LESS Alcohol ~ MARCH 2024 ~ One Day at A Time



  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 535 Member
    Tried the Kim Crawford Illuminate last night for the 7% alcohol content and 70 calories a glass.
    Quite surprisingly good as I remember.
    Counted and LA overall.

    March goal:
    A nights = Sunday and Thursday
    18-20 AF days
    Limits: 2 glasses (wine)

    AF - 3
    A - 3
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    Last night I sipped 1/2 glass of wine, nothing big it just did not do it for me...oh this is so weird.

    So DH has a cold of some sort so we are not going to the gym today even though I think my knee would survive, Wed I was not so sure LOL.
    We fly out on Wed night and I don't want to chance us being even partially sickish before visiting my mother for her 90th birthday. Since the majority (95%) of my family rarely have a drink I am not worried about me on this trip. We are going to be so busy AND my DD and my 7 year old very active grand daughter will be with us. Not much of an opportunity LOL.

    I started a new medication 2.2 weeks ago, maybe I mentioned that. Side effects-nauseous, vomiting, fatigue, insomnia, headache, and weight loss/lack of appetite. I can take the low constant headache, the Weight loss (6lbs in 2 weeks) but this insomnia? Example last night so I stayed up as late as I thought I could handle and went to bed at 10:30pm, 12:50 still looking at the clock. Fell asleep sometime only to wake by 6. And I mean awake!
    Any suggestions beyond hot tea and calming environment to help calm the busy brain and restless body that is so tired? I DO NOT want to use alcohol for an excuse to fall asleep.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,622 Member
    @lmlmrn, my Oma used to make me a glass of warm milk. Works like a charm! Haven’t had it in decades. May have to restart this one! I get insomnia too. Sucks.

    @MissMay so proud of you for putting up that boundary- she may also be dealing with an undiagnosed mental health issue, such as BPD, that I’m sure alcohol is not helping. It if she won’t seek treatment or make changes, then yes, you absolutely did the right thing. You were direct and clear. Now block her number!

    @xbowhunter i am so with you. Why is it so easy to slip into old habits? Good for you in the AF day!

    Guys, I’m really struggling with this LA thing. Despite my goals, I’m pouring that extra half glass of wine, if not more. . Two nights ago I had two Old Fashioned’s and was absolutely wasted going to bed. I’ve had a stressful week at work and made a beeline right to a drink to relax. New medication I’m on that’s giving me agita? Maybe- discussing with my doctor on Monday. But all I know is resolve goes right out the window at the end of the day. Even the thought of my normal NA drink in a wine glass isn’t appealing. This sucks.

    Only bright spot is that for the second week in a row, I’m consistent with getting to the gym. Increasing strength training means my pants are fitting differently, even though the scale isn’t budging. Presumably I’m gaining muscle and losing fat. Let’s hope so!
  • zensome
    zensome Posts: 104 Member
    5 AF
    2 A

    Tuesday I stopped myself from going out and buying beer and had 2 Lagunitas IPNAs instead. Wed. had to go get some other groceries and "my" beer was on clearance so I grabbed a 12 pack. Had beer that night and last night. Haven't decided yet what is in store for this evening so not posting yet for today.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 535 Member
    Had a tremendously long week helping family plus two days of volunteer work. I am very grateful for having the time to help but I am spent!!

    I didn’t reach my goal for AF days. I am super tired and need better sleep. Thankfully I have the weekend to myself to reset.

    Worth a mention - the servings of wine I had were much less than in prior weeks/months which I am taking for LA progress.

    March goal:
    A nights = Sunday and Thursday
    18-20 AF days
    Limits: 2 glasses (wine)

    AF - 3
    A - 6 (3 LA) = low alcohol % or under limit
  • forestdweller1
    forestdweller1 Posts: 362 Member
    8 days AF and feeling the effects of better/longer sleep, so naturally, I've opened a bottle of wine tonight to enjoy with a late dinner. No grand compulsion, I just want to. We'll see what's left in the morning.

    Is "Spring Forward" some kind of joke ?? Snow in the forecast tomorrow...❄️❄️❄️🥶 Don't forget to get up at 2 am to set your clocks ahead !! My ex used to DO that. There are reasons they become ex !!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,622 Member
    edited March 10
    Only one glass of wine last night. Progress!

    @forestdweller1 waking up at 2:00am, on purpose, to set the clocks- that’s some anal-retentive crap right there!
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 535 Member
    Did some gardening which always lifts my spirits.

    @lmlmrn your herbs in your garden sound wonderful!
    @itladyee A big congratulations to you! A new grand baby on the way is the most beautiful news.

    Will enjoy a NA 0.0 beer tonight and watch some of the Academy Awards and get to bed early. Want to be refreshed for the gym tomorrow morning as I try to get back to a routine around exercise and more AF days this week.

    March goal:
    A nights = Sunday and Thursday
    18-20 AF days
    Limits: 2 glasses (wine)

    AF - 3
    A - 7
    LA - 4 = low alcohol % or under limit
  • forestdweller1
    forestdweller1 Posts: 362 Member
    Did NOT empty the bottle last night, patting self on back. 🍷🍷
    LOL on "anal retentive"...Yup.
    Watching heavy heavy snow come down on my newly flowering magnolia. She starts too soon every year but makes a beautiful display anyway . 💮
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    Thank you @Womona about the suggestion with the warm milk. I don't tolerate dairy well..so

    I went out for pizza and drank 2 beers just for the sleepy properties. Went home and was able to sleep for 3 wonderful hours. Then last night I could not sleep. Still up watching TV at 3am, then tried to sleep and may or my not slept a bit but was up at 6am then stayed up until noon. After church I rested for 2 hours and I hope tonight I can sleep. I reached out to my Dr. for suggestions.

    I am excited my herbs are sprouting so soon!

    @forestdweller1 congrats on the leaving the bottle 1/2 full and walking away. well done.