

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,013 Member
    no real plans this weekend except for church and potluck after.
    Celebrating our church's 65th anniversary.
    They have asked a few people to make recipes in memory of members who have passed on. I do not know the lady who used to make the recipe I got.
    It is a banana split cake.
    No room in my freezer so having the assist. pastor and his wife pick it up and putting it in the freezer at church. They live down the street from me and are going over for a luncheon at the church tomorrow(I am not going)
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,615 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,879 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Love the painting and the new blue, Tracey. Good job. You've been waiting so long for this. Isn't it great to have a painting partner! :D

    Resting my legs today. I'll see if it makes any difference. Slept OK, with minimal painkillers.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,125 Member
    We managed to get two coats on in 8 hours, that included all the taping as well.
    Kaitlyn did the hallway with white and the dark blue on the back of the cabinets. I did all of the light blue.

    Tomorrow we have one more wall and the beam over the sink to do.

    I even painted my little ceiling above the sink blue.


    Love the blue!!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,125 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Machka and Rita, I was 54 when I finished my doctorate, 50 when I got a wild notion to get one. Just sayin’. I did it for two reasons. The major reason was to pad my retirement, but the other was just to say I could do it. It was a good time. Kids were grown and out on their own. No grandkids yet. My health was still good as was Dave’s. Getting National Board Certified and then getting my doctorate were the two hardest and smartest things I ever did.

    Well done!!

    Despite the fact that I likely have 10 years of work left, I don't think getting a doctorate will make any difference in my pay and definitely not in my retirement.

    The only reason I think about it is because I'd kind of like a doctorate. :) But I don't know what I would focus on for my thesis. What did you do yours on?

    Meanwhile, I'm taking shorter courses.

    My current courses are on Clinical Costing.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,125 Member
    edited February 10
    Good morning, my dears, from the gray Arkansas River Valley... won't see the sunshine until Tuesday, unfortunately,

    Lanette - The bright, sunny days wake me up and get me moving, too, until mid-June, and then they become sleepiness and somnolence, to avoid the heat of the day. Then my body clock switches over to cool, cloudy mornings as the time of energy and drive.

    Machka - Still on that subject, if I slept 10 to 12 hours a day, I would be so headachy and sick I would be ill. I don't know how you do that. I took a two-hour nap yesterday and slept only four hours last night. The amount of hours you sleep would be, for me, disabling. I find the range of human behavior just fascinating.

    - Welcome, drop into any conversation, and please sign your posts with what name you'd like to be called and a general area, so we can get to know you! Glad you're here, along with our other new chums.

    Went to get my hair cut yesterday, and she cut it FAR too short. That's OK, it will grow out. Just frustrating. I show every beautician the same picture that's in my profile here, and this is the second one in a row that's cut it way shorter than I wanted. Every time I find one who's good, she moves on to another salon or just quits the biz. Ah well, with it this short, I won't have to go looking for another cut for at least three months, if not four! Silver lining in everything...

    Corey's off to rewire a work friend's trailer in a bit, so I won't see him for most of the day, but I've already got the third load of laundry going anyway. The silver lining of insomnia, at least for me. I also want to pull the bathroom apart and deep clean it, but won't do that until he pulls out, much easier to do when it's just me here.

    Our son and his fiancée will be here Wednesday, so I also need to get the home workout room turned into a bedroom, as well, even though they'll be here just one night. So, lots to keep me busy this weekend. Never did get out and do anything outside yesterday, too hurty and tired, thus the nap that wrecked my sleep last night! It's all cyclical...

    Hope it is/was a peaceful Saturday for all,
    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR

    Regarding sleeping ... if I get less than about 8.5 hours of sleep, I wake up feeling headachy and sick! Unfortunately, every night before a work day, I get less than 7.5 hours of sleep, so every work day, I wake up feeling headache and sick, and don't start feeling OK for a couple hours.

    On weekends, I regularly sleep 10-11 hours. I do get up and use the toilet of course, but about a minute later I am fast asleep again. I usually wake up naturally somewhere between 10 and 11 hours ... or occasionally more. And I feel good! No headaches. No nausea. And usually enough energy to tackle the garden and go for a bicycle ride!

    I wish I could sleep more during the week but there is too much to do.

    When I was younger, I would sleep 10-12 hours a night during vacation for about a week, then it was like I caught up and for the rest of my vacation I'd only sleep about 9 hours a night, but not any more. I didn't "catch up" during the month in Canada at all.

    M in Oz