

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,277 Member
    Machka - No, I've never smoked. I suspect I have some artery narrowing in the pelvic area. This causes the thigh ache and the intermittent claudication. I have been watching lectures by vascular surgeons. The prognosis is OK provided I do the walking to claudication exercises. That is the treatment at the vascular clinics. And many personal testimonies. To see what is really going on I would need an arterial ultrasound and a CT scan.
    The waiting list over here for any treatment is completely ridiculous, but I will battle on. People are waiting years.
    That October 22 consultation was entirely by phone and resulted in a blood test and then nothing. No follow up. I have emailed the doctor I saw last week, but have heard nothing back yet. She did not do a physical exam. I will ring again on Wednesday if I don't hear. The system is broken and in a mess. I will persist.
    I have normal sugar and chloresterol levels, but i do have high blood pressure. The main factor is genetic. My father had a similar thing, and my brother, although he is diabetic.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,069 Member
    edited February 19
    Reading Grain Brain now. It is re-enforcing what I am learning about wheat (especially wheat grown in the US) and the effects on the body. I know I still have exposure occasionally but it is far less than I have eaten before. Weight still down 10. Now at 173 from 183. Reduces and or eliminating sugar is my next goal.

    I had an interesting chat with the man who organizes the food give away at the church down the street from son's house. He at one point was involved with the use of magnet therapy. His wife has kidney disease due to her body's processing protein. He made a belt for her that she wears around her kidneys where the poles are pointing north in the front of her body and south in the rear. This follows the natural magnetic course of our bodies. He used magnets that have the centers drilled out. It was a fascinating discussion. It is a reminder we are tied to the earth and the earth has a natural magnetic field and by taping into this field in the right way it can be healing. His wife's numbers dramatically improved with the use of this belt. I asked him how do you find this kind of help when you don't have someone like you in their life (he was also an acupuncturist). He said you find a chiropractor who does biogenic therapy. You will not find this kind of help with conventional medicine.

    Learning more and more. What you eat is as important if not more important as to the calories the food contains. It is how our bodies process what we eat especially how it affects insulin and inflammation (cortisol) in our bodies that determines how lean and or fat our bodies become.

    MYou ate all those nuts because your body is craving the right kind of fat. From what I have learned better nuts than potato chips!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,277 Member
    edited February 19
    Lanette - I don't have swelling as such, although my ankles swell occasionally. The claudication is in my left thigh, on the inner thigh. Otherwise, I am just in uncomfortable pain on walking. And moderate pain at night, but some nights are worse than others.
    I have always had 'thigh aches', even as a teenager, cold feet, hate standing, and been a terrible walker. I just thought it was 'me'. I would still think that, if the claudication hadn't come back. I first had it 20 years ago.
    I have a non aligned patella, which meant my left leg became very weak. I went to a private sports physio and she helped me hugely. I still do those exercises every day. I used to dance, because I loved it, but latterly in pain.
    Probably, quite a lot of me is furred up! I walked in the house this afternoon, because I was waiting for the cleaner, for 15 mins, including some backwards. :D Not enough to bring on claudication, but tomorrow is Bea pick up. I always get it then. It truly is agony and brings tears to my eyes. No one can understand another's pain. My husband doesn't understand, despite wanting to be sympathetic.
    The instruction is to walk to the pain, rest, and continue. Pain, rest, continue. I will take my little chair with me.
    Over time I should be able to walk further without claudication.
    Thanks for watching Tom 's video. I loved it. The format with the three of them worked well. Lots of chuckles.
    And thank you for your lovely review. :D

    Carol - I am so sorry your husband won't exercise. Unfortunately, you can't make people do what's good for them. <3 HUGS for you.

    On a good note, I have got the questions from the Hovarian for the article they are running on me and NOW I AM in April. I just have to answer them. :p

    Now to go down for aperitif and connecting time. My life is good.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,509 Member
    Today’s gratitude: Roomba ;) Bob & Brad’s rotator cuff explanation, stretches and strengthening exercises.
    Deb__23 Well done! Is there a reason for no dark leafy greens in the food example? Otherwise what Barbie said about not eating because you think MFP wants you to. What Ginny said about weighing food vs measuring. It’s a real eye-opener.
    Lisa heart and thoughts with you at the medicals today. How soon can the gastro get you back in?
    Tracey funny how your decorating and orderliness are the opposite of your mom’s keeping everything despite no storage. Mama was a great thrower-outer and tidier so you can guess how I am. . . ;) One time I even used my allowance to buy back a puzzle Mama had donated to the school rummage sale. :naughty: Michaela’s apple didn’t fall far from your tree. Amen about the teleporter.
    Machka “…my name is Inigo Montoya…” one of my favorite Mandy Patinkin roles. Maybe this is why.
    especially the last 4 paragraphs here: https://collider.com/inigo-montoya-princess-bride/
    Ginny would you share your crockpot balsamic chicken recipe?
    Annie nuts don’t whet but satiate my appetite. Carbs now . . . :devil: Would you share your strategy for when your Dad frustrates you? First routine of habits? Yay you!!!
    Heather you inspire me to keep up with my rotator cuff stretches in hopes of a cure before the MRI/PT, and to walk more briskly farther to make more vessels hopefully improving the chronic venous insufficiency. Thanks!
    Carol my heart goes out to you. So hard to watch a husband who will not even try. What Tracey said about we cannot force them…((hugs))
    Margaret “…better nuts than potato chips” Amen, sister amen. Not sure who (Lanette?) recommended this podcast but I am persuaded that “eat real food” is the answer to (many/most) of our health/obesity issues. The Stanford professor presents molecular biology in an understandable way.
    Lanette haven’t mustered the guts yet to take the tests. Had to google “rivels” and right there in Wikipedia is a picture of cream of potato soup with rivels… :laugh: Sure hope Sue’s traveling nurse tenant makes that kind of $$ so can afford to move out soonest. SMH
    Rita, this one’s for you: Weighing vs measuring. According to the label a serving of Sabra Hummus is 2 TBS/30 g. But when I weighed a level TBS of humus it came out at 23g, 8 g over what half a serving should have weighed. Mayonnaise is another. I include these and nuts but only after scrupulously weighing out the portion :rage:
    2/18: Move mins- wii:12 PT:0 d:0 x&a:0 dogs:19 Jeopardy walking:68 Steps:8342 yay!
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=4 CI<CO net=294 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, ptT, ptS, M, H, Wt:
    Time’s up!
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    February: Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,509 Member
    Recently someone posted a list of all the weight loss approaches they've tried with their conclusion that they knew what to do, but struggled doing it. Whoever it was (Vicki? Rosemarie? or???) would you repost!
    Giving me much food for thought.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,378 Member
    MFP Weekly Check-in February 19, 2024

    Debbie in Napa Valley, CA -up again since the last time I weighed in- 154.2 Need to start tracking my food again. Exercise is getting back on track with 5 days of exercise- 2 nights of Zumba and 3 days walking- Getting my 10,000 or more each of those days.

    Sue from WA State- No water exercise this past week due to tendonitis. yoga 7/7, PT exercises for ankle 7/7. Not a lot of walking, supposed to keep off foot as much as possible so tried to do that. Celebration - current weight 223. Navigation - deal with stress of tenant from Hades without resorting to food.

    Evie from BC - Had a rough couple of weeks, it was the anniversary of my mom's passing on the 15th, but I buckled down the last few days and managed to eke out a stay the same! Given that I was up about 3 lbs for a few days, I'll take it!

    RVRita from Roswell NM - Weight up from last week. Letting myself stress eat. Celebrating the improvement on my abilities due to the squats I’ve been doing. Navigating The emotional eating. Starting right now to be aware when I’m doing that. DH likes his sweets and those are my downfall. If I don’t buy it, I don’t eat it.

    Lanette SW WA State Celebrating – weight staying in range and good results on the Fitness Test. Navigating – adding more protein to my diet and incorporating additional strength training several times per week.
  • anmlmzdiet
    anmlmzdiet Posts: 179 Member
    I'm with you. I'm ready to toss my scale.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,338 Member