweaty and 30 minutes of core focused yoga. I am loving these 2.0 workouts so much right now that I’m rethinking an STS rotation. :o I have a week to decide, but I am thinking of a mostly 2.0 rotation with some 1.0 Mesocycle 2 workouts thrown in and every week being something different. Maybe I’ll talk myself out of it if I think about it some more. Or maybe I won’t. :D

    Thelma, great news on the sling!!! That is amazing! You are making a remarkable recovery. I bet it felt good to go out and see friends and do some shopping. Life is getting back to normal for you, which is fantastic. Last I saw, we may be getting between 4-6 inches of rain this week, but that keeps changing on a daily basis. I hope we get enough to get us out of the drought without everything flooding. But we are under a flood watch right now.

    Laurie, great workout. Yes, Drill Max needed to be dusted off. :D The funny thing is I don’t think I have ever done the cardio/leg premix, and I really enjoyed it. But I can’t do that much impact too often, so it is back in the shelf. I am sorry to hear about your roads. It is a little understandable here that they aren’t prepared for ice, but there is no excuse there. I don’t blame you for being upset about it. The road we live on is slightly sloped (at best), and the kids were sledding in it last week. Again, I knew it was slick because all they had to do was sit on their sleds and off they went down to the bottom on the road. No pushing, no running start…..just sit and you’re off. Looked like fun. :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,540 Member
    Hi Ladies, I haven't missed the sling for one second! I don't know how the doctor said I could start doing my daily living activities such as bathing, eating, washing my hair. I am having to learn to eat with my right hand. I can't wash my hair because I can't reach my head. I can already see that I've gained some range in motion. Just today alone I couldn't reach any of our faucets with my right arm, but by the end of the day I could. I was also able to unhook my front closure bra and peel some tangerines. I can type with both hands again!

    The doctor nearly gave me a heart attack when he tested my range of motion. He said, "passive movement, ok?" I knew then I had to turn my arm into a wet noodle and not resist him. He grabbed my hand and quickly lifted my arm up and to the side. His movements didn't feel passive at all. The PTs are very gentle and move my arm slowly.

    My workouts Tuesday were Walking X2 and Sydney Cummings Butt and Thighs Burnout with Mini Bands. Anything done on the floor, I modified into something sitting or standing.
    I need to check with the PT if it's safe for me to do bridges and some ab work. I am going to start doing some standing yoga even though I can't extend my right arm.

    We are expecting 2-4" of rain in the area starting tomorrow night.

    Laurie, I'm sorry the new road crew in your subdivision isn't doing a satisfactory job. Thank goodness you have a good car.

    Great workout! I meant to do one of Heather's workouts, but somehow, I ended up with a Sydney workout! It was good though.

    Seeing my friends did me a lot of good. We also tried a new Mexican, Colombian, Venezuelan food restaurant. I had Colombian food, and it was really good.
    I am glad my supermarket has both size shopping carts too. They call them buggies here. I don't think I will ever get used to saying that because I never remember they're called buggies here! LOL
    We are supposed to get a lot of rain.

    Laurel, great workouts! I like the sound of that 2.0/ Meso 2 rotation!

    I am amazed that this doctor let me out of the sling so soon. It seems to depend on the doctor. Some doctors have patients on the sling for 6 weeks. The doctor was laughing when I told him I was ready to ditch the sling. I asked him about driving, he said when I felt ready, but my PT thinks 10-12 weeks. I am going to go with the PT's recommendation. I could really hurt myself by reacting quickly at the wheel. Since I can't go to yoga, I don't care if I can't drive for a while. DH is OK driving me to my appointments. The PT place is literally 5 minutes from our house.

    4-6 inches of rain is a lot of rain! Thank goodness we're not having another arctic front after the rain, or you'll be dealing with lots of ice again.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,442 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We have haze this morning, the temp was above freezing. Rain is in our future for the next couple of days. Don't think that our snow will go away completely, but it will disappear in some places.

    My workout this morning was HR12 Week 4.0 / Chest & Back. This one was very good, she did three sets. Of course I went heavy, and I'm feeling the love.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! Contemplation of the STS workouts!! Very glad that you are so enjoying the 2.0 workouts enough that you want to do them all over again. I just wish that I had enough time in the morning's to do them again. Getting up even earlier wasn't fun. I hear you on not doing high impact very often. Sure do enjoy having the rebounder though. I would have loved seeing those kids sliding down the hill too, just wish that I could still handle doing that too. :D

    Thelma, Such awesome news! You will be back to your normal routine soon, from the sound of it. Awesome job with the workouts! Sydney is also another instructor that I want to try, but most of her workouts are to long for my morning routine. I'm okay for now working out with Heather, and then putting in some cardio rebounding with Michelle once in a while. I think that the term buggies is used in other states too. If I remember correctly, that's what they where in FL too. Lunch sounds really good, and have to wonder how you where able to narrow the choice down. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,797 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Body Part Legs with Bonus premix and a 45 minute spin. I added on 10 minutes of hip focused yoga because last week after the lower body workout, my hips were screaming for about two days. Hopefully the yoga will prevent that this week.

    Thelma, great workout! And great news in the sling!! I bet it feels so good to be able to use both of your arms again. I would agree that taking a little more time before driving is probably the best bet. Most likely you would be fine before 10-12 weeks, but finding out that you aren’t is way too dangerous. We are very foggy, warm and rainy today. It is a gentle rain so far, and I wouldn’t mind at all if it was like this for the next four days. We need a really good soaking.

    Laurie, great workout. I think the reason I like 2.0 so much is that good feeling that comes from lifting heavy. Sounds like you are getting that from your current program. I don’t blame you at all for not wanting to get up earlier to make time for STS, especially in the winter. Glad to hear you are still enjoying the rebounder. If I didn’t have my spin bike, I would probably be moving in that direction as well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,540 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were walking and Tracy Steen No Jump Cardio & Standing Ab Workout

    It is raining here and we're under flash flood warning through Friday.

    My shoulder is feeling pretty good, and I've started PT exercises to help me raise my arm again. My regular PT was off on Wednesday and the backup couldn't believe my doctor had let me off the sling. Apparently, most doctors keep patients in the sling for 6 weeks. It's a good thing I bought that pulley tubing system for my workouts because I'm going to be able to use it to raise my arm. I can see how this recovery takes at least 6 months.

    I'll be making my first meal unassisted on Thursday. It's a very simple recipe. A friend is having knee surgery on Thursday, so I'll make her some chili.

    Laurie, great workout!
    Hopefully most or your snow will melt because of the rain.

    The Sydney workout I did was about 32 minutes long. I believe she has a playlist with shorter workouts.

    The term buggies seem to be a southern thing.
    The new restaurant has an extensive menu. I went with a safe choice of beans, rice and a meat. I can't wait to try something else though.

    Laurel, great workout!
    It does feel good to be able to use both arms! I am still very limited, but at least I don't have to wear the sling.
    I also think I'll be ready to drive before the 12 weeks are up. I am going to wait to drive as long as possible.

    I bet you're getting a good soaking. It's been raining hard and steady here.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,442 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I really enjoyed this workout with Heather this morning, it was No Equipment Abs + Hip Mobility. She did about 20 min. of ab work, and then moved into the hip mobility. My right side is always stiffer than the left, so that one was a bit more challenging to work. Glad that she had it in the rotation. Next week is shoulder mobility. ;)

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! Interesting that we had hip mobility in our rotations. I don't usually have to many problems with my hips, but if I'm following in my Mom's footsteps, she is currently having issues with bone spurs in her hips. It really looks painful for her, so I really want to keep those hips functioning well. For sure STS is not a winter rotation for me. Staying warm under the covers is a lot more appealing. :D

    Thelma, Love the workouts! Glad that you are getting the rain, but hope that there isn't flooding. I don't know that we will be getting the rain that they predicted. Right now we have really bad fog. Nice that you are making your friend a meal, I'm sure that it will be appreciated. Thanks for the info on Sydney.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,797 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Body Part Back with Bonuses, 2.0 Standing Abs Core and Floor and Shock Cardio Step Works. I am feeling really strong on these 2.0 workouts this week. I was really able to up my weight on this back workout today.

    Thelma, great workout. I hope your rain isn’t too bad. We had about 2” yesterday, but we have had a little break from the rain this morning. We may get some severe weather this afternoon, then a day off from the rain, then another day of rain on Saturday. It is so humid here that my windows are completely fogged over. What a difference a week makes. :o I bet your friend will appreciate the meal. I’m glad your shoulder is doing well.

    Laurie, sounds like a fantastic workout. My hips have never really given me too many problems either, but I do notice they are getting tighter as I age. I think part of that comes from spinning though. But Eoin Finn is the one who made me love hip openers. So when I see a hip yoga pop up on the Peloton platform, I am pretty much guaranteed to hit play. :) The shoulder mobility sounds like a good one too. I was just reading that the nation is suffering its worst fog in a couple of decades. I couldn’t see my backyard all day yesterday it was so foggy.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,540 Member
    Hi Ladies, we have gotten almost 3" of rain between Wednesday night and Thursday. Some rain is expected on Friday morning, then a lot of rain back on Saturday.

    I've made good progress with my arm. I can now reach my left armpit! The things we take for granted! I can hook up my bra and dress myself.

    Making the chili by myself was a total fail. I just couldn't do it. I cut a red pepper using my left hand, I measured the spices and a couple of ingredients, but opening the cans and adding their contents to the pot, DH did. He also diced the onions for me. It was teamwork. He made our friends corn bread to go with the chili. On Friday afternoon we'll go to the supermarket to get them a rotisserie chicken. I will make my friend some oatmeal in the crockpot and on the way to their house, we'll stop to get them some dessert at a restaurant. We'll have them covered for a couple of days.

    My workouts on Thursday were walking and a Tracy Steen Lower Body workout, followed by some much needed stretch session.

    Laurie, great workout! I love the sound of that workout!

    I haven't read of any floods or damages from the rain. I did read tonight that there are power outages. I hope you didn't get any severe weather.
    I am sure our friends will appreciate the food. I wish we lived closer to them.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,442 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was a workout with Heather. I did one of her Trampoline Basics workouts. Nothing fancy, but it is getting me used to being on the rebounder. I find it interesting how it works the legs and abs. Just making sure that you have your balance is another great advantage.

    Laurel, Great job with all the workouts! Awesome news on the strength gains from doing the 2.0 workouts. Oh now you reminded me of Eoin. I think at some point I will need to see the puppy again, so need to do some of the hip openers. :D We still had fog this morning, but not as bad. I was really surprised at how many people where driving without their lights on yesterday. You could hardly see them until they where really close. One person did a left turn in front of me, it kept me on edge until I got home.

    Thelma, Love the workouts! You are right we do take for granted the ability of movement, and I'm really glad to hear that you are progressing every day. Teamwork is a good thing when it comes to chopping items with a non dominate hand. Good for you for trying though. I would love to have you as a friend if I was laid up for any length of time. Or should I say DH would love it, because he doesn't cook. :D

    Have a super weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,797 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Body Part Triceps with bonuses and a super fun 30 minute spin. I toyed with repeating the spin but DH called just as I was finishing the 30 minutes, and since he is traveling today I decided I should probably take the call. :)

    Thelma, great workout. I am glad you are making daily progress with your shoulder, but also glad to hear that you didn’t force yourself to do everything making the chili. Teamwork is good! Like you, we have a break in rain tomorrow with some more storms predicted tomorrow. I am so happy for all of the rain. If you can believe this….I have daffodils coming up. :o So spring is coming and rain is good.

    Laurie, great workout. No doubt the rebounder is a test of balance. Sometimes I think I should spend the bulk of my workouts on balance, mobility and core because that is what I think is most important to me in my aging process. But I still love the weights too much……and super fun spins. :D That is scary with the fog and not being able to see other cars, even with headlights. Glad you made it home safely.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,540 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. We had a nice weekend. Saturday was pretty rainy, and Sunday was dry but very windy. It started to rain again late Sunday night.

    My workouts on Friday were Walking and Tracy Steen No Repeat Cardio & Strength HIIT Workout.
    Saturday - Walking, and Tracy Steen No Repeat Cardio & Strength HIIT Workout.
    Sunday - Walking, and Tracy Steen Lower Body by Muscle Group with Cardio.

    Laurie, great workout!!

    I am amazed at how nicely I'm progressing with my arm. The PT says I am exactly where I need to be.
    I would totally cook for you if we were neighbors, and you were sick.

    Laurel, great workouts! Good idea to take your DH's phone call! LOL

    There was no way I was going to force my arm to do anything it didn't like me doing. We went to out to dinner on Friday and I was able to cut my own meat. It was Mexican food, so the piece of meat was pretty thin. The brought me two plates, one with a salad and the other one with my food. If I'd had two forks, I would've had one in each hand. I am loving this ambidextrous thing! LOL

    Have a wonderful week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,442 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We had a very nice weekend. We visited our youngest dd on Saturday evening, and took her out to dinner. On Sunday we got to enjoy a brunch at church for our interim Pastor and his wife. I really like this Pastor, but I'm sure our new one will be just as nice. Not that we won't be seeing the interim, because they are both members of our church. Otherwise I spend a large part of my weekend sewing, and of course listening to the football games. Should be a good super bowl.

    My workouts where Saturday P30 Perfect Flow Mobility Basics and I was off on Sunday. This morning's workout was Chest + Triceps with Michelle Briehler. Went heavy, and I'm feeling it right now.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! Sounds like the ride was a good one, but you are right, it was important to answer that phone call. I also enjoy the weights. I find it funny that it happened as I got older. I really didn't enjoy weight work until this point in my life. Of course I think that the workouts that we have to choose from are so much better. Cathe was probably one of the few people that lifted fairly heavy.

    Thelma, Awesome job with all those workouts! Just looking at the list of workouts that you did, it truly shows that you are progressing. Our weather was warm, and we did have mist. This morning the wind is coming from the north, so it was a bit brisk.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,797 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was good. DH made it home late Friday night just ahead of the storm that arrived on Saturday. We didn’t get as much rain as I hoped, but it sure was windy the last couple of days. We spent the weekend on errands and chores, and managed to watch both football games yesterday. We haven’t been watching football all season, so it made for a fun change for us.

    Thelma, great workouts. Isn’t it amazing how small achievements like being able to slice meat can be so fulfilling? I am glad you were able to eat out and do that. I wish I had kept using my left arm after I recovered from one of my shoulder dislocations. It is such a good skill and would probably help with the overuse in the dominant shoulder. But I was 25 and didn’t quite understand that point yet. :)

    Laurie, great workouts. I need to do that mobility workout again. It has been awhile. Sounds like a really nice weekend. I have always enjoyed lifting weights but in the 80s and early 90s the selection of instructors on VHS was limited. I remember alternating between Jane Fonda and a couple of Gold’s Gym workouts (where the female instructor dressed like a cast member in Baywatch :D ). The Firm made things a bit more tolerable and then, finally, I found Cathe whose no nonsense approach was such a breath of fresh air. Thankfully there are far more options like that today.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,540 Member
    Hi ladies! Monday was cold and raw. I wasn't expecting to feel so cold at all.

    Mu workouts on Monday were walking and Jessica Smith Belly Buns and Thighs Walk.

    Laurie, sounds like you had a very nice weekend! Great workouts!

    Laurel, I'm glad your DH made it back home safely! Great workouts!

    A lot of my little achievements feel very fulfilling. You are right that using my left arm to do things will help to not overuse my right side.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,442 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My workout this morning was a tough one, and can I say Bulgarian Lunges are not one of my favorites, but I'm sure that they really do wonderful things for your legs. ;) I did Legs + Calves + Abs with Michelle Briehler. She used ankle and a regular dumbbell for the ab work also.

    Laurel, I'm sure that you managed to do some awesome workout on the weekend. Glad that you and your DH got so much done, and enjoyed watching the games. I usually watch just the Packer games, so I'm not really familiar with the other teams. I think that last weekend was the first time that I had seen the 49ers play. I did smile about the baywatch type outfit. :D I didn't do any Firm workouts, just Cathe and Kathy Smith. Now Kathy Smith really had some interesting outfits. Can't believe that I did some of those workout, because some of the music was horrible. :D

    Thelma, Great job with the workout! Sorry to hear that you had the cold. Right now we are overcast, but the temps are in the high 30's. Continued recovery vibes go out to you!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,797 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Body Part Chest with Bonuses, Cathe Live In The Ring, and Peloton Pilates. Looks like I forgot to post my workouts from the weekend when I posted yesterday. Oops. B) Saturday was a walk with Jessica Smith and yoga. Sunday was 2.0 BP Shoulders with bonuses and the Cardio and Legs premix from Cathe’s Low Impact Circuit workout. And yesterday was 2.0 BP Biceps with bonuses and a 45 minute spin. :)

    Thelma, great workouts. I’m sorry it was so cold there. That sounds like our Sunday. Yesterday (and today) we have sunshine and decent temperatures for January. It makes for a nice change of pace from the weather yo-yo we have been on all month.

    Laurie, great workout. But I could not possibly agree more about Bulgarian Lunges. I pretty much have just stopped pretending to even try to attempt them. I figure any lunge is more effective than struggling through with a Bulgarian Lunge. Thank you for reminding me I forgot to post my weekend workouts. :) The first time I watched the 49ers this season was last week when they played the Packers. We also watched the Packers demolish the Cowboys the week earlier, which was so much fun (I am not a Cowboys fan… all B) ). I kind of like just watching the playoffs and not the rest of the season games. I am far less annoyed with the announcers this way because I haven’t been listening to them all season. :# I only ever had one of Kathy Smith’s workouts, but I just remember that era of her and Denise Austin and the tights and big hair. :D

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,540 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were walking and Gina B. Latin Pop Dance Cardio.

    We got rain on Tuesday night! It was a nice surprise to me.

    Laurie, great workouts! I don't think many people love Bulgarian squats! LOL

    Laurel, great workouts!
    We had sunshine on Tuesday too.

    See you tomorrow!